Previously, in 'Tipping Point'… Horatio leaves Miami hurriedly and secretly, trying to escape his past, but causing deep upset to his friends. Particularly his brother-in-law, Eric. Eric makes some attempts to trace him, but his former boss covers his tracks well. Eventually, Eric is forced to move on, taking a promotion, and becoming the head of the Crime Lab. Horatio is not forgotten, but there is little Eric can do. Seven years pass, before a chance meeting with a murder witness offers him a clue as to Horatio's whereabouts. A few inquiries lead Eric to New Orleans, where, at long last, he finds him. The two old friends embrace… But Eric has never thought beyond this point…

Chapter 1

Horatio bent down to retrieve the cane, and handed it to Eric. "What's with this?"

"Oh, I broke my hip. It's okay – just aches if I walk too much."

"Jeez, brother, you're in a worse state than me! How did you do it?"

Eric gave an embarrassed chuckle. "Stepped in front of a car. My own fault. Anyway, it's nothing – just taking a long time to get right."

"Come on, let's go and talk…" Horatio went to pick up his fishing gear, waved a quick goodbye to the other fishermen, then rejoined Eric. "You driving?"

"Yep. Rental – that Honda." He pointed with the cane.

"Mine's the green Jeep. Follow me…"

He followed the Jeep for several miles, back into the city, then out to a quiet road of modest houses. Horatio pulled into the driveway of one, and Eric followed him.

"This yours?"


"Not staying then?"

Horatio gave him a rather sharp look. "Don't know yet. Even if I was, it wouldn't be here. It's not private enough."

It wasn't quite what he wanted to hear, but he couldn't stop himself. "You're not coming back to Miami then?" Don't push it, Eric…

Horatio was silent as they went inside. He opened the fridge, took out two beers, and led the way out of the back door. There was a small sheltered yard, a couple of chairs, a table. The neighboring properties were near, but fences and shrubs provided some privacy. They sat, sipping the beer. Eric thought he sensed mild resentment from him, resentment that he was about to be interrogated.

Horatio sighed. "Is that why you came – to make me come back?"

Eric laughed awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. "Since when could I make you do anything?"

There was a long silence, broken by Horatio. "I did intend to come back. Several times, in fact. Each time, something stopped me. Until… I don't know… I wondered what the hell I'd got to come back to." He noted the shock in Eric's face. "I'm sorry. That sounds harsh, but I've changed, a lot."

Eric cleared his throat. "It's been a long time. But… I thought you liked Miami."

"If I'd liked it that much, I'd have come back sooner, wouldn't I? I didn't need 'fetching'."

"No, of course not, but…"

"Look, I'm not saying this properly. You – yes, I did everything wrong with regard to you – I should have kept in touch – I imagine I hurt you."

"You did. I didn't understand…"

Horatio continued. "At first, I didn't know what to say – I was ashamed, I'd let you all down, you particularly – no, let me finish… Then, just too much time went by…"

"What about the others?"

"It's a long time ago, Eric. They're people I worked with. I was their boss, that's all."

"That's all?"

"I think so."

"So all that 'we're family' stuff… Not true?"

"It was, at the time."

"But not now."

Horatio sighed again. "You're family. The others? Good people. Great people, that I was lucky to work with. But I think I've… let go… I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you. I'm not who you remember. I suppose that's why, as time went by, I thought less and less of Miami as 'home'. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to apologise for. It's your life." Eric sounded more abrupt than he intended.

"No, but I'm still hurting you."

"No, you're not." (He was.) "It's just not how I expected. Well, I don't know what I expected. I don't think I really thought about it…"

"Seven years, brother…"

There was another long silence. At last, Eric said quietly, "Are you lonely?"

"No more than I ever was. Kinda used to it."

"Oh…" Eric didn't know what to say.

There was an even longer silence. Eric blamed himself. He didn't know what he had expected. Sort of picking up where they left off, he supposed. Instead of which, there was an awkwardness between them, almost as if they were strangers. Of course, it was obvious that if Horatio had wanted to return, he'd have done so. If he'd wanted to get in touch, he'd have done so. He hardly needed Eric's permission.

Horatio spoke again. "How did you find me anyway?"

Eric forced a smile. "Remember Frankie?"

"God, yes! Piece of work…"

"She ended up in Miami. Witness to a shooting."

"She didn't know I was here."

"No, but she told me about Los Angeles. The realtor there said you'd gone, but you'd mentioned New Orleans…"

"That was ages ago."

