Disclaimer: Don't own nothing! :-)

Okay, here is the last part of my little tale. Hope you all enjoyed the ride with me.

Thanks again to everyone for taking the time to read and review and for always making me laugh and smile with your comments.

See ya all again soon… I'm sure.

The T-Shirt

Chapter 4

Alison slid her fingers into her girl's hair, gently massaging her scalp. "I know, baby," the blonde whispered.

Emily's fingers slipped beneath the hem of Alison's T-shirt and circled the blonde's belly button, making her shiver softly.

"Em, you can't do that," she said as she reached down and stopped Emily's hand. "I can't focus when you touch me like that."

Emily lifted her head and smiled; her eyes now a little clearer, but the alcohol still clouded them slightly.

Pepe barked from the foot of the bed and both girls looked down at him. He was sitting on the floor with his head resting on the mattress, looking blandly at both of them.

"He such a perv," Alison said as she laughed. "Go away, Pepe."

She kicked her leg gently and he barked at her again but didn't move.

"Pepe," the blonde said his name again to no avail.

"Pepe," Emily said, her voice firm. "Go lay down."

Pepe looked at her then lifted his head and walked over to his dog bed in the corner.

"Why does he always listen to you and not me?" Alison asked as she pouted.

"Because I'm consistent with him," Emily said as she smiled, her head clearing more by the minute.

"What does that mean?" Alison scowled.

"It means you let him get away with a lot so he doesn't know if you're serious when you give him commands. He knows when I do, I mean it." Emily's fingers absently brushed the underside of Alison's breast.

"What are you, the dog whisperer?" Alison asked petulantly and Emily chuckled softly as she leaned down and rubbed her nose against the blonde's.

"You're so beautiful," Emily sighed softly as she brought her hand up to Alison's face and brushed her still damp fingers against the blonde's cheek, her thumb rubbing over her bottom lip. "And I'm so in love with you."

Alison kissed the pad of her thumb, forgetting all about Pepe. "I love you," Alison whispered before pulling Emily's hand away from her face. "But you need to put your shirt back on if we're going to talk right now."

"First I can't touch you and now I have to get dressed?" she pouted but Alison wasn't going to be moved.

The blonde nodded and Emily frowned, but she sat up and turned, and everything spun for a minute.

"Whoa," she said and Alison sat up and reached out to steady her.

"You okay?" she asked and Emily grinned after a minute.

"Yeah, head rush."

"What were you and Kira drinking anyway?"

"Wine," Emily replied as she leaned over the side of the bed and picked her shirt up off the floor, slipping it on as Alison kept her hand on her waist, in case she got dizzy again.

"Wine doesn't usually go to your head like this," Alison observed curiously.

Emily shrugged as she pulled away. She turned to face Alison and crossed her legs. "I didn't eat much, but I didn't drink much either, so I don't know."

"Maybe we should wait and talk in the morning, Em," Alison suggested as she mimicked Emily's position so both their knees were touching. She wanted to talk tonight, get it out and put it behind them, but she wanted Emily clear headed when they did.

"No," Emily shook her head. "I'm okay. My buzz is pretty much gone now. And I need to say a few things, but," she titled her head as she looked down at Alison's chest again. "I'm really distracted by that shirt."

Alison grinned. "Do you like it?"

A small smile quirked Emily's lips. "I'm not sure how to answer that."

Alison frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Where did you get it?" Emily asked rather than answer as she rubbed her hands gently over Alison's thighs, feeling the soft, warm skin beneath her fingertips.

"Fashion district," Alison sighed as Emily's fingers made soft circles on her skin. The blonde covered her hands and fluttered her fingers up the brunette's arms, needing to just touch her girl too.

"You went by yourself?" Emily asked as he eyes widened.

"What? It's not the combat zone. It's downtown LA."

Emily shook her head and smiled at Alison's affronted tone. "You just usually drag Kira with you when you go there."

"That's only because you refuse to go with me," Alison accused though not harshly.

Her mermaid hated shopping with her because she usually browsed way too long. Emily was always more purposeful in her shopping. Her motto was get in, get whatever you needed, and get the hell out again. Kira shared the blonde's love of shopping so they usually left Emily behind to do Emily things while they shopped.

"And she was with you today, so…" Alison trailed off as she shrugged, reaching down and stopping Emily's hand, pulling them back to her knees.

"Were you down there all day?" Emily asked curiously as he thumbs brushed Alison's kneecaps.

"No," Alison replied, a little too quickly and Emily narrowed her eyes.

"But you were gone all day."

"I needed time to clear my head," Alison looked at her girl sadly.

"You walked out on me," Emily accused, still upset that Alison had just left earlier.

"I was going to an ugly place so I had to get away from you."

"It killed me when you walked away," Emily said, softer now.

"I know, baby. But I had to."

"What aren't you telling me, Ali?" Emily asked.

Alison sighed and looked away, glancing at Pepe in the corner where he was now snoring. "I called Marianne. And she let me come see her," she admitted softly.

"On a Saturday?" Emily asked surprised.

Alison nodded as she looked down and picked at the hem of the T-shirt.

"Oh, Ali," Emily sighed softly, hating that she drove Alison to seek out her therapist.

