Unfortunately the evening has come to an end! This is the last chapter. One night could only last so long…

Enjoy :)

Caroline stalked out of the kitchen with Klaus in tow.

"I just remembered that I have an early morning tomorrow," she announced, causing the witch and the Original to jump apart from where they'd been leaning in to each other.

"Oh," Bonnie said, frowning a little.

"Yeah," Caroline nodded, trying to use her eyes to communicate with her best friend that she needed out. "We should go."

Catching Caroline's message, the brunette nodded quickly too and stood. "Ok."

Caroline sighed in relief, taking a few steps toward the foyer.

Looking back, she immediately caught Klaus' eye. He looked amused, mostly, but there was something else there too. Frustration? Lust?

Or maybe that was just her projecting her own feelings because she felt an almost magnetic pull from her stomach that made her want to speed over to him and re-enact what had just taken place in the kitchen. And, who knew, maybe go just a little further…

She cleared her throat and Bonnie looked up from where she'd evidently been experiencing her own shared glance with an Original brother.

Caroline's own Original was smirking annoyingly, clearly entertained by this entire situation, and she repressed her desire to either strangle him or take his bottom lip between hers and wipe the amused expression away altogether.

The moment only became more and more awkward as both women began to realise that they wanted a particular kind of greeting before leaving but neither wanted to receive it in front of the other.

Kol was the first to break the moment. "I'll see you around, little witch."

Bonnie gave Kol a little eye roll with a smile before shooting Klaus an acknowledging glance and joining Caroline.

The blonde grinned awkwardly, raising her hand.

"Um. Bye," she waved, before all but pulling Bonnie outside.

They didn't stop until they were at Caroline's car parked in the road. They both climbed in as quickly as possible, their doors slamming shut, and Bonnie immediately leaned back against the headrest, letting out a long breath.

"Oh my god."

Caroline looked at her with a grin and Bonnie turned to look back at her, her face a mask of disbelief and ecstasy.

"Elena can never find out about this," she said sternly, holding up a finger.

Caroline raised a brow. "Only if I know what she may never."

Bonnie rolled her eyes but relented, sighing nostalgically as she averted her gaze out through the windscreen with a small smile.

"It was amazing, oh my god."

Caroline giggled. Clearly the brunette had had some incredible sex.

"Amazing enough that you'll admit that I'm one hundred percent right always and you promise never to doubt me again?"

Bonnie snorted before laughing. "I'm not agreeing to that."

Caroline smiled. She was glad Bonnie was happy. Seeing her friends content was part of her life's mission and the past week with a somewhat dejected Bonnie had been difficult for her.


"But you're going to tell me about what happened with you and Klaus," Bonnie ordered, turning back to the blonde.

"What?" Caroline asked in surprise. "How do you know anything happened?"

The brunette raised an eyebrow. "You came out of the kitchen with puffy lips and half your face blood red."

Crap. All her precaution and her pale skin was what ended up giving her away. Damn Klaus and his insanely intense kissing.

"We made out a little," she admitted shyly. "At my house and then in the kitchen."

"And?" Bonnie prompted.

"And what?" she asked, the pitch of her voice rising. "Nothing else happened!"

Bonnie raised a brow again. "You expect me to believe that you guys made out for two hours?"

"Yes! No!" Caroline shook her head. "There was talking too, ok! And a bit of making out. A little bit," she indicated with her fingers.

Bonnie kept her eyebrow raised, still not seeming to believe the blonde, and Caroline threw her hands up.

"God, come on, Bonnie. I wasn't gonna sleep with Klaus!"

"Why not?" Bonnie prompted.

"Because he's Klaus!"

Bonnie's eyebrow was still raised accusingly. "Caroline, I just had sex, multiple times, with the most mentally unstable of the Originals – which is saying something – so I really don't think 'It's Klaus' is a reasonable excuse right now," she pointed out.

"It's just – " she started, then cut herself off.

It's different with us – there are real feelings involved.

That's what she'd been about to say but she obviously couldn't say that to Bonnie. Couldn't even say it aloud.

She sighed. "You're right, Bon, I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Bonnie shrugged before a small smile appeared on her face. "So, you wanna go inside and correct that?"

Caroline turned to her in surprise. "What? No!" She narrowed her eyes. "Do you wanna go back in there?"

The brunette hesitated then pulled a face which was half-guilty and half an unashamed grin.

"Oh my god," Caroline laughed.

"What? Technically there's still a few minutes left of this night!"

"Bonnie Bennett, I am cutting you off because you clearly have a problem," Caroline said, still laughing.

Bonnie joined in and they laughed until there were tears running down their cheeks.

Eventually the crazed early-morning laughter died down and Bonnie turned to look at her best friend.

"Thanks for this, Caroline. I can't remember the last time I felt this great. And I'm really glad you were here with me."

"You mean so you didn't have to do the walk of shame?" Caroline teased.

Bonnie elbowed her and they broke into a fresh bout of giggles that lasted at least half as long as the previous one.

When it ended, Caroline wiped her tears away and smiled, leaning back against the headrest. She knew what Bonnie meant. There was something really self-assuring about being here with a friend who somewhat understood how she felt. And the fact that she'd been able to have a good laugh about it all instead of obsessing about Klaus right now was even better.

Still, it was about time they got out of here.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

Bonnie nodded, sighing as she shot the Mikaelson mansion one last glance.

"Hey, Caroline?" she asked, her tone sounding off as she stared at the massive well-lit house.

"Uh-huh?" the blonde asked, fishing for her car keys.

"You said this was a one night only thing, right?"

"Right," the blonde nodded emphatically, pulling the keys out and inserting them into the ignition.

Bonnie frowned. "Then I really hope you have the answer to this: what exactly happens tomorrow?"

The blonde pulled a face. "Honestly?"

Starting the car, Caroline shook her head.

"I have no freaking idea."

Yeah so it's possible that I miiiiight consider writing a sequel for this if I were so persuaded… Usually I'd suggest chocolate but since I'm going sugar-free for the next 40 days, reviews and Tumblr love will do ;)