Hello and welcome to another new story. I just love making new stories don't I? Well this new one I hope you all really like. Please enjoy.


The morning sunlight streamed in through Sora's bedroom window. It shined right in his face, waking him up from his peaceful sleep. With the morning light preventing him from sleeping any longer, and also the fact he was too lazy to close the curtains, he sat up and let out a big yawn. After stretching briefly he got dressed and headed downstairs.

The house was oddly silent though as he stepped off the stairs, though Sora assumed his parents weren't home at the time. It didn't surprise him as his parents were usually always busy. He went outside and ran down to the docks where he got in his boat and headed to the island just off of the mainland. It was the island that he always hung with Riku and Kairi.

When he got to the island he noticed is was very quiet. There was no sound of the waves or wind. This utter silence made Sora feel uncomfortable and uneasy as he disembarked from his boat. As he walked the only sound was him walking on the sand and his breathing. It only furthered fueled his uneasiness.

He walked along the beach as he looked for Riku and Kairi, but he didn't see them. He ended up searching over the whole island, but they were nowhere to be found. After he finished his search, he went to the smaller island and leaned against the Paopu tree.

"Where could they be?" Sora wondered to himself. "They've never forgotten to come before. They couldn't have forgotten. Did something come up? Or… did they both actually forget?"

Sora waited and waited and still no one showed up. The silence was really getting to Sora now. He started walking around the small island pacing back and forth, trying to distract himself from the dead silence.

Within a few seconds his head started to hurt for some reason. It started as a small aching feeling, but it was slowing growing. He stopped pacing and sat down, putting his hands to his head as the pain increased. He then heard a voice. The voice sounded distant and faint though. He couldn't tell who it was.

"Sora..." the voice whispered. "Please...Please wake up."

"Who's there?" Sora called out, his voice echoed across the quiet island.

Sora waited but the voice didn't respond. The pain in Sora's head grew stronger and Sora screamed in pain. His head felt like it was burning. In a brief moment where the pain stopped he looked around to noticed that the island was fading away. Everything was disappearing into whiteness. Before Sora could try to process what was happening, his head hurt again, everything around him began to blur and spin until he collapsed onto the ground.

After sometime Sora awoke but didn't open his eyes at first. He felt that he was on something soft and something soft was on top of him.

"I must be in my bed." Sora thought. "But what happened? Was I dreaming or something?"

Sora turned a little and stretched before finally slowly opening his eyes. Sunlight flew in his eyes immediately making him squint. He gave a moan as he sat up. He felt like his body was made of stone. Had he just been sleeping for a long while? Sora sat up and blinked a few times before looking around.

He then realized this was not his room. This room was white, and there wasn't much in the way of furniture. But Sora recognized what kind of room it was. It was a hospital room. He looked at the bed he was in, and as he guessed, it was a hospital bed. He was even wearing a hospital gown. The other thing he noticed was that he was hooked up to a lot of medical equipment.

"What I am doing in the hospital? Maybe I was brought here after I passed out on the island." Sora thought as he looked to his side and saw his mother sitting in a chair next to the bed. She was looking right at him with tears in her wide eyes.

"Mom?" He asked, his voice sounded hoarse. "What's wrong?

His mother didn't reply, but she quickly jumped up and threw her arms around Sora giving him a hug as tears streamed down her face. "Sora...Sora…. You are… You're awake. You're actually awake," his mother whispered tearfully into his ear.

"Mom what do you mean? What happened?"

Sora's mom looked at Sora tearfully. Clearly something had happened that caused his mother such distressed. "You don't remember?" She asked then sighed. "You've… You've been in a coma after the accident."

"I was in a coma after an accident? For how long?" Sora asked. How long had he been in a coma for? What was the accident? Did Riku and Kairi know?

His mom looked down and didn't answer at first but after a minute of silence she finally spoke. "Almost two years."

This shocked Sora. "Two years?! How have I been in a coma for two years?!"

"Well almost two years, it hasn't quite been two years yet. But the good thing is you're awake now."

At that moment the door to the room opened and a doctor walked in holding a clipboard. He was writing something down before he looked up and saw Sora. He gasped as he nearly dropped the clipboard from his hands.

Sora's mom turned to the doctor and said, "He's awake, he finally awake."

