AN: Sorry for the extreme delay in posting this chapter! A number of reasons for the delay. I'm hoping to go back to school in January to finish my BA so I've been dealing with student loan bullshit and that's been a pain. I've also needed to finish some knitting projects and I sooooo wish I could write and knit at the same time because that would just be EPIC, I need a stenographer! And then just the usual writer's block.

The biggest problem I've encountered now is the love triangle with Arthur, Merlin and Mordred but with some advice from a friend and readers, I think I've found a solution for the problem! I hope you like it. This chapter is ridiculously long, nearly 10 000 words but there was a lot to get in it despite the fact that I feel like nothing happened this chapter lol I'm really not doing a good job of making this sound like a worthy read am I?

Thank you for reading and reviewing! Happy reading!

Chapter Seven

He wasn't sure where he was when he finally came to an hour later. Mordred slowly blinked his eyes open and stared at the stone ceiling in confusion, trying to figure out what happened. Had he fallen asleep? He frowned as he sifted through his last memories. In a flash, it came back to him. Asking Merlin to heal him, begging him to and then the pain. God the pain was so bad; he realized he must have passed out. Nervously, he reached up to touch the wound on his chest, rolling his shoulder to test just how bad it would hurt. He was surprised when there was next to no pain at all and his fingers only ran over a patch of dry scabs.

"How are you feeling?" Merlin asked, startling Mordred fully awake. He was sitting in a chair beside the bed and looked worse than he had ever seen him look before. Dark circles ringed his icy blue eyes making him look even paler than usual and his normally red lips had been drawn into a tight line of pale pink. His black hair stuck out everywhere but matted on his forehead from sweat and he sat, slouched in the chair.

"Uh, ok. How about you? You look terrible..." He said and sat up, using both his arms to push himself up and revelling in having the use of his right arm again.

"Just took a lot out of me," he answered tiredly, watching the other's movements carefully.

"I'd say," he paused and briefly looked away, "thank you Merlin..."

"Does it feel better?"

"Yes, it feels amazing," he answered honestly and lifted his arm and then opened and closed his fist, "it feels like normal now."

"Good," he smiled, truly looking relieved and Mordred held out his hand to him.

"Come here," he invited and before Merlin could protest, he leaned over and pulled the smaller man onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around him and Merlin melted into the embrace. Mordred buried his face in Merlin's neck and drew in a deep breath, memorizing the smell of smoke, dirt and apples that was Merlin.

"You should sleep," he told Merlin, running his fingers through the matted hair and pushing it back off his forehead. Merlin looked up at him with tired eyes and nodded.

"I should go," he agreed but Mordred shook his head.

"Stay here tonight," he whispered, his lips brushing against Merlin's ear.

"Mmm I don't think that would be very wise," he shuddered pleasantly and a small smile tilted his lips up. Mordred's thumb was brushing against those perfect lips before he even realized what he was doing.

"Why? Stay here, I promise I won't try anything," he teased with a wink and Merlin's cheeks flushed an adorable pink. At least there was color in them again, he thought worriedly.

Merlin shifted so that he was sitting comfortably between Mordred's outstretched legs, his back resting against the other man's chest and leaned his head back on his shoulder. He was so exhausted. Using his magic like that had completely drained him. It wasn't that the spell was too complicated but the tentative control he had over it had been the challenging part. He hadn't expected Kilgharrah's resistance either and he had to battle against the dragon's will in order to use it. He was sure the next time he called the Great Dragon he would get an earful about using the spell again. But he had done what he needed to do and he had to admit, he was glad that Mordred would be coming with them on the mission.

"Gaius might come looking for me," he answered finally, revelling in the feel of Mordred's strong arms around him. He briefly wished it was Arthur's but then immediately felt guilty for even having the thought. Arthur wasn't here, Arthur wasn't the one who wanted to hold him, who wanted to kiss him and mark him as his own. Mordred was the one who wanted to do those things and Merlin wanted him to.

"Nah, I'm sure he's gone to bed by now," he insisted further and Merlin was too tired to argue. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"K," he murmured tiredly.

"Here," Mordred pulled the blanket back beside him and carefully moved Merlin onto the empty space beside him. Merlin tucked his arm under the pillow and curled up on his side, his back to the Druid as Mordred tucked him in. He listened as Mordred got up and he could tell he had blown out the candles even from behind his eyelids. He felt the bed shift as he got back in and then wrapped himself around Merlin from behind. His strong arm snaked around his waist and pulled him to his chest and pressed his face against the back of his neck.

"This ok?" He whispered, his breath hot against Merlin's neck and he nodded.

"Yea, it's ok," he whispered, leaning back into the cool warmth that was Mordred. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax. He was safe with Mordred and a part of him felt like he would always be safe with him. Despite everything he had with Arthur, Mordred was his own and there was something special about that that couldn't be ignored.

The knock came loudly the following morning, jolting both men out of their deep slumber and Merlin scrambled off the bed in a panic. Waking up in an unfamiliar bed with the alarmingly loud banging had his blood racing and panic rising in his stomach.

"Just a second," He called out as he tripped on the sheet and fell to the floor. Mordred was scrambling awake just as pathetically as Merlin, and he was struggling to pull his shirt back on.

"Hi," Merlin greeted as he wrenched open the door to reveal Sir Leon and Arthur, both looking like they were about ready to break down the door.

"Merlin! What are you doing in here? Why was the door locked?" Arthur shouted, pushing past Merlin and storming into the room. Desperately, he fought to think of a good excuse.

