a/n: Again, sorry for the slow write! However I hope you'll agree it's worth the wait. Enjoy!


About ten minutes later they came across two men walking down the street towards them. One was dressed in an officer's uniform and observed them with intrigue – however it was clear he knew her captors. The other man was wearing a tweed and looked nothing like a copper. When he first noticed her he looked as if he had seen a ghost, but had quickly recovered, though his stiff posture betrayed his attempt at nonchalance. What's up with him? Rose wondered, puzzled. She felt the maid behind her pull the blaster away from her and decided that these men mustn't be in on the alien secret. She couldn't dwell on it further though as the man who was definitely a copper had come over and was now talking to her. Well, he was looking at her but he was talking to either the maid or the lizard.

"What's this then?"

He eyed Rose up and down and then raised his eyebrows at the lizard woman. It was the maid however who answered.

"We found her snooping around the crime scene, won't give a sensible answer as to what she was doing there so mam and I decided to bring her in for suspicious behaviour."


Rose protested, fire back in her now that she wasn't held at gunpoint anymore. She tried her strength against the handcuffs and twisted around as best she could to speak more directly to her captors.

"I'm innocent! I swear! And your wasting your time bothering with me, then again – I've half a mind you've got something to do with it considering you're so desperate to stop me investigating."


Broke in the copper.

"Whether or not you have anything to do with this situation, the fact is that one of the Yard's best detectives has suspicions about you and that's enough for me – so, if you're done suggesting the authorities are behind these kidnappings someone will be happy to escort you to your bed behind bars for the night."

For some reason the 'compliment' of best detective (obviously aimed at Lizzy the lizard woman for the response she gave) didn't quite please her.

"Oh, one of your best detectives is it then? That's a different song to the last one you sung."

He gave her a pleading look that had a hint of 'not now.'

"He was my superior and I am not about to risk my job for you."

The maid cleared her throat, breaking the tension rising between the two.

"There's… something else as well."

She offered Rose's confiscated phone out to the second man, and Rose found herself wondering whether he was a copper as well or not. He certainly wasn't acting like a civilian or anything and hadn't said a word yet.

"What on Earth is that?"

The 'definitely a copper' one asked as the 'maybe a copper' one took the phone in hand.

"She talked about it being a device for… telecommunication…"

Replied Lizzy. Liar. She was paying too much attention to her words and definitely trying to get a message across. Rose hadn't mentioned anything about her phone but she felt it was obvious that the two women and the 'probably not a copper' one were all in it together. The other one was clueless. Finally, after examining the phone from all angles just a bit too intensely the man spoke, and once he started it was as if a dam had broken and it all started spilling out.

"Fascinating… Inspector Greggory, I don't suppose I could hold onto this for a while? Oh and I think I need to ta… I mean interrogate! Yes interrogate the prisoner. In private. Now. Please?"

Looking slightly miffed, the copper apparently called 'Greggory' answered indignantly,

"It's Gregson! And yes, sir… If you think that is the best course of action…"

"Right then! Ah… Vastra, Jenny, good job, keep up the good work while I ah… make definitely certain that this woman had nothing to do with the disappearances"

He flapped his arms about like a flailing fish when he talked, and the movement was such an amusement after the seriousness of the rest of the conversation that Rose couldn't help it and let out a giggle that could easily be mistaken for a snort.

"Oi! That's not very nice! Right then… ah… this way!"

He pocketed her phone, manoeuvred behind her, steered her away from the other three and set a crisp pace towards the street junction at the end of the road, leaving the other three slightly confused and standing there on the footpath. As the copper who didn't seem like he was actually a copper pushed her around the corner Rose spied the police building a little down the road. Whoever he was, he didn't have a gun against her back – that didn't mean he didn't have one on his persona at all, just that she stood a better chance of escaping. She started forming an escape plan and in a moment of smugness at her idea, she teased her captor.

"You know, I could escape you easily, if I didn't want to make a scene that is."


"Good? You want me to escape then?"

"Well, ah what I meant is that the last thing I want is to make a scene in public."

She had meant it though, the street was so busy, she couldn't try to escape here. Oh well, he said in private… and considering how awkward he was acting around her and well… he wasn't too bad looking either. Rose smirked to herself. This will be too easy!

"Then maybe I should try to escape, you know, whatever causes you more trouble…"

She toying with him, but mentally preparing for her escape. This time however, he leaned over her shoulder and replied in a quieter and more serious tone.

"I don't want any trouble, I just need to talk to you and it will all turn out easier for both of us if you don't cause any trouble."

Slightly confused and somewhat annoyed that her remark had backfired on her she shut up and let herself be pushed into the building, which they had arrived at. She expected to be taken downstairs or into some cell and so was surprised when she was steered upwards and into a drawing room. A drawing room, in a police station? Okay… didn't see that coming… They were still alone though, most likely not watched as she could have been in a cell, and that cupboard over there had a delightfully closed handle. The man closed the door behind her and had started to lead her into the room when she pounced. Lining herself up she started forward and forced the unsuspecting man between herself and the cupboard she selected.

