Chapter 28: The Prophecy

Killian had been sucked through portals and through time, he'd flown through the air on the Jolly Roger, but he'd never been yanked away as quickly as he'd been when he'd been sucked through Facilier's door. He remembered seeing Emma's expression turn to one of terror before she disappeared and he was surrounded by darkness. As soon as he saw light again, he heard Facilier's booming voice, "Welcome, friend, to my humble abode."

Killian still felt his enchanted sword trapped under his coat. As he looked down at where it was, Facilier sneered, "Thanks for sheathing that blade and hiding it in your coat. The nice leather barrier protected me from it. You're so considerate."

"Where's Emma?" Killian demanded.

"She's with her friends, safe and sound just off the coast in your lovely vessel. I won't harm so much as a hair on her head. That's why I need you."

"I'd never hurt her."

"You would if you didn't have a choice," Facilier countered. "Get comfortable. My whole plan is to keep you here locked up. When Emma and her friends return, I'll let them rescue you."

"What's the point in all that?"

"You'll see soon enough. But I'm not entirely heartless. I called an old friend of yours to keep you company."

Killian didn't even have a chance to look around when he heard a very familiar voice, "Well, well, well. I didn't expect to have a toy to play with."

"What are you doing, Crocodile?" Killian cringed as he faced Gold.

"I'm here to help persuade you to help us with a little project," Gold replied. He stood in front of his longtime enemy and roughly pulled open Killian's coat and took the enchanted sword.

"I don't think you could persuade me to do a damn thing."

"I'm an excellent motivator," Gold grinned, sheathing the enchanted sword in his own scabbard before he plunged his fingers into Killian's chest.

Killian's head tipped back as he felt a pain that was far too familiar for his liking. He could feel Gold squeezing his heart in his chest. This pain was indescribable, and the only thoughts he could concentrate on besides the clenching pain that consumed his chest were not hopeful ones.

"Do I have your attention?" Gold asked. When Killian didn't answer, Gold demanded, "Look at me. Or are you too much of a coward?"

"I'm no coward!" Killian answered, focusing his eyes on his nemesis.

Over the next few seconds, Gold's hand stayed in Killian's chest, but his grip loosened enough for Killian to breathe a little better. Killian stared into Gold's eyes with worry and rage, and then Gold did the last thing Killian ever would have expected. Gold leaned his face closer so their noses were nearly touching, and he winked.

Killian was initially startled, and tilted his head as he tried to figure out what was going on. Gold squeezed Killian's heart again, probably so that Facilier wouldn't see confusion or relief on Killian's face. "Are you listening?" Gold growled. "You'll do as I say!"

Killian nodded as he remembered the premonition of the old woman they'd met while walking through the French Quarter: Heed these words…An ally will be revealed in the wink of an eye.

His mind began to race as Killian wondered if it could be true. Could his oldest enemy be his ally? It seemed impossible, but yet Gold was standing before him, winking and putting on quite a show for Facilier if, in fact, Gold's aim was to be an ally. Gold yanked his hand out of Killian's chest before the pirate could ask any questions. Killian looked down, and saw that Gold's hand was initially empty. Gold swirled a finger, and a heart that was obviously not Killian's appeared in Rumpelstiltskin's hand. Facilier was behind Gold, so he couldn't see the trick that had been played on him.

Gold proudly stepped away as Killian fought through the pain in chest. As much as it hurt, Killian felt some relief that, for some reason, his nemesis was on his side, and had not taken his heart. As Killian searched his mind for answers, Gold held the heart up. When Facilier tried to take it, Gold stepped away and said, "This heart…is my insurance policy. I'm not giving you my only leverage."

Facilier's lip snarled as he said, "Fine. Let's see how this works."

"It's quite simple, really," Gold replied. "I hold his heart in my hand. He'll do whatever I say. He'll repeat my words if I want him to, he's my perfectly obedient servant. Get on your knees, servant."

Killian swallowed, but he knew what he had to do. He dropped down on his knees. Gold walked past and patted his head and said, "Good dog."

Killian scowled at Gold and demanded, "What will you have me do?"

Gold chuckled and said, "Our plan is simple. You see, Miss Swan will not let Facilier or myself anywhere near her or those babies. But you…why she won't expect a thing. You'll bring us your offspring, like the obedient little dog that you are."

"There's one more thing that I want," Facilier said as he approached. "You have his heart, and that's all fine and good, but what about me?"

"I thought you were waiting for the babies. What more do you want?" Gold asked.

"I want something now…today," Facilier answered.

"What do you have in mind?"

"That talisman that was stolen from me. Do you have it?" Facilier asked Killian.

Killian looked away, but Gold lifted up the beating prop heart and said, "Give Facilier the talisman."

