Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.

A/N: The final installment of the story. Finally. Sorry it took so long in coming. Hope you enjoy it. Oh, also, if Carlisle comes off as OOC, just remember, he's not himself right now, so he won't be acting like he does in the books or movies.

I forgot to mention this in the chapter before, but this story was heavily inspired by Indogo1100's story, If It May Not Be Otherwise. I completely recommend this story to anyone out there. Read it. Review. You'll not regret it.

The vampire noble nods in approval and hands back the vial of charcoal, ginger and hayseed. "This should go far in assisting the humans with the new stomach ailment."

"Yes, my lord." Carlisle accepts his experiment and steps aside to let the esteemed Master Marcus continue on his way down the hall. He watches the vampire lord until he can no longer see him and moves only when he cannot hear his footsteps. He doesn't trust the vampires that surround him anymore than he trusts the sun to not expose his true nature.

They watch him as one would a favored pet or amusing toy; something to be tolerated so long as it stays useful or interesting, but discarded once it rebels. He dreads asking for anything, even though he's been commanded to do so. He remembers well a time not so long ago when even a drop of blood came at a high, high cost. The continual burn of silver and mocking laughter haunt his mind, replaying across his eyes like a bad dream. The demands to know where the Gemini is located resonate within him.

You have but to speak and this will all end, boy.

Carlisle shivers as phantom pain arches across his back. He doesn't have scars from his time in America, but the memories are still there and with them, the pain. When Master Aro had taken him from the depths of that house, Carlisle had assumed Master Daniel had given him to another, crueler vampire, one more adept in attaining information. He'd doubted the servants many reassurances that this new master would not abuse him. And while Master Aro does still illicit distress in him, the vampire has never raised a hand to harm him.

Fear not, young one, you are always in my good graces.

Master Aro is kind in his pity, but he seeks something Carlisle fears will never come to pass, the restoration of his friend. The dark haired noble showed him the picture in the Fifth Hall; the one where he, Carlisle, stands in the background. He doesn't remember it. The beautifully dangerous picture elicits nothing but a tiny spark from him. He's stared at that portrait for hours, begging his mind to bring forth anything, but though he feels a slight tingling, a nagging sensation that something should be there, he always leaves disappointed.

He knows it troubles Master Aro that he hasn't succeeded and so he tries as often as he can to think about it. He's sure his master's spies tell him about this, but the leading vampire says nothing either for or against the exercise. Carlisle worries and wonders why that the man hasn't pressed him more on the subject. He used to and then, abruptly, he stopped. Carlisle doesn't know why and that makes him unsure.

He labors, so hard does he try, to please his new master. He doesn't know how long this period of calm will last, so he strives to impress with his many attempts to help the human food source. He doesn't like think of the humans as such, but knows all the others that live here think of the race as nothing more than a tasty cuisine. Master Aro is kinder than Master Daniel and hasn't forced him to drink human blood yet. Perhaps if Carlisle does well enough in his researching Master Aro will not hurt him too greatly when the time for questions begins. Perhaps he will not use silver.

Carlisle knows that time will come. Master Aro has already tried once to get the Gemini's location from him. He doesn't know why the vampire didn't press him for it harder, but readies himself for the inevitable.

"Boy." The head butler, a vampire named Abram, appears beside him. "Lord Aro wishes your presence in his study."

Carlisle's heart freezes within him. It's been months now since the leader has last visited him. Is the wait over? Will he be questioned about the Gemini? He's not sure if he's strong enough to resist this time round. Before, his body knew what to expect and his mind understood to retreat so far back that he almost didn't feel the torments anymore. But Master Aro has spent time and effort and Carlisle is present once more. He hopes he can endure as he did in the past. He prays for it.

"Yes, sir," He bows to Abram and hands over his vial, instead of running as he so wishes to do. The butler has educated him on proper protocols and so he knows better than to flee again. Oh, the vampire didn't beat him, but the hissed words left the same impression. Carlisle is never to try and escape. Ever.

The man takes the vial and waves him on. "Do not keep him waiting."

Carlisle flashes down the marble hallways at a speed only a vampire can accomplish. He arrives at Master Aro's study in less than a minute, having only had to bypass three nobles and a servant along the way. He knocks on the oak doors and opens the right one when a soft 'enter' answers. The door swings wide without a sound and Carlisle steps inside. No one other than Master Aro is in sight and Carlisle's panic spikes.

