How You Doing Insane Gang!

I want to thank you guys for allowing me to write over 100,000 words for this collection. It really is my pride and joy and I can't wait to add more chapters.

This one is a sequel to the last one-shot. Adult themes are included.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

He flushed on command along with Astrid but her's could be mixed with rage. She grabbed Snotlout by the ear to drag him out the door.

"Snotlout, I'm going to kill you." She seethed.

Tuffnut rubbed his hands together, "Oh boy! This day just gets better and better!"

He clapped Hiccup on the back and hopped off the table. "Good luck H!"

"I so called it!" Ruffnut celebrated.

Fishlegs sighed before following the twins out the door. "Feel better Hiccup."

Osvif groaned in annoyance. "I better go and make sure she doesn't kill him...I'm so sorry again Hiccup."

Stoick had moved to the side to let everyone pass him out.

"What happened to you?"

"Let's just say that Osvif may have jumped to some conclusions."

"I'm guessing he overheard Snotlout too during lunch?" Stoick sympathized.

"Pretty much." Hiccup blew out some air.

Stoick took a seat in his normal chair. "So Snotlout wasn't lying."

Hiccup couldn't bear to look at him. "Depends on what he said."

He leaned forward in his seat. "Are you and Astrid having sex?"

Hiccup flushed bright red again and turned his head the other way. "We are..."

Stoick heaved a deep sigh. "Then I don't know how Osvif jumped to conclusions. To have sex when you two aren't together is a huge sign of disrespect to their house Hiccup."

Turning his head, he was able to make eye contact with his dad. "It's not like that—he did a hiccupy gesture—we are dating and have been for a while now."

His dad broke into a smile. "Ah really? I'm proud of you son! I just knew it would only be a matter of time."

Hiccup chuckled quietly. "Yeah, well...thanks, Dad."

Stoick became awkward again. "Are you being safe then?"

Hiccup blocked his face with his ice block. "Yes, Dad she's been on moon tea even before we got together, just in case hunters—"

Stoick stopped him there. He didn't need to have him finish that painful sentence. "She's a smart girl then."

He unclenched his fist. "Trust me I know."

Stoick cleared his throat. "Since you've done it a couple of times I'm guessing you know not to take it too far?"

Hiccup looked more curious than embarrassed. "What do you mean?"

"Men are used to having their fill with brothels and slaves but to be in love the act means more than that. You have to know your partner and what her likes and dislikes are."

Hiccup nodded along, "So you mean like I know Astrid likes it when I—"

"I don't need to know the details son but yes." Stoick's cheeks flushed pink.

"But the most important thing about sex is knowing when to stop. It's all the difference between pleasure and hurting her."

"I can't imagine hurting Astrid."

Stoick rose from his seat and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "I know that son and I'm pretty sure Astrid knows that too."

Hiccup gave him a small smile. "Thanks for the talk, Dad."

"No problem son," Stoick smiled and chuckled. "And if you need any tips or tricks just let me know."

Hiccup changed color yet again. "Dad!"

This one may be a tad short but it's a great conversation to have.

Make sure to follow and favorite for more.

Stay Crazy.