Title : DOLLS

Theme : Horror/Romance/Drama/Mystery/Comedy/Friendship/Comfort/

Pairing : Many, depends how the story goes. The story will be shouenai/BL/Yaoi just to warn you all.

So I not sure who Alibaba would end up with but i have some thoughts and let me think your thoughts and about Aladdin as well. When i see your idea i will see how the story will go.








RenKouhakun - Thanks i wanted have Alibaba have moments with everyone even Kouha.

Death Penalty - I'm amazed myself lol. I saw a music video with dolls so i thought why not make a story with my favorite anime.

Dragon of Yin and Yang - Will do.

Crucifix HiME - I like horror, I like horror movies even though i end up scaring myself lol. Horror is a theme that not much put in Magi fanfic so i gave it a try.

EminaRukiax - The last line is by Hakuryuu.

Thanks for the reviews and enjoy this new chapter. This chapter is a bit short but i promise next one will be longer.


As a boy Alibaba's parents were always busy and didn't have time for him. One day they moved into a new house and there while the boy was wandering around finds two dolls in a box. The boy began playing with them everyday. His parents aren't too happy about a boy playing with dolls. Time goes by and strange things happens in the house and the parents realize the dolls are behind it all and decides to move away. Alibaba is sadden when his parents hurried him away before he could get his dolls. years later the boy is grown up and moved back to the city and hears about the house and somebody living there and it's some people the boy knows very well.

Chapter 10 - Regret

One night Alibaba couldn't fall asleep so he got out of bed to get a glass of water. He was sure one of three would also wake up since they usual do when he does things like this but they didn't wake up. The blond looked at where the three were sleeping, they were in there doll form. There was something different about them and they were glowing a bit. Now that Alibaba looked at them closely he recalled something like this happening in the past.

"That means they won't wake up until tomorrow afternoon."

Alibaba walked toward the living room and looked out the window. This was his chance to do something but he didn't know what he was supposed to do. His life was so complicated, he thought things would be normal if he came back here but things got worse and he didn't think these three would still be around. The three were not so bad it's just they don't see things in the same way he does.

As he was thinking these thought he thought he saw somebody outside with blue hair and there was only one person he knew that had blue hair. It was the one who was afraid to be near this house. Alibaba wanted to ask him some things so he rushed out the door.

"Aladdin." He called out.

"You're still alive. I see." Aladdin said.

"Why are you here?" Alibaba asked. "I thought you didn't want to go near this place."

"I don't. As you can see I'm not really near the house and beside its safe today."


"Aladdin hides a lot of things and says things that may confuse but I know that he knew those dolls from the way he spoke back then."

"Say if the boy and the dolls met. How do you think things will be like?"

"Why are asking me that?"

"I don't know but I'm just a bit curious. You could say." Alibaba smiled.

"I don't think the boy would be able to do such a thing. He probably wouldn't want to meet the dolls that killed his family."

"Killed." Alibaba looked shocked.

"It's nothing." Aladdin said.

"I guess you're right." Alibaba let out a fake laugh.

"Don't you think you should escape now that you have the time?"

"I could always do that. But I don't want to leave them alone. I feel if I did they won't be able to think straight and I need to teach them nothing is always bad in this world. Plus they made me feel that I had friends when I first met them. I mean since my parents weren't really around."

"And the fact that my parents didn't like me that much."

"You're really strong. I don't think anybody is like you and I'm that boy isn't either."

After they conversion Aladdin was walking home and thinking about his talk with the blond. He thought if things had been different would he still be able to stay with those dolls. The little boy that Aladdin was adored the dolls. His favorites was the sibling dolls that he had, he wished he could go back when it was all fun and games.

"Because of those events Kougyoku almost died saving me and in result of that she lost her memories and her eye sights."


"Yunan." Aladdin looked straight ahead surprise to see the older man. He wasn't expecting to see the guy here. "Why are you here?"

"You were a bit late so I decided go get you."

"Yunan. You worry a little too much." Aladdin smiled.

The two walked home side by side. Yunan was the only one that Aladdin could trust now, with anything. He was there for him when he needed him the most, when everything went wrong for him Yunan was there.

"Yunan, I think I want to talk to Kouha."

"Are you seriously asking me this?" Yunan didn't like the sound of that. His eyes glowed with anger, it was also the first time that Yunan looked that way that it scared Aladdin.


"We are not having this conversion and you better not do anything stupid!" Yunan yelled. Aladdin didn't like this, he made Yunan anger and it made him sad. He didn't want Yunan to leave him alone. Aladdin hugged Yunan from behind.

"Please. Don't leave me. I won't do anything so please don't be anger with me." Aladdin had tears rolling down his cheeks.

Yunan turned around and hugged Aladdin.

"I'm glad you understand." Aladdin didn't see it but Yunan had smile on his face. A smile that could kill.

After some time the blue-haired boy fell sleep in Yunan's arms so he carried the boy in his arms and took him to his room and put him on the bed.

"I'll protect you from anything." Yunan stroked the boy's hair and put the blanket over him. "You don't have to worry about a thing."

Alibaba felt something strange, he wasn't sure what it was but it wasn't anything good. He was in his room trying go back to sleep but he couldn't. The talk with Aladdin was also in his mind. The words that Aladdin had said was stuck in his head.

"I'm sure that Aladdin isn't afraid of them."

"The way that Aladdin spoke of the dolls sounded like they were humans."

Alibaba toss and turned but in the end he didn't get to sleep. He looked over at the dolls that had their eyes closed. The blond took his pillow and blanket and laid beside the dolls. He felt a bit safer with them beside him. They might not want to do things that could get him in danger or even interact with people but even so Alibaba loved these dolls as a child and he didn't want to leave them behind. He had to make them understand that world isn't as bad as they think it is. His parents are probably the reason why they dislikes this world and people. He could understand why this all happened. He started and he was going to be the one to stop it.

"Aladdin, probably never wanted to get rid of you guys." Alibaba closed his eyes shut and finally went to sleep.

"I wonder how Aladdin was feeling at that time when he had to do lock away the dolls he loved so much. If it was me I think I would regret it for the rest of my life since it was the friends I had played with since I had nobody around. Even if you loved your parents they can't give you the same fun as they do."