Guys I'm back with yet another twilight story- as always your reviews are what keeps the story alive, so if you like it so far REVIEW

Prologue: Where It All Began

Years earlier:

Seth Clearwater walked down the streets with his hands stuffed in his hoodie, it wasn't cold to him of course, but somehow the snow and ice made a person hunch over even with a body temp of 113.

A screech and a loud crash made Seth turn around sharply, he listened in the direction and soon a big explosion fired, Instincts sunk in and he sprinted in the direction.

His heart beat leaped in his throat when he took in the scene in front of him, a SUV was on fire, and the only thing that he could hear was the screaming of the people burning alive inside.

Seth ran to the car, yelling in pain when his hand connected with the hot burning metal, It was hot even to him so he knew the situation was bad, the window was down and he could see a man right through it. "I'll be back don't worry! I have to get a pole hang on!"

"The baby!" The man winced, struggling to breath out the words, "just get the baby... Please!"

Seth's head snapped around, his mouth fell open, his ears finally focused on the crying infant in the back seat. Something fueled over the pain, he ripped the door off its hinges, screaming in pain as he grabbed the car seat out of the back seat.

Seth looked over at the man and woman in the front seat, he knew he had to get the baby away. The car was about to blow up, "son it's okay. Thank you so much, we could never repay you."

"Her name is Sadie," the woman gasped.

Seth closed his eyes and looked down at the baby in his arms before looking at the couple, "I'll be back I promise! I just have to get her out!" He took off at wolf speed, laying the baby on the ground.

Suddenly everything moved in slow motion, Seth's eyes connected with the little beauties, and everything stopped. This was it, his world slowly shifted and every fiber in his body fought for him to just pick her up and run, never look back. He just saved his imprint- she was seconds away from death.

The sound of the final explosion made Seth tear his eyes away from the little angel in his arms, he watched as both of Sadie's parents died right in front of him, and their was nothing he could do but watch.

Sadie started screaming from the loud noise. "Shhhh, shhhh Sade, you're fine I promise, I'll never let anyone hurt you," he assured, before lightly kissing the infant on the forehead. Sadie stopped crying and looked up at Seth and automatically snuggled into his warmth and fell asleep, that is until loud sirens sounded, startling both of them.

An ambulance, followed by a cop car, and two other rescue cars came to a halt. The men came at Seth taking the infant from his arms, Sadie screamed in protest and didn't stop crying as they poked and prodded at the child

"No! Stop! What are you doing? You're hurting her!" Seth screamed. Running towards the people but five cops stood in his way.

"Seth!" A familiar voice screamed, "Seth! Dammit Seth listen to me will you!?" Charlie swan demanded, trying to take His attention away from the baby.

Seth's eyes slowly fell on Charlie, "what..."

"Seth. That baby's going to be just fine. She has an aunt and uncle who are willing to take her in," Seth looked to his right and saw a young couple, the woman was on the ground weeping, while the man was trying to answer questions about Sadie.

"She needs me! Not them," Seth demanded, trying to get Charlie to understand.

"Seth! It's over. You did your deed, that little girl owes you her life, just... Go home. You did a good thing son."

Seth couldn't do anything but watch as they handed Sadie to her aunt and uncle, then slowly they all walked away. The cops, rescue squad, Sadie, everyone was gone even the car with her parents was removed, only Seth was left at the scene. One thought ran through Seth Clearwater's mind, Sadie would never owe him her life, she would always BE his life.

Present day:


I hope you guys like it, I did Seth because of all the requests.