Mokuba: Miake dies not own any YGO characters (or YGO).

Miake: Miake DOES not Miake DIES.

Mokuba: Sorry, wishful thinking.

Miake: Hmph. I'm taking the keyboard BACK now. No more typing for you.

Mokuba: I'll tell Kaiba that you were being mean to me.

Miake: Go away.


Kaiba: I think Pegasus burned the turkey.

Pegasus: IT'S ON FIRE!

Yugi: Oh no!!!

Joey: Does this mean dinner will be late?

Tristan: Maybe.


Yami Bakura: I think I'll be going back into my Millenium Ring now so I don't DIE!!!

Bakura: Huh, what's going on?

Tea: *runs to the kitchen to put out the fire*

Yami: Now what are we going to do?

Pegasus: Actually, I never was that good of a cook.

Everyone: *beats up Pegasus*

Pegasus: *stands up and miraculously has no evidence of a fight on him what- so-ever* We can always go to a resturaunt.


Mokuba: Can I throw the turkey out the window?

Kaiba: Why?

Mokuba: Because, I'm bored.

Kaiba: Yugi, you can be in charge of him again.

Yugi: *confused and oblivious* Ok...

*Everyone goes to the resturant*

Pegasus: We need a table of *counts* ten.

Yami Bakura: *Comes out of the Millenium Ring* make that eleven.

Bakura: Where were you?

Yami Bakura: Hiding so as I wouldn't get blown up in your little house fire.

Bakura: It was more like a turkey fire.

Yami Bakura: Everyone's a critic.

Waiter: I think we have a table that big. Are you all family?

Joey: I'm not related to HIM! *points to Kaiba*

Kaiba: I'm not related to HIM! *points to Joey*

Waiter: Um, sorry I asked. Are you all here for the Thanksgiving feast?

Tristan: DUH!

Miake: Be nice or he won't give us food or give us the wrong food or charge us extra. You don't know how much power these people have.

Tristan: Whoa.

Pegasus: See, we were going to have a huge feast but I blew up the turkey.

Waiter: Um, riiii-iight. I'll go get the food now.

Mokuba: Is the food ready?

Kaiba: Does it look ready?

Mokuba: I dunno. I can't see the kitchen from here.

Miake: You wanna go snoop around the kitchen.

Yami: I don't think you're alloud to.

Miake: Spoil all my fun.

Yugi: I'd like to go.

Yami: Fine, I'll go too.

Mokuba: FUN!

*Yami, Yugi, Mokuba and Miake leave*

Tea: I don't think Miake is a good influence on your little brother Kaiba.

Kaiba: She's not a good influence on anyone.

Joey: It's not nice to talk about people while they're gone. That's what makes it so fun.

Tristan: You need a life buddy.

*the food comes and Yami, Yugi, Mokuba and Miake are still gone*

Tea: Hmm, I wonder what happened to them.

Bakura: I'll go see.

Yami Bakura: Always being so nice and kind. Why did I have to be HIS Yami?

Joey: Whoa, I think you have some issues man.

Yami Bakura: *throws turkey at Joey*

What really happened to the four that went to "snoop around the kitchen"? Stay tuned for Chapter 8.


Kaiba: At least I didn't get lost.

Miake: I never got to have any turkey.

Joey: Tough. I got all the turkey I wanted.

Miake: And I'm sure you brought me back some.

Joey: Um...heh heh, I gotta go.

Miake: *sweatdrop*

Please review! Thanx