"Fairy Tail? What are you talking about Saotome only wizards can be members of a guild and you are no wizard" Nabiki stated dryly.

"You really are slipping Nabs" Ranko began, Nabiki's gaze narrowed to a glare at the mention of that nickname "Just because you've never seen me use magic doesn't mean I can't use it" she finished, cradling her daughter close to her breast.

"Do you really expect me to believe that in all the time you've been here you've been a wizard and never once let on to it, yeah right" Nabiki responded, sarcasm dripping in her tone.

"Believe what you want" Ranko sighed, her gaze returning to her baby, love glowing in her eyes.

"Ranma, how are the…err…parent to the dragon?" Gajeel asked,

"One, it's Ranko, I'm Ranma's sister, we share his body and came to the arrangement that when in female form I take control and when male he's in control, though while we were here that was put on hold for a while and two, we are her parent due to a side effect of Ranma's first attempt to control his curse by shifting from male to female, he did succeed eventually but not before he fertilised my egg and ended up laying it" Ranko explained.

'Yeah and by hell did it hurt' Ranma muttered beside her.

"Curse?" Wendy questioned.

"Jusenkyo, a standard procedure water activated curse that causes to change genders when coming into contact with water at certain temperatures" Ranko explained.

"That still doesn't explain how you managed to lay a dragon egg" Gajeel stated.

"Not me, Ranma" Ranko countered.

"Just tell me how" Gajeel pushed, growing tired of this.

"He told you we were far more than a Dragon Slayer, dwell on that for a while, now if you excuse me I need to go pack" Ranko stated before moving to head upstairs, Genma and Soun blocked his path.

"Where do you think you're going boy?" Genma snarled.

"You are honour bound to marry my Akane" Soun roared.

"I've told you a hundred times I ain't marrying that pervert!" Akane roared.

"One, I'm a girl not a boy, two I'm honour bound to do squat mom is the head of the clan and has already said that she would gladly dissolve your engagements if I asked her too, though only after little Melody arrived, three Soun has already said he won't have wizards in his house so I'm clearly not welcome and four, I'm NOT RANMA, I won't take your abuse" Ranko roared, her pupils slitting and her skin growing scaly.

Genma turned to his wife.

"No-chan please say it isn't true, if he doesn't marry Akane the schools will never be joined" Genma wept.

"Genma I do not care whether this dishonourable school is united or not but if it means so much to you simply teach Akane the style and make her your heir as well, job done" Nodoka stated.

"No, it isn't that simple Nodoka this marriage was arranged while Genma and myself were in our early twenties, before he and you wed and I won't allow it to be dissolved because your son can't commit and fulfil his duties of honour" Soun roared, using his demon head attack against Nodoka, it made little difference been an illusion of Ki it paled in comparison to the true monster before him.

"Fail…to commit…to complete duties of honour…to use such words against us is a death wish Tendo" Ranko spat, her scaly skin turning blue, eyes radiating anger, Melody looked up at her mother, her own skin converting into scales and turning blue, her smile never fading.

Ranko grit her teeth, exposing her pearlescent fangs, her muscle density growing, her none-existent nails growing into sharp claws.

'No Ranko we cannot reveal our true nature to them' Ranma interjected.

'Sorry Ranma but you know…to say such things after the last year…is a death wish…after all he and they put us through, give me one good reason we shouldn't bury Nerima' Ranko spat back.

'Do you really want to celebrate Melody's birth by becoming a monster?' Ranma asked, Ranko froze, stunned by his words, Ranma reclaimed control, her body shifted back into his, the scales changing to a dark black in colour, his cyan eyes now scarlet.

Melody began to imitate her father, her own scales turning black and eyes turning scarlet, Ranma halted his transformation and reverted back to his human form.

"I would apologise for my sister's actions though in my opinion they were justified and you got off lightly for using such dangerous words Tendo" Ranma stated.