Always before, when Master Aro summoned him, Master Marcus or Mistress Sulpicia waited nearby, creating a calm atmosphere to the leader's tense one. Of course, the vampire immediately sends them out, but that fact that neither one is here sends shivers through Carlisle. Why has the norm been changed? Has he done something wrong? Is he to be punished for some unknown transgression? What could be so bad that Master Aro feels the need to see him without the presence of another?

Master Aro sighs and puts his feather quill into the ink pot. "She said you would react thus."

Carlisle doesn't dare to move.

The man stands and rounds the table. He fixes Carlisle with a steady gaze and then pours himself a glass of blood. The smell of a young man – early twenties, blacksmith, married – wafts over to Carlisle and he stops breathing. The scent is overpowering, but he's resisted this long and doesn't wish to break his fast. He promised God.

Master Aro sips his blood, staring at him with intense, crimson eyes. He's dressed in a maroon coat of velvet and black, buckskin pants. Not a single crease lines the elegant outfit, not a hair is out of place. "I'd hoped we had passed this stage, young one."

The leader waits and Carlisle forces himself to speak. "M-Master?"

The glass breaks as Master Aro clenches his hand into a fist, eyes bright with anger. Tiny fragments of crystal fly out and fall like snow to the floor. Carlisle flinches and ducks his head in submission, hunching inward. He waits for the blow to remind him of his place, wishing he could curl into ball to protect himself from what is to come. Master Aro made it very clear he detested that title. He insists on 'lord' or 'Aro'. Carlisle has tried to play along with this expectation, even though it goes against everything Master Daniel taught him.

But just now, as his apprehension overwhelmed him, Carlisle forgot. He didn't mean to. His thoughts over the Gemini made him loose focus on everything else. He realizes this isn't a good excuse. It will not suffice and he cannot offer it anyway. To do so would only tempt his new master to ask about the gem again. He doesn't' recall very well where the precious stone resides, just a faint teasing, but he's sure, with enough pain, he can be made to tell.

"I thought we had discussed this?" Master Aro says as he strides over, boots silent against the wood floorboards.

Carlisle trembles, he cannot seem to prevent himself, and whispers, "Yes, my lord."

A gloved finger and thumb catch his chin and bring his face up. The vampire leader's face is devoid of any emotion except disappointment. His perfect body is rigid with suppressing it. The grip on his chin tightens and the air feels cold, despite the blazing fire not four feet away.

"Then why did you do it?" Master Aro asks.

I'm sorry, I forgot. I didn't mean to. Please, please don't so this, Carlisle thinks. That's what he wants to say, to beg, but he knows Master Aro will never accept that answer and scrambles to find a better one. He searches and searches, but finds nothing. He looks into Master Aro's eyes and sees expectation there.

"I didn't mean to," he pleads, desperate to placate the vampire in any way possible. "Truly, I didn't, my lord."

He hears and feels the marble-like skin around his chin cracking as Master Aro's grip grows stronger. The pain is manageable, but he understands that he's pressed the seemingly limitless patience too far. He will be taught harsher lessons now. They will overlap those of Master Daniel until Carlisle might not be able to distinguish between them. Had he the capability, Carlisle would cry, so terrified of the inescapable consequence is he.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry! He wants to scream. Can't you understand, I didn't mean to? That I would never do something to displease you? Please, spare me this time.

Master Aro frowns and lets his chin go. "Sit."

For a moment, Carlisle thinks he means for him to lower himself to the floor, but then he realizes the vampire has indicated the chair near the fire. He darts to it and sits so fast the flimsy thing almost breaks. He winces at that and hopes it will not increase his master's displeasure. The fire crackles beside him, orange and yellow flames flickering high into the chimney. He hears Master Aro step behind him and he concentrates on being very, very still.

Long fingers curl over his shoulders. "Have I not been patient with you?"

Carlisle nods, very aware that those fingers could move in an instant and rip his head from his neck. The fingers squeeze and Carlisle answers verbally. "Yes, my lord."

"Have I not allowed you to drink the blood of your preference?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Did I not give you materials with which to use to further your education of doctoring?"