"Wha..! what are you…? What?!"

Pushing him up against the cupboard she hushed his stammering remarks with a low and husky voice, rubbing her body against his slowly and as sensually as she could.

"Well sir… you have me now… alone... and in bondage.. oh! No, don't try to explain sir… I know what you really wanted me for…"

Almost there! To her sides she was aware of his flailing arms, so far not put to use rejecting her. Good.

"Wai.. please.. you don't… I.. thi.. we…"

Men were just men in the end. The next five seconds were rapid, efficient and freed her. Getting her sonic out of her back pocket had been easy with the man too tied up with her frontal caress to notice. Handcuffs undone she flung her arms around, grabbing one of his wrists, which had stilled when he heard her sonic, and locking it firmly to the cupboard handle with the now free handcuffs. She dropped down knowingly to avoid his other arm swinging around to her and rolled backwards out of his reach. Standing up and walking another few steps backwards for good measure, she surveyed her work with pride. She then grinned broadly at the raggedy man, handcuffed to the handle of a now open cupboard door futilely lunging towards her with a shocked and desperate expression stuck on his face. It almost made her want to laugh again.

"Right then, laters!"

She turned and strode dominantly to the door, preparing to sprint as soon as she had a clear path.


She froze.

Not possible.


She stared ahead at nothing as her head went haywire.

He knows my name.


How can he know my name?

Unless… no. no.

Ever so slowly she pivoted and looked at him again. His eyes were pleading, and the look of his face seared her heart.


She swallowed and with nervous trepidation, continued.

"Who are you?"

"It's me… Rose… I've regenerated… But it's still me… I'm sorry…"


Every inch of her body quivered as realisation tumbled onto her. The Doctor. The timelord Doctor with the original TARDIS. Him? She looked over him properly this time, taking in the floppy hair, the bow tie and the suspenders along with all the other changes. Not her Doctor, but the Doctor.


She could tell from his eyes that he was begging for something, hurting and needing something desperately. Was it just her? No… he wanted forgiveness… His guilt is swallowing him and he wanted her forgiveness. Her heart felt like it was hurting, trying to break if she just let it… Did he know? About… he couldn't… but why else would he look at her that way? Unless he knew that her husband was dead. Saying the words, even in her head brought Rose almost to tears again and she forced the memories away, instead remembering those from before the reality bomb. This man loved her… Still loves her… and at that her heart did break and she felt a tear trickle down her cheek. Seeing the Doctor's face cringe at it she rubbed the tear away and slowly, tentatively walked toward him. A few more steps, and then she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shirt, tears flowing freely now. Still encumbered by the handcuffs he tried his best to return the embrace, wrapping his free arm around her and holding her as tightly, as if he was afraid if he let go just a bit he would lose her again.

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… Rose I…"

"It's okay."

She broke away from him enough to look up into his eyes and smiled sweetly, but sadly.

"It's okay."

"It's not though, you know it isn't, I…"

"You're right then,"

She said, interrupting him. Before he got the wring impression she quickly continued,

"It's not okay. I'm not okay… But, it's not your fault."

She smiled at him again, willing him to understand and understanding herself that it was not just her forgiveness he needed, but his own.

"I forgave you a long time ago and even after… even then I didn't stop forgiving you. What you did wasn't wrong. It just turns out that… I wasn't meant to have a life with a metacrisis you."

She thought it was working, but it wasn't that easy to tell. The Doctor just kept looking at her, that sad, pained look.

"Oh Rose… my brilliant Rose… I need to say it now before everything else gets in the way like it always does… I love you. I always have and always will."

She had been scared, she still was scared, that finding the Doctor again would constantly renew her heart ache. But for now, hearing those words had melted her heart and new tears sprung to her eyes and she gazed lovingly up at him. He smiled then too, for the first time she had seen in this new regeneration. Resting his forehead on hers he went on.

"And I promise, if you give me another chance, that I will never let you go again."

"I think I'll stay then,"

She said, laughing softly. Seconds went by without them saying anything else, both of them happy to enjoy the silence together. When the Doctor started to move again Rose thought he was going to break away from the embrace, before realising the movement was more tender and he was reaching towards her, his lips ever so slowly coming down to meet hers. The electricity of his lips brushing hers made her hairs stand on end and before she knew it they were kissing. Gently at first, then with more passion. Rose revelled in the feeling, mixing tongue and lips and teeth. A part of Rose was still conflicted, uncertain with the Doctor in this new regeneration. But for now all that mattered was him, his lips on hers, his body pressed against hers, his fingers clenching her top, baring skin to the air, his…

The door slammed open and she heard someone gasp,


a/n: Thanks again to all my readers, followers, favouriters and especially my reviewers! Btw, is anyone else hyped up for the season finale?