"Don't 'Oh, Ali' me," Alison snapped as her eyes flashed and whipped up to meet Emily's. "I hate it when you pity me."

"I don't pity you," Emily snapped back and then her eyes softened. "I ache for you, Ali. Especially when I'm the one who hurts you."

Emily sighed softly and her eyes met Alison's and the brunette felt her heart ache; ache with love, ache with desire, ache with sorrow, and ache with regret.

"Ali, I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry, Em."

Both girls spoke at the same time and then they both chuckled.

"Ali, please let me go first," Emily asked and Alison nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry, love," Emily said again. "I didn't realize I was hurting you," the brunette said as she lifted her hand and brushed her fingers down Alison's cheek and then over her neck, making the blonde shudder.

"How did you know you were hurting me?" Alison hiccupped softly and her eyes fluttered at the feel of her girl's touch.

"Kira apparently is more insightful than I am sometimes," Emily said with a frown. "Which concerns me on more than one level," she added wryly before she sighed again and continued. "She made me realize that there was more to this than what I thought was just jealousy."

"I should have told you," Alison said as she reached up and caressed Emily's cheek, making the brunette's eyes flutter now.

"You shouldn't have had to." Emily opened her eyes and Alison could see the regret in them.

"Yes, I should have," Alison insisted as she frowned and pulled Emily's hand away and dropped both their hands into her lap. "You're not a mind reader, Em, although sometimes I expect you to be," she added more softly.

"You never have to be jealous of anyone, Ali." The fingers of Emily's free hand slowly traveled up Alison's thigh again. She just couldn't stop touching the blonde. "You have to know I don't see anyone but you. I don't want anyone but you. Ever."

"I do know, Em," the blonde smiled sadly even though her girl's words filled her with warmth. Or maybe it was her mermaid's fingers.

Handsy Emily was driving her to madness and Alison knew if she didn't stop her, then the blonde was going to forget having this conversation and pull her mermaid's fingers back where she was aching for them.

She grabbed Emily's other hand just as her fingers were reaching the elastic of the blonde's panties, and Alison gripped both of her girl's hands in her own, pulling them back to rest on her knees.

"But why did you hide who you are?" she asked softly as she looked down.

But what she wanted to ask was "why did you hide me?"

"I'm not hiding," Emily replied fiercely and she put her finger beneath Alison's chin and tilted her face up. "And I'm not hiding you."

Alison blinked and tried to look away but Emily pulled her hand away from Alison's and yanked the blonde closer before laying her back onto the mattress again, making the blonde gasp as she gripped Emily's upper arms.

"Look at me Alison," Emily commanded and Alison's eyes whipped back to meet Emily's as her girl hovered over her. Emily's tone made her shiver with both want and anticipation.

Emily pressed her hand into Alison's stomach, holding her down. "I haven't spoken more than a few words to that guy. I don't stop and chat with him. He usually just waves when I run by, if he's even out. But I don't pay attention. I don't care. I've tried to tell you that but you won't listen."

"So you don't ever stop and talk with him?" Alison asked as she bit her bottom lip. The sight made Emily groan internally with the urge to bite it herself, but she forced herself to focus.

"Only the first time but that was just because I had that charlie horse." Emily slipped her hand beneath Alison's shirt again and brushed her thumb over her stomach, making circles around her belly button again, knowing how much Alison loved the sensation.

"Em, you have to stop," Alison whimpered as she gripped Emily's hand and pulled it out from beneath her shirt, resting it on her stomach again but holding it still. "I told you I can't focus when you touch me."

Emily grinned unrepentantly, but she kept talking.

"The other day when I told you he asked again, I only stopped because Pepe had a rock in his paw. It just happened to be right after this guy's house. He came out his gate and saw us and said hi and asked if Pepe was okay. I told him he was fine then he asked if I was sure I didn't want to have dinner with him. I said I was sure and Pepe and I started running again."

Emily leaned down and brushed her lips over Alison's jaw, making the blonde whimper.

"Then this morning, he was watering the roses on the outside of his fence and called after me after I ran by. I didn't stop, just told him I wasn't interested and kept running."

Alison grasped Emily's face in her hands and pulled her mermaid's lips away from her neck, forcing the brunette to look into her eyes again.

"Why didn't you just stop and tell him though? I don't understand. You've never been ashamed of anyone knowing you're gay." Alison's eyes pleaded with Emily for the truth.

Emily took advantage of her free hand and caressed Alison's side gently. "I'm not ashamed. I don't care who knows. And I'm not ashamed of you," Emily said vehemently. "If anything, you… loving you, is the one thing in my life I'm most proud of."

"Then, why?" Alison pleaded. "I just need to understand, Em."

Emily sighed and tried to explain. "I don't know him from Adam," Emily said. "And I have no desire to tell him anything about me." Emily reached up and slid her hand through her hair. "Ali, I'm proud of who I am. And who I love. And I have no problem telling anyone I'm gay. But I don't just blurt it out to random people and I have no desire to."

Alison didn't look convinced. "Now, when he asked me out, should I have said something? Yeah, probably," Emily admitted honestly as she looked down at the blonde. "But why would I even bother? I don't plan to interact with him ever again beyond anything more than a wave as Pepe and I run by?"

"He sounds pretty persistent, Em."