"Yes, my lord." Carlisle chokes out, wanting to disappear. So this is to be his chastisement. Master Aro will take away his experiments and force human blood onto him. What will happen when he refuses to drink it, as he did Master Daniel? Will he be taken to another dark cell and beaten? Will he be forced to cower at every new sound because it might bring more pain?

"I think I have exceeded the norm." Master Aro says. Carlisle isn't sure if he's supposed to answer that or not, but before he can decide – right or wrong – Master Aro continues. "I have been accommodating to your sensitivities. I have kept Caius from you."

Will he bring Master Caius back to hurt him?

"Indeed, I have even let a few humans go at your insistence." Master Aro slides forward until only his right hand is holding Carlisle's shoulder and he is standing almost in front of him. "Is it too much to ask that you remember my status?"

Carlisle stiffens. "No, my lord."

"And yet you did. Why?" Master Aro narrows his gaze. "The truth now or I shall be quite cross."

And because he's nothing left to lose, Carlisle does just that. "I thought you summoned me to inquire about the Gemini."

Silence answers him and Carlisle doesn't dare look to see what emotions are on his master's face. Surprisingly, the grip on him softens and then disappears. "I see."

Carlisle risks a glance and finds Master Aro gazing into the fire, eyes somehow sad. Something inside him twinges at the sight. Before he can fully think it through he's turned in the chair and clasped Master Aro's gloved hand between his. The vampire startles, twitches really, and turns to him. Carlisle presses on, least his doubts overcome him. He gently takes the glove off and holds the cold hand, allowing Master Aro into his thoughts and mind. "It won't happen again, Lord Aro. I swear."

A smile graces Master Aro's face. "I do believe you mean that, and not as a slave would, but as yourself."


Master Caius has returned, or so the servants whisper. Carlisle makes sure he's in his laboratory as often as possible. He's avoided the vampire noble with great success thus far by doing so. Abram has hinted that Master Aro has warned Master Caius to keep away from him, so Carlisle knows it's not due to his slip in lead vampire's title. Yet he doesn't wish to risk it and puts in as many hours in that little room as he can.

Right now, he's working on seeing if adding silver to the charcoal vial will create a better effect in the humans. The hayseed helped, but Carlisle thinks the silver would do even more. He's careful as he pours the dangerous liquid into the mixture.

Someone opens his work shop's door without knocking and Carlisle realizes he's only delayed the meeting of Master Aro's brother, not averted it. Master Caius winks at him as he closes the door. The vampire stands, leaning against the door, smiling. Carlisle forces himself to place the vial with silver in it down slowly into its chest, hoping the other will not be tempted to use it on him. Master Caius flashes forward, a blur of motion, and Carlisle cringes back.

Master Caius laughs. "I see my lessons were not in vain. I had feared my time in Japan would dim them. But you've remembered, haven't you?"

Carlisle can't seem to move. "Yes, master."

"Oh good, you even retain your place among us." Master Caius says.

Carlisle recalls Master Marcus' words of warning, To yield like this only invites Caius to try harder, and attempts to straighten. He's not sure if he accomplishes that. He doubts it, but pushes on. "Mast – Lord Aro forbad you from coming to see me."

There he's said it, or rather whispered it. He can't really tell, his terrors too great for him to do anything else.

Master Caius fiddles with an empty vial. "But he didn't say you couldn't come to see me, did he?"


"That's why I came as soon as I got your note." Master Caius waves a small paper at his face. "I got it this morning. It's even in your handwriting. Come to the tower at midday."

Carlisle's heart sinks. The script does look like his. How Master Caius accomplished that, he'll never know, but there's no future where Master Aro will believe him now, should he report this.

"I didn't write that," he protests. Not because he thinks Master Caius will accede the fact, but because he doesn't want to admit to the falsehood. He didn't write it and he won't say he did.

Master Caius studies the note and shrugs. "Too bad. I'm here. Now, what should we discuss? It's been so long."

Carlisle darts to the door, but Master Caius grabs his arm and slams him back against the table. The wood smashes against his weight and bits of glass crinkle beneath him. His breath hitches as the silver drips and soaks onto him, but he keeps his eyes fixed on Master Caius. The noble hunches before him.