"I wanted privacy when Merlin was dressing my wound last night," Mordred answered for him, voice completely calm as he walked out from behind his changing screen, fully dressed. "And then I was really bored, having had spent so much time just sitting around that I might have insisted that Merlin stay and read to me. He fell asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake him but I completely forgot about the locked door." He explained, spinning the lie with the elegance of a spider.

"I see," Arthur said, his shoulders releasing their tension slowly and he glanced over at Merlin who was now standing between the two men, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Sorry sire," he apologized, "I must have over slept..."He glanced down at the floor, trying with everything in him to keep himself from blushing.

"It's fine," he shrugged it off, not wanting to waste time scolding Merlin; he could do that later. "Go get the horses ready, we're leaving as soon as possible."

"About that my Lord," Mordred said as he stepped forward, "I've been cleared to be able to accompany you, if you'll have me."

"Are you certain?" Leon asked, frowning at Merlin, "you could barely move your arm yesterday."

"Absolutely, I'm healing exceptionally well and Gaius has already given his permission." He lied and Merlin shot him a quick glance. Gaius was so going to kill him.

"Fine," Arthur nodded in agreement, "hurry up, we need to leave right away then." He ordered and Merlin gave Mordred a quick glare before disappearing out the door.

He ran back home, bursting into the door and racing into his room.

"Good heavens Merlin!" Gaius shouted in surprise, dropping the herbs he was holding as his charge startled him.

"Sorry!" He shouted over his shoulder. He grabbed his bag and quickly stuffed a few extra clothes inside it.

"Where were you last night?" Gaius asked as he stopped in the doorway to Merlin's room.

"I fell asleep in Mordred's room. He... he convinced me to heal him a bit more..."

"Merlin! Tell me you didn't..." He pleaded in the tone that clearly said he already knew the answer but was desperately hoping he was wrong.

"I did and he's coming with us on the investigation." He told him honestly, there was no point in hiding the truth from him. He finished packing his clothes and pushed past the older man and went into the kitchen where he began packing several bottles of medicinal herbs. He always took some with him on these kinds of trips, he was expected to as the physician's assistant.

"Merlin you idiot!" Gaius exclaimed in annoyance, "how could you be so foolish?!"

"He was never going to regain full function of his arm again Gaius!" He defended his actions despite the feeling that Gaius was right.

"You don't know that!"

"Actually I do but I don't have time to argue with you about this right now. I've over slept and we're leaving right now. I'll explain it to you when I get back," he told him and grabbed half a dozen apples and threw them in his pack except for one which he bit into it. He waved goodbye to a sputtering Gaius and raced down the corridor to the main entrance. The other servants (the ones who were actually good at their jobs) already had the horses saddled and packed and Merlin was eternally grateful. He still didn't have his full strength back and the idea of having to saddle a bunch of horses was exhausting.

Mordred came out of the castle a few minutes later, fully dressed in his armor. His crimson cloak billowed behind him, the wind tossing his black curls and Merlin's stomach flipped as he was struck with the incredible beauty that was Mordred. He was like the apex of a hurricane, the center of a storm and Merlin felt completely out of breath just looking at him. He nearly choked on his apple when Arthur slapped his back.

"Come on Merlin, we don't have all day." Arthur instructed and Merlin managed to get up onto his horse without making a scene.

"Glad to see you're feeling better Sir Mordred!" Sir Elyan greeted the youngest of the knights with a grin as he rode beside him.

"I am too! Gaius is a miracle worker," Mordred said, making a point to turn the attention away from Merlin's assistance and onto the well known healer. No one would question Gaius' ability to heal what had been a nearly fatal wound in such a short time.

"He really is," Sir Leon agreed, eyeing Merlin suspiciously, "I must admit I was rather surprised to see such a drastic change overnight." Merlin looked away from Leon and spurred his horse into a slow trot so that he could catch up and ride beside Arthur.

"Ah, Merlin just has that way with people," Gwaine piped up casually but he was hoping that Leon would let it go. He would never admit to Merlin that he knew his secret; he figured Merlin would tell him when he was ready. So Gwaine played the role of ignorant knight just like the rest of them but was always the first to come up with a way to explain how Merlin couldn't possibly have done anything incredible and thus keeping him out of the spot light he so often thrust himself into. It was truly amazing how powerful and wondrous Merlin was with his magic and yet he could be the stupidest person Gwaine had ever seen before with the way he blatantly preformed magic. Then again, Gwaine was pretty sure that everyone else was equally stupid if not even stupider for not noticing it. He sometimes wondered if everyone knew about his magic and like Gwaine, chose to say nothing but he didn't think they were that good of actors. Leon was definitely suspicious of Merlin at times and Gwaine frequently had to assure Leon that he didn't have magic. The knight often came to Gwaine, asking him about the servant since the two of them seemed friendly and time and time again, he would have to persuade the older knight that Merlin was nothing more than a simple manservant.

Merlin rode up next to Arthur, offering him a kind smile when the king glanced over at him but the smile faded at the dark expression on the other's face.

"Is everything alright?" He asked in a hushed tone, not wanting the other's to hear.

"Everything's fine," he replied in his usual 'I'm not ok but I'm too much of a man to admit I have feelings' way which only made Merlin press harder.

"Arthur about this morning..." Merlin said, having noticed that Arthur's mood had been rather foul since their encounter earlier, "I'm sorry that I over slept and wasn't there to wake you..."

