So, how did ya like another installment of this? This chapter might be boring, plus my knowledge about chakra or things is rusty, so there might be me if there is one. I thought writing another is good and an apology for cancelling my first fanfiction late, so here's another chapter. Enjoy.

Forgot Disclaimer, the character and some of the storyline is by Masashi Kishimoto, all rights of those goes to him.

"Dattebayo!" - Normal talk

'Ramen, ramen~' - Thoughts

"What a brat" - Demon/Bijuu talks

"Sick brat" - Demon/Bijuu thoughts

Fuuton : Rasenshuriken! - Jutsu

Chapter 1 - Naruto's first training and friend.

Naruto finally got a chance to be a real shinobi. He wants to prove his existence as Naruto Namikaze. As Shisui suggested to take good rest once his father approved of it, he slept in, but he couldn't because he was so excited to learn the Jutsu that shinobi will have.

-The next day-

Naruto quickly rushed out of his house, running towards his desired location, the Forest of Death, which is Forty-Four Training Ground.

The place lived up to its name, its so dangerous, that one or more genin was reported seriously injured. The place has carnivore and dangerous creatures, tigers, venomous spiders and snakes, oh and also don't forget about plants.

As he entered the Training Ground, he noticed Shisui, in a ANBU uniform and a crow mask blocking half of his face.

"Hey Naruto!" He greeted. "Hey Crow-sensei!" The blonde greet back. Shisui was smiling, after all he knew that the kid never have a teacher.

"So that's the Fourth Hokage's son huh?" A sentence came from the forest, it was a lady who wears a opened tan overcoat revealing a bit of her naked body with fishnet shirt, dark orange mini-skirt, she also is seem eating a dango.

"My name is Anko Mitarashi!" Anko said dramatically. The blonde somehow thinks she is weird. "So you'll be using the Training Ground huh? Be sure to watch that kid, Shisui."

The Uchiha nodded, then he moved his mask so that his face can't be revealed. "I guess the training will be starting soon huh." Anko said, before Body Flicker somewhere.

"Lets get started on knowledge first, I took some scroll from the library. Its all about chakra, taijutsu and ninjutsu."

Naruto was confused, one is what in the hell is chakra? Shisui said that it is a form of energy that runs through the body, two is what is taijutsu? His sensei said that its kinda fighting. The blonde know what ninjutsu, he overheard it from his father.

"So, we will start first on chakra. In order to do ninjutsu and a few times, taijutsu, you need chakra to unleash it. Ninjutsu is sorta like magic if you put it that way, You can do anything as long as its really possible, like spitting fire out of your mouth and controlling earth."

Naruto was amazed, he doesn't know what to say. He thought he could only make clones and do some simple ninja things, but spitting fire? Hell, he would be in.

"Now's not the time to be amazed. Anyone can dodge that attack, anyone! As long as he's a skilled shinobi of course. Now, if your done reading something on the scroll, tell me something about it."

"Yes, Shisui-sensei!"

Naruto started reading, it was complicating... He was starting to lose his mind, but regain some after his sensei asked him to take a break.

"Now its time to answer my question." His sensei said before Naruto almost choked on his chocolate bar.

Naruto panicked, Shisui is about to unleash the bomb, well not the bomb, he meant the question.

"Now, tell me. What is chakra?"

The blonde was done panicking. He was glad that it was something easy, so he said:

"Chakra is a form of energy, that runs through our body!"

"And what does it do?" Shisui blinked.

"It helps you use ninjutsu, and unusually, taijutsu."

"Correct. Not bad, kid." The messy haired male smiled.

"Well, guess you could say I am fast!"

'Reminds me of his father's Flying Thunder God' Shisui thought.

"Well, your done reading, but I bet you can do it for real." The Uchiha encouraged him.

The blonde got excited, really excited. He can't wait to do the jutsu that allows him to spit fire or cut metals into half or anything like that.

"Well, I know you want to do some amazing jutsu, but basic need to come first. Perform a Henge first, like this." Shisui performed a Henge : Dog to Boar to Ram, Poof! There he transformed into a man with brown hair, green eyes. Then he transformed back into his true self of course. "You should also try gathering chakra."

"That's cool, though I do know ninjas can do that!" Naruto was even more excited. He can't wait to do the cool things and have attention. That's killing two birds with one stone.

"Do it now. Just transform into me." Shisui smiled.

The blonde tried doing a Henge, but what he did was the Uchiha with thicker brow, smaller nose. The rest was good. The Uchiha facepalmed, while 'Shisui' snickered.

