Hey guys! This is my first ever story and I've had this idea stuck in my head for a while. I hope you guys like this!

You know those cliche movies exactly like the notebook? The ones where a person meets their quote on quote Soul Mate and send half of the movie doing romantic type shit with them? Then some strange occurrence separates them for years on end. And finally they meet up again in their adulthood, rekindling those feelings that seemed to have never left them. Happily Ever After, right?

I hate those damn movies.

They make every single female believe that it could happen to them.

Poor unfortunate souls.

Contrary to the popular teenage girl belief, you will not meet your Prince Charming or your Chad Michael Murry when you're younger. Your high school sweetheart will absolutely not, despite some cases, end up being your forever.

So can we please, please stop teaching this to our youth?

I've lost count how many times I've went to Starbucks or to the mall and overheard girls gushing over the typical guy: The football player, the popular guy, the head honcho. And quite frankly, it really makes me want to throw up all over myself.

Yes, I understand this may sound bitter of me, but I stand firmly behind my belief.

Now you may be asking why I sound like such a negative Nancy, so I'll tell you. Let's start from the beginning, yeah?

My name is Tori Oliver, I share a condo in Tampa with my two friends Emmett and Juliana, and I am a Elementary school teacher. Nothing really exciting, right?

Anyway, my hatred for these movies started when I was in the sixth grade. My parents had moved us from Seattle all the way to Pensacola, Florida for some stupid job that they couldn't seem to turn down. Starting in the middle of the school year was tough, but I thank my two best friends for getting me through it. Emmett and Julie had sat with me on my first day and the rest is history.

This story really starts when my mother had met a friend at work, who just so happened to live on the same street as us. If I remember correctly, and I do, her name was Patricia Anoa'i. From what I remember, she was a nice lady with a just as nice husband, Sika. They had two sons, Matt and Joseph. Matt was a nice guy, he and my older brother Jackson became immediate friends in high school. Joseph was a few months older than me, and he was an absolute asshole.

He and his twin cousins, Jonathan and Joshua, loved to football at the park, and loved to play pranks when they weren't doing that. Jon and Josh were nice, they had their moments though. It seemed everyone in that family were nice, welcoming people.

Well, except for the spawn on the devil, Joe.

You may think I'm exaggerating, and I kind of am. He wasn't all that bad in middle school, but when he joined the football team in high school, he felt like everyone owed him something.

I hate those types of guys.

Now I'm not going to lie, he was a good looking guy. He started going through puberty in middle school, but it wasn't until high school that he started to... grow. Out of the blue he grew muscles and shot up well above six feet. The kind of guy every girl wanted to be with, and every guy wanted to be.

But everyone knows you could be the most good looking guy in the universe, but if you have a bad personality, you lose all cute points.

I'm dragging this out, aren't I?

Anyway, to put it simply, we hated each other. He ignored me at school and turned his head when the cheerleaders, or anyone at the top of the food chain, treated me like absolute shit. He was on top of the world, and lord knows he couldn't bother himself with us peasants.

There you have it, my life story. The guy I wanted to notice me the most, don't tell anyone I said that, didn't. Joe wasn't my Noah from The Notebook, and sure as hell didn't sweep me off my feet. He didn't meet me in the middle of the dance floor at any of the school dances, and he didn't kiss me at graduation. He ignored me through everything.

So that is exactly why I hate those stupid movies, those dumb ass fairy tales.

Because they give you nothing but false hope and you end up spending the rest of your life wishing you didn't waste your precious high school years on anyone that didn't do the same for you.

I know it's short, but it will for sure get longer once I get into the story.
Should I keep going?
I appreciate your feedback!