Chapter 3

[Kise's POV]

It has already been weeks after that match against Haizaki. I would be lying if I said I'm not affected at all. I was still a bit bummed up from the defeat. Though, I've reverted back into my old self now and currently waking one individual who's now starting to get conscious.

"Kise-kun?" she asked groggily at me after I shook her to wake her up.

"Ohayo, Hanacchi!" I greeted and looked at her, "Time to rise and shine!"Snatching the cover from her since I know that she'll just dismiss me.

Yup. I'm on her house today. Her parents were kind enough to give me a spare key and give me their trust. Whenever there are mornings that we're going late, they let me wake their daughter up and drag her out of bed. I asked permission from her parents to take her out today.

"Kise-kun! We don't have any classes today! Give me back that! It's cold!" she whined and tried to snatch it away from me. Her failed attempt made her fall from the bed and dive face first into the floor, "Ah! Damn it. Kise-kun, look what you did!" she hissed in pain as she rubbed her forehead which apparently now has a lump.

I laughed in amusement, "S-Sorry, Hanacchi. I-It's just that w-we have to go somewhere t-today! Pfft!" I tried to say while trying to stop myself from the laughs about to escape.

Pouting, she stood up and looked at me, "Where?"

I just winked, "It's a secret." And pushed her into her bathroom, "So you better hurry and wash up! Don't you dare fall asleep on the toilet! That's gross."

"Yes, Mother." She rolled her eyes and her sarcasm was laced on her voice as she went into the sink and started to brush. I left her alone with her morning rituals and patiently waited for her in the living room. I was watching the TV when she got downstairs.

I looked at her, "No, not that!" I immediately went to her and pushed her back to her room.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"We're going somewhere special so you should wear something more…decent than that!" I cried. She was wearing a faded baggy shirt with equally faded jeans.

"Hey! These clothes are pretty decent to me!" she was offended and she reluctantly went inside her room.

"They are to you but not to me. Change into something else!"

"Fine." She said reluctantly and opened her closet, looking for something before turning to me and suddenly asked me a question I never expected her to ask,

"Wait. Are we going out?" she asked innocently and tilted her head.

Upon registering what she said, I looked at her stunned. "U-Uh, No..N-n-not really like tha-t b-but.."I couldn't find the right words.

"What are you getting flustered up for? I meant, are we going out to shopping?" she looked at me nonchalantly before grinning, "Or are you implying something else? My, My. Kise-kun, I didn't know you have a crush on me." She slyly bat her eyes at me and I found myself blushing so bad.

'Am I too easy to read?' my mind was in panic mode and anything I try to say were coming out in nervous stutters, "N-No way! It-It isn't like that! I-it's your f-fault beca-because you-" It seems Midorimacchi's tsundereness affected me!

She shrugged and smiled cheekily at me, "Just kidding. You can go out now. I think I've found what I was looking for." She started making shooing motion and I complied immediately. I was too glad to leave from that room. My heart pounding in each step I take towards the living room.

"Calm down…Calm Down. "I muttered to myself and breathed in and out continuously. Was I too obvious? But how? Was I giving too much hints? Or maybe she noticed the effort I put into my getups just to impress her? Or maybe…

Am I unconsciously flirting with her? O_O



'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' I moaned internally and started tearing my hair again. I noticed that I always tear my hair nowadays because of her. And eventhough I try to deny it, more contradicting possibilities get into my mind.

"Oi! Are you okay?" Hanacchi's voice brought me back to reality.

I turned to her only to be stunned, "Yes. I was just- -"





Damn. Why haven't I noticed those freaking legs before? They're so….WAIT! What am I even thinking? SHE'S MY BESTFRIEND. But it's just that I can't help noticing how different she looks now that she's wearing…cool clothes. The ripped skinny jeans hugged her leg's curves on the right places, giving a little glimpse of skin. (Why do I sound like a pervert here?) The layered black sleeveless tank top with an inner white tube shirt hugged her perfectly. The brown ankle boots gave her higher height and somehow, it suited her. Her hair is combed nicely, her face had a little face powder and I think she put on a little lip balm since her lips are a little bit shiny.