'Yup, he is pretty much a fast learner.' Shisui thought, 'He managed to use Henge..'

"Your henge needs improvement. Its appearance is obvious to tell apart. And well.. its funny. I am surprise you are able to do Henge since your an Uzumaki too." The kind-hearted Uchiha explained.

"What's a Uzumaki?"

"We get to it later, for now, try doing the basics." Shisui ordered, Naruto nodded. "Try doing Kawarimi." The Uchiha demonstrate : Tiger to Boar to Ox to Dog to Snake, replacing himself with a block of wood, with visible gas coming out of it.

The blonde nodded and did the handseal. There lies a block of wood, in his former position. It was quite easy and it doesn't really affect someone with a larger chakra reserve.

"Good, now I think this is the harder part for you. Do a Bunshin." The Uchiha demonstrate again by a different headseal : Ram to Snake to Tiger, there lies a clone of him beside him.

Naruto tried to do the same jutsu, but he could only do one or two clones with a different appearance.

"Ugh, I can't do this! Dattebayo!" The blonde complained.

His sensei blinked, "Usually easy... Your chakra reserve is the cause of it. This jutsu requires lesser chakra. I will find a solution soon. Anyway, the bunshin allows you to trick the opponent, though its not used for fighting since its just a illusion, if theres no shadow coming out of it, that means its fake. However, there's a version that makes it look like it's real, but I will find the time to get it soon."

"Now that I know your weakness, it's time to focus on it." Shisui smiled.

"What is it, Shisui-sensei?" Naruto blinked.

"It's your chakra control. Its below academy student's level. In fact, its even lower. Thats the problem with Uzumakis." The Uchiha, still carrying on his smile.

"Well, what should I do then?" The Fourth Hokage's son asked.

"Try walking up the tree." Shisui smirked. "Focus your chakra into your feet, add lesser, you won't walk on it, add more, you will be blown off the tree."

"Sure sensei!" Naruto put a thumbs up then walk up the tree.

-Namikaze's house-

"Hey dad, do you think Naruto will be a shinobi?" Naruko asked. She was a 6 year old, redheaded, round faced too, with her mother's eye color/colour, she wears a light pink dress that sounds like it's handpicked by Kushina. You could say she is a mini Kushina.

"Hm, Shisui is the most trusted shinobi I know, so he will be one of them soon." Minato answered.

"Mm, okay. I was just asking anyway." The redheaded girl ended the conversation.

Naruko admired her brother. She knew that he pranked the village, but to her, he is like a role model. This is what happened :


"Naruko, stop being a coward! They're bullies, you should fight back!" A 3 year old Naruto said. Actually, the bullies is in fact : a beetle. Naruto wasn't afraid of a bug. Nope, but his sister is. Naruto wanted her to be courageous to the little bug, not scared of it. Naruto took the bug and put it closed to her.

"Kyaa! Get it off me!" A cute scream from Naruko. Minato and Kushina was spying on them. "Aw, Naruko is cute when she scream." Kushina said. Minato nodded in agreement.

Then Naruto put the bug next to her. It was no harm, not at all. The beetle quickly flies away to Naruko's face. The redheaded was no longer scared.

A silence filled the room, then Naruko speaks up.

"Thank you, Naruto!" Naruko thanked her brother.

"No problem, dattebayo!" Her brother speaks.


Minato continued reading his usual newspaper, after her reply.

-Back to Forest of Death, Training Ground 44-

After a long time, about 6 hours, he finally did it.

"Huh?" Shisui blinked, he was surprised. It usually takes a day or two to complete the Tree-climbing Exercise, but in 6 hours, he manage to do it.

'This kid is really a fast learner...' Shisui smiled.

"I did it! Dattebayo!" The blonde kid shouted in happiness, but this shocked a habitat at the Forest of Death, attracting enormous tigers and snakes. Naruto dropped his smile and get scared.

"Grab on!" Shisui put his hand out to Naruto. The blonde obey, as Shisui use Body Flicker to get out of the forest.

"Phew, I was scared for a second there." Naruto said.

"Well, it was your fault..." His sensei glared at him, Naruto got a scared look on his face, but the real Uchiha glaring usually happen with active Sharingan.

"Guess we'll try to train tommorow."

"Sure, sensei!" Naruto grin. The blonde quickly walked out of the forest to get home.

Naruko's first appearance, and I guess you could say it's cute depends on you guys. By the way, does anyone know which age is required to enter the Academy at the Narutoverse? Let me know.