Disclaimer: I don't own anything... obviously.

Okay, I know I said I wouldn't be back for a while but this wouldn't get out of my freaking head…..

This takes place between Chapter 8 and the first Epilogue of Mermaid, a couple of months before their old friends converged on their house for Christmas.

Again… it can probably be read as a stand-alone story but it makes more sense if you've read Epilogue 1, which is where this series of events are recalled by Alison and Emily.

This was originally intended as a one-shot but it got too damn long, so I've decided to try something a little different and post it in shorter than my normal length chapters.

It will probably end up a 4-5 part story, at this point, but I make no promises because… well… I don't need to explain my long-winded tendencies….lol

As always, the mature rating should be expected and assumed.

The credit for the title goes to Baby Darth Dalloway. Thanks, hun, for always making me laugh and smile.

Thanks to everyone, as always, for reading and reviewing.


The T-Shirt

Chapter 1

"Em," Alison choked, the sound coming out as a sort of half moan and half whimper, as her orgasm rolled through her.

She arched her back, bucking her hips and reached down beneath the sheet. She slid her fingers into and gripped her girl's long hair, as she tightened her thighs around the brunette's head.

She felt Emily grin against her wet flesh but her mermaid's tongue was relentless, not letting up until Alison pushed her head away, unable to take any more stimulation on her swollen, tender, throbbing clit. Her body jerked softly and every cell in her body tingled with pleasure.

"Baby," Alison murmured, sated and exhausted as the fingertips of one hand brushed gently down the side of Emily's face, caressing, while the other lifted the sheet so she could look down on her girlfriend's very self-satisfied face.

Emily's eyes twinkled playfully as she wiped her mouth on Alison's thigh before softly kissing a slow path up the blonde's body.

Alison shuddered as Emily's body slowly covered her and she whimpered again as she grabbed her girl's face and pulled Emily's lips to hers for a long, slow, deep kiss.

Alison wrapped her arms and legs around Emily as the brunette's body settled on hers, their lips and tongues caressing slowly and softly.

"Mmmmm," Alison purred but then pouted as Emily lifted her head, effectively ending the kiss, and grinned down at her girlfriend.

"Good morning, love," Emily said as she smiled.

Alison grinned up at her, her blue eyes still soft from sleep, as Emily called her by her the term of endearment she'd just started recently using regularly. It made Alison's heart flutter with happiness each time Emily said it.

"I'll say," Alison chuckled softly as she wiggled her body sensually beneath Emily's, causing her mermaid's eyes to fall closed as she groaned. "Not that I'm complaining, at all," the blonde emphasized as she tilted her hips and tightened her thighs around her girl. "But what the hell was that?"

Emily laughed softly as she leaned her head down and nuzzled the base of Alison's throat. "If I have to tell you, clearly I wasn't doing it right."

"Oh, that was way more than right," Alison purred as she arched again, offering Emily her throat. "And you have permission to wake me like that every morning if you want."

Emily chuckled now and rocked her hips gently between Alison's thighs as her tongue slipped between her lips and she slowly swirled it up Alison's neck until she reached her ear.

"Do you want to come running with me this morning?" Emily asked and Alison scoffed playfully.

"I don't think I can walk after that, never mind run."

Emily smiled against Alison's neck, brushing her lips tenderly against her skin. The scent of Alison's skin made the brunette's stomach clench with need.

Alison felt her smile and fluttered her fingertips up and down her mermaid's back. "Quite proud of yourself, aren't you?" she murmured as she turned her head and nuzzled the side of Emily's face.

Emily nodded her head as she continued to kiss Alison's neck, breathing and tasting the blonde's soft skin. "I don't want to move off of you."

"Mmmm, then don't," Alison breathed and she kissed a soft path to Emily's ear and bit down gently as she tightened her arms and legs around her girl again. "You can stay where you are all day."

"I have class in a few hours," Emily murmured as her lips traveled over Alison's cheek until their lips met again softly.

"Blow them off," Alison mumbled into Emily's mouth as she kissed her mermaid soft and deep.