"It doesn't matter what he is. I don't have to stop and interact with him." Emily watched Alison's face and could see the hesitation still lingering. Emily sighed again. "You know how you've always said that your sexual orientation doesn't define you?"

"Yeah." Alison looked at her curiously, wondering where she was going with this.

"Well mine doesn't define me either," Emily admitted and Alison shot her a confused look. "Yes, I'm gay. And I'm in love with a beautiful girl, who I plan to love for the rest of my life."

"Baby," Alison's breath hitched as Emily's words made her heart flutter and she lifted her head, pressing her face into Emily's neck, letting her lips caress the brunette's skin.

Emily closed her eyes and moaned, her fingers pressing into Alison's thigh as she gripped it, but she forced herself to focus and get the rest of this out. She opened her eyes again she pulled back so she could see Alison's face.

"And I'm proud for the world to know that. But I don't have to explain that I'm gay to everyone I meet. You don't see Kira running around telling everyone she's heterosexual all the time. It shouldn't matter. I'm a human being and who I love and who I have sex with in the privacy of my own home does not define me."

Alison smiled at Emily's semi rant. It sounded vaguely familiar of a conversation, in a hotel room, four years ago.

"I love you, Alison. You're the most important person of my life. And I'm not hiding you, love. I'm proud of who you are to me and I want the whole world to know; because you're everything, but I don't need to explain it to everyone I meet."

"I know, baby," Alison murmured as she pressed her lips to Emily's neck. There had never really been a doubt in Alison's mind that her mermaid was hiding her, it had just been her irrational insecurities flaring up. "I know I'm being…."

"Don't you dare call yourself crazy, Ali," Emily warned her as her eyes flashed. "I hate it when you call yourself crazy."

"So does Marianne," Alison said as she shrugged. She knew that was something she needed to work on, but no matter what word she used to describe herself, it didn't change how she felt inside sometimes.

"I'm sorry I drove you to that." Emily caressed Alison's cheek, making the blonde exhale a shuddering breath.

And despite the ache in her chest, Emily smiled because she loved how much she and Alison affected each other, just from a simple touch. Watching and feeling how the blonde reacted to her touch, left Emily breathless.

"You didn't," Alison insisted as her hands reach grasped Emily's wrist. "It was all me. And I'm glad I sought her out because I never want to be ugly with you again. I know I still am sometimes but I try really hard not to be."

"I promise, love, the next time I see him, I'll tell him."

Alison smiled and snuggled closer to her girl, brushing her lips softly over Emily's jaw as her hands wandered up and down the brunette's side.

"I know you will, baby. But you're still not getting out of wearing your present though."

Emily sighed and dropped her head on Alison's chest. "You're really going to make me wear it, aren't you?

Alison nodded as she pretended to pout. "You don't like your present?"

"It's not a present, it's a joke."

"It's not a joke," Alison said seriously. "I'm very serious about you being proud of who you are. And if it lets the neighborhood predator know you don't play for his team, all the better."

"But the letters are bright pink," Emily answered with an exaggerated whine.

"I love pink," Alison said.

"You love pink," Emily answered as she arched her brow.

"I think you're gonna look so fucking sexy in it, I can't wait."

"Awesome," Emily replied drolly and Alison threw her arms around her girl, burying her face in the brunette's neck again, pressing soft kisses on her warm skin.

Emily groaned again and pulled Alison's lips to her, kissing the blonde soundly. Alison arched her back and hiked her leg up over Emily's hip as the brunette's hand cupped the blonde's breast through the offending T-shirt.

"I never want to fight with you again," Alison murmured against Emily's lips.

Emily chuckled softly into Alison's mouth before kissing a soft path to her ear. "I don't either but it's not very likely, love," Emily breathed as her tongue slowly swirled over the shell of Alison's ear. "But there is one good thing about it."

Alison whimpered and tightened her thigh around Emily's hip, her fingers gripping her mermaid's waist, clutching her as close as she could.

"Making up," Emily breathed as she bit down gently on Alison's earlobe.

"Yes," the blonde hissed in agreement as she once again surrendered to her girl.


After making love again, this time slower and more ardently, Emily and Alison finally fell asleep in each other's arms. They spent Sunday morning sleeping in, sharing a late, lazy brunch on the back patio, and taking Pepe for a quick romp to the dog park, before rushing back, throwing off their clothes and locking Pepe out of the bedroom.

Several hours later, Emily's thighs shook as she straddled Alison's head, one hand gripping the headboard and the other thrust into Alison's hair beneath her.

Alison pushed the vibrator deeper into her girl's body, as the forefinger and thumb of her other hand spread her girl wide. The blonde swirled her tongue around and over her mermaid's clit, causing the brunette to groan and drop her head onto the top of the headboard.

Alison slid her hand over and pressed her fingers into Emily's thigh as she held the brunette to her mouth, finally wrapping her lips around the swollen bud, sucking hard and flicking the tip with her tongue.

"Ali," Emily cried out as her orgasm slammed into her and she struggled to remain on her knees. Alison slid the toy out of her girl and let her tongue take its place, thrusting inside, as she brushed her nose against Emily's tender clit, making the brunette whimper above her.

