Sorry it took so long, I was busy with other projects... and the site wouldn't let me post.


Arthur opened the door and slammed it shut. Not even bothering to wait for Francis, he started towards the office. His head was racing with thoughts about the idiot he left back home. Why was he so stubborn? There was absolutely no need to reserve his needs. Now, Arthur wasn't a man to do anything too drastic or stupid. No matter how large the urge was to storm his government or yell at random citizens, he kept his composure and decided to see if there was anything he could do for Alfred on a more... human level. Sure the cause of his illness was due to him being a nation, but his human body needed things too.

"Wait up." Francis called from behind him, closing his own door.

"I'm not waiting, you decided to come on your own, keep up." He responded

Francis sighed in defiance, but later obliged when Arthur had already set foot inside the building. The office was decorated in a nice cream color and pictures framed the walls, there was even a television for people's entertainment. Although there was no one else there, it was still turned on and running on a news station. Like almost every business, there was an American Flag in the corner by the front desk. At the desk a girl with long blonde hair and preoccupied blue eyes, worked on paperwork. She was dressed like she worked in the operating room, not in the front area. But Arthur didn't take this into consideration when he approached her.

"Excuse me." He stated

She looked up, "Yes?"

"I need to speak to the doctor."

"Yes, of course. What do you need?"

"Just go get him, it's an urgent matter."

The girl caught the eye of Francis who stood behind Arthur. He shrugged his shoulders in apology. She nodded and turned back to the problem at hand.

"Ah, Sir. I am the Doctor, this is my office." She stated

Despite him being in a hurry and not really caring about anything else but his sick comrade back at the house, the mistake had been rude and the gentlemanly side of him took over.

"I am extremely sorry, Ms..." He started

"Luciana." She finished, "But please, call me Luci." She answered, "You seem like you're in a rush. May I ask what it is that you need?"

"Right, we have a person who is very sick back at our house. It's a something that will pass, but we thought there might be something to reduce the pain." Francis inputted

"What's wrong with this person?"

They had to be careful about what type of information they gave out. Revealing their identities was something they preferred not to do, it usually caused commotion. But they couldn't just hold information from her, after all, they needed medicine. Arthur could remember how much pain Alfred looked like he was in. And the reason behind it was what made it so infuriating.

"They are running a high fever." Arthur stated, "They are also constantly throwing up and coughing violently."

Luci's eyes filled with concern, "Are you sure they're okay? That sounds pretty awful."

"He's fine, we just need something to dull the pain."

"I can't give you much without inspecting him first, but I might have something that will help in the back. It'll take me a second to find it, please wait for a bit."

"We appreciate it." Francis said

Luci disappeared through a door that lead to the back of the building. Francis took a seat and motioned for Arthur to do the same. England hadn't changed moods since leaving the house. France was getting worried, it was like him to be grumpy but this time it wasn't just that. He was actually worried. Given that nations have gotten sick before, America included, he still looked like the world would come crashing down. Francis had a feeling that he knew more then what he had said.

"What do you think is the most painful thing?" Arthur asked

France raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"As a nation, what is the most painful?"

"I would think, war?"

Francis was unsure of how to answer the question, rather, he didn't understand. There were so many answers to that question that it difficult to answer it without being vague.

"What do you think?" France replied

"Definitely not war, that was a stupid answer."


"Once your tiny brain can figure it out, I'll happily explain it into further detail."

Francis ignored that last comment, "And what does that have to do with America?"

"He is experiencing that pain right now."

The television flickered and snagged the attention of the two countries. They turned to face the brightly colored screen. On it, swarms of people were rioting and protesting against each other. It took the two Europeans a couple of seconds to react.

"What is going on?" Arthur asked

"Another riot." A voice answered, "Haven't you noticed all of them occurring recently? And this one seems worse then normal."

Luci walked out from the back door. She held a small bag in her hands.

"No, I'm afraid we haven't." Francis replied

"You guys are foreigners."

"How could you tell?"

"Everyone from here knows what's happening. The citizens of this country are going crazy."

At the mention of America's citizens, England put his full attention on the girl.

"What do you mean?" He inquired

"I mean, it's like America is being split into two. It's unfortunate too, I love this country. If everyone would stop being so stupid, arguing so much, and just swallow their pride, then maybe things would calm down. I swear, it's like America itself is bipolar."

Dread and worry flooded through France and England. They quickly grabbed the bag from the doctors hands and promised to come back and pay her later. They then quickly left and jumped into the car.



Canada had finished helping China with the food awhile ago. Alfred hadn't moved since he had left. He was still bundled in blankets and his eyes were closed. His pale face was relaxed and it seemed that there were no nightmares occurring. Matthew sighed from relief and sat down on the same couch. It was still strange to see him that way. The brother who always played catch with him and had an energetic smile, went from running around the conference room to almost dead looking in under three days. It was actually quite terrifying. Yao came into the room with a cool washcloth. He laid it over America's forehead and sat down across from the brothers on a chair.

"Thanks China." Matthew stated

"You know, this must have been going on for awhile." He explained

"What do you mean?"

"He couldn't just suddenly be in this condition, he must have been hiding it."

"Well, he's the one to do something like that."

"He certainly is-aru."

Canada lightly brushed the hair off of America's forehead, making his way around the cool washcloth. It was still burning despite the refreshing rag. Matthew couldn't help but wonder when Arthur and Francis were getting back. They had been gone for at least an hour now, and that was enough time for England to cool off. Maybe France did something to infuriate him? That was a possibility, but the probability was low given the situation.

Alfred's face contorted and a small noise escaped his lips. Matthew was wary when he grabbed his hand, he didn't want a repeat of last time he had a bad dream.

"Please stop." He mumbled in his sleep

Matthew let go and held his hand close to his chest. Was he awake? But America didn't open his eyes after the statement, disproving Canada's previous thought. But that failed to put his heart as ease. It only made his curiosity and discomfort grow. There wasn't much that he could do in this situation and the unknown only made it more frustrating. Luckily a loud knocking on the door brought him out of his own thoughts. Matthew stood up.

"Are you expecting someone?" Yao asked

"No, not that I'm aware of." He answered

Maybe it was Francis and Arthur finally deciding to show up, maybe they forgot that the door was unlocked and they could walk in. Or maybe America had someone coming over and he just forgot about them. It would be understandable in this situation. Matthew opened the door and was greeted by a figure rushing through the doorway in a blur of silver and yellow. With no time to react, Canada was left staring at the almost blank space in front of the door.

"Feed me." A voice crept into his ears

The white bear looked up at his master and continued to ask for food.

"Who are you? I don't care, feed me."

Canada bent down and took Kumajirou in his arms. A vein popping from his forehead and he closed the door and stepped inside. He had no time to warn China of their 'guest', but knew that it would not go unknown for long.

"Just great." He mumbled

An arm hung over his shoulders and a smirk by his ear, "Don't you mean awesome?"


Thanks to all that reviewed, followed, or made this story a favorite~!

Hope you enjoy(ed) reading!