"I don't care about that," He spat in annoyance. It was true, he really didn't care. He had gotten so used to Merlin always being late that it had become a part of his morning routine. He almost always ended up waking up before Merlin actually came in and then would pretend to be sleeping only to give him grief for waking him up and then he would get on him for being late. It was just another one of their rituals they had developed over years of being together. Together, he thought. They weren't really together, not in that way anyway but in some ways, they kind of were. If Arthur was being honest with himself, which he tried not to be on most occasions, Merlin was his other half. He cared about Merlin more than he cared about anyone else in his life really and so when Merlin had opened Mordred's bedroom door and revealed he had spent the night, he couldn't help the jealousy that swallowed him whole. He knew he didn't need to be jealous, that not only was Merlin not his, but he had no reason to believe anything was happening between Merlin and the other knight. Still, the feelings of jealousy left a sour taste in his mouth and mood.

"Then... what's the matter?" Merlin asked again and Arthur felt like throttling him. Why couldn't he just leave him alone to sort out his feelings? Because he was Merlin, that's why and he wouldn't love the idiot if he wasn't annoying the hell out of him. He sighed heavily and glanced over his shoulder at his knights who, sensing that the king needed a moment of privacy with his manservant, had all fallen back several paces leaving a good ten foot gap between them.

"Nothing's wrong Merlin, I'm just worried about these disappearances. I'm worried that Morgana is behind them and it'll mean if she's on the move." He confessed. It was true, he was worried about his half sister and he knew Merlin was too and that this was the perfect distraction for him.

"I'm worried too but I know that whatever she throws at us, you'll defeat her." He boldly stated and Arthur shook his head, amazed at Merlin's unfaltering faith in him.

"How can you be so sure?" He asked, glancing over at him anxiously and Merlin met his gaze with his own bright blue eyes and smile.

"Because you're King Arthur. You're the only true king of Camelot, no matter what Morgana believes in her diluted thinking, she could never defeat you." He said it so easily, as if it was as clear as the sky above them and Arthur's heart warmed with gratitude.

"I swear Merlin, sometimes you sound like you're actually wise..." He said in a tone that resembled awe. Merlin scowled at him, pleasantly annoyed with Arthur's inability to see just how smart he actually was but he was quickly humbled as a large overhanging branch caught him across the chest and unsaddled him. He fell to the floor of the forest in a ungraceful heap with a loud "oomph!" and Arthur laughed.

"Forget what I just said," he corrected himself between laughs as Merlin got up and brushed the leaves off himself. He pouted up at Arthur, his ears burning with embarrassment. The king continued to laugh and kicked his horse on. The knights had caught up with them now and they chuckled from their seats as they passed Merlin who was just managing to get back atop his own horse.

"That was really graceful," Gwaine remarked with a teasing wink and Merlin blushed an even darker shade of red. He was too humiliated to notice that Mordred lingered behind the others and was surprised when he found himself riding next to the Druid.

"Here," Mordred leaned over and pulled a leaf from Merlin's hair and smiled, "you ok?"

"Yea, nothing's broken but my pride," he admitted and Mordred smiled kindly at him.

"Ah don't worry about it," he said casually and Merlin smiled in spite of himself. "Is everything ok with you and Arthur?" He asked tentatively. Despite Merlin's insistence that there was nothing going on between the two, Mordred was pretty certain that Arthur at least had feelings for Merlin.

"Yea, everything's fine. He's just worried about Morgana," he said, surprised at how quick he was to tell Mordred this. He normally would just say everything was fine and leave it at that if any of the other knights had asked, but in some way, it felt like Mordred was a part of Merlin's 'inner circle'. Circle was putting it kindly, it was really more of a triangle consisting of Gaius, Kilgharrah and himself. They were the only ones Merlin truly trusted and who knew about his magic. Now Mordred was a part of his life and Merlin was finding it easier and easier to trust him. He smiled to himself. Mordred was his Merlin—he provided him with the same kind of support and unwavering faith that Merlin provided for Arthur.

"What?" Mordred asked catching the amused look at the sorcerer's face.

"Nothing," he said through a grin.

The party rode along the eastern road for the day. They paused only twice to water the horses and to eat a cold lunch and then continued long into the waning evening. Diverging from the road for a half a mile, they stopped and set up camp. Merlin was horrifically exhausted by the time they stopped and every limb hurt. He much preferred to walk long distances than to ride them and his legs ached with camps. Of course, no other servant was ever forced to accompany the knights and so the burdens of caring for everyone and every beast fell to the weary warlock. Stifling a yawn, Merlin took the reins for all the horses in both hands and led them to the side of their camp. He removed their tack while the knights and king made their beds and Leon started a fire. Merlin brushed down the sweaty animals and Arthur, Leon and Elyan left to go see if they could catch any game while they still had a little light. By the time they returned successfully carrying two rabbits, Merlin had finished tending to the horses and was starting on a broth. The last of the fading sun sank below the horizon of trees and the forest was plunged into darkness. The camp fire provided only enough light to make out the faces of the men and barely enough for Merlin to dress the rabbis and cut the fresh meat up into the broth.

"Smells good," Mordred said as he came and took a seat next to Merlin.

"Thanks, it's not ready though," he replied tiredly and stole a glance at the Druid, "how's your shoulder?"

"Alright, thanks to you," he said warmly, the flames of the fire dancing in iridescent eyes.

