A/N: Omorashi warning! Another request from my blog~

Feliciano looked at his watch again. The meeting was supposed to be three hours, tops, but between arguments and people being late and things, the third hour was approaching and they seemed to be only halfway through. World meetings took priority over everything else, so no one had an excuse to leave.

He crossed one leg over the other, regretting the amount he'd drunk that morning. He'd been fidgeting for about an hour now, but no one really seemed to notice, not even Ludwig, who was sitting right next to him. Lovino was sitting on his other side, and might have noticed, but he didn't seem to.

Feliciano leaned forward slightly, biting his lip and glancing around. He tried to pay attention to what was going on around him but all that was going through his mind was getting to a bathroom. He didn't know if there was a polite or correct way to excuse himself from the meeting, because no one ever did it and Feliciano didn't know if he wanted to draw that much attention to himself.

He leaned over, nudging Ludwig's arm until the German turned to look at him. "Ludwig?" He whispered, quiet enough so that he didn't disturb Alfred's talking.


"I have to go to the bathroom."

"Go after the meeting." Ludwig replied.

That kept Feliciano silent for a few minutes. He shifted around in his seat, his bladder full and heavy. He soon nudged Ludwig again. "How much longer?"

"I don't know."

"I don't think I can wait much longer."

Ludwig shook his head. "Of course you can."

"But I—"


Feliciano crossed and uncrossed his legs, fidgeting wildly in the seat. He didn't care if he drew attention anymore. He was on the verge of wetting himself. He glanced up, noticing that Ludwig was staring straight at him, though he didn't seem angry. He almost looked…concerned.

Ludwig looked at his watch. 4:55. The meeting should end at 5, but it was clear that wouldn't happen.

Feliciano rocked back and forth in the chair, reaching to hold himself under the table. None of the squirming seemed to help, though, because a trickle of urine leaked out of him and he whimpered, his body trying to force him to give in, but he didn't want to. Not in front of everyone, anyway.

It was 5 exactly, and Feliciano looked around frantically, but the meeting was nowhere near done.

Ludwig spoke up, politely saying that he thought a short break would be beneficial. Everyone was either bored or hungry or both, so they all agreed, slowly filing out of the room, but Feliciano didn't dare move, worried he'd move too fast.

Once the room was empty, Ludwig stood. "Come on."

"I can't." Tears started in the corners of Feliciano's eyes as more urine forced its way out. It took him almost a full second to stop the flow.

Ludwig grabbed Feliciano's arm, pulling him to his feet, and that was all it took for Feliciano's muscles to give in. Suddenly, he was peeing full force, a dark patch spreading across his pants as he soaked himself. He put a hand on the table, whimpering softly. There was a small wet patch on the floor when he finally finished, and he just started bawling.

Ludwig sighed, hugging Feliciano gently. "Sh…It's alright, Feli."

"I-I didn't mean to..." He sniffled.

"I know." Ludwig answered. "It's alright. Everyone has accidents…"

Feliciano nodded. "People will see…"

"Go out the back door and no one will see. I'll tell them you were feeling ill."


"Anything for you?"


Ludwig turned his head away. "Go on already."