"How dare you speak to me that way Ranma, I took you and your father in, we struggled to make ends meet because of your appetite and fights, because of you Akane has nearly died countless times, how dare you say such things to me when you owe us so much for the hell you put us through" Soun spat, finally breaking and unleashing all the grief, all the anger and pent up rage from his wife's passing, from what his daughters became, though his own fault and from Ranma and Genma's arrival and traditionally, all aimed at Ranma.

"Hell? You haven't seen hell" Ranma stated before approaching the Tendo matriarch, cradling Melody against his chest so she wouldn't see him. His eyes returned to their scarlet colouring, the temperature around them seemed to drop. Nodoka approached him and took Melody from him, cradling her so she couldn't see her father for she knew what he was going to do, it was one of the first lessons Shadow taught him.

"Aura Of Darkness" Ranma roared, a black aura surrounded him and expanded before consuming Soun, his screams echoed around the room as he endured the horror the aura brought, it soon dispersed. Everyone just looked at Soun, now curled into a ball on the floor, shaking.

"Behold the power of the 'Aura Of Darkness' it forces the victim to be surrounded by darkness and face their deepest and darkest fears after magnifying them a hundred fold, so understandably it is known for breaking even the toughest of men, if exposed to the attack for too long it will shatter the victims spirit" Ranma explained, his eyes returning to their natural colour and the aura around him diminishing.

'That maybe true Ranma but that isn't all, the user of that attack is also forced to endure their own fears and worst nightmares…why did you have to teach him that Shadow?' Nodoka mentally wept.

"Ranma how dare you attacking my father!" Akane roared, charging towards the pigtailed boy, calling fourth her mallet, what happened next no one could predict, Kasumi stepped in blocking the attack, Akane brought the mallet down, unable to stop her swing.

"Stop!" Kasumi cried.

"Sky Dragon Roar" Wendy cried, striking Akane and sending her flying through the back wall and outside, she stopped her attack and slammed her hand over her mouth, blushing as she averted her gaze in shame "I'm sorry…I didn't mean to…" she drifted off.

"You don't have to apologise…Wendy was it?" Ranma asked, she nodded timidly "Wendy, you don't have to apologise, if you hadn't stepped in…I don't think Kasumi would of survived that attack" he finished before turning to the elder Tendo.

"I'm sorry Ranma…but I couldn't let my sister hurt you again…especially not now that I know what you're truly capable of" Kasumi said before turning to face Ranma.

"What do you mean?" Ranma asked.

"What I mean is now that I know you've been holding back big time I can't let Akane hit you again…now I know for certain if you retaliated and now I know you would after what you did to father…you could take it too far" Kasumi averted her gaze "She's been physically, emotionally and even mentally abusing you since you arrived, if like her you got lost in rage…" she drifted off.

"If you knew what your sister was doing then why didn't you stop it?" Nodoka questioned, her gaze narrowing and her pupils slitting.

"Because I knew Ranma could take it, if I stopped her from taking out her aggression on him and it built up…I was worried of what would happen if she took it out on someone who wasn't trained, like someone she bumped into at school…she'd be a time bomb" Kasumi explained, never looking Ranma or his mother in the eye.

"I understand that…it's the only reason I let her hit me" Ranma admitted, Kasumi nodded as if confirming her own assumptions.

"Ranma why don't you go pack before there's any more interruptions" Nodoka stated, Ranma nodded and began to head towards the stairs.

"Hey, Kasumi care to give me a hand?" Ranma asked, raising an eyebrow, Kasumi blinked in confusion before following after him, Genma blocked his path.

"No Ranma you're staying here, you're going to forget all this magic nonsense and marry Akane" Genma stated.

"The engagement is null and void, I will never marry her and I will never give magic up, besides if I married her I'd be breaking the hearts of two girls I gave my heart too long ago" Ranma stated before pushing past Genma, Kasumi followed after him, Genma's hands became fists, he gritted his teeth before turning and glaring at his son.

"Ranma I challenge you to a match, I win you stay and marry Akane tomorrow and forget about this magic nonsense, you win and you go free" Genma spat, Ranma paused, his father was already on his last nerve.