"I'm glad it's not hurting you. After dinner I'd still like to take a look though." He informed him and he nodded his agreement.

"How about you? You still looked pretty harry this morning after last night, you ok?"

"I'll manage," he answered a little more defensively than he intended but he was so used to people questioning his ability to keep up with the battle trained men that it was second nature to deny any weakness. Besides, he had to be strong and alter for Arthur's sake.

"K," Mordred nodded once, clearly he wasn't convinced but he said nothing. He understood the ned to prove to everyone that he was as good as the rest of them—he was still having to prove it and it was the main reason he was even on this trip. He was the outsider, the boy from an unknown history (unknown to everyone but Arthur and Merlin), and the bandit who had kidnapped the king and then saved his life. He was also the youngest of the knights and of course on his first patrol, he had nearly been killed. If anyone had something to prove it was Mordred.

The rabbit cooked quickly and Merlin served the meaty soup to everyone before grabbing a quick bowl himself. He doled out seconds, scraping the pot clean and Elyane remarked that Merlin would make the perfect wife and then Gwaine commented that he already did—Arthur's wife. They all laughed, used to this kind of banter but Arthur didn't miss the look Merlin exchanged with Mordred.

After doing the dishes, Merlin walked back to the camp and paused. To his right was Arthur and to his left was Mordred. He would normally hunker down beside Arthur, a respectable foot or two away but now there was Mordred. Did whatever relationship he was developing with the latter change his usual camping habits? He decided that it would look too suspect if he suddenly moved closer to Mordred and set up his bedroll in its usual place beside Arthur.

Goodnight Emyrs Mordred whispered inside Merlin's mind and he smiled into his blanket.

Goodnight Mordred.

The next morning they woke at sun up and had a small breakfast of bread and cheese, saving their salted pork for lunch. The day went on without incident. The sun grew almost uncomfortably warm by mid afternoon but by the time they stopped for the day, it had cooled to the point that their breaths came out in puffy little clouds.

Merlin prepared another broth, meatless this time and served it with dried biscuits. Again, Mordred bid Merlin a good night despite the fact they hardly talked during the day. It was difficult to have any kind of personal conversation with everyone else around and maintaining a mental conversation was draining for both of them. Besides, the others kept up conversation and pulled Mordred into it frequently and Merlin, despite his friendships with the knights individually, took on the role of the invisible servant when they were all together. Merlin didn't mind anyway, he was too busy keeping an eye out for possible magical dangers.

For the next two days they rode on like this. It rained the third day, putting everyone into a rather foul mood but their spirits brightened when the next day the sun was shining high in a cloudless sky. At evening on the fourth day, Arthur called the party to a halt. As usual, this put everyone on high alter, no more than Merlin who eyed every shadow with suspicion. They were about to dismount when Sir Daniel stepped out of the bushes, his hands raised and a grin plastered across his delicate face.

"Sir Daniel!" Arthur greeted and the others immediately relaxed.

"My lord," Sir Daniel bowed, his fist clasped tightly over his heart, "out camp is just this way," he told them and they all dismounted. Leading their horses by the reins, they stepped off the path and made their way through the thick woods following the crimson cloak ahead of them.

"Sire!" Sir Aglovale greeted excitedly and bowed just before clasping hands with Arthur and then Leon. Merlin inwardly groaned at the task of now having to tend to eleven men all of whom (save for perhaps Mordred), were rather needy. He needed no further instruction from Arthur than being handed his horses reins before going about the task of caring for the horses. He would be sure to keep his ears prickled for any news.

"So what have you discovered?" Arthur immediately asked, wasting no time before getting directly to business, "have you had any trouble?"

"No sire, we did just as you ordered—we've only observed, kept our distance and questioned locals. Everyone is pretty scared and with good reason. A couple of local boys were found murdered not far from a large set of underground caves. We think the people behind the disappearances are hiding out there." He reported, sitting down on the ground across from Arthur who had taken his seat on the fallen log. Merlin wondered if he noticed how the knights who were sitting there before they arrived had all moved so that only the king occupied the fallen tree as if it were his makeshift throne.

"Do you think sorcery is involved?" He asked and Merlin involuntarily tensed at the disapproving tone.

"Aye, definitely. The boys were killed by a sorcerer for sure," Sire Gaheris said, looking at Sir B and Arthur before continuing. "They were struck by something much like Sir Mordred was. I don't know anything else that can do that." He finished and the atmosphere in the camp filled with a tense silence. This changed things for almost everyone. They could fight bandits, murderers, and rebels but not everyone was as confident as Arthur in fighting against sorcery with steel. "Do you think it's her?" Arthur asked finally and Sir B shook his head.

"No, we think it's a group of Druids."

"Druids?" Mordred said before he could stop himself but even Merlin was surprised by this news, "Druids don't murder."

"He's right," Arthur agreed, sending Mordred an understanding look, "the Druids are a peaceful people, they abhor violence. What makes you think they're behind this?" He desperately hoped Sir Aglovale was wrong. He'd granted the Druids safe passage and living in Camelot over a year ago with the understanding that they follow Camelot's laws (which basically meant, at least to Arthur, that he was allowing them to use their magic so long as it hurt no one and he would turn a blind eye). Apparently, not everyone had heard this. If they were killing now it was exactly what Uther had feared and Arthur really didn't want to regret his decision and be proven wrong.

"Well, sorry to say but it's definitely Druids. They've got the caves surrounded by all those superstitious markings," Sir Gaheris said and Mordred frowned. Arthur looked over at him, silently telling him to say nothing but that they would speak in private later.

