WARNING: If you want to read the actual story, please go to next chapter. This is a long author's note to explain the nature of this fanfic. (Skip at your own risk!)

*DISCLAIMER:* I don't own How I met your Mother, or any of its subsidiaries, and I am not one of the people who work for the show either. Man, I wish I was!

A/N: When four years ago I got into fanfiction, I made a vow that I would never write a fanfic based on a TV show. Yet here I am, breaking that rule.

I'm a book person, but How I Met Your Mother has touched me deeply, and after getting some ideas (and encouragement) from friends and just people in general, I decided to go for it but in a totally different light. Which is why I wrote a script.

(On that note, I am aware there's a video of the cast reading the original script, but whatever)

Things you should know about scripts:

-Each SCENE goes like this: 1. INT. APARTMENT –DAY. I believe the number indicates the number of the scene. (I've played around with mine). "INT." Refers to where the scene will be shot, either inside (INT) or outside (EXT.) The "-DAY" indicates the time, whether day or night.

-PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO EVERY SCENE HEADING. They explain where the scene will be shot, and also what YEAR.

-Whenever you see (N1) or (N2) etc . it means I will be coming back to that scene later on. They're like pivot points if you'd like. As like in the show, there will be flashbacks and flashforwards, so just be aware of that.

-Whenever it says "On Robin" or "On Barney" etc. It's just basically a camera reference to focus ON that character. I don't always say it but just don't be thrown off with the times that I do.

-"O.S" stands for "Off Screen". This means that we will hear the character's voice but we won't actually see them until later on, if that makes any sense.

Those are the main things. When there's more, I'll warn you.

The fanfic is finished so I will update regularly, over the space of a few weeks. Please don't try to get me to change anything or give me any ideas, as everything is written out already, but if you think you have a major change/improvement that I could make, just PM me and I'll see what I can do (No promises).

Enjoy your reading!