Renly sighed in content as he closed his eyes and savored the moment. Loras was currently on his knees, Renly's cock engulfed in his hot, wet mouth. Loras was apparently eager to please this morning, ignoring his gag reflex even though Renly could clearly see his eyes watering and the veins stood up in tension in his neck.

"Easy there, love", Renly breathed out with a shaky voice as he laced his fingers through Loras' hair to tug his head back a little. "Don't choke yourself", Renly gasped as Loras swirled his tongue on Renly's angry red head.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, milord", Loras smirked up at Renly. "It seems it's you who is desperately gasping for air."

Renly couldn't believe the cheek of this boy. Even on his knees sucking Renly off he was exuding out haughtiness. He really just doesn't care, I really was right when I thought he was so much like a cat…Renly thought briefly.

Because what other animal was so infuriating, aloof and temperamental but still managed to look so utterly adorable and lovable?

Renly caressed the boy's cheek gently. "Just finish off quickly. The servants will be in with breakfast soon." Loras just looked directly into Renly's eyes before taking him into his mouth again. By the gods, Renly swears that Loras' pool of molten gold eyes are the most beautiful he had ever seen.

They were expressive and seem to glow with whatever emotion that Loras was currently experiencing. Right now he saw a glow in Loras' eyes, little flecks of something burning within him. It was always only there for a moment before it was gone, but it had been there a few times, enough that Renly noticed that Loras had that look in his eyes when he looked at Renly sometimes.

Something about that makes Renly's heart flutter, but he actually can't put a finger on what it is he sees. There was another thing bothering him, one that was gnawing away at his mind. After that incident where Loras pulled that stunt of hiding for hours, Renly noticed a gradual but disturbing change in his demeanor.

Loras was on edge, often Renly would catch him staring into space with a pained look on his face and sigh to himself wearily. Somehow, Renly got the feeling that Loras had overheard his conversation with Littlefinger and for some reason was extremely troubled by it.

Alas, Renly's mind became a muddled place where his thoughts tangled up and gave him a massive headache. His gut was giving him a really strong feeling that Loras knows something, something big and important but is extremely scared that somebody would discover whatever secret it was he was keeping.

Whenever Renly had been to see Varys or Littlefinger, Loras would seem nervous, even biting his nails until it bled the evening before. He would wait, no matter how late into the night and ambush Renly with questions the moment he stepped foot in through the doors to his chambers.

Just two days ago, Varys had come up to Renly's chambers, seeking to talk to him in private in his solar. Loras attempted to eavesdrop, however he was caught by a guard patrolling around. Luckily, they had not gone into any important details as Varys was in his usual habit of tittering about some nonsense and being cryptic.

Nevertheless, when the guard pushed in a very red faced Loras, Renly couldn't help but be perplexed as to why the boy would suddenly try and spy on him. Needless to say, Renly had locked Loras in his sleeping chambers while he and Varys took a stroll around the Red Keep to discuss some small council matter (the crown drowning in debt).

When he had returned to his chambers Renly was met with a very nervous looking Loras. Renly could feel Loras' eyes on him, a prickling sensation at the back of his neck that told him he was being watched but the moment he turned to look, Loras would look down at the ground.

Eventually Renly lost it. "What in the god's name is wrong with you today?" Renly asked suddenly, making Loras jump.

"I-I…you were talking to Lord Varys."

Renly frowned at that. Loras' voice was so small and he kept staring at the ground as though he wished that it would swallow him whole.

Why was Loras so nervous about him meeting Varys? Why Varys in particular?

It was only then the realization hit Renly like a ton of bricks. Varys was the spider, the master of whisperers. Loras had been spending enough time around gossipers like Sansa and his servants so there was a high probability that Loras knows who Varys is and what he does.

He's keeping something big. He has a secret and he's afraid Varys had found out and told me…

"Loras…" Renly began softly,"…is there something you want to tell me? Just what is bothering you?"

Loras had met Renly's eyes for the first time that evening and that was when Renly first noticed that little glint of whatever it was hiding in Loras' swirl of emotional eyes.

It was gone in a flash.

"Nothing is bothering me. Just so bored I keep getting edgy. At least eavesdropping was a little adventure of some sort, trying to see what was so important", Loras answered quickly, his shoulders squared in a defensive stance.

Something unsettled Renly that evening, an unfurling fear in his stomach that whatever it was that Loras was withholding, it was not good.

And when it was out, a huge problem was coming his way.

A/N : Trying to write faster and update more often, I swear. It's just that my degree coupled with my health problems are really putting me down nowadays. When i'm not admitted, i'm struggling to study by myself what I missed while admitted. Thank you so much for putting up with my late updates, I know it must get frustrating at times, and I sincerely apologize for that.