When I wake up, I know everything is going to be okay. How? I don't know. Sometimes you just get this feeling.

I open my eyes, looking around while still adjusting to the lights. Thankfully, there's no tube in my nose. Furthermore, I see that I'm no longer in that ICU room. It's a proper room now. And that means visitors. Dan is the first person I see. He's smiling lightly, but as he notices I'm awake, he grins, showing those wonderful dimples.

Then I see that mum and dad are also here. Mum's eyes are teary and dad's hands are on her knees. They calm down a bit when they see that I'm awake. Also, I'm not sure if Dan told them about us. If not, we have to.

Chris and Peej are also in the room, but they are standing in the corner looking out of the window. They talk about something – almost in an arguing manner. While I don't hear a word, it's clear they're almost there.

'Hey.' I say a bit sleepily.

'Hey, darling.' My mum squeezes my hand a bit. 'How are you feeling?'

'Good. I needed this sleep.' I speak easier now, which is a good news. 'Is everything alright?' I ask everyone but my question is mainly for Chris and PJ.

'Yeah, man. Glad to see you're okay.' PJ smiles and he looks at Chris for a nanosecond. Oh god, what have they done?

'Since you're feeling better, it's time you saw something.' Dan nervously sighs. Then, he picks up a mirror from the bedside table and places it in front of me so I can see my head.

My head is still wrapped in bandages, but I can see that my hair is gone. I mean all of it, not just a part. And I look thin. It's been long days since I had a proper meal and I'd sell my soul to eat a cheeseburger right now.

'I'm sorry, dear.' My mum sadly smiles.

'Because of my hair? It's kinda cool to think that I'm bald now. A badass bald.'

'Yeah, your son is alright.' My dad laughs, and we all know this is the truth. I'll be alright.

A few days later, following like ten thousand tests, my doctor declares that I don't need chemo or radiation right now, but they'll closely monitor my cancer-freeness. At the end of a day, he says that I can go home.


'There's always a but, isn't it?' I moan quietly.

'You're just resting now, okay? No long walks, no exhausting things. Your boyfriend will get a list of things he needs to pay attention to. If you're feeling sick, don't hesitate, tell him.'

I nod like a good boy. I'm finally going home. The doc gives me more information, more things I need to go, then… Freedom.

Kind of.

Dan is like a super bossy, yet super devoted mum. He reminds me every five minutes to drink or eat something. He's so cute when he is worried.

Also we are yet to determine what this thing is. I think it's a relationship but we haven't talked about it. I know Dan doesn't want to talk about it now because I'm still recovering, but we need to discuss it.

So after his umpteenth attempt in 15 minutes to make me another cuppa, I say to him.

'Daniel, would you just sit down on that beautiful arse of yours?'

His eyes light up as say this. He does sit down on the couch looking at me. 'What's up?'

'You're like a flea, so just stay here for half an hour, okay?'

'Sure. How are you feeling?'

'I'm fine, Daniel. So don't you think it's time we talked about something?' I ask as Dan's phone starts to ring.

'Sorry.' He picks up. From his reply, I can figure out that it's PJ and Chris. And they're outside. 'I'm gonna find out what they want then I promise we'll talk about it.

Half a minute later PJ walks in followed by Chris, then Dan. Dan sits down next to me, looking at the guys. They act very odd and awkward. Suddenly I remember the whole arguing-not arguing thing that happened in the hospital.

'We'll be gone in a minute, but since you're our best friends, we need to tell you something and you have to be the first ones who hear it.' Chris looks at Peej.

And by now both Dan and I know what they are going to say.

KickTheStickz is real.

Who would've guessed?

Phan is also real?

Who would've guessed that?

They then tell us how KickTheStickz really started: it was back when Dan was still dating Amelia. It was when I told him that he needed to move out. PJ realised that one day, he might be late too. So at 3 am, he went to Chris. He opened the door, still half asleep, with his pyjama top still twisted around him. PJ then, without telling anything to him, kissed him. Just kissed him, and Chris knew. PJ, since it was late, spent the night with Chris.

'NOT LIKE THAT.' PJ shouts, his face is redder than red.

So they've been dating ever since. They didn't want to tell us, because it would've made thinks awkward, then I had the surgery, but now I was well, I was alive, they had to tell us.

'I'm so happy for you guys!' I smile. They deserve the best, and they are the best for each other.

'So how about you?' Chris asks.

'We were about to discuss that.'

'Were we?' Dan is looking at me, totally confused. 'I mean is there anything we need to discuss?'

'I… don't know.' Now it's my turn to be confused.

'I love you, you love me, poof we're dating.' Dan entwines our fingers, then looks at the guys. 'We're dating.'

'Yaaay!' Chris laughs, sitting down next to Dan.

The guys stay for an hour or so, then it's only the two of us. Dan is forcing me to eat, so I'm consuming a meal while watching Strictly Come Dancing. Wonderful show.

'Anything else? You're feeling okay?'

'Yes, I am. Now come here please.'

'Why?' He's looking at me, puzzled.

'Because I realised, I haven't even kissed you.'

He blushes a bit, then sits down. When I finally kiss him… It's everything. You know that feeling when you see someone you really love, or when you finally see your OTP and your inside gets warm and you just want to hug the world and it seems that you can do everything? Yeah, I felt that too. It was perfect. There's just him and me, all the sad things, all the pain, all the fear are gone.

So, this is the last chapter. BUT! This isn't goodbye, it's just a see you later! I'll write another Phanfic, starting November, as it'll be my Nanowrimo novel. My goal isn't 50k, it messed up my writing last year, but as much as possible. I have deadlines in November, so yeah. Until then I'll be doing some Phan oneshots, but I'll keep writing Phanfics. Thank you for all your help throughout this fic. I love you all.