Wow! I haven't updated in so long. I am so sorry for that guys. I am back now. Reviews are love! You guys are the best! I love you! xoxox Kelly

Katniss taps her fingers on the table, wondering why Dr. Coin invited her for coffee. She only just met the woman, and now she's asking her to chat. What could Coin possibly have to tell her? Is it going to be worth her time? She's supposed to meet Peeta in a few hours for dinner.

The grey haired woman returns with two cups of coffee, a confident smile dancing on her lips. She sets the warm beverage in front of Katniss before sitting in the seat across from her.

"I really appreciate you having coffee with me, Katniss," she says thankfully before taking a sip of the steaming liquid.

Katniss shrugs, waving her hand. "You have me curious, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hear what you have to say."

"Have you been enjoying the work you've been doing with Dr. Mellark?" Coin asks, leaning forward on her elbows. "I've heard about it from many of my colleagues."

"It's been an experience of a lifetime," she says with a smile. "I've learned so much from him and what he's working on now will change the world."

Coin nods, intently listening to every word Katniss says. "Ms. Everdeen, have you ever been pregnant?"

"Excuse me?" Katniss asks, a little taken back by Coin's forwardness. "Why is that any of your concern?"

"I'm not trying to be invasive," she explains. "I am trying to explain to you why exactly I came here and why I need your help." Katniss still doesn't understand what Coin is implying. "I'm doing a study that shows the benefits of using the pill form of contraceptive. Sure, it prevents pregnancy, which is the main use. But I've done some research, and it has many other potential benefits that I want to see if applies to all women."

"So, you want to make sure women are protected? Don't you think that will give young girls the idea that they don't need condoms?" Katniss argues back. "It seems like we are taking the responsibility away from the men."

Coin smiles back at Katniss. "That's exactly what I want to do. Women should be in control of their own reproductive system."

The thought that Katniss and Peeta don't use condoms suddenly hits her like a freight train. They've never discussed what would happen if she got pregnant. Katniss wonders if Peeta would be happy. It's obvious his study is his main focus now. A child would complicate everything. She needs to have that conversation with him as soon as possible.

"How can I help?"

Haymitch laughs gruffly when he sees Peeta sitting in the chair across from his desk. They haven't spoken since the day he fired Peeta.

"Dr. Mellark, I was not expecting to see you in my office," he says, sitting down in his comfy leather seat. "Are you here to beg for your job back? It's not going to happen."

Peeta shakes his head, chuckling softly. "I know better than to ask you that."

"What do you want then?"

The tension in the office is thick. Peeta knows he has the upper hand, but he won't use that unless absolutely necessary. "I want to know why you really fired me."

"I told you," he growls, beginning to lose his cool. "You became distracted and almost let a patient die under your watch. My hospital is well-respected, and I won't let you ruin it with your nonsense."

The disdain in Haymitch's voice is difficult to ignore. Peeta shifts in his seat, maintaining eye contact with the angry doctor sitting across from him. "I was the best obstetrician in this hospital," Peeta reminds him. "I loved my job, and I wasn't distracted. What happened to Johanna Mason wasn't an error on my part. I saved her life. Her baby is healthy. You fired me because you hate the fact that I want to explore sexuality and make a name for myself. You're afraid of the attention this hospital may get. The world is changing, Dr. Abernathy, and you need to catch up."

The older man slams his clenched fist on the desk, scattering his papers everywhere. Peeta doesn't flinch. He knows that provoking Haymitch is equivalent to poking a sleeping bear. "Who the hell do you think you are? If I could, I would fire you again, Mellark."

"This study is groundbreaking," Peeta tells him, knowing the next part of his sentence will hopefully make an impact. "We aren't just studying heterosexual couples anymore. I'm going to show the medical community what sex between homosexuals is like compared to straight couples."

Peeta watches Haymitch's face for any sign of panic, but he remains completely unfazed. Maybe Effie was mistaken? The story never completely fit anyway.

"Who told you?"

The sound of a pin drop could be heard in the office after Haymitch's question. "It's true then?"

"Did you come here to blackmail me? I'm not going to let some child, because that is what you are, ruin my entire career. No one will believe you." Haymitch's voice is soft but firm. All Peeta can do is hang on every word.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," Peeta answers. "It's not my business, but I want to know why you hate me for trying to enlighten ignorant people about a completely normal lifestyle."