"What kind of markings?" Arthur asked and he described the talismans that decorated the surrounding woods. "Do you any idea how many there are?" He asked when Sir Gaheris was finished.

"We're not sure, but we're estimating perhaps five or six," Sir Aglovale said.

"So a small group then…" Arthur nodded, "well that's beneficial for us. Tomorrow morning we'll go scout out the area, take a look and see if we can spot anyone coming and going. I don't want to just blunder in there before knowing everything we possibly can." The knights nodded, all agreeing with this plan. Merlin listened from his place at the horses, brushing down the thick coats quietly while he contemplated what he'd just heard.

Druids attacking people? That didn't make any sense, Druids were peaceful people. Despite being terrorised by Uther for twenty five years, they still managed to survive and disagreed with any kind of violence. It was possible that there was a group of Druids who had broken away from their group and had decided that they'd had enough but that was beyond disastrous. Is was people like this that made Merlin want to scream. Here he was, risking his life trying to prove to Arthur that sorcery wasn't something to fear, that it was just like a sword: you could use it to defend the people you care about, for protection and safety or you could use it as a weapon to kill and destroy. It was beyond frustrating though to have people constantly threatening his work. It didn't mean he didn't understand their reasons for striking back. In truth, he completely understood and agreed with all of them, even Morgana but he disagreed about their methods and their intent on hurting Arthur. It was especially unfair of them to punish Arthur for the sins of his father. It was true, Arthur had in fact carried out Uther's wishes and had led raids against Druid camps before but you can't blame someone when they knew no other way. Before Merlin, Arthur was completely ignorant of the effects of his actions, he followed his father blindly and without question not because he agreed but because he truly didn't believe there was any other way. It had taken Merlin years to open up Arthur's eyes and still, Arthur had a long way to go before he would be willing to lift the ban on sorcery.

"Mordred, walk with me," Arthur said as he stood up a few minutes later. The knights were putting together a makeshift dinner and it was the perfect opportunity to speak with the Druid alone. Mordred said nothing but obediently got to his feet and followed Arthur away from the others.

"Is there something I can do for you my lord?" He asked when they were out of ear shot. Arthur reached out and inspected some marks on the bark of a tree to look busy while they spoke.

"Do you think it could be druids?" He asked, glancing at the younger man with a worried expression. Mordred kept his face blank of emotion, revealing nothing of his own feelings on the matter.

"Yes, there are definitely druids staying in the caves. Those talismans Gaheris described sound like ones my father used to set up around our camp to warn us if people were near. They were enchanted so that the moment someone crossed the boundary, it would sound a kind of alarm in the camp and provide us with enough time to escape. It tells you the direction the people are coming from so if you place them all around your camp and they all go off, you know you're surrounded. They're incredible useful. There were a couple others too that I think might be dangerous, magical traps of sorts but I would need to see them to know for sure." He answered honestly, holding nothing back of his past and his face showed nothing but inwardly, his heart raced with fear at revealing so much. Who were these druids? There weren't many who knew these spells, did he know the ones who were hiding here? What would he do if he had to face them? Could he bring himself to kill not only someone of his own kind, but someone he knew from his past? Someone who had kept him safe after his father's death?

"Thank you Mordred," Arthur's expression darkened even more as Mordred spoke and his face was pulled into a tight expression of concern. "I would like to try to reason with them... I don't want to have to kill anyone. I'm hoping that maybe we can speak with them first... arrest those responsible for the crimes but I really would like to avoid a battle." He said truthfully and Mordred smiled at his king's sense of honor. This was why Mordred respected Arthur. He always tried to reason before fighting, always tried to negotiate and find a solution that benefited everyone. He was so unlike his father who would kill first and ask question never. However, Mordred was certain that if these people had abandoned their beliefs as druids for one of violence then there would be no reasoning with them.

"I think that's very honorable of you and I can only hope that they will be willing to listen," he said, lowering his gaze. Arthur gripped his shoulder gently and smiled a sad smile before nodding and walking back to the camp.

Is everything ok? Merlin's voice immediately asked when Arthur left and Mordred looked for the servant. He spotted him by the fire, crouched down and dropping herbs into the pot and not looking at him. He wanted nothing more than to grab Merlin and run. Together, they could handle these people. It would be safer for the two of them than for the knights. How were they to protect Arthur against magic when they couldn't use their own?

He wanted to know more about the talismans, he explained and then went on to tell him everything he had told their king.

Thank you, I-

"Merlin! Hurry up with that food, I'm starving!" Arthur shouted, playfully kicking Merlin's hip from his perch on the log and earning a devilish glare.

"Sorry sire," he mumbled with a roll of his eyes.

Sometimes I'm amazed you haven't murdered him in his sleep Mordred joked and Merlin stifled a laugh.

Believe me, I've wanted to sometimes, he remarked before leaning back. The broth was ready to be heated and he carefully set the pot down in the coals and covered the lid. Standing up, he caught Mordred's eye before walking over to the horses. Moments later, Mordred sauntered over and stood behind him, their backs to each other as they each pet a horse.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if I know them," he whispered fearfully and Merlin's stomach clenched. He wasn't sure what to say so he remained silent, sending a small tendril of magic to wrap around Mordred in a magical embrace. He heard Mordred's sigh and felt him lean into it. "It's going to be very dangerous for everyone. Nothing is more dangerous than a group of sorcerers who have abandoned all reason for revenge," he said, his voice hushed so it wouldn't be overheard.