'Take the challenge and fry him' Ranko said in a tone of excitement. Ranma turned to face his father, noticing a smirking Nodoka, still cradling Melody, watching them.

"As heir to the Doragon School Of Anything Goes I accept your challenge" Ranma stated proudly.

"The what school?" Genma questioned.

'There are only two schools of Anything Goes, the Tendo style and Saotome style so what the hell is he talking about?' Genma mused, his mental tone one of confusion.

"The Doragon school, what? Don't tell me you thought Happosai only ever had two apprentices" Ranma chuckled.

'Another Anything Goes school, when did he learn of that never mind become the heir of it, I've never even heard of that school?' Genma wondered.

"What? Don't tell me that the knowledge of me been someone else's heir changes your plans to fight me?" Ranma chuckled.

"It changes nothing" Genma spat before heading outside, Ranma followed after him, they took their positions , several paces away from each other.

"So who will judge our match?" Ranma asked.

"I'll judge it" Kasumi volunteered, stepping onto the porch.

"Fine, here are the rules Ranma, only moves of the Anything Goes styles are allowed, no magic, no killing but other than that it's anything goes" Genma stated as he assumed hiss fighting stance, Ranma assumed his own.

"Whatever you say old man, on my honour I will not use any moves no approved by my style" Ranma stated, his pupils slitting.

'Oh I'm going to enjoy this' Ranma thought to himself, his tone one of victory.

'You're not the only one who'll enjoy this brother' Ranko prompted, wearing an eager smirk.

"Begin" Kasumi stated.

The two combatants launched at one another in a flurry of punches and kicks.

Nabiki approached Nodoka and sat beside her, sparing Melody a glance, the baby, having reverted to her human appearance was trying to grab a few locks of her grandmother's hair, Nabiki resisted the urge to smile at the adorable site and returned her gaze to Nodoka.

"Doragon?" Nabiki asked.

"My maiden name" Nodoka answered, fighting her own desire to fry Genma after discovering he'd forgotten his own wife's maiden name, Nabiki's eyes widened.

"You studied under Happosai?" Nabiki questioned in shock, Nodoka giggled at the notion.

"No, I would never study under him…by brother though, he's another story" Nodoka remarked.

"You're brother?" Nabiki questioned.

"Shadow Doragon" Nodoka answered.

"I didn't think you had any siblings" Nabiki pushed, recalling how when she looked into Ranma's mother's side of the family all she could find was Nodoka and no one else.

"We're good Nabiki, just think even with your digging and connections you couldn't even learn my maiden name, so don't just assume just because you couldn't find any mention of siblings doesn't mean I don't have any" Nodoka answered, inwardly smirking as she took in Nabiki's shell shocked expression.

'What the hell is going on here? Did I wake up in the twilight zone or something, since when were the Saotomes so good at keeping secrets' Nabiki mentally screamed in frustration.

Genma dropped into the umi-senken (1) Ranma jumped back and assumed a defensive stance, allowing his eyes to close as he stretched out with his enhanced sense of hearing, searching for his father. Lightly inhaling as to search for his scent, his eyes snapped open.

'Behind me' he leapt into the air, just in time to avoid a punch from Genma as he dropped his technique. Ranma turned in the air to face his father and began to charge his fist.

"Thunder Dragon Iron Fist" Ranma roared, his hand was soon consumed with lightning and he dived towards his stunned father, his fist striking the bald marital artist in the face, he flew back as the force of Ranma attack forced his face out of the way and for him to strike the ground, the shockwaves generated forcing him to fall into the koi pond and activate his curse, Genma stumbled back to his feet.

'Idiot, should of stayed down' Ranma mentally muttered.

'Nah, I'm glad he got back, means I get to watch him get his ass handed to him some more' Ranko chirped.

Genma held up a sign.

~The rules were no magic 'spin' you used magic 'spin' so I win~ read the sign.