Haymitch laughs bitterly. "Normal? Are you insane? The world isn't ready for the idea of two men sleeping with each other. You are barking up the wrong tree. No one is going to look at this study and think science. It's filth." There's a faraway looking in Haymitch's eyes that Peeta recognizes as sadness. He obviously carries around a tremendous amount of pain.

"How can you say that?" Peeta asks, wishing he was able to convince Haymitch that what's happening is a good thing. "That's the wonderful thing about science. We can change the minds of people who don't understand. You may not believe me, but I know that this is going to be a good thing."

Haymitch clenches his fists, a harsh look painted on his sullen face. "Boy, you don't know the first goddamn thing about my life. You're not going to be employed at this hospital. I'd rather die than see you back in these hallways."

Peeta realizes that Haymitch won't be convinced easily. He won't dare tell anyone his secret, but knowing that someone like Haymitch may benefit from what he's studying makes it worthwhile. "I can see that you have no desire to really discuss this. I should probably see myself out."

"Yes, you do that."

Katniss' stomach flutters when Peeta comes in the front door. She's unsure of how he'll react when she tells him that she's going to help with Dr. Coin's study. Hopefully, he'll be understanding.

He makes his way over to Katniss, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "It smells delicious in here," he says, taking in a breath.

"I'm making lamb stew," Katniss tells him, smiling nervously. She's hoping a nice, warm dinner will keep him happy and willing to listen. "Did you make any progress with Haymitch?"

Peeta shakes his head, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "He's not going to cooperate. His reputation and the hospital's matter more to him than the truth. It's a fight that I can't win."

"You don't need him," Katniss says, nodding reassuringly. "There's enough people willing to help out."

She sees that Peeta is bothered by Haymitch's lack of support. He must have known that the older doctor wasn't going to change his mind after one short meeting. Katniss watches as Peeta sips his stew, licking his lips after each bite.

"Peeta, I need to tell you something," she says softly. "When I was at the hospital trying to find more volunteers, I ran into Dr. Alma Coin. She wants me to help her with her own study about the benefits of birth control."

The heavy weight on her chest disappears as the words tumble out of her mouth. She feels better telling Peeta the truth. He's silent, staring at her with a raised eyebrow. "I don't understand. You don't want to work with me anymore?"

"No! I love working with you," she exclaims. "This would just be such a great opportunity. I think I could really help Dr. Coin out."

Peeta abruptly stands from the table, his silverware clanking on the half empty soup bowl. He's angry. Katniss knows from the way he yanks at his curls. "I need your full support. There's no room for extra work. This is everything for me. I need you with me on this."

"That's not fair," she fires back. "I give your study all my attention. I quit my job for you!"

Peeta laughs bitterly. "Well, I'm so sorry that being with me and assisting me has ruined your life so much."

"Stop putting words in my mouth!" Katniss says through clenched teeth. "You're overreacting, and it's not fair. I'm on your side, Peeta."

He turns his back to her, leaning over the kitchen sink. "I can't deal with this right now," he mutters. "Do what you want, Katniss. I don't care."

"Fine, I will!" she shouts back, her chest heaving with her ragged breaths.

There's no way she'll pass up a wonderful opportunity because of Peeta. She loves him, but this is a chance of a lifetime. Katniss knows she'd be a fool to let it slip through her fingers.

Today is a big day. It's the first time Peeta will be meeting with someone who is in a same sex relationship, and he's not as excited as he imagined he would be. The fight with Katniss left him in a sour mood which he's been unable to pull himself out of. How can she want to work with another doctor?

Deep down Peeta knows that Katniss is faithful to him and the study, but years of abandonment issues makes Peeta suspicious of her intentions.

Stop it, Peeta tells himself, rubbing a hand over his unshaven face. Katniss loves him. She wants to help him. There's nothing to worry about. He's been trying to find out more about Alma Coin, but her presence in the medical community isn't entirely well-known.

He's unsure of her true reasons for personally seeking Katniss out, but he hopes that it's because she's brilliant and an excellent research assistant.

Shaking his head, Peeta stands from his desk and grabs the dozens of notes he's been collecting. There's no more time for overthinking. He's got work to do.

Johanna is waiting for him with a confident smile when he opens up the exam room door. "These rooms are freezing, Doc," she says, wrapping her gown around her tiny body. "Are you trying to give me hypothermia?"