"No, there really isn't," Merlin agreed quietly thinking of Morgana and all the other dangerous foes he'd faced. They weren't so dangerous because of their magic but because of the hate and thirst for revenge that drove them.

"You'll be careful?"

"Of course," he smiled and glanced over at him over his shoulder, "but I'll do whatever it takes to protect Arthur."

"Agreed," he nodded, "I should go join the others." He grabbed Merlin's hand and gave it a quick squeeze before walking back to the fire and sitting down beside Gwaine.

The rest of the night went by quickly. The knights were all in a light hearted mood, happy to be reunited with the patrol and shared hunting stories. Everyone seemed happy and unconcerned except for Arthur and Merlin who sat on opposite sides of the camp mirroring each other's expressions of worry and doubt.

In the morning, Arthur woke before anyone else. Unable to sleep any longer, he got up and silently left the camp, grabbing his sword and cloak before slipping into the woods. He walked the short distance to the creak he knew wasn't far and set his sword and cloak down.

He crouched at the stream, washing his hands in the cool water that trickled over the rocks and splashed the water over his face. Everything froze though as he felt the cold tip of a sword press against his throat, his hand instantly going to his waist where his sword normally would be but he had set it down a few feet away to wash up. He didn't look up at his attacker, his mind raced with possibilities, his body rigid and as still as the ground under his feet.

"Well what have I here," came the sudden, vaguely familiar voice, "The king of Camelot on his knees," he continued and Arthur broke out into a grin and spun around. The sword was immediately pulled away and driven into its sheath.

"Aaron!" Arthur shouted joyously and pulled the man into his arms.

"It's good to see you Arthur," he said equally happy as he patted the other man's back. Arthur pulled away and held him out at arm's length, bright blue eyes taking in the familiar green eyes and the drastically different face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, releasing Aaron and placing his hands on his hips, "I haven't received any word from Brittany that you would be traveling through my land." He questioned seriously, eyes narrowing suspiciously but Aaron simply rolled his eyes and grinned at the king.

"Pfft, I don't think I need your permission to walk around these woods! Who do you think you are? The king?" He joked and Arthur laughed, shoving him playfully on the shoulder.

"Sire..." Leon's hesitant voice interrupted and the two men separated and looked at the intruder. Leon's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to be drawn if this man showed any signs of a threat but when he turned, he recognized him immediately. "Prince Aaron!" He exclaimed excitedly and quickly bowed.

"Sir Leon!" He grinned and quickly shook hands with the knight, "good to see you old mate," he said happily and Leon beamed.

Prince Aaron was the son of King Lawrence of Brittany, a small but wealthy kingdom just south east of the lands of Essetir. Uther and Lawrence had created an alliance before Arthur had been born and though it was a strong alliance, the two kingdoms rarely interacted with each other. Lawrence didn't share Uther's hatred of magic, though he did agree that magic was being abused before the Great Purge and had assisted Uther in creating a magic free Camelot. Since then, the two kings had been close friends, frequently writing and every few years, King Lawrence, his wife and son would come and visit. However, since Uther's death, Arthur hadn't heard much from Brittany except that they continued to keep their alliance.

Whenever Aaron did visit, he and Arthur were inseparable. The two had first met as young children, quickly becoming friends. Aaron was brazen and unafraid to voice his opinions, even as a child. He was outspoken, brave, and fearless and also incredibly entertaining. He shared Arthur's sense of humor and the hell the two of them had rained down on Morgana had nearly landed them in the stocks over the years. He was a friendly man who shared Arthur's code of honor and believed in the freedom of all peoples, regardless of wealth, status, race or beliefs. With all of these things in common, it was clear to everyone around them why they had been so close. Unfortunately, they hadn't seen each other in nearly eight years.

"Come," Arthur said, gripping Aaron's shoulder and grabbing his own sword, "have breakfast with us and share our camp tonight." He invited and Aaron grinned.

"Sounds great," He said with a suggestive wink and Arthur's brow twitched curiously.

"Where are your men? I'll show them where we're set up," Leon offered.

"Sir Marcelas and Sir Francis are across the stream a hundred yards." He said with a lazy grin and both Arthur and Leon paused in their tracks.

"You're out here with just two knights?" Arthur nearly shouted in horror, "I know you're good at staying hidden in the woods Aaron but seriously! Haven't you heard the reports about people going missing in this area?"

"As a matter of fact, I have," he grinned back, forest green eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'll explain it later, but first, I'm starving and you distracted me from my fishing." He teased and shaking his head, Arthur led them back to their camp while Leon headed in the opposite direction to get the other knights.

The knights were all waking up slowly, some were wide awake and Merlin was restarting the fire to make a hot breakfast. When those who knew the prince saw the two of them come out of the surrounding bush, they quickly bowed and happily greeted him. Arthur was quick to make introductions of his knights, proud of the men he had chosen.

"And this is Merlin, my manservant," he said finally, grabbing Merlin by the scruff of his neck and pulling him into the circle. Merlin withered under the tight grip and slipped out of it, handing Arthur his bowl of porridge.

"Pleasure to meet you my lord," he said politely but true to form, he kept his gaze locked on the other's and Aaron's grin slowly grew until it resembled Merlin's own goofy grin.

"I like him," he announced, looking at Arthur and back at Merlin, "tell me Merlin, what is it like serving this idiot king?" He asked, clearly baiting the younger man. With a quick glance at the amused if not slightly annoyed look on Arthur's face, he decided there was no need to be delicate.