"Stop, no more," Emily pleaded hoarsely and she lifted her leg over Alison's head and flopped back onto the mattress beside her, the brunette's head beside Alison's knees, her feet on the pillow beside Alison's head.

Alison turned on her side and pushed up on her elbow. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and then licked her lips as she smiled at her mermaid. "You okay there, baby?"

Emily's eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head, just barely, as she smiled a soft sated smile. "Never better, love."

Alison laughed softly and kissed her girl's calf as her fingers fluttered up and down Emily's thigh.

The sound of the front door slamming had both girls sitting up and looking toward the closed bedroom door with surprise.

"What the hell was that?" Alison said as she scurried off the bed and grabbed the dress, she wore to the dog park earlier, off the floor and slid it over her head and down her body.

"Who the hell is more like it," Emily said as she grabbed her yoga pants and tugged them up her legs. Alison tossed her shirt at her and Emily pulled it over her head, foregoing a bra.

"Where's Pepe anyway? Shouldn't he be barking? He's the worst guard dog ever," Alison huffed and Emily laughed.

"Maybe its Kira," Emily said as she opened the bedroom door. Alison pressed up against her back and looked over her shoulder and down the hall.

"Kira, if this is you I'm going to freaking kill you," Alison growled but there was no reply.

"Hello?" Emily called down the hallway but there was still no reply.

"Do you want a bat or something?" Alison asked as she gripped her girl's hips and grinned.

"We don't own a bat," Emily reminded her as they walked down the hallway and through the living room.

"You know, we're probably doing the completely wrong thing by walking out here like this? Haven't we seen enough horror movies to know that?"

Emily laughed. "Ali, its fine. There's no one here," Emily said as they looked around the empty living room.

"Including Pepe," Alison observed as she frowned.

Suddenly the sound of Pepe's bark from out front caught their attention and Emily walked over to the front door and pulled it open.

"Em, what the hell," Alison growled at her girl as she grabbed her arm. "Are you looking to get murdered?"

Emily laughed again. "No one is going to murder me, Ali." Emily and Alison stepped onto the front porch and caught sight of Kira and Pepe in the small front yard of their condo playing fetch with his favorite tennis ball.

"What the fuck, Kira?" Alison called as she put her hands on her hips and glared at their friend.

"Will you look at that Pepe, your mom's haven't fucked each other to death after all," Kira smirked as she threw the tennis ball across the yard for Pepe to chase."

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked, ignoring her friend's wise ass remark. She walked onto the grass. Pepe ran over to her, wiggling excitedly and barking as he dropped his tennis ball at her feet.

"I just came over to feed and take your dog for a walk?" Kira said as if it the answer was obvious.

"Why?" Alison scowled as she also stepped onto the lawn, the soft grass tickling the bottoms of her bare feet.

"Well I figured one of two things happened once I dropped Em off last night. Either the two of you made up, and you'd be so busy today wrapped up in each other that Pepe would probably be neglected. Or the two of you had another fight and you," she pointed at Alison. "Were probably burying her body in the backyard,"

"Been there. Done that," Alison drawled as she sat down on the grass, stretched out her legs and crossed her ankles.

"Alison," Emily choked, horrified.

"Get over it, Em. I have." Alison retorted as she shrugged.

"Huh? What the hell are you two talking about?" Kira asked clearly confused. Alison and Emily had never told Kira about what happened all those years ago so she didn't know how inappropriate her joke was. But then again, it was no more inappropriate than Alison's reply.

"I need to be totally drunk to tell you that story. Some other time," Alison said as she waved her hand dismissively.

"Pepe's not being neglected. We took him to the dog park earlier," Emily offered as Pepe came back to her with his ball, dropping it at her feet. She bent down and tossed it across the yard.

"I figured as much when he didn't even get up when I walked into the house. He's still not much of a guard dog, is he?" she laughed as Pepe brought the ball back to her, alternating between her and Emily.

"Hey, leave him alone," Alison defended even as she laughed because it felt like she and Kira shared a brain sometimes. "You'll give him a complex."

"If you haven't done that already, I think he'll be just fine."

"You scared the hell out of us, you know," Alison said. "You could have at least called down the hallway that you were here."

Kira scoffed. "I heard all I needed to hear from the living room. I figured you didn't want to be disturbed."

Emily sat on the grass beside Alison and the blonde leaned over and kissed her girl softly before she said. "So you slammed the door when you left? Real stealth."

Kira shrugged. "The wind did that. Sorry."

Pepe loped over to Alison, head butting her in the shoulder and dropping the ball at her feet. She tossed it away and Pepe chased it across the yard again.

"Well, thanks for thinking of Pepe's welfare," Emily smirked. "But as you can see he's alive and well and so am I."

"I'm very glad to see that, Doc."

"Since you're here, you want to stay for dinner?" Alison said as she leaned back on her hands.

Kira shook her head. "No thanks. I really did just come over to make sure Pepe was okay."

"Come on, just stay," Emily encouraged. "Or are you seeing Todd tonight?"

Kira shook her head. "Nah. He's doing something with friends I guess."

"Well then, you already interrupted us. You might as well stay now," Alison said lazily.

"Your enthusiasm for my company is touching," Kira said as she shot the blonde a look. "What are you having, anyway?"