She looks completely…gorgeous.

"Kise-kun?" she asked again, snapping me out of my trance.

"Uh-Uh. Yeah. I-I'm fine. That suits you." My mind was getting unsteady and I felt my face heating up again. Where the hell did my smooth talk go whenever I need it? TT_TT

She chuckled, "Thanks. Been a long time since I wore these, quite uncomfortable but I'm getting used to it."

"W-we s-should go." I got her hand and led her to the door, willing the redness in my face to go away by not staring at her a little bit much. It's not my own car, by the way. Akashicchi was kind enough to provide us a car that'll fetch us and drive us home.

Once we got inside, we engaged in light chatter about a movie we watched before, talking about some unnecessary and embarrassing details. (Like when she accidentally spilled soda on the one next to her and when I tripped on the stairs, causing my popcorn tube to ricochet straight to some gruffy and buff man who looks ready to kill). We were laughing a lot.

"Oh, and where are we going again?" she asked. I've been avoiding the topic a lot ever since we got in the car.

"No way I'm telling you. It's a secret. You can guess if you want. " I answered.

"You're taking me some place I'm not familiar with. How am I supposed to guess?" she retorted grumpily and I chuckle.

"There are always road signs to look at." I pointed out. Then again we're on an isolated route where cars rarely pass.

"Too lazy to read." She muttered sheepishly. 'Like I thought.'

"It's your fault then." I hummed and looked at the road, thinking if we're still on the right path. As far as I know, the road gets narrow and trees are supposed to be on the side of the road, making them stand tall and give shade to our car as we pass. So that means, we're going the right way. As we pass through, the trees got lesser and before we knew it, the path we were just on became a one way road. Something caught my eye suddenly, though.

An old bridge connecting our road to another denser forest.

I don't really understand why I felt something…something familiar when I looked at it. My mind is trying to sort out something but I just brushed the thought off and

shrugged. After some time, we finally reached our destination.

"Wow. Who's mansion is this?" she asked in wonderment as she scanned around. The gate and front door have a significant distance so it took us five minutes just to walk towards the front porch.

I didn't answer her and instead opened the door," To my bestest friend, Hanagasaku Kagachie.."I left it hanging in the air and cleared my throat before continuing, "I'd like to greet you-" and opened the door.

"OTANJOUBI OMEDETTOU, HANA!" Everyone greeted in unison. The front door led to a large hall. A banner was hanging on the two stairs which are on opposite sides leading to a second floor, the words: 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANA!' –FROM TEIKO Basketball club in big black bold letters. It was decorated with hanging festive looking decorations and balloons. Frankly, I think they went a little bit overboard with that one.

She was quiet for a moment before fully making it into a huge smile from ear to ear, "Arigato, Minna-san!" she said with tears welling up on the corners of her eyes.

"Eh? Hanacchi, why are you crying?" I asked in panic, Is there something wrong?!... I actually thought about all of this, Of course I needed some help from Momoicchi who I think was good at this things. She didn't disappoint me and made quite a good job at helping me. Was this enough?

"I'm…I'm just so happy."She chuckled and immediately wiped the tears with the back of her hands, "It's tears of joy, Baka!" It was playful and she laughed.

"Ahhh…I'm hungry." Someone in the crowd said a little too loud and we sweatdropped. It was one of Murasakibaracchi's complaints again. Hanacchi didn't take it offending though and brushed it off.

"Well, let's have Chie-chan blow the candles then!" Momoicchi suggested cheerfully and everyone agreed.

We went inside and went to the dining room where the birthday cake was. There were three more cakes which were for the club members to devour (But I'm having thoughts about Murasakibaracchi's sustenance though. Would those cakes be enough? -_-) After singing her a birthday song and she blew the candles, everyone got their own cups with juice on the air.


"KAMPAI!" everyone cheered and toasted, laughter erupting after taking a drink.