"It's too early in the semester to skip class," Emily said as she tore her lips away with a regretful sigh. Alison snickered softly because they both knew Emily didn't skip classes. Ever.

Alison's chuckle morphed into a moan as Emily pressed her thigh against Alison's swollen and tender sex. Alison dropped her legs from around Emily's hips and slid her hand down Emily's back. She gripped her girl's ass before placing her foot on the bed and using it for leverage.

"Then we'll have to make this quick," Alison purred into Emily's mouth as she flipped them over, straddling her mermaid's gloriously naked body. She kept her lips pressed to Emily's as she nudged the brunette's thighs open with her right knee.

Alison tore her lips away, kissing a soft path over the Emily's chin and down the column of her throat.

Emily moaned Alison's name as she arched her back and Alison smiled as she slipped her hand between her girl's thighs. She felt the brunette tremble beneath her as Alison's fingers teased the soft flesh she found warm and wet.

Alison kissed her way down Emily's softly shuddering body, stopping briefly at her girl's tattoo, and lavishing it with soft swirls of her tongue as she traced her name. The sight of her name on Emily's body never ceased to awe her and humble her.

Emily reached down as she tilted her hips, pushing Alison's head lower, making the blonde chuckle and smile at her mermaid's impatience. But, knowing they were limited for time, Alison didn't keep her girl waiting and she moved lower, quickly bringing Emily to orgasm with her tongue, as her mermaid bucked and writhed and moaned beneath her.


Emily's feet pounded the pavement in a steady rhythm as she and Pepe turned the corner. The dog was so good at keeping up with her pace and seemed to enjoy their runs as much as she did.

But Emily's mind was not on her run this morning. It was back in bed with the blonde she left sprawled and sated on their sheets. Although she started it, by waking Alison the way she had, the blonde had quickly turned the tables on Emily, as she often did, and the brunette knew she was lucky she had time for even a short run this morning.

She was now almost an hour behind her normal morning schedule, so she and Pepe were cutting their jog short because she had to get back home, showered, and to class by nine.

But as images and memories of Alison's body, both beneath her and above her, flooded her mind, Emily couldn't bring herself to care how late she was going to be.

Halfway down the block, Emily felt the first vestiges of the cramp shoot through her calf. She immediately started hopping to keep her weight off her leg as she slowed to a walk.

Pepe, however, didn't want to slow and keep tugging on his leash.

"Give me a break here, Pepe," Emily growled softly as she stopped and crouched down to rub the spot on the back of her leg that was spasming. Pepe stopped and loped back over to her, nudging her shoulder before licking her cheek. Emily smiled at the dog's customary way of apologizing and she rubbed his ears affectionately.

"Hey, are you alright?" the sound of a voice beside her startled Emily and she gasped and looked over her shoulder quickly. Pepe caught her unease and growled lowly at the guy standing on the other side of the low fence.

"You scared me," Emily laughed even as she gritted her teeth against the pulsing pain of the cramp

She stood up and looked over at the guy standing in the yard with a hose in his hand. He was probably mid twenties, Emily figured, and he had the most beautiful big blue eyes, she'd ever seen, aside from Alison's.

"Sorry about that," he said as he smiled sheepishly.

Emily shook her head. "No, it's okay. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings."

"Your leg okay?" he asked as he motioned to the leg she was still favoring.

"Yeah, just a Charlie horse," she replied as she leaned down and massaged the cramp again.

"You're welcome to sit, while you work it out," he offered as he pointed to a chair on his front porch.

"That's okay, it's almost gone now."

"I'm Daren, by the way," he said as he walked through the gate and to the edge of the sidewalk to offer his hand.

"Emily," she smiled, and shook it, but then she looked down at the dog still growling, now a little more loudly, beside her. "Pepe," she scolded and the dog looked up at her before looking back at the man standing clearly too close to his owner, but he stayed tucked right by her side. "I'm sorry about him, he's usually really friendly."

Daren shrugged. "No worries. It's good that he's protective. A beautiful girl like you can't be too careful."

Emily arched her brow at him but he just smiled as if he didn't realize the words he spoke could be taken two ways, as a compliment or a threat. And even though he seemed harmless enough to Emily, she still took a step back.