"Spaghetti Bolognaise," Emily replied and Kira's eyes lit up.

"Oh, that's my favorite. I guess I could make the time."

Emily and Alison glanced at each other and smirked.

"Well, I'm gonna take a quick shower before I start the sauce," Emily said as she stood up.

Alison pouted softly. "Why are you going to do that?"

"So she doesn't offend your company."

"Bitch, you're not company."

Kira tilted her head as she really looked at Alison for the first time. "You do realize you have totally 'I just got fucked hair' happening right now, don't you? Did you even brush it before you came outside?"

"It wasn't really a priority when I thought there was an axe murderer in the house."

"Like you couldn't take on an axe murderer with one arm tied behind your back."

Alison smirked. "Again…been there. Done that."

And all Emily could do was shake her head and sigh at her girl. But she was glad Alison was in such a good mood now, glad their drama was behind them.

"I'll leave you two to your witty banter. I'll be out in a few minutes," Emily said as she started back in the house.

"You gonna take a shower too?" Kira asked as the front door closed behind the brunette.

"Why do you ask? Do you want me to go join my mermaid under the water?" Alison's lips curved into a seductive smile as Pepe came over and plopped himself down on Alison's legs. "Dinner won't be ready for a really long time, if I do that."

"At least you won't reek of sex during the meal."

"You know what, never mind, you're uninvited. You can go home now."

"No way, not when the Doc is making spaghetti bolognaise."

"Pepe, will you please bite Kira?" Alison asked the dog but he ignored her as he chomped on one of his chewy bones that he'd found under the bushes.

Kira plopped down on the grass across from Alison and reached out to scratch Pepe's back.

"Em told me you kicked her ass a little bit yesterday," Alison said quietly after a minute.

Kira shrugged like it was no big deal. "Yeah, well sometimes even the perfect future Dr. Fields ain't so smart to the ways of the world."

"You didn't have to stick up for me you know."

"Bitch, please. If things in the DiLaurentis-Fields household are not right, nothing in the universe is right. It was purely selfish on my part."

"Uh huh," Alison murmured knowingly. "Thanks," Alison added softly, in the sincere tone she, usually, only used for Emily.

"Whatever," Kira waves her hand dismissively. "I owed you one for the night we got arrested anyway. Now we're even."

Alison smirked now, knowing Kira was right. The bitch did owe her. Owed her big, in fact. Almost as big as they both owed Emily, who had been the one to bail them out of that fiasco.

"I take it sending your girl home a little drunk last night did the trick."

Alison's lips curved again and her response was a combination between a purr and a moan. "It was just what the doctor ordered."

"Glad to be of service."

"You know, you write the longest freaking texts in history."

"I'm a teacher. I refuse to bastardize the words of the English language just to make a text shorter."

"This coming from the woman who just said 'ain't'?"

"That slang was deliberate and used for emphasis."

Alison rolled her eyes. "Whatever, teach. So, do you want to see the present I bought Em yesterday?" Alison grinned mischievously as she pushed Pepe off her legs and she moved to stand.

Kira held up her hand and looked away from her. "Sure. But you want to be careful and keep your legs closed there, Sharon Stone? You're flashing the whole neighborhood."

Alison stopped and looked down, realizing she forgot to put underwear on.

"Consider that a freebie." She threw her head back and laughed before turning and walking into the house, leaving Kira to sigh as she looked down at Pepe who gave her a look that she swore said "welcome to my world."


The dawn came bright and early Monday morning and Emily reached over, without even opening her eyes, and slapped her hand down on the alarm when it went off at five forty-five.

She reached for Alison but she came up empty handed, only finding cool sheets where her girlfriend's naked body should have been.

She opened one eye and lifted her head, blearily looking around the still dark room.

"Ali?" she said, her voice raspy from sleep.

Light from the bathroom streamed into the room as Alison opened the door. The blonde was already dressed in a pair of running pants and a tank top. She had one of Emily's zippered sweatshirts on and she was smiling softly as she held up Emily's new shirt.

"Come on lazy bones, it's time to announce to the world who you really are."

Emily sighed as she dropped her head back onto the pillow.

"You're enjoying this entirely too much, Alison."

Alison's grin widened. "I have to say I am. But I can't wait to see you in it." She brought the t-shirt up to her nose and inhaled, smelling her own perfume. "It smells like me; that should make you happy at least."

Alison tossed the shirt onto the foot of the bed and crawled up, straddling Emily's body. She leaned down and nuzzled her face into Emily's neck, inhaling deeply.

"Mmmmm, good, you smell like me, too" she purred. "I worked really hard to get my scent all over you last night."

"Yes you did," Emily moaned softly as she remembered Alison's method of covering her.

"Come on, get up sleeping beauty," Alison encouraged as she tugged the sheets away from her girl's naked body.

A slow sultry smile curved her lips as she took in the sight as Emily rolled over onto her back, tossing one arm over her face, while the other grasped blindly for the now missing sheet.

"I don't want to run this morning."

Alison stood up. "That's not an option, Em. I'm up and dressed and it's time for you to do the same. Your running pants are laid out in the bathroom and I've got your shirt right here."

When Emily didn't move, Alison narrowed her eyes.