The mood created was good. It was one of Akashicchi's mansions. We used it since all members are invited. Did I ever mention there are hundreds of members? Figures why the mansion was a little bit full. A lot of guys that I don't even recognize were here and are even greeting Hanacchi like they were long time chums. I'm a little bit irritated but I managed to keep it in. She greeted them back politely by their names so…

"Do you even know those guys?" I whispered.

"Nope." She answered sheepishly and looked at me, "Do you?"

"Me neither." And we started to laugh at our weirdness. Birds of the same feather really flocks together, huh?

"Ki-chan! Chie-Chan!" Momoicchi greeted and hugged Hanacchi tightly.

"Ah. Can't b-breathe." Hanacchi croaked out, making Momoicchi loosen up a bit, "Gomene, Chie-chan."

They started chattering and I was left there, completely out of place but it didn't last long though. Momoicchi said she still had to do some preparations for our parlor games and that we have no choice but to participate.

"See you later then!" the pink haired female waved and walked off.

"Wonder what she means by that?" I asked in curiosity.

I was replied by a giggle, "It means something interesting will happen later." She winked at me. I could hear my heartbeat accelerate again. Did I ever have the same effect on her whenever I send her winks? I wonder…More importantly, what does she mean by that?

As it turns out, Hanacchi's term of interesting is equal to embarrassing. Like Pocky games between the club members(which are sometimes, boy and boy…-_- That's creepy and somehow disgusting..) [A/N: Not really. ;)], blindfold and truth or dare games, and some really weird and embarrassing games which produced a drunk Kurokocchi(Kawaii! :D), Aominecchi(he was talking about idols again) and even Midorimacchi!(He was swinging from side to side and started talking about lucky charms again which resulted to others being weirded out by him.) :D

I don't know what happened to Akashicchi though, but one drunk club member threw a pie on his face.(Minutes later, that club member was out of sight and a scream was heard upstairs at some room we didn't dare look at. Only God knows what Akashicchi did. -_-) and Murasakibaracchi was enjoying himself at the table, shoving food in his mouth to his heart's content. As for me? I drank a little bit. I don't want to puke on Hanacchi when we get home, that's really humiliating. -_- So I took it lightly and just took some shots. Hanacchi was enjoying herself a little too much and started recording and taking photos of everything, laughing her lungs out and doing some of her wicked antics. I smiled at her evident happiness and cute childishness.

Finally, it was time to go home. After taking a picture with the almost all drunk members, Hanacchi and I bid goodbye to everyone and got into the car. Once inside, we started conversing again and watched some videos from the party. We were laughing like idiots again in the car.

"Ahahahaha! Midorimacchi tripped and threw the toy frog [A/N:Remeber Kerosuke, anyone? xD] on Aominecchi! Ahahahaha!" I tried to say in between laughs.

"Ahahahaha! Aomine-kun spilled beer on Kuroko-kun and made him drunk! Wahahahaha!" she continued and we were trapped in laughter and amusement.

I was having difficulty in stopping my laugh, "Ah..Ahahaha..My stomach hurts!Aahahah-AHHHHH!" I was stopped in mid-laugh when the car suddenly halted to a stop, pushing the both of us forward but good thing that we got a hang of ourselves and stopped from tumbling forward.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Let's find out. " Hanacchi answered and opened the door, getting out of the car. I did the same and we found the driver opening the hood of the car, looking at it in a grim face.

So I repeated my earlier question. He answered us in an apologetic tone, "Sorry about the inconvenience. It seems something was broken and was leaking fluid from the car." He explained but continued, "But don't worry. I have my tools on the car so it'll be fixed. It might take a while though." He assured.

Hanacchi and I looked at each other and shrugged, "It's alright, really. We're not in a rush." –Hanacchi

The driver smiled, relieved, "Thank you for your patience. I will start fixing it now." He walked off and got something from the car.

"What do we do now?" she questioned as she sat on the seat of the car, the door was open so she could sit on the seat sideways and was facing me who's now standing in front of her.

"Don't have any idea, either. Besides, your phone's dead. Not much of an amusement either." I reasoned out.