"I see you running most mornings, you training for a marathon or something?" he asked casually as he started watering the rose bushes on the outside of the fence.

"No, just keeping Pepe here in shape," she joked as she reached down and stroked Pepe's head softly to calm the still growling dog.

Daren laughed. "Lucky dog."

"It helps keep me sane too," Emily said as an afterthought. "Even just a couple miles can help clear my head when I need it."

"You live around here?" he asked just as casually as his last question, but Emily suspected there was nothing casual about it. She shook her head and smiled to herself.

"Not far," she replied matching his casual tone, but not willing to give him any more information about where she lived.

"Cool. Maybe we'll see each other around then." His face was open and friendly and he didn't seem creepy, but clearly he was interested in her and Emily fought back the urge to roll her eyes.

"Well, I've got to get going," she said as she started walking away, tugging, a still on guard, Pepe with her. Her calf hadn't completely stopped spasming so she was going to walk the rest of route. Fortunately she was only two blocks from home.

"Emily," Daren called after her and she turned to look at him. "Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me sometime?" he asked, his face hopeful.

"Thanks anyway, but I'm not interested," she replied before turning around, chucking under her breath, and continued limping down the road with Pepe in tow.


Emily and Pepe walked into the kitchen to find Alison mixing some fresh fruit into a bowl of yogurt. The blonde looked up and smiled as she saw her girl and her dog returning from their run.

"Hi baby," Alison purred, still on her orgasmic high from earlier.

"So, it looks like you can walk after all," Emily teased as she walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water from the top shelf.

"Barely, but I'm managing," the blonde teased right back as her eyes flashed with mirth. "Did you and Pepe enjoy your run?"

"It was interesting," Emily chuckled softly after taking a long deep swig of the cool liquid.

Pepe walked over to his bowl in the corner and got himself a long drink of water too before plopping down on the rug in front of the patio door.

"Interesting how?" Alison asked softly as she continued to slice strawberries.

Emily tilted her head as her eyes raked up and down Alison's body as she stood in front of the center kitchen island. The blonde was wearing shorts and a tank top that had ridden up in the back, exposing her tattoo, the sight of which never failed to drive Emily wild with desire for her girlfriend. The memory of the blonde's tongue swirling over her tattoo earlier made Emily ache, again, for the girl in front of her.

Even though it had been barely an hour since she'd touched Alison, the brunette's fingers itched to feel her girlfriend's soft skin, her lips craved the taste of the blonde's lips, and, as desire pooled low in her abdomen, Emily gave into her desires.

She put her water bottle on the counter and walked up behind Alison, gripping her girlfriend's hips and lowering her lips to the nape of Alison's neck.

Alison's head fell back gently and she moaned softly as she tilted it to the side as Emily pressed open mouthed kisses along her skin. She splayed her fingers around Alison's hips, the blonde's small waist allowing Emily's thumbs to meet in the center of her back. She began tracing the tattoo softly making the blonde shudder softly.

"Em," Alison breathed as she reached back behind her and pressed her fingers into the outside of Emily's thighs. "What's gotten into you today?"

Emily brushed Alison's hair aside as her lips pressed against her ear. "Do you have any idea how hot it makes me to see my name on your skin?"

"Yes," Alison whimpered as her head fell back onto Emily's shoulder. And she did. It was the entire reason she got her tattoo. And ever since Emily had gotten hers, identical in design, yet smaller and in a far more intimate place, just the thought of it, alone, could almost make Alison come.

"If I didn't have class I'd drag you back to bed," Emily groaned with regret lacing her voice and pressed one last kiss to Alison's neck before she stepped back.

"God, you're such a tease," Alison pouted as she turned to glare at her girl, but her gaze softened as she saw the disappointment to match her own in Emily's eyes.

Alison lifted her hand to Emily's cheek. "You look tired, baby."

Emily smirked in response. "Well the day has barely started and I've already had two incredibly hard workouts."

Alison's eyes twinkled playfully. "Always happy to oblige when it comes to keeping my girl healthy."