"It's Dr. Trinket. She gets hot because of her wigs," Peeta tells her with a smirk. "I've gotten used to the cold."

"So, what are we going to do today?"

"I was going to start with just some questions," Peeta tells her. "You're the first… this is still new to me. I'll be honest."

Johanna nods, laughing at Peeta's nervousness. She's different than the women he met almost a year ago. Peeta always thought of her as one of his favorite patients. There's something unique about the petite brunette who's tough as nails.

"It's fine," she says reassuringly. "At least you aren't calling me names. So, what do you want to know? How two girls get each other off?"

Peeta's cheeks flush a light pink at her boldness. This is why he asked Johanna for help. "That's a good place to start."

"I'll be honest. I've slept with my fair share of men, but nothing compares to a woman's touch. I love to taste them. Eating out a girl is the single greatest thing I've ever done," she gives Peeta a wink.

He relates to her on that. Katniss always loves when he goes down on her. Her body squirms underneath his touch, begging for more of his mouth. "So you prefer women over men?"

"It's not about what I prefer. I go with how a person makes me feel. I'm attracted to both men and women. But all I care is who will give me the most pleasure. Sometimes it's a man, and sometimes it's a woman." Peeta admires how freely Johanna speaks about her sexual preferences. She's honest and unapologetic about what she desires, and Peeta finds that refreshing.

"Does your family know?" Peeta asks.

She shakes her head, snorting out a laugh. "My mom beat the crap out of me when she caught me with a girl in my bedroom. We weren't just studying, if you know what I mean. It doesn't matter. I know who I am."

"So you're not afraid of what people will say about you? You know, after this study becomes public?"

Johanna doesn't miss a beat. She answers confidently and with a devious smile. "Telling my mother I liked girls was the true test. This is going to be a cakewalk. Anyway, so you want to know how my girlfriend and I have sex together? Have you ever heard the phrase 'you gotta lick it before you stick it?' After I spend my time turning her on, playing with her tits and all that, I get right between her legs and flick her clit with my tongue. I start off slow. She needs to beg for it, you know?"

Peeta jots down every word Johanna says, making sure to note the similarities between the male and female approach. "I could spend hours eating pussy. Sometimes, I'll start fucking her with my tongue and use my nose to stimulate her clit. I get her so crazy, and then I pull away when I feel her legs start to shake around my head. I suck on her clit until she is coming all over me."

"Do you use your hands at all?" Peeta asks, completely enthralled in Johanna's description.

Johanna chuckles, leaning back in her chair with a smirk. "How do you think I get my girl to squirt?"

"You mean female ejaculation? I've read a little about it, but it's not very common," Peeta says.

"I'll side two or three fingers inside her," Johanna continues. "Than I'll curl my fingers up so that I can hit this spot inside of her that drives her wild.. As I pump my fingers in and out of her as fast as I can, I start rubbing her clit with my thumb. Eventually, her cum gets all over my hands, and she can barely stand after what I've done. Does that help you at all?"

Johanna's candidness is refreshing for Peeta. He appreciates that she wants to help with the study, and she has no fears in admitting the truth about herself. "I would love to have both you and your girlfriend in here next time."

"Are you going to watch us? I know that's usually the next step."

Peeta nods, excited for the next part of his same sex couple study. It's already been eye opening, and he's only just begun.

"That's the plan."

Katniss sets her bag down, smiling at Peeta who quickly avoids her gaze. Her stomach drops. She thought that he would cool off after a couple of days, but apparently she was wrong.

"Peeta, please. I need you to talk to me," Katniss pleads. "You can't ignore me forever."

He laughs, shaking his head. "I'm not ignoring you. I'm busy. You didn't show up today. I had to do all the work myself."

"I didn't think you wanted me there," she says softly, playing with the end of her braid. "You were really upset at me."

Peeta leans back on the sofa, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Katniss, you know how important this study is for my career. It's all I have. I don't want to lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere," she tells him, reaching out to grab his hand. Peeta doesn't pull away but gives her hand a gentle squeeze. "Helping Coin won't interfere with me working with you. Her study isn't as demanding. I just want to learn as much as I can, Peeta."

"You're brilliant," he tells her, a warmth in his voice. "I understand why she wants you, but I still need to make sure you're committed to this study."

Katniss leans in to place a soft kiss on Peeta's cheek. "I'm committed to more than just the study."

"I've missed you," he confesses. "Stay the night?"

"I thought you would never ask."