At first Killian wanted to fight, but he realized this might be Gold's way of assisting. After all, Killian knew that Facilier would be momentarily weakened while he absorbed the talisman's power. Perhaps this was the chance Killian needed. He reached behind his neck, grabbing the ropey chain that held the talisman against his chest. Gold repeated, "Give the talisman to Facilier."

Killian held out his hand, dangling the talisman as he watched Facilier come closer. Everything was happening so quickly, and Killian remembered the warning that there would be a short window of time while Facilier was weakened. He knew the stark truth: this might be his only opportunity to save his children.

Facilier scooped up the talisman and held it before him. He walked to the far end of the room, his fingers tightening around the object. Killian shifted his feet so he could spring toward Facilier at the right moment. His heart thudded in his chest and his breath quickened as his body readied for battle. A flash of light emanated from the talisman that was so bright both Killian and Gold flinched. Killian stood as his eyes focused again and he looked for his enchanted sword, but Facilier's head quickly turned as he proudly glared at Killian. Facilier's laugh boomed through the underground room, his eyes bright with the thrill of power. "Thank you very much," his smoky voice gloated as he grabbed his scepter and rested it on his shoulder.

Down the hall, they could hear someone screaming for help. Facilier dashed down the hall, magic transporting him more quickly than his physical body would allow. "I thought you said he'd be vulnerable," Killian angrily whispered to Gold.

"He was. That man is more powerful than I'd imagined. I've never seen anyone strong enough to absorb magic like that."

"So what now?" Killian demanded.

"I'm open to suggestions," Gold snapped back.

Facilier slinked eerily back into the room and said to Killian, "I greatly appreciate your contribution to the cause…every little bit helps. Now if you'll excuse me, my friend Rumpelstiltskin and I have some business to attend to."

Before Killian could protest, Facilier lifted his scepter with the purple orb at the top and gestured down the hall in the direction he had come from. Killian's body flew through the air as if he were weightless. At the end of the hall, a barred door flung open and he was dropped unceremoniously into a cell. He lay on the ground for a moment, his hand covering his heart in an attempt to soothe the ache that persisted long after Gold's fingers had let go.

The pirate stared at the dull mud and stone ceiling as he muttered into the air, "What in the hell do I do now?"

"Killian?" a frightened voice asked from one darkened corner of the cell. "Is that you?"

He sat up as Tiana came forward into the dim light at the center of the cell. "Are you alright? Did that monster hurt you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. I think," her shaky voice responded. "What's he going to do with me?"

"I'm not sure, although I suspect you were bait."


"Emma and I came here to rescue you. He captured me and sent her away, so I believe he used you to lure us here."

"Thank you…for coming to get me."

"Don't say that until we actually get you out of here."

"This has to be a dream."

"'Fraid not."

"So what's the plan?"

"We had one. It didn't work."

Tiana sat on the ground next to him. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Killian tapped his toe on the ground a few times and he asked, "Did you see anything? Anything that he was very protective of…some item that he kept close or seemed to draw power from."

"He always has that staff. Always. I don't think I've ever seen him without it for as long as I can remember. Do you think that means anything?"

"I'm not exactly sure yet. Tell me everything that has happened since he took you. Everything you've noticed…"

Emma, Regina, Robin and Henry hurried back to the building where Killian had disappeared. As they rushed up to the door they saw Naveen rounding the corner. "Naveen?" Emma asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you told me. About Tiana. And…" Naveen looked around and said, "Where is your friend?"

"Killian…he was taken too."

"I shouldn't have sent you here."

"It's not your fault," Emma assured.

"You should go home," Regina said to Naveen.

"I want to help," he replied.

Regina paused for a moment and answered, "There are things that we need to do that may be confusing. And we don't have time to explain it all to you. Go home. And we'll let you know when Tiana is back."

"I won't leave," Naveen answered, immediately reaching for the door knob. He easily opened the door and stepped inside.

Emma shouted, "Wait!" but Naveen was already inside. The rest of the group followed them in. Emma spun around the room as confusion washed over her. The long hallway was gone. The room now seemed so normal. The floors weren't dirt and gravel, but were finished in hardwood with a large area rug in the center. The room was now a small, formal sitting area. An old sofa and a few chairs surrounded a coffee table, and they looked like they'd entered a home that had barely been changed in decades. "How do we get to him?" Emma screamed, wide-eyed, at Regina.

"I don't know yet," Regina answered, trying to impart her calm on Emma. "We need to look around. There has to be some sort of door."

"We need to find him," Emma said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"And we will."

Henry took Emma's arm and asked, "Where was the door?"

Emma pointed, "At the end of a hallway that used to be right here."

