It's FALL!

IV bag's dripping.


Annoying beeping.


Head ringing.


Masamune stared up at the pasty ceiling of the hospital room he was in. He didn't bother moving. Slowly, he peered to what was ahead of him at his left leg, wrapped from his knee to his foot. AKA a huge white, throbbing thumb. His cheek was sore too; he grimaced.

'What the hell happened last night?' For the first time in a while, he actually couldn't remember what transpired while he was drunk off his ass. Last thing he remembered was heading to the place he normally drank at if it was wasn't at home or at his friend Takafumi's place.

Work was particularly stressful this month...

'Ugh...' He realized that he wouldn't be able to go to work in a while. 'When I get back it's going to be even worse...'

"Aarugh..." At the almost agonized groaning, he turned his head. He took a mental note that he was probably wearing a bandage on his head since he felt an odd brush along with his hair as it moved against the pillow. It didn't really hurt though.

'...Damn.' The man next to him seemed to have it worse: neckbrace, a cast on his left arm, and a bandaged ankle on his right side. Looking at his face the best he could, his eyes gradually widened.



"Another one?!" Tires screeched as it turned the street. Masamune groaned in pain on the stretcher. The guy he was fighting with had managed to get him with a chair... if that was right. It's fuzzy right now.

While his head hurt, he found himself trying to focus on what was in front of him.

Eventually, the voices around him multiplied, and a rush of cold air hit him as the backdoors of the ambulance opened. He faintly registered some rain barely soaking through the end of his pants.

"Put him here! Quickly- carefully!" A loud thud got him to turn his head. It was another man like him, probably around his age.

"I could'hve taken him! Let me go! I almost got 'em!"

"Obnoxious..." Masamune mutters, turning away, the loudness hitting him hard in the noggin. "Shut up."

"What'cha call me? Wanna fight?!" Masamune turned to glare back, annoyed-but froze in place, his line of sight refusing to budge.

This guy was cute.

'Nah... maybe not that cute. What kind of cute guy has a personality like this?' -Which is what he would have rationalized seconds later if he wasn't staring in stunned silence with wide eyes.

"...not like this!" He can hear a girl's voice from outside. "He's only like this when he's drunk, really!"

'Well, that definitely sucks. Why let him drink in the first place?' -Which is what Masamune would have thought then, but he was temporarily entranced right now. The man next to him was almost beautiful too... and cute. How?

"What 're you staring at," the green-eyed man hiccups, the pain steadily getting him sober. "Stop starin'." He hiccupped again. "Stop'it." Another hiccup. To Masamune's disappointment, the other then had his head positioned back to facing forward as one of the paramedics put a neck brace around him.

'God, even his hiccups are cute,' Masamune thought then as he too faced back forward, taken with him. It didn't matter to him that they were in the back of an ambulance, people buzzing around him. He was in love.

"How drunk was I?" Masasmune mumbles to himself, the flashback over. He peered over to the man next to him yet again in the hospital room. 'In love...?

'Totally not cute,' He scoffs, before finding himself glancing back to him once in a while.

'Maybe... maybe just a little...'

That AU prompt on Tumblr... I couldn't resist. XD

This will be a short story!

I want to try almost M on here... if I can... I want to practice at it since I'm not really good at it I think...