Chapter 14: Happy Ending

REALLY IMPORTANT A/N: sorry, this is likely the last chapter, but I'll be writing a sequel! :3 the sequel could be about Kamigakushi's adventures with Hinode where they get their rivers, I don't know yet, so I'll leave you in mystery.

"Mommy!" Kamigakushi called, running up to his mother with something in his hands. Chihiro was sitting on the stairs of the field where she and Haku had said goodbye. It had been three years since Kami was born, and Chihiro was now nineteen. She had had a reunion with her mother on the bridge, and said goodbye forever. Deciding to stay in the Spirit World was both easy and hard at the same time.

Anyway, She would often bring little Kami here to play. However, this was onto during the day when she wasn't working at the bathhouse. Sadly, Haku didn't get off so easily; he had opened up a shelter for homeless spirits like himself, where he and Chihiro lived. Of course, this wasn't an easy job; Haku worked over ten hours in a day, leaving not much time to balance food, family and sleep.

Hinode now had her own river in the human world. It was a river in Tokyo, which required a lot of responsibility, so she rarely came to visit. She even had a shrine; shrine of Hinode Nigihayami Nushi, God of the Hinode river.

In a mere four years, the lives of Haku, Chihiro and Hinode had changed so much, it was almost scary. Of course, the first time she visited the world that was now her home, Chihiro had to grow up in what felt like a week from a ten-year-old spoilt brat to a ten-year-old independent girl.

Whether people like it or not; they're going to change. Change is inevitable, so humanity is desperate to make it happen. That includes filling in rivers and angering gods. Humanity is stupid; they believe they're superior, but the true superior race is the spirits, even if they're not as advanced.

Chihiro had fallen in love with a spirit, so she knew this better than anyone.

A/N: so, that's it *^* what did you think? I really enjoyed writing this and receiving your reviews and views. Thank you so much! I'll be writing a sequel soon! Thanks again for everything, it means a lot :3