"There's got to be some clue here," Regina answered. "Let's all take a corner of the room and see what we can find."

Killian and Tiana started to lose track of time in that dim, dank cell. "Y'all are getting along pretty well," Facilier said, leaning against the bars of the cell door. He unlocked the door and gestured for Killian to come through.

Gold waited for them. "Now, Captain, I'm going to show you exactly what we need you to do. First, I'm going to enchant your hook so…that…so…" Gold had a perplexed look on his face as he stared at Killian's wrist, and in the next second he shoved the pirate back against the wall, screaming, "Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" Killian asked.

"That bracelet. It's not yours. Now tell me where you got it!"

Gold had given the bracelet to Killian, and they both knew it was the bracelet they'd tried to use to disable Pan's power. Realizing that Gold knew all too well what the bracelet was, Killian played along, "It's mine. A personal item."

"You're lying," Gold responded. He opened a small chest and took out the heart that he pretended was Killian's and ordered, "Give me the bracelet."

Killian obediently removed the leather object with his hook and held it out. "What is it?" Facilier asked with great interest.

"It's mine," Gold casually answered. "Nothing to worry yourself with. Now…where were we?"

As Gold prepared to fasten the bracelet around his wrist, Facilier slid between them and took the item for himself. "If it's nothing," Facilier said, "you don't need it."

"It's magical. Quite powerful, actually," Gold explained like he was reluctant to share the information. Gold lied, "It protects the wearer from damage by enchanted objects like the sword he carries. That way, if we tried to hurt him with his own sword, he'd be immune."

"Where did he get it?" Facilier asked.

"This pirate must have stolen it from me long ago in our homeland."

Facilier's eyes greedily lit up, "I don't have anything from your Enchanted Forrest." It was clear that Facilier's lust for power clouded his judgment, and the tall, lean man slapped the bracelet on his wrist. "I do feel a little different…I can't explain it."

"It takes time for the magic to course through you," Gold explained.

"This doesn't feel right," Facilier argued, shaking his head.

Killian, hoping the bracelet had already disabled Facilier's powers, quickly lurched at the scepter. Facilier was stunned as Killian spun the scepter upside down and smashed the purple sphere attached to the top into the ground, fracturing the once perfect globe into thousands of tiny shards. Facilier dramatically dropped to his knees, screaming, "No! Why, oh why!" before his frown contorted into a smile and his cries became maniacal laughter. Yanking the scepter out of Killian's hand, Facilier exclaimed, "If you wanted that, you should have told me. It's worthless. A showpiece. You smashed a cheap little glass ball."

As Facilier paraded around, gloating about his power and brilliance, Killian tried to quickly think of another plan. He and Tiana had both assumed the purple sphere at the top of Facilier's cane had been the source of his power. Facilier started questioning Gold, "Why didn't you try to stop him? You haven't had second thoughts, have you? I don't take kindly to defectors."

Ignoring the conversation between Gold and Facilier, Killian remembered that some of the words of the fortune teller had come true. She had told him "an ally will be revealed in the wink of an eye," and Gold had winked at Killian and certainly seemed to be an ally for the time being. So Killian tried to remember what else the old woman had said. It came to him with clarity so stark, Killian could practically hear the woman. "Heed these words…An ally will be revealed in the wink of an eye. When the time comes to seize your destiny, you will find greater power in a gleaming smile than a star of amethyst."

Thinking quickly, Killian started to wonder if the star of amethyst that the old woman had mentioned was the purple sphere attached to Facilier's scepter. He started looking around to find the "gleaming smile" the old woman had mentioned, because that gleaming smile was said to have the greater power. Killian hoped against hope that the old woman was right. He had little time. He knew soon Facilier would figure out that the bracelet was stifling his magic, and Killian thought Facilier might just be powerful and knowledgeable enough to find a way to remove it. Just then, Killian saw light shine off the necklace Facilier wore. The necklace was made of little bones and teeth strung on the necklace, and as they lay on Facilier's chest, it almost looked like a macabre smile.

There was no time for thought. Hoping that he'd assumed correctly, Killian approached as Facilier and Gold argued. The moment he was close enough, Killian yanked the necklace off and stepped away. Facilier whirled around and demanded, "You better give that back to me right now, little man, before it's too late."

Killian stepped backward toward the wall and replied, "I don't think so."

"How'd you like to have matching hooks? When I'm done with you, you'll need more than a fake hand," Facilier threatened.

Killian grabbed a rock so large he could barely hold it in one hand and Facilier screamed, "I'm gonna enjoy slowly draining the life out of those little helpless worms you've fathered. And you're gonna watch." Facilier tried to stay threatening and cocky, but it was clear that he was panicking.