"How'd he write on three sides of two sided sign…he doesn't even have a pen?" Wendy asked in disbelief as she began applauding him like a child at a magic show, Carla sweat dropped at this.

"Wrong panda the rules were that we can only use the moves and techniques of our style and my style is the Doragon School Of Anything Goes and magic is at its heart, it may have come from the freak but Uncle Shadow adapted it to better suit our family, in other words magic is a legal attack" Ranma stated, taking on his fighting stance once again, this time an offensive one.

"Ready to continue or do you wanna throw in the towel" Ranma stated, wearing his signature smirk.

~Don't get cocky boy~ read the sign as it was once again spun, Genma sent his son a death glare, inwardly fuming how his son had manipulated him and was using a technicality and the fact he was unaware of his style to his advantage. Nabiki looked on, her eyes widening in surprise.

'Since when did Ranma fight with his head?' she mentally gasped, wondering how the apparent dumb martial arts jock had pulled all this off and kept so many secrets, even from her.

Ranma launched at Genma. launching into the Amaguriken, landing hundreds of punches to his father's gut within minutes, Genma leaned forward in surprise from the force of the punches before raising the wooden sign and smashing it onto Ranma's head, the head shattering into splinters from the force of the hit, Ranma leapt back, his hand pressing against the back of his head as he gasped in pain.

'Curse that panda and his fucking thick hide' Ranko muttered.

'Language' Ranma stated, recalling what he saw on a nature documentary a few weeks earlier on how thick a panda's hide was and how it could endure powerful electric shocks and only feel the slightest tingle, mentally cursing he'd forgotten that and had forced Genma to take on his cursed form, giving him the upper hand.

Genma charged at Ranma once again, claws raised as confidence surged through him, seeing that for the moment Ranma's normal techniques wouldn't aid him.

'I guess electricity won't work...so how about fire?' Ranko suggested, Ranma's smirk returned.

'I like the way you think sis' Ranma praised.

'I know' Ranko responded smugly, Ranma positioned his curled fists at his mouth.

"Fire Dragon Roar" Ranma roared. releasing a tornado of flames from his mouth that soon consumed the soaking panda, once the attack stopped where once was a charging panda was now Genma in human form (2), running around, screaming, his GI on fire, much to the amusement of those watching. The bald martial artist dived into the pond, the whole thing smoking as the cold water came into contact with the raw heat of Genma's body, he crawled out of the pond, once again in his cursed form, burned, singed and even smoking, his glasses cracked to near the point of shattering. He struggled back to his feet and turned to face his son once again, adapting an offensive stance.

'No matter what you do Ranma I will not lose, the schools will be united' Genma inwardly swore.

'Damn it, as soon as he's human again he jumps into that bloody koi pond' Ranko cursed.

'Language' Ranma stressed.

'I'm seventeen I can curse if I want' Ranko stated.

'And now you're a mother' Ranma countered, Genma charged at his son once again, Ranma began to weave in and out of the strikes, considering how he should counter, scanning over all the attacks he'd learned and mastered, he soon had his answer and his smirk grew. He continued to dodge the swings as he guided the panda into a spiral.

'Oh I'm going to enjoy this' Ranko muttered gleefully as she rubbed her spiritual hands together as she watched her brother lead Genma closer and closer to the spiral. Smirking as she knew that Ranma was planning to use Genma's own anger and determination to unite the schools to both defeat him and destroy his dream once and for all.


'Why isn't he fighting back...just a few minutes ago he was launching several attacks and now he's just evading those pathetic attacks...how did he even use attacks from two different Dragon Slayers' Gajeel mused, his gaze locked on Ranma as he continued to dodge the attacks, retreating rather than attacking.

Nabiki too noticed the sudden change in tactics, her eyes widened when her gaze tracked the movements of the pigtailed martial artist, recognising the technique as the same one he used to take out Mousse, Happosai, Kuno and the principle after having his strength sapped, it was one of his more powerful moves and one he rarely used because of it. Her body stiffening as she recalled the tornado he had conjured at school.