"Emily Fields, get your ass out of that bed this instant," she growled and Emily sat up, clearly unhappy. "You are not getting out of this."

"I'm not trying to get out of it. I'm tired today, Ali. I'll wear it when I run tomorrow."

"I can't run with you tomorrow. I have my shrink appointments on Tuesday mornings. You'll wear it today," Alison held the shirt out, glaring at her girl, daring her to argue.

Emily just sighed as she pushed up on her hands and stood up. She wrapped the sheet around her body and walked toward the bathroom, yanking the T-shirt out of Alison's hand as she walked by. Alison looked over at Pepe, who looked at her warily, and waited for the fall out.

It took barely a minute.

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis, what the hell!"

Pepe rose to his feet and scurried out of the bedroom at the sound of Emily's raised voice.

"Coward," Alison scoffed and then she turned to see her girlfriend, in all her naked glory, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, glaring at her.

Alison tried to look innocent but failed miserably as Emily stalked over to her.

"What the hell is this about?" Emily asked as she motioned to her body with her right hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alison said sweetly as she smiled.

"You've covered me in hickies," Emily growled.

"Oh, that," Alison said as her eyes darkened at the sight of the almost dozen red welts she'd left of Emily's chest and breasts.

She licked her lips, the memory of the taste of her girls' skin tickling her taste buds.

"You did this deliberately," Emily accused. "So I wouldn't be able to wear my usual tank top."

"Yes, I did," Alison admitted honestly. "But your new shirt has a nice high neckline so you can wear that."

"I told you already I would wear it. With what you've done I'm not going to be able to wear more than half the shirts I own for weeks. You didn't have to mark me like this."

"What's the big deal Em? I mark you all the time. And you mark me too, you know," Alison retorted as she yanked up her shirt, and her sports bra along with it, to expose her breasts to Emily.

The blonde had three hickies of her own, one in between her breasts, that was clearly old and fading, but she also had two fresh ones from the previous night, one on the inside of her right breast and one on the underside of her left.

"But we always put them in places only we'll see. There's no way I'm going to be able to hide these, Ali."

Alison shrugged as she tugged her shirt down again. Part of her did feel bad, but most of her didn't. "You weren't complaining when I was doing it."

"You're not even sorry, are you?"

"Why should I be sorry?" Alison scowled again and crossed her arms. "I got carried away. I can't help it if I love your tits."

Emily shot her an incredulous look. "Are you really using that as an excuse?"

"What do you want me to say, Em?"

"How about 'I'm sorry I got carried away, Emily? Or how about I'm sorry, even after we made up, I deliberately retaliated because I'm still hurt and mad?' Either one of those would be good as long as they were honest."

"Part of me is sorry," Alison admitted reluctantly and she looked away. "But I'd be lying if I said all of me was."

Emily sighed again. Loving the girl in front of her wasn't always easy. Sometimes it was the most difficult and frustrating thing in the world. Other times it was the easiest. But mostly it was everything, just like the girl herself.

And no matter how difficult or frustrating or easy, it was the one thing Emily would never change or ever be able to stop, even when she wanted to wring her neck.

Emily walked over to Alison and grabbed her ponytail, tugging her head back so Alison was forced to meet Emily's eyes. She could see hints of the remorse swirling in the blonde's eyes, combined with self-loathing, because she knew Emily was right and she should be sorry. And it broke Emily's heart, knowing how much Alison struggled with her demons.

"Don't ever do something like this again, Alison," Emily said. "I know I was oblivious and insensitive about this whole thing but you're just deliberately lashing out at me." Her tone softened now as Alison blinked, moisture pooling in her eyes. "I love you, Alison, and I'll gladly scream it from the rooftops," Emily said, repeating the words Alison had said to her years ago about being gay. "So you don't need to mark me for the world to see. Got it?"

"Yes," she breathed, exhaling a shuddering breath, as she pressed up against Emily's naked body. "God, I'm so hot for you right now."

Emily closed her eyes and her lips curved into a smile as she shook her head. She felt Alison's lips brushing softly against her jaw.

"I'll give you two choices right now," Emily said as she opened her eyes. "You can take me back to bed or I can put on that T-shirt and we can go running."

Alison pouted but she pulled away. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair, love," Emily smiled at the pouty look on the blonde's face.

Alison narrowed her eyes and humphed as she stepped back. "You're not getting out of this so go get dressed. Pepe and I will be outside waiting."


Emily and Alison turned the corner and the brunette slowed down to a jog. Pepe automatically slowed down to match her pace. She and the dog had a system; they'd been running together for years now. Only once in a while did Pepe break the rules and try to continue to tug Emily along at his pace.

Alison turned and started jogging backward in front of Emily, her blond ponytail swaying back and forth behind her.

"Why are you slowing down? You're not having trouble keeping up with me are you?" Alison asked as she smirked.

"I actually wanted to check out your ass but you unfortunately turned around," Emily smirked back and Alison's eyes twinkled.

She was proud of her girl for her quick comeback.

"Well by all means, ogle all you want," Alison retorted as she turned back around and wiggled her ass for Emily's benefit. She wrapped part of Pepe's leash around her wrist, keeping the dog from getting too far away from her.

Emily sped up and slapped Alison on her ass as the brunette jogged past her and Pepe. "And you accuse me of being a tease."