Killian spun around, holding the necklace against the wall with his hook and smashing the bones and teeth with the rock he held. Facilier screamed an ethereal, demonic cry and Killian knew he'd found the right object. Relentlessly destroying every piece that hung from the necklace, Killian finally looked at Facilier. The tall, powerful man was on the ground, looking like he'd just endured a terrible fight. Obviously weakened, Facilier said, "I suggest you run while you can. You can't stop me forever and I will never stop. Once I regain my strength, I'll do things to you that will make you beg for death. I'll take your love's power now too…punishment for what you've done. I'll cut her open myself and—" Facilier continued to make threats, but Killian was no longer listening since he was busy planning.

When Killian heard Facilier again, the witch doctor added, "Just because I'm weak doesn't mean I'm completely powerless." Facilier tried to use his magic and found that he had none. He looked at the bracelet and then Gold as Facilier tried to rip the bracelet off of his wrist, adding, "You betrayed me, Rumpelstiltskin? Ohh…you're gonna regret that. I'll destroy your whole damn town and everyone in it!" Facilier summoned enough power to stand and he kicked Killian onto the ground. "First things first. Did you really think you could overpower me? You're nothing without Emma's magic." Facilier pulled a bone-handled knife from his jacket and stood over Killian.

"Hook," Rumpelstiltskin shouted, tossing the enchanted sword back to Killian.

Killian pulled the sword from the air, and in one easy motion drove the blade into Facilier's chest. The scream that resulted was the same unworldly shriek they'd heard when Killian had destroyed the necklace. A noise like a low hum reverberated through the cave. The hum grew louder and louder, Facilier's look of pain became one of sheer terror. The man screamed into the air, "Give me another chance! I know you can heal me! You need my help!"

Killian searched for whomever Facilier was talking to, but saw no one. As the hum grew, Killian and Rumpelstiltskin watched the room fill with the shadowy demons that all circled Facilier as he pleaded. The shadows packed the space, dark wisps too numerous to count. Then they all began to tug at Facilier's limbs as he screamed in agony. They started actually pulling him down into the ground. The room filled with humming and a quiet laughter set against Facilier's cries. The room swirled with energy, angst and rage and then all of the shadowy spirits disappeared into ground and the room was completely, bone-chillingly silent.

All that was left in the spot where Facilier had been moments before was the bracelet and the talisman. Killian walked over to the spot, picking up the bracelet and tossing it to Rumpelstiltskin while keeping the talisman for himself. "Thank you," Killian said.

"I wanted rid of him as much as you did. So I suppose I owe you my gratitude as well," Gold answered simply.

They heard Tiana calling for help and Killian said, "Let's go get her and figure out how to get the hell out of here."

Killian hoped Gold didn't help destroy Facilier in order to keep the twin's power for himself. After all, it wasn't like the two of them were often allies. At least, for the time being, Killian felt his family would be safe. They made it to the cell where Tiana had been kept and, since they didn't have a key, Gold used magic to remove the door. The cave began to shake, and stone and dirt began to fall all around them. "We don't have much time," Killian said. "Do you know how to get out of here?"

Several feet away, they saw a light cracking through the ceiling. As the light expanded, they could see Emma and Regina using magic to create an opening. Naveen jumped down through the opening, and took Tiana's hand. "Hurry. I don't know how much time we have!" he said as he held out his hands to boost her up.

Without question she accepted the boost and reached upward where Robin was waiting to help her up. Naveen tried to help Gold, who elected to use his magic to transport himself to the upper level. Finally Naveen boosted Killian, and then Killian and Robin pulled Naveen up just as Emma and Regina lost their grip on the opening and it snapped shut. Once it shut, it was as if there had never been a hole in the ground. A rug suddenly unfolded, covering a strange rune that was scrawled on the floor where the opening had been.

Henry and Emma wrapped their arms around Killian, welcoming him back. Henry's hug only lasted a few seconds, but Killian could feel the boy's happiness and relief. Emma kept her arms around Killian, holding onto him before something else could whisk him away. The building began to crumble around them, and Regina suspiciously asked, "What are you doing here, Gold?"

"He helped me defeat Facilier," Killian admitted.

"Oddly enough, we made an adequate team," Gold added.

"Facilier is…?" Emma started.

"He's dead, love," Killian explained. "I had no choice."

"I'm just glad you're alright," she resolutely stated, "but we won't be if we stay here much longer."

The back wall of the building began to crumble, and the walls around them followed suit. Naveen grabbed Tiana's hand and went for the door, and everyone hurried out as quickly as they could. They all stood on the sidewalk and watched the earth swallow the building, leaving the two buildings on either side perfectly intact and undamaged. A tiny dirt lot was all that was left in its place.