Chapter 17: Coming Together

Location: Misty Island - Older Jak and Daxter

Mar pulled the vile away from the vat of dark eco that he was testing. Misty Island was turning out to be quite the find. If only he knew of a way to use the dark eco to create a barrier wall. Those metal heads, as Jak called them, could be stopped if they used this dark eco and the others to created a barrier wall. Blue eco could electrify it, as the blue eco seemed to be one of the sources that the monsters did not like. They despise Jak because of his dark channeling powers. If only I could utilize the dark eco as well, we'd have a higher chance of defeating these monsters. He had heard the others in approaching him and Jak, but wasn't listening to what was being said between them.

Wasteland City may have a way in stopping these creatures. It is one of the few Precursor Cities that still existed. Most do not know of its existence though. The only reason Mar did was because he'd come across it in his attempt in finding his brother whom he was slowly becoming convinced was none other than Daxter. Through a bit of investigating he had found that Daniel wasn't even Daxter's real father, only that he had helped in raising the son of his late wife. There was no way to truly know if Daxter was his brother or not, but the way the other acted reminded him of himself in so many ways.

Standing, Mar turned in time hear Jak tease Daxter about being scared of this place. He couldn't blame the red haired man of being scared of Misty Island. It was made up of all the right things that made nightmares seem real.

Jak suddenly looked towards Mar. "Did you get what you wanted?" he asked as he carefully watched Maria around the vat.

Nodding, he answered, "Yes." He raised the vile. "The dark eco here is very conductive. I am almost a hundred percent certain that the eco here could be used in the barrier that we've been talking about building, however I do not know how we'd get them from here to there and purify it into an even more conductive material. I know it can be done, I've seen it done." He touched his chin as he went into deep thought on the subject.

"Too bad we don't have zoomer a here." Daxter mumbled.

Jak's eyes widened. "Daxter, your a genius!" he exclaimed causing Sig to raise an eyebrow at those words.

"I have my moments." Daxter said proudly. "But what exactly am I a genius about this time?" he asked as he looked at him.

The green haired blond smiled at his best friend. "Keira's prototype zoomer that we used on our adventure years ago. It's still at Samos' hut in her old workshop. We can use use that to fly the stuff back and forth."

"Good thought buddy," Daxter began but saw a problem in that. "one small glitch though. It's too small to be used as a transport zoomer."

"Jorge can look at Keira's designs and blueprints and I bet he'll be able to come up with a new transport zoomer in no time." Jak said with a broad smile crossing his features.

Daxter nodded. He really liked this idea. "I have a feelin' you and I are goin' orb and power cell hunting." The two shared a look before bursting out laughing at this.

When the group of five got back to Sandover, Daxter went to find Keira's old blue prints while Jak was looking over the old zoomer prototype that he and Daxter had used in their adventures. Sig had tagged along and was looking over the blueprints that Daxter was finding and was amazed to find old fashioned KG cruiser blueprints, the ones that had been around during Damas' rule. "Your friend seems to have been ahead of her time." he told the boys. "If you'd have told me about any of this years ago, I would've thought you were crazy."

Jak chuckled. "Try being us." he told the older man. "We went from being country boys to being the demolition duo."

Daxter smirked. "Try being a tiny ottsel while you're at it." he told them. "Things get real scary real fast."

Jak nodded. "True."

It was then that Sig snatched a blueprint off of the workbench. It was an old picture of a desert buggy. "Where did she see one of these to make this?" he inquired.

Both Jak and Daxter looked at the buggy before chuckling. "That's something Daxter drew years ago." Jak explained.

"Huh." Daxter said sounding confused. "I think I saw this in a dream once, a very long time ago." He continued to stare at the buggy. "Can't believe she kept it." The image made his chest feel all warm and tingly.

"She kept a lot of stuff." Jak stated as he held up a stuffed animal.

"That's Mr. Jiggles!" Daxter exclaimed. "I gave him to her when she first arrived in Sandover with her Mom. She was scared and all, so I thought he'd make her feel better."

Jak smiled at him. "I remember. It worked too."

Daxter smiled back and grinned. "I'm so keeping this. When we go back I'm gonna surprise her with it." he then frowned. "She may just throw it away though."

Jak shook his head. "Keira is a bit of a pack rat." he openly admitted. "She doesn't even throw away moldy food."

Daxter blinked at him in surprise. "Really?" he asked gaining a nod from his friend. "Yuck." he made a face at that information. "Note to self. Never stay at Keira's...ever."

Mar walked into the green sage's home to find the other three convened in the room. Next to him was Maria, who had been silent since they'd left Misty Island. "I think I've found the power source we can use for the shield wall, or one that can be used for a short period of time." he told them gaining looks from the older men. "It's the vats of dark eco that are on Misty Island."

"This is good news, however we have no way to refine the dark stuff." Jorge explained with apprehension in his voice.

Atkin stepped forward, the red sage seeming to have a thought on this. "I may know of a way, but it is a long shot." he told the group. "Beyond the volcanic mountains that I live in, subsequently shared with Gol and Maia, there is a village called Metal Village. There they have ways of refining everything from eco to rocks to even high dense materials."

"We can send Jak and Daxter to the village then." Boe stated, his yellow skin giving off a faint glow as he spoke. "Them boys can do anything." This got a round of nods from everyone.

"I'll head to a village I know exists in the desert." Mar said. "I'll have to use my boat to sail towards the other side of the continent, but I will be back."

"Who will protect Sandover and our villages while we are gone off trying to get these supplies?" Jorge inquired. "His voice questioning them at a hyper speed, like always.

"I'll contact Goldorph and see if he will send some of his warriors to protect the villages." Maria said, "Plus Clindra is still here. She can keep it safe until the warriors arrive."

The sages looked at her worriedly. "The thing is," Atkon began. "I don't think that female can handle it if those creatures returned."

"She is small, even for a lurker." Boe said. "Me and my cousin haven't seen one that small since ten years ago."

"She's a type of dwarf lurker." Maria explained. "Her clan is from the highlands area."

"Ah, that explains it." Atkin said with a nod. "Been years since I've been to those area's." With that the three sages began there preparations in leaving as soon as Maria returned.

In the deep jungle near the village the large monstrous metal head leader began to form a new plan against these elves. That boy had escape him, but this left his village and the surrounding ones unprotected from channelers like himself. He would just need to ensure it stayed that way.

M-Angel: Finally decided to sit down today and write another chapter. Enjoyed writing it too. I may do another chapter later this week. Not sure.