"I couldn't get here sooner. And… well, I've always wanted to visit New Orleans, so I came on the off chance. Asked around a bit…"

"Do you like it? New Orleans?"

"I do. But not as much as Miami. You?"

"Not sure. I've been a lot of places in the last few years. I stayed longest in LA, but that was because of Henry."

"Your dog."

"How the hell did you know that? Frankie again?"

"She gave me a sketch you did of him."

"She stole that," Horatio said, with a faint smile.

"She said. What happened to Henry?"

"He died."

"I'm sorry."

"So was I. That's why I left… Silly really, because I liked the place I had there. I was almost settled, at last. But… I buried the poor little devil in the yard, and then I couldn't bear to stay, because I saw him everywhere. See? I've gotten old and sentimental."

"So you might go back there?"

"I really don't know." Horatio smiled at Eric's perplexed expression. "I'm not holding out on you… I'm just a bit in limbo… Have been… ever since I left. But I don't know about going back to Miami. The memories there might be even worse."

"I suppose I've made it worse, finding you."

He chuckled. "I suppose you have."

"I'm sorry… I never thought…"

"Hey, Eric, don't feel badly. I'm teasing. I get through my days by not remembering. Most of the time, it's fine. This is just a huge reminder of… everything that happened, everything that used to be… That's not a bad thing. Just a shock." He drained the beer can, then got up and fetched another. "Come on, tell me what's going on… Who's still around?"

Eric felt that Horatio was indulging him, rather than really wanting to know, but he answered anyway. "Ryan and Calleigh are still there. Walter – he got married… Natalia went back to the FBI and moved to Quantico."

"That would suit her… Frank?"

"Retired. Gone back to Texas, I believe. Martinez is still Chief – I think he retires next year. That's about it, for people you know. We've just moved to a new building."


"Yep – about twice the size. We only moved a week or so ago, but I think it's going to be good." Eric tried to force some enthusiasm into his voice. "I liked the old place, but we'd expanded beyond its capacity…" His voice trailed off. "Horatio, can I tell the others?"

"What? That you found me?" He chuckled. "Yeah, if you want. Don't give out my address or anything – I don't want to become a stop on the tourist route. Not that they would, of course… I'm flattering myself."

"You might be surprised. Walter wanted you at his wedding… Calleigh will be hurt if I don't tell her…"

"I'd just rather not." He hesitated. "Let me think about it…"

"You and Calleigh were always close, I thought."

"You and Calleigh were close. I always expected something to come of that."

"So did I, once. But… well, she seemed special to you. I was a bit surprised you didn't contact her."

"You want to know why?" Horatio hesitated. "I was very fond of Calleigh, but… I don't know how to explain without you misunderstanding… I sometimes found her a bit too much. Too relentlessly chirpy… Her cheerfulness and my melancholy – 'specially at the end - recipe for disaster, outside of work. Not that it was ever put to the test. Then, she adopted those kids and… the parenting thing really doesn't interest me. Too old…"

"But back then… I mean, you loved kids… You were known for it."

"Only other people's. The ones I could hand back."

"But… No, never mind."

"But what? Say it, Eric."

Eric was floundering, stunned by how little he seemed to know Horatio. Had he changed so much? He suspected it was more to do with the amount that Horatio had once kept hidden. Or his own memories had simply become rose-tinted over time.

"But what?" Horatio prompted. "Marisol?"

"I thought… I mean, she said…"

"That we might have children. I know. And if we had, we'd have been okay, I promise you that. But… I'd spoken to her doctor by then, and…" He hesitated. "…I knew it wasn't going to happen."

"You lied to her?"

"No, I just didn't tell her the truth." He looked at Eric. "Are you angry?"

"No… Just confused… You're just not how I remember you."

"Maybe that's your memory, not me." He gripped Eric's knee. "Don't feel bad, brother. I never was what you thought I was."

Their silences were getting longer.

At last, Eric said quietly, "Can I buy you dinner?"

"I'd like that. Shall I come to your hotel?"

"Okay. Look, H, I'm sorry – I think I've stirred things up that you'd rather have left alone…"

"It's a long time since I was called 'H'." He laughed briefly. "No, you haven't done anything wrong, and it's wonderful to see you. We're fine. It's just a bit of a shock." At Eric's doubtful expression, he added, "We could both do with an hour or so to… take stock, don't you think? I'll come round about eight, okay?"