"How magnanimous of you, Ali."

Alison stepped closer and put her hands on Emily's hips, her brows furrowing with concern. "Seriously though, Em, you're spreading yourself too thin."

"The first few weeks of the semester always kick my ass," Emily said, using a rare curse. It was usually Alison who cursed, especially when she was with Kira. "Med school is a lot more work than college was."

"That's what I mean," Alison insisted. "Something's gotta give." Alison hesitated briefly before she spoke her next words because their last conversation about this topic didn't end well, but they needed to talk about it. "I think you should give up your job at the Rec center."

Emily sighed and stepped back to lean against the counter. "Alison, can we not do this again? I like my job."

"I know you do, but-" Alison started but Emily interrupted before she could get going.

"The kids depend on me, Ali, and I like teaching them to swim."

"I know they do and I know you do," Alison said, trying to keep her tone neutral. She didn't want to fight with her girl, not after the way this glorious morning started. "But I worry about you and I don't want to see you drive yourself into the ground trying to juggle it all. School needs to be your priority."

"School is the priority. Only you are a higher priority," Emily said and Alison smiled softly as her mermaid's words filled her with warmth. "And even if I wanted to, which I don't, I can't. I need that job."

"No, you don't," Alison insisted as she stepped closer, reaching for Emily's hand.

"Alison, we're not having this conversation again," Emily warned as she narrowed her eyes. "I need a job." Emily said the words slowly to emphasize her point.

Alison scowled right back at her. "Why?" the blonde demanded. "My book is bringing in plenty of money now, Em. And I have my advance for the second book."

"And you spent almost all of it on the down payment for this condo," Emily reminded her as she pulled her hand away.

"Almost," Alison conceded reluctantly as she schooled her features to hide the hurt of Emily pulling away. She turned toward the counter and started slicing strawberries again. "There's still some left," she added causally.

"Alison," Emily's use of her full name made Alison grit her teeth. "I'm not going to live off of you. I'm not going to be-"

"Be what?" Alison asked as she arched her brow. "A kept woman?" she finished as she smirked, joking, trying to lighten the mood because this whole conversation had gone sideways.

"I don't need charity," Emily huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

But Alison was having none of it, so she put the knife down and stepped closer to Emily again. She tugged on her arms until she could take Emily's hands in her own, stepping closer and pressing right up against Emily's body.

"Lighten up, Emily." She used her mermaid's full name in retaliation, but she also used her body to distract her girl from her irritation. "I just want to try to make it easier for you. Why won't you let me? Stop being so fucking proud and let the people who love you help you," she whispered as her lips ghosted over Emily's skin, making the brunette sigh.

Alison's eyes implored her and the blonde leaned forward and pressed kisses over Emily's face softly, willing to use all her wiles to convince her girl to do as she wanted. She didn't see it as being manipulative because it was done out of pure love for her girlfriend.

"I love you, Em," Alison breathed against her girl's lips when hers finally reached them. Emily remained stiff but Alison could feel the brunette's posture softening. "Please let me make it easier for you."

Emily was silent for a moment before speaking.

"I have to get in the shower or I'm going to be late for class," Emily said softly, not answering Alison's plea and the blonde opened her eyes, disappointment once again swirling in the blue depths.

Alison stepped back and she crossed her arms over her chest now. "We're not done talking about this. You can only avoid it for so long you know."

"Sure I can. You're not the only stubborn one," Emily replied as she pushed off the counter and exited the kitchen, knowing full well this wasn't the last of this conversation because when Alison wanted something she was relentless about having her way. But Emily was proud she was able to deflect it once again, at least for a little while.

"You're more stubborn than I ever hope to be, Emily Fields," Alison growled under her breath as she shoved Emily's water bottle off the counter in frustration.

Pepe lifted his head and looked at her, almost like he was saying "I told you so" and he rose to his feet and walked over to her. She scowled at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not in the wrong here," she said petulantly.

Pepe barked at her before turning and walking out of the room and down the hallway to Emily.

"Sure, take her side," she called after him. "You were my dog first, you know."

To Be Continued...