Oliver Queen can blush

Felicity knew there was a lot, huge amount of things she didn't know about Oliver Queen. He was not like Diggle or even Roy, sharing his past over cups of coffee.

However, when the said man asked her if he could stay with her for a bit, just until he had his bearings back, she immediately said yes.

It was a few hours later that she realized living with Oliver meant spending a lot of time with him, actually, it was like 24/7 with him, and if she was truthful that was a bit scary.

He could be a bit overbearing sometimes, all that muscle and big size of man walking around her home, probably making it look like a smaller version of its original size.

However, what Felicity Smoak really realized after another moment of deep thinking was that she was going to discover a lot of new things about Oliver and if, once again, she wanted to be truthful, she was kind of excited about that.

When the knock on her door sounded Saturday morning, Felicity was quickly tidying the house, making sure there was no underwear lost under the couch or some other item cringe-inducing. She ran towards her foyer and opened the front door with a smile.

"Nice choice of clothes…" Oliver commented with a smirk and Felicity looked down to see her favorite pajamas with matroska dolls. She scoffed at him, realizing he was going to see a lot of her colorful pajamas… not that she thought she would spend a lot of time in her nightwear… seriously, she was not thinking about spending a lot of time out of any kind of clothes, so… Gosh, even her thoughts were not helping her!

Realizing she probably looked like a crazy person, Felicity turned around to walk into the living room.

"Well, Dig liked them!" she said, without looking at Oliver and it was with a proud smirk that she hear him cough behind her. "This is the living room, and in here is the kitchen… The rooms are upstairs…" she said.

"Can you wait a little bit, while I fetch the sheets and the covers?" she asked, turning around and walking towards her closet. She left Oliver to peruse through her living room.

When she turned back and after an awkward conversation about her living room's decoration and her thievery past, she took the stairs and Oliver followed dutifully. "Your room just has a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe… And we just have one bathroom… this is my room and this is yours…" Felicity pointed towards two doors in front of one another.

"Thank you, Felicity…" Oliver whispered, his hands squeezing her shoulders and she felt herself being transported to the Queen Mansion, under the darkness of the night, just a few days ago. His voice was deep and soft, the care naked to her ears. For a moment she wondered what would happen if she rose in her tiptoes and kissed him… and then he gasped and his hands disappeared from her arms like he was electrocuted.

"Hum… I… will go… arrange my things…" Oliver stuttered, pointing towards Felicity's door. She smiled awkwardly and grabbing his shoulders made him turn to the opposite direction. She saw, with widening eyes, his cheeks reddening.

First thing she learned in his first day in her house: Oliver Queen could blush!

So, I went with the part of Felicity owning a townhouse, like we saw in Suicide Squad, even if Marc G. tweeted a photo of her living room and said it was an apartment (I will keep the decoration, however! Yup, the Robin Hood poster will be discussed next chapter!)