"Perhaps we should talk about your weak beliefs?" Carlisle winces as the vampire exposes his sharp teeth. "Or perhaps about how you informed Aro of my visits? Thought you were cunning, going through the servants, didn't you?"

Carlisle knows better than to speak.

"No?" Master Caius pouts. "Too bad, I liked those."

The vampire grins and suddenly a hand is coiled around Carlisle's neck. Master Caius leans in closer, his fingers breaking into Carlisle neck, and then all Carlisle can see is Master Daniel. He's back in that dark hole, the smell of human blood and silver surrounding him. He feels the studded whip lash his back and legs. He hears the demands for the Gemini again and again. He struggles as liquid silver is poured down his throat.

And he shuts down.

He stays long enough to tell his mouth to repeat the safe words and then retreats into the shelter of his mind.


There's nothing here.

There's everything.

It's black and cold.

It's bright and hot.

It's soundless.

It's loud.

It's inviting.

It's hostile.

Carlisle ignores that and hugs himself. He doesn't care if it's confusing here. It's safe. No one can get to him now. No one can make him betray…betray…betray who? Who doesn't he want to betray? He can't remember. He tries, but a sharp flash hurts him and Carlisle backs away.

Perhaps he'll try again later.


He's walking along a thin, winding path. All about him are bright flashes of pain, but Carlisle fights through them. Something, he doesn't know what, tells him that if he just gets to the end he will be better off. And so he continues. It's black everywhere but on the path, which is tan with red edging. A faint green light emanates from the road. The colors mean something. Carlisle hopes he'll find that out at the end too.


"Do you know what this is?" a voice asks. Carlisle realizes its Master Aro's after a second.

"A gem?" Carlisle hears himself answer. "Though I highly doubt it's an ordinary one, knowing you as I do."

He's reached the end of the path and has found…himself and Master Aro looking at an emerald stone. The room they stand in is tan in color with red curtains. Carlisle inches closer. He can feel he's almost got the memories. He just needs to reach a bit farther.

"I knew you'd understand," Master Aro says. "It fell from the stars thousands of years ago, when I was but a two hundred old fledgling."

The memory Carlisle, the one with confidence and grace, chuckles. "It must be very old indeed then."

Master Aro throws a mock glare at his companion, but real Carlisle can tell he doesn't mind the taunt. Indeed, Master Aro smiles a moment later and places the gem in memory Carlisle's hands. "It is called the Gemini. Its power is greater than all of the Volturi combined. You remember Rome's fate or, better yet, Pompeii?"

Memory Carlisle sucks in a breath. "This?"


"Its power is truly terrible then." Memory Carlisle hands the gem back, a look of repulsed awe on his face.

Master Aro nods, somber, and places the gem into it black casing. They both walk out of the room, real Carlisle following. They go up, up, up until they exit through a hole. Scrapping echoes and they all watched as the hole is covered over by a flat stone. Real Carlisle recognizes the area. It's the spot just before the three thrones, in the main greeting hall. Master Aro turns to memory Carlisle. "I am trusting you with this secret, my friend."

"You assume much in that trust," memory Carlisle says.

"I assume nothing." Master Aro smirks. "You, of everyone, understand the destruction this kind of power would rain on the world."

"The kind only God should possess."

"So, you see, it is not assumption. I know to trust you."

Real Carlisle strengthens at hearing this. Master…No…Aro…it feels right to say the leader's name thus. As if he's come full circle and found home again. He's spent enough time here. He needs to go back.

Because Aro trusts him.


The inky black is receding now and Carlisle makes out a pale canopy above him. He's lying on soft lumps. He turns his head a little and finds a mahogany chest beside him. He's on his bed, in the chamber Aro assigned him. Carlisle looks further and discovers the vampire lord himself is standing by the open window, resting his chin on a fist as he gazes out onto the streets below. Carlisle can hear the constant tit-tit of rain hitting the window panes.

He doesn't know how long he's been inside his mind. It felt like hours, it could be days. He only knows that the fear that once consumed him has left. That he no longer trembles when seeing Aro. That he recalls all the things they've done together before he left for the Americas.

That time still preys on him and Carlisle's sure he'll never really be free of it, but with the return of his past comes a strength to conquer the present. He rolls to his side and Aro's eyes jerk towards him. The slavish panic tries to surface, but Carlisle beats it down and locks it away for good.

