Disclaimer: All characters and things associated with The Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins and Lionsgate. This writing is for pure entertainment only.

Summary: Peeta's lie about Katniss' pregnancy is tested by the Capitol, leaving the Lethal Lovers only one option going into the Quarter Quell.



"I wouldn't regret anything, Caesar…if it weren't…" Peeta lets his voice falter.

I feel my eyebrow furrow as I watch him from the stage behind him with the other previous Victors and current Tributes of the Quarter Quell. I cannot figure out what he is getting at, though I am certain he will win over the crowd with whatever tactic he has come up. Peeta has always had a way with words.

"If it weren't what, Peeta?" Caesar presses him.

Peeta shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another and then turns and looks at me, as if he is asking my permission for something. Of course, wordlessly, I give it to him. I know whatever he is about to do he is doing to help us win.

Peeta gives me a small little nod which I am sure the cameras have caught and then turns his attention back to Caesar. "If it weren't for the baby…"

Peeta is a genius. I am pregnant. If that doesn't stop the Games nothing will. How, no matter how much he hates me, could Snow justify killing a pregnant girl? Even if I am not really pregnant.

And the crowd goes completely wild; Caesar cannot contain the outbursts of disgust and rage and Peeta is quickly motioned to join me on stage. He comes up and kisses me for the crowd. They buy it, only screaming in protest even louder.

And then my hand clamps around the Victor next to me, and suddenly all twenty-four of us are holding hands high above our heads an the lights are cut on us as well as Caesar. Surely, they cannot show us as united.

"Was it too much?" Peeta whispers to me as we are led off the stage. I know he is talking about the lie he spun about me being pregnant.

I shake my head, because it wasn't too much. Nothing seems too elaborate, too insane for these Games anymore. "We can talk upstairs."

Peeta nods and we silently move toward the elevator where we are quickly joined by Haymitch.

"Brilliant!" Haymitch is nearly cheering and pats Peeta on the back as the elevator door closes behind us and we shoot up to our penthouse.

"You think?" Peeta asks, looking more to me for approval then Haymitch.

"If anything is going to stop these Games…sending a pregnant Victor into the arena might just do that," Haymitch seems optimistic and turns to look at me. "What do you think, sweetheart?"

"If it works…it was brilliant," I tell Peeta, using Haymitch's word to describe Peeta's plan.

Peeta smiles slightly at me and I can't help but smile back. He may have just saved both of our lives with a simple little white lie.

"Damn, brilliant," Haymitch repeats as we step off the elevator and are instantly met by Effie, who somehow beat us up here.

Effie looks somewhere between concerned and sad. I am not sure how to take her expression in and am about to ask her if she is okay when her arms suddenly go around my shoulders.

"Oh, Katniss…you should have told me…pregnant…to think…" Effie seems to almost be crying into my shoulder.

I want to tell her the pregnancy isn't real; that it is just a lie that Peeta has come up with, but she cuts me off.

"And Haymitch…Snow wants you downstairs…apparently there needs to be a discussion over this…newfound information…" Effie motions to my stomach.

Haymitch gives both Peeta and I a hopeful smile. "Alright then…I'll be back."

Both Peeta and I watch as Haymitch retreats back into the elevator and we hope he will bring us back good news; that somehow Peeta's brilliant little lie has spared our lives and we will be able to go back to District 12.