**I do not own Vampire Diaries or the characters within it.**

Stefan kissed Caroline's bare shoulder as her naked body shuddered, trying to calm itself from their most recent encounter.

"That," he breathed into her ear, "was incredible."

Caroline shivered again underneath this beautiful man, her body responding to his words when her mind was unable to. She tried to breath evenly but seemed to stumble as Stefan's fingers trail over her hips, his front pressed soundly to her back.

"Care?" he whispered tenderly.

Caroline tried to laugh but it came out more as a stuttered gasp. "Amazing," she breathed, trying to gain some sort of coherence back.

Stefan chuckled, trailing kisses down her backside, smiling as he goes. He tipped her hips to the side and fell behind her, wrapping his arms around her body from behind her. She fell willingly, snuggling back closely to her love as he slipped out of her and held her close against him.

"You are better then I could have dreamed," Stefan murmured against her back, his breath hot against her skin. His arms tighten around her body.

Caroline pressed back and smiled. "You're not so bad yourself, Salvatore," she grinned, closing her eyes as Stefan nuzzled her neck.

"Caroline," Stefan murmured, his breath heating against her ear and she tried to stifle her giggle, knowing what they just finished doing. He couldn't possibly go again with her, could he? Her body vibrated with possibility.

"Care, Jesus, I do love you madly," he muttered, his lips pressed firmly to her hairline. Caroline did her best to even her breathing as Stefan pressed himself more firmly to her.

"Mmm," she hummed back to him. "You want to show me how you feel again, babe?"

Caroline blushed at the nickname she just released, but the embarrassment quickly subsided as Stefan growled against her ear.

"God, I love being a vampire," murmured against her neck, pressing her front into the mattress. "And I love you, Care. I have never known love the way I love you."

Caroline arched her spine in response, her words lost at Stefan's ministrations over her body.


"I literally cannot even describe it," Caroline said as she gripped her cup in her hand. "That's how incredible it is. I can't even describe it."

Bonnie grinned back at her, beaming with excitement as they both sipped at their respective drinks on the grass in the park. Bonnie's smile was so bright, Caroline couldn't miss it.

"What?" Caroline asked, trying not to smirk at her friend's reaction.

Bonnie's smile widened if that was even possible. "It's nothing. It's just…" she looked down into her mug, "that is literally exactly the way I feel with Jeremy."

Caroline's eyes sparkled, meeting her best friend's eyes and grinning like a fool. "How the hell did we get this lucky, Bon?"

A genuine, deep, rumbling laugh came from Bonnie and Caroline smiled wider at her friend, the joy spilling out of her pours.

"I have no idea, Care," Bonnie giggled, "but I love it. My god, I love feeling like this."

The two girls laughed almost manically, the both of them feeling giddy at their silly discussion. It was the type of discussion you could only have with your best friend.

"Girls!" Caroline and Bonnie turned to find Elena hurrying toward them, wiping her hand across her forehead in earnest.

Caroline grinned up at her. "Elena!" she shifted over and made a place for Elena. "Good. Now this can be a real best friend meeting."

The three girls looked at each other, then all burst into laughter at once. Caroline doubled over, her cheeks aching from smiling, her body shaking uncontrollably. Bonnie laughed audibly, her bright teeth shining as she giggled at her very best friends. Elena fell next to them, her body collapsing in hysterics, not realizing how much she missed laughing with her very best friends.

The girls continued to giggle, clasping each other's hands, trying to finish out the laughter.

"Oh god, we need to get it together," Elena coughed out, her shoulders still shaking with giggles.

"No shit," Bonnie murmured, her smile still obvious as she tried to collect herself.

"When was the last time we were all this happy?" Caroline asked, forcing herself to control her laughter.

The three of them eyed each other and then collapsed back into laughter.

"Never," Elena laughed hardily, trying to catch her breath. "Never have the three of us been this utterly happy."

The girls looked around at each other, then Bonnie stood.

"Girls, I love you so much. You are my very best friends." She eyed the ground then looked back up to her friends. "But what the fuck are we doing here? Let's go home to our respective men."

The women looked to each other, then each gathered up their things and took off in different directions to their paramours, still stifling laughter. They hurried off to their love ones. To their happiness.

Caroline was the first to send a text as she got in her car.

I love you two so much


Bonnie and Elena both looked down to their phones. They each smiled.

XOXO girls


Dinner soon, bests


Caroline smiled too widely as she made her way back to mansion. Things truly couldn't better. Nothing could go wrong now.

Could it?

**I do not own Vampire Diaries or the characters within it. This may or may not be the end of this story… What do you think? Thank you for all the support on this story you guys, I REALLY appreciate it! Love from MssmithLove!**