Elphaba sat in the corner of her cell in the Southstairs. Her long, raven hair was a dirty, tangled mess down her back. Her dress was dirty, torn and fraying. A cold wind whipped past the green witch and she shivered. She deserved this. She had done nothing in her life but cause others pain. She tired to do good, but it never worked out. Her sister, Nessa, was now dead, the Animals were still being treated terribly under the Wizard's rule, and the love of her life was now dead.

"Yero, keep running!"

Elphaba and Fiyero ran through the forest, trying to escape the Gale Force.

"They're catching up to us!"

"Fae, we need to stop!"

"We can't!"

"We're far away from them. They'll never find us. Plus, it's not good for you to keep running like this."

"Yero, you know I'm much tougher than this!"

"I'm not talking about that," Fiyero said, gently placing his hand on Elphaba's abdomen.

Elphaba stiffened and turned towards Fiyero. A small smile tugged on the ends of her lips. "I'm only two months along. I'm barely showing."

"It doesn't matter. It's not good for Little Fae," Fiyero smiled.

"Or Little Yero," Elphaba smiled. Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

"Fae, what is it?"

"This… this isn't a good life for a child, Yero. I mean… look at us. We're Oz's Most Wanted criminals. What are we going to do when he or she is born?"

"We're almost to the border, Fae," Fiyero smiled. "Once we leave Oz, we'll be able to make a good life for ourselves and our child. I promise."

"I love you, Yero," Elphaba whispered, leaning her head against Fiyero's chest.

"I love you, too, my beautiful emerald girl," Fiyero said, kissing her forehead.

Elphaba scoffed. "I'm not beautiful."

"Hey," Fiyero whispered, cupping Elphaba's face in his hands. "You are beautiful. And I will continue to tell you that for the rest of our lives."

Elphaba blushed and shyly turned away from Fiyero. The prince smirked and pulled Elphaba closer to him.

"Yer-" Elphaba's protests were muffled by Fiyero capturing her lips in his. The green girl moaned softly as she melted into the kiss.

Shouts and gunshots were heard in the distance and the couple pulled apart.

"The Gale Force," Elphaba whispered. "They're coming!" She grabbed Fiyero's hand and pulled him behind her. "Run!"

"There!" a soldier shouted, coming out from behind the bushes. "The Wicked Witch of the West!"

"Shoot her!" the captain shouted.

Elphaba tried her best to dodge the bullets. "Yero?"

"I'm right behind you, Fae," Fiyero said from behind her.

Elphaba nodded and ducked to avoid a bullet. She looked up and saw the edge of the forest and the border between Oz and the Badlands. "We're almost there, Yero!"

A shot was fired from behind them and Fiyero let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

"Yero!" Elphaba shouted, falling to her knees next to her lover. A pool of blood was quickly forming around the body of the prince. "Yero?"

"F-Fae?" Fiyero whispered, slowly opening his eyes.

"You'll be okay, Fiyero. You'll be okay," Elphaba whispered frantically, taking the Grimmerie out of her bag and chanting the first spell she saw. "Eleka nahmen nahmen a tum a tum eleka nahmen. Eleka nahmen nahmen a tum a tum eleka nahmen," she chanted over and over again.

"Fae…" Fiyero whispered.

"No, Yero. I'm not loosing you. Eleka nahmen nahmen a tum a tum eleka nahmen!"

The emerald witch continued to chant the spell over and over again, but nothing was happening.

"Fae… it's no use," Fiyero whispered weakly, his eyelids fluttering closed.

"No, Yero! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" Elphaba shouted as the Gale Force soldiers surrounded them.

"Hold on… F-Fae. Y-You must… go on… without me."

"No! I can't! You're my world, Yero. You mean everything to me!"

"Go on… for our… child…" Fiyero whispered, his hand trembling as he placed it against Elphaba's abdomen.

"Don't kill her! The Wizard and Madame Morrible want her alive!" the captain shouted.