After that other doctors came and checked on Sora, doing various tests to see how. They said everything seemed to be alright. Surprisingly his body was strong that they thought it would have been after being in a coma for so long. The tests lasted almost two weeks as they continued to monitor him to make sure everything was okay. In that time Sora slowly started to eat again and move around. The doctor wanted him to try and take it easy, but he still showed that he recovered faster than they thought.

Once all of the tests were done Sora's mother returned with some clothes for him to wear. The outfit given to him was a dark blue v-neck t-shirt, black shorts, and some black sneakers. After he got dressed he overheard a doctor talking to his mother.

"It seems everything is alright physically, but not mentally," The doctor said.

"What do you mean?" His mother asked.

"I had assume this when he first came in. With the concussion he had when he first came in I assumed that he probably would have amnesia when he awoke. From how he reacted to some questions we asked him and how he seems to be reacting he does seem to have some amnesia. So I say take it slow, he may not remember a lot of things. But it's a good sign he remembers you, hopefully he'll recover quickly. We will be keeping in touch in case anything else comes up."

Sora's mother sighed deeply. "Thank you Doctor Smith." Sora's mother then went into the room that Sora was in, "Sora, are you ready to go?"

Sora looked up at his mother as he stepped back from the door a little. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm ready."

By the time Sora was allowed to leave, it was already late in the evening. Sora and his mother headed out of the hospital, and when they stepped outside Sora looked around. He didn't recognize his surrounds. This was not Destiny Island. He didn't recognize any of the buildings, and yet they felt a little familiar. Something in the back of his head was telling him he should know this place. He didn't see any ocean nearby or anything like that. This place was far more urban and not so tropical. Just where exactly was he? He walked with his mother to her car and got in.

As Sora's mother drove, Sora stared out the window lost in thought, wondering where he was and what had happened to him. After a few minutes his mother finally spoke.

"Sora? Are you alright?" Sora didn't answer and continued to stare out the window. "Sora? Can you please answer me?"

Sora tuned as looked at his mother. "Oh sorry, I was just thinking..."

Sora's mother sighed. "I guess it must be hard for you, being in a coma for almost two years. But I'm here for you Sora, if there's anything you want to talk about, you know you can always talk to me."

Sora nodded. "Yeah I know mom." Sora then returned to looking out the window.

The rest of the drive was silent. Sora had no idea what he wanted to ask or say so he just kept his attention to the scenery outside. After a few minutes Sora's mother pulled into a driveway. She got out the car and opened the door for Sora. Slowly Sora got out the car and looked at the house in front of him. It looked vaguely like his house, but it also didn't. But it still felt very familiar to Sora.

Once went inside, Sora's mother immediately threw her arms around Sora, holding him tightly. "I'm still so happy and overwhelmed. I was worried that I would never get to talk to you again."

Sora felt a small ache in his chest. He felt bad he had let his mom ever feel that way. In the next second he put his arms around his mother and replied to her. "Don't worry, I'm here now."

After their hug Sora's mother asked, "Sora, I'm pretty sure you're hungry by now. What would you like to eat? I'm sure anything would be better than that hospital food."

Sora thought for a moment, but he didn't want to bother his mom with making some big food. He wasn't all to hungry at the time. "I'll have a sandwich," Sora said with a smile.

After he ate, Sora's mother lead him down the hallway. Halfway down the hall they stopped in front of a closed door. "Now Sora, if you need anything, my room is just further down the hall, ok?"

Sora just nodded and walked into his room. His room looked different than he thought it would be, but it still gave off that sense of familiarity. His bed was on the wall on the opposite side of the room from the door. On the wall to the left of the door was a large bookshelf filled with tons of books. Next to the shelf were drawers, probably filled with his clothes. On the right wall was a desk with a lamp on top, and small drawers on it.

Without much thought Sora opened a drawer that had his clothes in it. He pulled out some pajamas and got dressed into them. He then got in his bed and buried himself in the covers. He wrapped the covered tightly around him as he started thinking again about what had happened.

Was this all real? Was everything that happen to him all a dream? Did he just have what seemed like a normal life?

Sora refuse to believe it.

"This isn't real it's just not. It can't be… This must be a dream and when I wake up it will all be over." Sora then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Well what did you think? Please tell me. I love getting feedback. So please review/favorite/follow.