"He's a complete idiot, totally rubbish, can't even tie his own boots." He said seriously, folding his arms across his chest, "also he's an arrogant prat."

Aaron threw his head back and roared with laughter. The delightful sound filled the woods and was joined with the knight's laugh.

"I've been telling him for years he's a fopdoodle but he just won't listen," he laughed and Merlin grinned at the word.

"Fopdoodle, is that like dollophead?" He asked, goofy grin plastered across his face and Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Bloody hell," he muttered and walked away which made the two laugh even louder.

"What does dollophead mean?"

"In two words? King Arthur," Merlin answered and Aaron grinned.

"Oh, must be a synonym for fopdoodle because that's exactly what it means!" He said just as seriously, his tone dripping with sarcasm and Merlin decided he liked this guy. Leon reappeared moments later with two knights dressed in casual brown clothes and forest green cloaks. They quietly took their seats behind Aaron.

"So Aaron, tell me what the devil you're doing out here with two knights?" Arthur said when Merlin and Aaron sat down on a fallen log across from him. Seeing the two of them sitting side by side, he was struck with the realization of how much Merlin looked like Aaron, only goofier. Aaron had straight black hair, a lot like Merlin's in cut and unruliness but it was slightly lighter with a bit of a brown tinge to it. He was pale like Merlin though, his creamy skin visible beneath the dark stubble lining his jaw and he was lanky like Merlin. Despite the fact that he was Arthur's equal in fighting, well, perhaps not equal but he was definitely almost as good as him, he was ridiculously thin. Unlike Arthur who was thick and bulky with muscle, Aaron was slender with muscles that coiled beneath his skin and upon analysis; Arthur realized he reminded him of a slightly thinner Gwaine in body. It was a strange to see him now, after all these years. He had changed so little and yet he looked much older but Arthur figured the same could be said about himself. They had both grown up a lot in the past eight years.

"I came to see you of course!" He said, a sloppy grin turning his lips, "Seriously, I haven't seen you in years and I thought I would surprise you. I heard about the disappearances though and I asked my father to look into it but of course, he declined. It isn't his land so of course, he wasn't willing to send anyone out to investigate."

"So naturally you decided to come out here by yourself and investigate?" Arthur challenged and Aaron nodded, appearing completely unruffled by this clear act of rebellion. It was typical Aaron. If he believed strongly in something, there was nothing that would stop him from doing what he believed to be right and Arthur thoroughly admired this quality.

"Of course," he said, thanking Merlin for the bowl of porridge and diving into it, "mmm! Merlin, you're a fantastic cook!" He complimented loudly, making Merlin beam with pride.

"Thanks," he muttered embarrassed before disappearing to tend to the horses.

"Does your father know you're here?" He asked, drawing the Prince's attention back to their conversation. Something dark crossed Aaron's face, his eyes taking on a slightly haunted look before he nodded.

"Sure," he lied and Arthur narrowed his gaze.


"Alright, he doesn't know but I'm sure he'll figure it out soon." He said with a cheeky grin, "so what are you doing about the disappearances?" He asked, immediately turning the subject and Arthur made a mental note to find out what he was hiding later. For now, there were more important things to deal with than whatever drama Aaron was dealing with in his life.

"We're about to go take a look at the place we think criminals are hiding out," he explained, "just eating and then we'll be heading out. You feel like scouting with us? You could probably show my men a few things about stealth in the forest."

"Ha, probably," Aaron grinned and winked at Leon who knew that when Aaron was in the forest, he could be invisible if he wanted to. He was the by far the best hunter and tracker Leon had ever met. "Sounds fun though, how many do you think there are?"

"We're estimating five sorcerers." Arthur informed him and Aaron nodded, his smile fading.

"Right, so is everyone coming?"

"No," at this Arthur's knights all looked up from their meal, frowns of protest etching their features but he ignored them, "I'll be taking a handful of my men and you and your knights can come with us."

"Sounds like a party," he grinned.

They finished eating, Arthur and Aaron chatting casually and Merlin busied himself with making sure everyone was fed. He barely managed to eat an apple before having to make more porridge and serve it.

"Alright, Sir Aglovale, Leon, Percival, Gwaine, Mordred, Elyan, and Merlin will come with us. I want the rest of you to stay here but be on alert. If things go badly, I want to draw them here and away from their camp understood?" Arthur ordered and Merlin noticed the look of disappointed on the knights faces of those who wouldn't be going with them.

"You're bringing Merlin?" Aaron asked, his brows brought together in confusion, "is he a good fighter?" He looked over at the lanky manservant and Merlin tried not to glare at him, he had every right to wonder why the king was bringing Merlin on a dangerous mission.

"Merlin? No," Arthur snorted and Merlin resisted the urge to punch him, "he's useful though. Not only is he a Gaius' assistant but he also knows a lot about magical lure and there are talismans that he might recognize." He answered and Merlin was surprised by Arthur's sincerity. He wondered if that really was why Arthur insisted on taking him everywhere or if it was for another reason but either way, he wasn't about to complain. At least this way he would be able to keep an eye on the prat.

They set out ten minutes later, Sir Aglovale leading the way. Merlin stayed beside Arthur who followed behind Aglovale and the others behind them. Aaron watched the interactions between Merlin and Arthur with keen interest. They walked for an hour before Aglovale held up his fist bringing them to a halt.