Elphaba held Fiyero's hand against her heart. "Yero…" she whispered brokenly.

"I love you… my beautiful… emerald girl…" Fiyero whispered as he closed his eyes.

Elphaba let out an agonizing cry as Fiyero's hand went limp in hers. Wiping away her tears, the green girl rose to her full height with a growl.

"Seize her!" the captain shouted.

Elphaba conjured up a dark energy ball and hurled it at the soldiers. Five soldiers were blasted backwards, their backs slamming against the trees.

One of the soldiers picked up his rifle and aimed it at Elphaba. The emerald witch quickly dodged the bullet. While she backed away, she failed to realize the soldiers standing behind her. They quickly grabbed her and pulled her hands behind her back and forced her to her knees.

"Not as powerful as you thought, huh, witch?" the captain sneered in her face.

Elphaba quickly gathered as much saliva as she could and spat in the captain's face.

Disgusted, the guard wiped his face with the sleeve of his uniform. "Chain her!"

Elphaba grunted as she was handcuffed. She looked at Fiyero's broken body and fought back tears. "Yero…" she whispered.

"Take her back to the Emerald City Palace. His Ozness and Madame Morrible will be pleased to have finally captured the Wicked Witch of the West."

Elphaba was forced to her feet. She tried to turn away, but one of the soldiers hit her in the back of her head with the butt of his gun.

Go on for our child.

Elphaba bared her teeth as she tugged at the chains binding her with all the strength left in her body. The soldier holding her let of a grunt before hitting her in the head again, successfully knocking her out.

That was a month ago. Elphaba looked down at the forming baby bump and gently rubbed it.

"I promised your father I would protect you," Elphaba whispered. "And I shall. I love you."

The cell door opened and Elphaba looked up. She stiffened, seeing the last person she wanted to see. The Wizard.

"You…" she snarled, pushing herself up. "What do you want?"

"Calm down, Elphaba. I'm not here to harm you," the Wizard said calmly.

"Well, you have. You have harmed me!" Elphaba hissed.

"I know. And I regret it," the Wizard whispered, looking down.

"You never answered my question! Why are you here? Haven't you tormented me enough?"

"Elphaba, please. I just want to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you!"

"Then just listen to me. I regret everything I did to you. And I-"

"You destroyed my life!" Elphaba shouted, pushing herself away from the wall towards the Wizard. "You took away what little happiness I had! You killed the love of my life and the father of my child!"

The Wizard took a small step back, shocked. "You're… you're pregnant?"

Elphaba realized her mistake and her hand flew to her bulging abdomen. "You will not harm my child!"

"I would never want to harm my grandchild," the Wizard said calmly.

Elphaba was about to say something, but closed her mouth, realizing what the Wizard had just said. "Gr-Grandchild?"

The Wizard nervously licked his lips and pulled out a small green bottle from his inside coat pocket.

"My… my mother's bottle," Elphaba whispered. "Where in Oz did you get that!?"

"There are only two bottles like this in existence," the Wizard whispered, as if he was talking to himself. "One belongs to myself. The other… the other belonged to a beautiful woman. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. I gave her the other one to symbolize our love for one another. Her name was… Melena Thropp."

"What… what are you…" Elphaba stuttered, hating being at a loss of words.

"We… we had an affair, but I had to leave to take my job as the 'Wonderful Wizard of Oz'," the Wizard said, using bunny-quotes. "I got a letter from her about a month later saying that she was pregnant. Another letter came about eight months later that said we had a daughter. But that's all it said. I never heard from Melena after that."

Elphaba couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Who… who told you…"

"Miss Glinda told me that you had the other bottle with you at Shiz. She told me that it was your mother's bottle and that you guarded it with your life. You slept with it under your pillow every night because it made you feel closer to her."

"It can't be…" Elphaba said, backing up into the corner.

The Wizard nodded solemnly. "It is."

"No… no…"

"Elphaba," the Wizard said gently. "I'm your father."