Hey dudes! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded for ages, but the 'Wena' has struck me and the ideas came flooding. I'm in Poland atm, so sorry for any mistakes, but the laptop I managed to get is Polish and autocorrect doesn't work. Also, I've been trying to make Izaya more in character. Enjoy!


Izaya had about 2.5 seconds to turn around before Kida pulled him into a crushing hug.

''Shinra wasn't lying! You're back'' Mikado's dark head popped up from above Kida's shoulder. He looked delighted.

Kida rubbed his cheek on top of Izaya's head over-affectionately, ''yeah, and thank god! We thought Shizuo was going to wither and die without you!'' he said dramatically.

''The shadows under his eyes are already gone,'' Mikado said, smiling. Shizuo blushed a dark shade of red, glad that Izaya's face was still buried in Kida's shoulder, and shot Mikado the bird.

Kida finally pulled away, and Izaya smiled. It was as if the events of the past months all evaporated. He didn't flinch when Kida hugged him, or when Mikado squeezed his hand. He didn't feel like breaking down and sobbing or locking himself in his cell and never coming out. Was it possible that one night spent next to Shizuo was enought to heal him?

''Come on, let's go to breakfast'' Kida said, grinning and skipping ahead of them. Izaya wanted Shizuo to come and eat with them, but the blond only brushed his fingers against the back of Izaya's hand and smiled.

''I'll see you later,''

Izaya nodded, trying not to look disapointed, and followed Kida and Mikado to the dining room. Nothing had changed - it still looked like a slightly chaotic school cafeteria. After piling his tray high with food, Izaya went to sit with his friends at their usual table. Walker clapped him on the shoulder, and Saburo nodded. He didn't display much emotion, as per usual.

''The jobs have already rotated, so we're not doing cooking together anymore,'' Saburo informed him. Izaya's shoulder sagged. He liked cooking...especially since he got to do it with Shizuo. ''You're now in Electronics, with Aoba Kuronuma,'' Saburo nudged his chin towards a young looking kid with bluish hair and brown eyes. He was...well, uninteresting. Izaya shrugged.

''What am I gonna do in Electronics?'' Izaya asked.

Mikado shrugged. 'I've actually never done Electronics.''

Kida grinned, ''I was sick for the months that I was supposed to do Electronics. Stomach bug,''

Walker sighted, ''I was so shit at it I got kicked out on the first day,''

Saburo kept a straight face, ''I got into a fight the first day, and I got kicked out too,''

''So basically,'' Kida grinned, 'we have no idea what you're going into.''

''Gee, thanks for the help,'' Izaya said sarcastically, grabbing his cup of hot whatever-Simon-made and chugging it down.

''Fix this, Orihara,''

The man in charge of Electronics - in for double murder, if Izaya recalled correctly - dumped a clump of metal on Izaya's desk before moving on to distribute devices to the dozen prisoners in the room. Izaya poked the metal. It didn't look like it could be fixed. It didn't look like it even worked in the first place. Izaya felt someone slide onto the bench and bump in next to him.

For the first time since the events that has happened in the other prison, Izaya shuddered and fought down the urge to scream and run. He turned slowly to find a grinning kid next to him - it was the one from this morning, Aoba Kuronuma. He looked fifteen, but he had to be at least eighteen to be in Ikeburkuro Prison.

''That,'' Aoba pointed to the metal lump, ''Is what the prisoners have been trying to fix ever since I got here...and that's two years!''

''And what are you here for, exactly?'' Izaya asked slowly. The kid smiled charmingly at him.

''Homicide, manslaughter, murder...'' he shrugged, ''call it what you may. I murdered my entire family. Mother, father, grandmother, two brothers, little sister...'' he smiled, like he enjoyed the thought of that. ''And I don't only look fifteen. I am fifteen. They decided locking me up in a young offenders prison was dangerous. For the other prisoners,'' He propped his face on his hand and smirked at Izaya. ''I'm Aoba, by the way. And you are the reason why my uncle was sent to hospital.''

And that was the moment Izaya realised how similar Aoba looked to Shiki. He stood up and bolted to the doors, leaving the boy behind.

The boy who murdered his family at the age of thirteen.

The boy who so clearly wasn't here to make friends with Izaya.

Hope you liked that! Review!