"The first talisman is just a few feet up ahead," he said pointing to a bunch of sticks tied together hanging from a rope. Merlin tilted his head as he looked at it, the light catching it and he noticed a shimmering over the area in front of them.

"Right ok, Mordred?" Arthur called quietly and Mordred quickly came to the front of the party.

"Yes my lord?" He asked, glancing at Merlin briefly before looking back at Arthur. Arthur pulled him a little away from the others and pointed to the talisman.

"Have you seen something like that before?" He asked, if anyone wondered why he was seeking Mordred's knowledge on this subject he planned to just say that Mordred might have come across it in his travels.

"Yes," He nodded, "it's a protective charm and that one," he pointed past the first one they saw to another one they hadn't noticed that looked like a dream catcher hanging from a high branch, "that's a trap. It's a paralysis charm; whoever goes in within its boundary will find themselves unable to move." He explained, his stomach twisting in fear as he tried desperately to keep his face calm. He knew these markings, this magic and a part of him was screaming to make them all turn away. He couldn't do this, he couldn't face her and be expected to kill.

"Right, and if we cross this one they'll know we're coming?" He questioned and Mordred nodded, "and I take it that they surround the entire area?" Aglovale nodded and Arthur sighed, "right ok well then, we need to surround them. We can't let them escape so Gwaine, Percival and Elyan, go to the left and spread out until you come to the south side. Leon, Merlin, Mordred and I will go the other way. Aaron you and your men stay here. When you're in position, use the sparrow call to signal you're ready." He ordered and everyone immediately headed off in their directions. Merlin bit his lip as he tried to walk as quietly as possible but he could feel Mordred's anxiety rushing off of him in psychic waves and he kept being distracted by it.

"Merlin shh!" Arthur growled and Merlin winced.

"Sorry," he whispered and Arthur rolled his eyes. They crept forward, everyone moved silently except the few sticks Merlin stepped on and snapped earning him an annoyed 'hush' from Arthur. When they came across another marker, Arthur instructed Leon to stay and they continued forward.

Emyrs Mordred called and Merlin's head snapped behind him to glance at Mordred.


Can you un-enchant the charms? He asked and Merlin frowned.

I don't know, I'll see what I can do, he answered. As he reached for his magic, his pace slowed ever so slightly and his eyes began to glow. He kept his face turned down and away from Arthur, pretending to be studying every step carefully while he brushed against the magic of the charm. Instantly, he felt the flare of the other's magic against his own and knew that there would be no way to break the spell without altering the person who cast it.

If I do it, they'll know that we're here anyway. It'd better I didn't do it then, that way they don't know that there's someone with magic coming. He explained to Mordred who agreed with him. It would be too risky to reveal the fact that there was someone with magic approaching. No, it would be much better if they knew nothing about it at all.

They came to another charm and Mordred was instructed to stay there while Merlin and Arthur went to find the next one. They found it not too far away and could see Percival in the distance on the other side of them. Moments later, they heard several sparrow calls and Arthur pinched his lips together.

"Stay behind me Merlin," he instructed as they stepped forward, breaking the magical barrier. There was no sounding alarm but Merlin knew whoever had cast the charm was fully aware of their presence now.

What happened next was a blur. They had walked for only a few more paces before a blast of fire blew past them, nearly taking out Arthur if Merlin hadn't grabbed him and pulled him behind a tree. Panic and chaos erupted in the still forest, sending birds and critters scattering away as several sorcerers appeared out of nowhere, attacking. Arthur pushed Merlin safely out of the way as he charged forward, no longer concerned with talking peacefully but only thinking of one thing: protect his knights, protect Merlin against this threat. He skillfully dodged another fireball attack and swung his sword, swiftly plunging it into the sorcerer's stomach.

Percival raced forward, his head lowered as he charged like a bull at a man who currently held Gwaine in the air with his magic. He ran straight into the man, knocking him several feet over and to the ground before bringing his sword down across the man's neck. He barely registered the distinctive snap of the metal cutting through bone before going to Gwaine's side to ensure he was alright. Elyan and Leon struggled against another sorcerer. Elyan sought to get his attention, drawing the deadly blasts of magic while Leon attempted to get close enough to kill him.

Merlin stayed in his hiding place, watching the battle enfold. Despite all of their skills, they were no real match for these druids and Merlin could tell he would be tending to a lot of broken ribs and wounds later. He kept his eye on Arthur who was currently in a sword fight with one of the men. Aaron's knights were nearly being torn apart by vines that had been brought to life with magic and wrapped around their limbs, pulling. Aaron and Mordred hacked away at the vegetation, breaking snare only to have another vine replace it. Merlin quickly sought the sorcerer behind this particular magic and spotted her hiding in some bushes near the caves. Raising his hand and keeping himself hidden, he whispered a spell that caused fire to erupt in front of her, breaking her concentration and causing the knights to fall free of the trees. He heard her scream before spotting her running through the trees, abandoning the others. Merlin raced after her, the others could handle the two remaining sorcerers but this girl was powerful and he didn't want to risk Arthur's life. Mordred spotted the mass of long brown hair disappearing behind the trees followed quickly by Merlin and tore after them.

"Merlin!" He shouted, sprinting through the trees with grace. He could see Merlin's brown coat ahead of him and he pushed himself harder. He heard Merlin shout a spell and then a girl's scream that was painfully familiar. He caught up to Merlin seconds later, nearly running into the warlock and his sword fell from his hand.
