
It was a bold answer; one that surprised Dipper himself, considering all the risks that he'd be taking and all the images that he'd been shown. However, a part of him was saying that this wasn't right. He couldn't even read the contract Bill was pushing him to sign.

There was also the matter of fact that Bill was being nice all of a sudden, something which was definitely off. No. There had to be some sort of interior motive or trick, and Dipper wouldn't be falling for it.

Bill simply stared bewildered at Dipper for a while. "No? You'd prefer to die against the gods in a brutally horrific matter then to be a superhero?"

Dipper's mind flashed back to the images he had seen. He immediately felt regret for refusing, and was about to change his mind again, until at last the golden lady spoke up.

"You're making the right decision, Dipper." The golden lady loudly stated, giving an evil glare towards Bill. "The contents of that contract would have basically given Bill full control of your life, as well as the ability to cast you into hell."

"Shut up!" Bill snapped at the golden lady, reaching out his fist and preparing to strike her. However, the lady grabbed his wrist before he could make his blow and twisted his arm around him, making him squeal in pain.

"I'm not going to be controlled by you!" The golden lady yelled out in a righteous anger. "I've watched too many mortals die simply because of your games. You like to mess with people's lives so much? Well, then, it's time to feel how it feels to be in real pain,bastard!"

Dipper simply looked on in amazement as the golden lady's anger almost seemed impossible to be coming out of her considering her seemingly-angelic appearance.

"No...please..." Bill moaned, as the golden lady continued to kick him. "I'll...I'll send the mortal back and reverse the events of the past few days, restoring everything back to normal! Stop!"

The golden lady stopped her blows for a second and turned towards Dipper. "Are you okay with this deal?"

"Um, yeah, sure." Dipper replied, really just wanting things to go back to normal. Well, Gravity Falls normal.

"Then do as you say you will." The golden lady ordered to Bill. Bill then chanted something incomprehensible, but it blurred everything around Dipper as he felt gravity shift around him.

First everything went black.


Dipper suddenly found himself lying on the familiar service of the warm mattress he slept on at the Mystery Shack, with the voice of his sister Mabel in his ear. He peered up at the girl, who giggled at him.

"Geez, it's about time you got up, sleepy-pants." Mabel chuckled. "Grunkle Stan got Cookie Crisps, and you'd better get down there before Soos eats them all."

So Dipper, definitely excited not to be eating hospital food for once, shuffled down the stairs and poured himself a bowl of Cookie Crisps with milk. The rest of the day was mostly spent inside, with the exception of running a few errands with Grunkle Stan.

Before, one of those errands was going to be setting up a bank account for Grunkle Stan. However, Dipper decided not to advise Grunkle Stan to go to the bank on this particular day, knowing of what chain would start up again if they did go to the bank. Maybe another day.

Dipper felt peaceful, and didn't regret not going through with that deal one bit.

A/N: Yay! Happy ending! As I said before, you can choose to believe whichever one you'd like. Thanks to everyone who read this story, and be on the lookout for my next Gravity Falls fic - might be a Christmas one too. See you all next time!