Alison just grinned and caught up with her girl, again moving in front of her and turning around to jog backward.

"You gettin' hot in that sweatshirt yet?" Alison asked innocently as she unzipped her own sweatshirt, well it was one of Emily's, but she always wore it when she joined Emily on a run.

"Nope," Emily replied but her eyes darkened, from their normal brown to almost black, as Alison shrugged out of it, revealing the tight tank top she wore. Her perfect breasts, at least to Emily they were perfect, were bouncing as she moved and Alison moaned softly at the lust filled look the brunette was giving her.

Emily slowed again, down to a steady walk and Alison slowed with her.

"God, when you look at me like that it makes me want to drop to the ground and just spread my legs," Alison moaned as she felt the heat of Emily's gaze spear through her.

Emily grabbed Alison's hand and tugged her closer, gripping her hips and walking the blonde backward as she lowered her mouth and kissed her girl. Alison whimpered and her head fell back, opening her mouth and gasping as the taste of her mermaid hit her tongue.

Pepe loped along with them, trotting at their pace, sniffing the concrete as he ignored them.

The girls kissed softly, continuing to walk in tandem, until finally Emily broke the kiss and brushed her nose gently against Alison's.

"I like it when you come running with me," she said softly, honestly.

Alison smirked after her eyes fluttered open. "Don't get used to it."

Out of the corner of her eye, Emily saw Daren step outside his gate and aim his hose at the low bushes. She brushed her lips softly over Alison's once more before she stepped back and grasped Alison's hand in hers.

"Come with me," she said as she tugged her girlfriend and their dog down the street.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Alison asked curiously, until she saw the guy watering his flowers and her eyes narrowed.

She tried to wiggle her hand out of Emily's but her mermaid would not let go so she let herself be tugged.

"Daren," Emily said his name as they got closer.

He looked over and his face lit up. It made Alison clench her teeth. "Oh, hey, Emily."

Emily pulled Alison against her side. "I want to introduce you to my girlfriend. This is-" she said but at that very second, Alison grabbed the front of Emily's sweatshirt and tugged the zipper down. Before Emily could even finish her sentence or register what she was doing, Alison shoved Emily forward, causing the brunette to stumble and crash right into Daren, who grabbed her arms to stop her from falling flat on her face.

"Ali, what the hell?" Emily cried out but her question was drowned out by Alison's voice and Pepe's growl.

"Read her tits, buddy. She's a flaming lesbian with a girlfriend and you're looking right at her." Alison motioned to herself with a dramatic swirl of her arms.

The guy's eyes widened in surprise and Emily sighed. She stepped back, shaking Daren's hand off her arms as she grabbed Alison's hand, tugging her against her side again. "As I was saying," she continued. "This is my girlfriend, Ali. She's the reason I'm not interested in going to dinner with you."

"You're into girls?"

"Yes," Emily admitted. "I should have told you the first time you asked me out that I have a girlfriend and she's the love of my life." Emily looked over at Alison, her eyes soft and full of love and it made Alison's breath catch in her throat.

Emily looked back at Daren. "But even if I didn't, I still wouldn't have accepted your invitation because I'm a lesbian and proud of it," Emily opened her arms and motioned to the words on her breasts. "So, now that you know, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop asking. Otherwise I'm not going to be able to hold her back."

Alison scoffed and glared at her girl, even though she was vibrating with happiness.

"Well, damn," Daren said as he chuckled. "How's a guy supposed to compete with that."

"You can't," Emily said as she squeezed the blonde's hand in hers. "No one can compete with her."

Alison was so moved by Emily's words she wanted to jump on her girl and drag her to the ground right then and there.

"I can't believe you're a lesbian too." Daren looked at Alison, still wide eyed, unable to hold back his amazement.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Alison pulled her hand out of Emily's and stepped closer as she glared. Pepe stepped forward with her and growled lowly.

Daren shrugged. "You're both so hot."

"Just because a girl is attractive, she has to be straight?" Alison scoffed. "What kind of fucking sexist stereotype is that?"

"No, but it's just … I don't know….odd. Both of you could have any guy you wanted."

"All of you fucking guys are so clueless." Alison shook her head disgusted. "I've gone both ways and let me tell you something. There is nothing better than making love with another woman. I've had the hottest sex of my life with this girl right here," Alison pointed to Emily, who closed her eyes, and braced herself, afraid of what Alison might say next. "And if you can't wrap your little, narrow mind around the fact that we're lesbians, you can just fuck off."

Emily's eyes whipped open and she looked at the blonde, wondering if she realized what she said. But, at that moment, Emily realized it didn't matter anymore. Because, bisexual or gay, Alison DiLaurentis was irrevocably hers.

"You need to respect boundaries, pal," Alison continued, not even giving Daren a chance to respond, as she stepped closer, poking him right in the chest, making him take a step back. "She's told you no several times, so back the fuck off and stop harassing her every time she's on her run, with our dog, after just leaving our bed, still covered in my pussy."

Daren choked out a laugh and Alison's eyes narrowed even further as she and Pepe made matching growling sounds.

"And that's funny to you?"

He held up his hand in surrender. "Just amused by your candor. And as disappointed as I am, I have to say I really kind of like you," he admitted.