"I see you recognise this technique" Nodoka stated never looking away from her son, Nabiki only nodded in response.

Gajeel picked up the conversation, glancing in the direction Nodoka and the middle Tendo before returning it to the fight, eyes widening when he the power began to radiate from the duo.


They reached the centre of the spiral and Ranma brought up his fist and delivered a powerful uppercut to his father's jaw, the panda was thrown back just before the hurricane eupted around them, towering the Tendo household and consuming both combatants, the onlookers gawked at the display of power, Genma was thrown from the hurricane and slammed into one of the surrounding walls, going right through it and slamming into the pavement. The hurricane dispersed now that one providing the hot Ki was gone, Ranma landed gracefully once the winds died down.

Ranma turned to face the panda shaped hole in the wall, his gaze narrowing when Genma rose back to his feet and stumbled back through the hole and towards his son, his arms hanging loosely at his sides with slouched posture, a sign hanging in his paw.

~The schools will be united~ written upon it, it dragged along the ground as Genma continued to approach his son.

'When will he learn to stay down' Ranko muttered.

Ranma ignored her and approached his panda of a father, his hand forming a fist before shooting up and he delivered a powerful right hook to his father, Genma's head span round, a tooth shooting out of his mouth before he fell back to the ground and was finally claimed by blissful unconsciousness.

"Ranma is the victor" Kasumi declared.

'We're finally free' Ranma mentally muttered, exhausted from the fight, he turned and headed back into the house.

"Care to help me pack Kasumi?" Ranma asked, Kasumi nodded and followed after him as he headed upstairs.


The duo entered the room and began placing the small amount of Ranma's possessions into his pack.

"Kasumi...why do you put up with your father's prejudice view against wizards?" Ranma asked, Kasumi stiffened for a second but long enough for Ranma to notice.

"Because he's family" Kasumi answered.

"Kasumi that's more of a reason for you to not take it than to endure it" Ranma commented.

"What do you mean?" Kasumi asked.

"Drop the act, I sensed your magical aura the minute I came to the Tendo dojo but since you seemed to avoid using magic like the plague I decided not to probe" Ranma stated, Kasumi let out a tired sigh.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm a wizard, have been a years but since father doesn't approve of them I kept it to myself" Kasumi admitted.

"Why not just tell him? I'm sure he would accept you" Ranma added.

'He'd be too scared not to, it would make Akane the household cook' Ranko remarked.

"Ranma, my mother was a wizard, she taught me about magic...she never told father though...but, she died on a job when she went after a wizard from a dark guild...so as you can imagine if he found out his eldest daughter also studied magic, went on jobs, was a member of a guild...he'd be rather unpredictable" Kasumi explained.

"You're a member of a guild?" Ranma asked, trying to leave the topic of the Tendo's mother.

"Phantom Lord...I haven't been to the guild hall in years, so I guess I'm note really a member anymore...usually I just pick a job up from Tofu's clinic" Kasumi explained, Ranma nodded, recalling occasionally seeing job requests up at the clinic, not too surprising considering the martial artists Nerima turned out.

"Well...if you want to be a member of a guild again you could always come with me to Fairy Tail" Ranma proposed, knowing that since Tofu left Kasumi was rather lonely, then again thanks to her family the only person she could ever socialise with was Tofu who went insane the minute he heard her voice, but thanks to her cleaning and cooking for her family the only she could leave the house was to go and pay their family doctor or see what injury Akane had sustained.

Kasumi smiled as Ranma's words reached her.

'Maybe it is time for a fresh start' Kasumi mused.

"I'd like that" Kasumi answered, they soon finished packing Ranma's possessions, it didn't take long, Kasumi then headed to her room to pack her own possessions.

A/N Certainly a tad longer than the others, doubt many more chapters will be this long in this fic, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and please review.

(1) I hope this is how it's spelt.

(2) Do to the intense heat of the flames the water upon Genma heated up before evaporating, but was present long enough to trigger his curse.