Aro's icy mask drops into place. "I see you have decided to return to us."


"I wondered if you might not." And that's as much an admission to fear as Carlisle will ever get from the Volturi lord. Aro moves away from the window, closing it, and strides toward the door. "I shall inform Abram you are awake then."

"Aro," he pleads. The name alone should bring his friend pause. He hasn't said it since his return from America, since Daniel. That he has ought to alert Aro to a change. It's what his friend has been aiming to achieve. "I just woke up. Are you that eager to leave me?"

The man stiffens and twists slowly toward him. "Carlisle?"

He smiles, suddenly shy and a bit ashamed that he'd lost himself for so long. "Indeed."

Aro doesn't do anything for a long time. He doesn't even move from the door. He merely stares at him with an indescribable look in his eyes. Carlisle lets him. The Volturi lord is trying to gather his shields, attempting to keep his emotions at bay. Carlisle's seen him do it often enough to recognize it. He swings his legs over the side of the bed and sits up.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long," he says, not looking at his friend. He's disappointed that he let Daniel get to him so much so that he gave up. He fled. Aro's been trying to get him back, but now that he's here, Carlisle doesn't know what'll happen.

The Volturi lord is a commanding spirit and appreciates…nay, demands that in others. He doesn't want them to be at the same level as he, but he does demand that his acquaintances hold to their stances. That they not bend to his every whim. There's nothing strong about what Carlisle did. He bolted when he felt the pain was too much for him to handle.

Aro's had more than enough time to consider this twice over. Perhaps that was why he'd stopped visiting him.

A pale hand rests itself on his shoulder. "You always were hard on yourself."

"Not really," Carlisle says.

"Need I remind you that I've been inside your mind before, young one? I know the way you think."

"I broke!" Carlisle snaps. He pushes off the bed with a start and then decides that isn't enough and shoots across the room. He stands, quivering, at the window and runs a hand through his hair. He growls not soon after. "I turned tail and ran as soon as I felt it was too much for me."

"You did."

"I retreated so far into myself that I forgot who I really was."

"True again."

"I trapped myself in a servile attitude and let others dictate how I would act."


Carlisle glares at Aro.

The Volturi lord shrugs. "You still had those passivist views of yours, so you can't say you capitulated all the way."

He doesn't want to acknowledge to that, doesn't feel he deserves the little tidbit Aro's handing him. He broke, plain and simple. He's a coward, just like his father accused. He strikes the brick wall beside him and creates a hand-sized hole. "I broke!"

Aro lets loose a heavy sigh. "You did. But have you even stopped to ask yourself why?"

Carlisle pulls his hand out of the wall, but refuses to answer.

"Fine then, be dramatic. You always were," Aro says. "You fled because you did not want to betray my trust. You could have just granted that vampire the Gemini. You could have walked right in, stolen it, and given it over. And, yes, I'm not fool enough to think I would have doubted you. So, the Gemini would now be in hostile hands, you would be my enemy, and the world would probably be on the brink of death."

Carlisle shakes his head. "Now who's being dramatic?"

Aro materializes beside him. "I suspect we both are."

"Not an inaccurate assumption." Carlisle slumps. "I truly am sorry, my friend. There didn't seem another way."

"I know."

"Perhaps…" He trails off, not sure if Aro will take his words as the half-truth, half jest they are. He thinks it too soon to pretend nothing's changed. But it's an honest idea. He does mean it.

Aro places a hand on his arm. "Perhaps?"

This is his friend and if he doesn't forgive and understand him, then all is lost. "Perhaps I should take Marcus up on his earlier offers of self-defense."

A brief pause and Aro laughs. "He will be glad to hear you say it."

That Aro is too goes unsaid but known. They stay like that, side by side, at the window. They watched the humans scurry out of the rain and into the buildings. Carlisle doesn't know what the future will bring him. Whether he will stay in Volterra now or venture out again after his confidence is rebuilt. He cannot say for certain. He does know Aro will support his endeavors, regardless if they include his 'passivist ideals'. And for that, because Aro does what Daniel never would, Carlisle will always be loyal to him.

And that's it. Hopefully, I did this story justice. Let me know what you think. Please. Reviews rejuvenate me. :D