"Well I don't like you," Alison retorted as she crossed her arms. "And I don't like you hitting on my girl. Neither does Pepe. This dog may look sweet and friendly but he will protect what is ours."

As if to back Alison up, Pepe growled once more then barked.

"Sweet and friendly, huh?" Daren mused but stepped back into his yard.

Alison smirked. "That's it, baby," Alison cooed to the dog. "You tell him." Then she looked directly at Daren again. "So, are you and I clear? We're not going to have to have this conversation again, are we?"

"Nope, we're crystal clear."

"Good." Alison reached down to stroke Pepe's ears. "Em," Alison said as she looked around for her girlfriend. Only she was nowhere to be found.

"She left a few minutes ago," Daren said still amused.

Alison sighed before turning away without another word and starting to jog down the street again. "Come on, Pepe," she called and tugged on his leash. Pepe barked once more before following.

She was probably in trouble now, but she still couldn't believe Emily just left her there alone with the flower watering predator; without even saying a word.

"Can you believe she abandoned us, Pepe?" Alison asked as she slowed to a walk again once they turned the corner.

Pepe didn't answer. He just tugged her toward the sidewalk so he could pee on a light pole.

"Maybe I did go a little overboard back there," Alison admitted reluctantly to the dog, as they kept walking. "I probably shouldn't have shoved her at him," she mumbled to herself and Pepe barked his agreement.

"What? Who's side are you on anyway?" she snapped at him and he stopped walking, sitting down right where he was on the sidewalk.

Alison tugged on his leash but he didn't budge. "What are you doing?" she asked as she turned to face him.

Pepe barked at her again and she narrowed her eyes at him. "You think I don't know she's probably pissed at me for embarrassing her?"

Pepe barked again, this time a little softer and Alison sighed. She crouched down and he loped over to her, head butting her in the shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I blame you for this, Pepe? Why didn't you just bite him and save me from getting into trouble." Pepe whined a little and tried to lick her face but she pulled back quickly and fell on her ass. "Stop it. I hate it when you lick my face."

Pepe head butted her again and Alison scratched his ears. "Thanks for backing me up back there though," she murmured and kissed the top of his head before standing back up.

"Time to face the music," she sighed as she and Pepe started walking again, quickly increasing into a slow jog, down one more block before turning onto their street.

They found Emily reclined on the grass in their small front yard, waiting for her.

Emily arched her brow as Alison slowed to a walk as she approached.

"Are you and Pepe done peeing on me back there?"

Alison shrugged but didn't meet Emily's eyes. "We weren't peeing on you."

"You were marking your territory," Emily offered, matter-of-factly.

Alison's eyes flashed. "Yes, because you wouldn't do it."

"I was trying to before you shoved me at him. I almost face planted you know."

"Sorry about that," Alison said quietly.

"Come here," Emily said as she motioned for Alison to sit beside her on the grass.

"Why? Are you going to try to smother my face in the grass?" she asked although she didn't hesitate to sit down.

Pepe plopped down on the ground beside them, stretching out on the cool grass.

Emily lifted her arm over Alison's shoulders and slipped her fingers up into the back of Alison's hair, pulling the blonde's head closer as she looked into her eyes. "No," Emily whispered against Alison's lips, kissing her softly. "I just wanted you closer so I could do this."

"Mmmm," Alison hummed, sighing happily, as she gripped the front of Emily's shirt and tugged her even closer.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Alison asked when their lips parted.

"Yes," Emily said. "But even when I'm mad at you, I still ache to kiss you."

"When I'm mad at you it makes me ache to kiss you more," Alison whispered as she reached up and brushed her fingers softly against Emily's lips. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"You didn't. I told you, I don't care what he thinks. But you do know I have absolutely zero interest in guys, right?"

"Yes," Alison breathed as her eyes lingered on Emily's lips as she spoke. Then she shook her head and breathed deep, clearing her head. "That isn't what this is about."

"What it is about then?" Emily asked. "Why do you always get jealous about guys?"

"Because they want you," she admitted honestly.

"And I only want you," Emily replied just as honestly.

Unable to stop herself, Alison leaned forward and captured her mermaid's lips again, pulling her down over her as she lay back on the grass.

"I want to defile you ten different ways right now," Alison purred softly before the kiss deepened and lengthened. She clutched at Emily frantically even though they were sprawled out on their front lawn.

"That means I'd have to take off this T-shirt though," Emily murmured. "And once it comes off, it's never going back on."

Alison bit her lip gently in retaliation and it made Emily moan softly, even as she pulled away and kissed a path down the blonde's neck.

"I have ways of convincing you," Alison breathed softly against her cheek.

"You could always wear it, pink is your color," Emily teased as she swirled her tongue up Alison's pulse point, along the column of her throat.

Alison scoffed. "Not likely," the blonde panted softly against her girl's cheek, arching her back as she squirmed beneath the brunette.

Emily pressed her lips to Alison's ear. "Don't worry Ali, I won't tell anyone you admitted you're a lesbian." She lifted her head when she felt Alison stiffen beneath her, and brushed her lips softly over the blonde's. "It will be our little secret," she whispered as she grinned.

Alison smirked as she slid her fingers into her girl's hair.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

The End...