She sighed and lied on her back on the seat. Mumbling about how bored she is. I'm just as bored as she is either so I looked around until my eyes landed on the bridge I saw this morning. The familiar bridge. I looked at it curiously…the gears on my mind working again.

"Wanna explore that?" she suggested eagerly beside me.

I looked at her, "You sure that's a good idea? We might get lost." I pointed out.

She pouted at me, "Killjoy. I was just suggesting since we're dead bored! Besides," she slyly grinned at me, "There's a spark of curiosity on your eyes. " she nudged me on and I just sighed, defeated.

"C'mon." I invited and took her hand like a parent taking his daughter's hand. (MY CHEEKS, PLEASE DON'T BETRAY ME!) She, of course, trudged along eagerly like a 10-year-old going to some amusement park she's about to discover. We asked permission to the driver FIRST and he said he didn't mind as long as we get back early and not get lost.

So we gingerly crossed the old bridge which was only made of vines and some wood planks. Holding hands tightly, my hand clasped hers which were petite, soft and warm against mine. Honestly, it felt right. As if our hands were meant to be that way, to fit together perfectly. We twisted and turned, with me leading the path, and her, marking where we've gone through as not to get lost. And as we navigate our way inside the denser forest, my feet carried me to some random directions as if they've been here already, as if they're already familiar with this place. My mind can't really understand why but I feel a sense of nostalgia at every step, feeling surer at every stride forward. But my sure steps didn't make us faster -_-..It was already dark when Hanacchi broke the silence.

"Where are we going?" Hanacchi asked puzzled and maybe, curious as to why I seem to move in a relaxed and not eager way. More like in 'sure' and confident strides.

"I don't really know but right now.." I then saw something glistening just behind the trees where the path we are walking leads to.

"I feel as if I've been here before." I finished and turned to her, only to receive a skeptical look. I shrugged and dragged her with me, towards that place just behind those trees.

We stared at the place, shocked and awestricken. In both wonder and enchantment…

It was a field full of moonflowers on their full bloom, emitting a enigmatic glow on the place as if it was filled with magic. There was a lake as well, glistening crystal clear as it reflects the full moon. Trees stood tall and swayed with the wind, creating clapping noises that harmonized together with the creaking of the crickets, inviting the both of us in an entranced-like state of both awe and amazement.

"This place is beautiful…Enchanting." Hanacchi muttered while looking around, absorbing every detail of the place, "How did you know this place?"

I don't…




/"Ryou-chan…Isn't this place beautiful?"/

/"Hai! How did you know this place?"/

/"Well, this is a secret between the both of us, alright?...I just explored this forest and saw this. It's my birthday gift to you…a memory. Besides, now that this place is our secret, let's make it special…"/




"Kise-kun?" she said in a worried tone.

"No-Nothing. Let's take a sit." I said and pulled her with me. We sat near the lake, still surrounded by flowers, and dipped our quite tired feet on the cool water. It was refreshing.

She was cold though so I took off my coat and covered her with it. She smiled but her eyes were tired and started to droop a bit so I put her head on my shoulder.

"Arigato…Kise-kun." She said softly, sincerely. The serene smile on her face, not leaving.

I smiled back, "Don't mention it."

/"Promise me…you'll bring her to this magical place."/

"I almost forgot my birthday today." She admitted sheepishly, "My parents and I were supposed to celebrate it once they come home so…Nevermind that. Thank you so much for everything."

/"Who's her?"/

"You're welcome." I answered and closed my eyes, wanting this moment to last forever.

/"The girl of your dreams. The girl you truly love…The girl you will forever cherish the way you cherished me as well. "/

"You're the best…" she muttered sleepily, having a hard time to stay awake..

/"I don't really understand…but okay then!"/

"This is the best birthday I ever had." She complimented.

/"This is the best birthday I ever had! I love you…Oneechan!"/

"You're the bestest friend I ever had." She finished and finally let sleep take its toll on her body.

I smiled sadly…

Guess the girl of my dreams is my bestfriend, Oneechan?...

The girl that I finally fell truly in love with but…




I saw too late in a different light…