a/N thank you to every one who has waited patiently for this chapter. This chapter was cursed. I rewrote it four times because every device I wrote it on would crash shortly after I finished it. I hope you enjoy it happy reading and don't forget to review.

Hermiones day at work was extremely dull and monotonous. Ron had asked her that morning to ask Molly to watch Hugo overnight because he had a surprise for her. She hated surprises, always had. But she was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, it had been a long while since they had any time together, let alone went out. So she had owled Molly and asked if Hugo could stay over, of course the answer was yes. Molly had asked if there was a special reason and Hermione told her she honestly did not know a thing. Around lunchtime an owl arrived with a note in its clutches, it was from Ron.

My dearest Hermione,

I hope your day is going well. I'm hoping your evening will be even better. At five pm please apparate directly to the Serenity salon and spa and ask for Janice. You will receive further instructions after you are done there. I love you, see you soon.


It was certainly loving and affectionate and completely out of character for her husband. And knowing his past problems with gambling she was very worried. His behavior reminded her of when he was on a winning streak. Before she learned of the true extent of his problems last year she had noticed a pattern to hid odd behavior. When he was winning, his gamblers high behavior was completely happy, upbeat and fun. Nothing bothered him. He would shower her with gifts and they would go along happily until his first big loss.

She remembered it well, the day she found out exactly how bad things were. Ron had been acting sullen and moody for several weeks,and that night when she got home from work, the house was a mess and she just didn't feel like making dinner so she had suggested they go out for dinner, it took a little convincing but he finally agreed to go out. The kids were excited, she had picked a muggle family place that had an arcade that they loved. Ron moaned and griped but agreed to go. They let the kids p!ay games while they looked at the menus. After ordering ,Ron had begun to chastise and berate Rose for every little thing. He'd said some cross things to Hugo as well but Rose was usually the scapegoat for his anger. He always said she was a mini Hermione and since he didn't have the balls to speak to Hermione in such a manner she guessed he thought of Rose as the next best thing.
The next thing she knew two very large rough men walked in looking completely out of place.
"Oh, bollocks." Ron said quietly under his breath as the men creeped through the narrow isles and avoiding the dozens of screaming muggle children towards his table. Ron got up from the table and walked towards the men.
"Who's that daddy? " Rose asked as he got up. Ron shot her a deathly glare and didn't answer.

When he got to them he asked " What are you guys doing here?" He swallowed a nervous lump in his throat.
"The better question Weasley, is what are YOU doing here?" The shorter of the two men asked.
"What do you mean? I'm here having dinner with my family."
"Exactly. You owe the boss money, shouldn't you be saving money and eating at home?"
"Not that it's any of your business, but my wife is paying."
The men laughed at that. It was at this point Hermione got suspicious and walked over to them
"Is there a problem?" She asked as Ron glared at her. If looks could kill shed be toast.
"I've got it under control sweetheart." Ron said hoping to head her off. No such luck.
"Sorry to disturb your dinner ma'am, but your husband owes our boss a lot of money."
"For what?" She asked incredulously.
"I made some bad bets and when I was trying to even things out but it snowballed fast."
"Gambling?" She chastised. "How much does he owe?"
Ron groaned.
"Fifty thousand galleons Miss."
"Can you meet me at the Leaky Cauldron tomorrow around 6pm. I'll have the money then, okay?"
"Yes Ma'am." They said in unison before turning and leaving with the entire restaurant staring at them.

Later that night at home where the kids couldn't hear he knew he'd have to talk to her about it.
"I am so sorry about that Hermione. I meant to have this all cleared up before it went this far."
"Oh and how were you planning to do that? More bets? Mortgage the house? Tell me. I'd really like to know."
"I don't really know. How are you planning on getting it? Robbing a bank? Selling your copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I would never sell that book, it's a family heirloom now. I don't need to 'get' the money, I already have it."
"Already have it? What? How?" He blurted out rapidly.
"Yes Ron I've been saving for a rainy day. I guess I didn't realize it was already pouring."
"I am really sorry about this, I never meant for you or the kids to get involved in my problems."
"Well that's a nice thought but it's too late for that. You will never gamble again from this day forward."
He nodded.
"Do you have any outstanding debts right now?" She asked him.
"No,no one would extend me any credit while I owed money to Nott."
" You owe money to Theodore Nott? Of all the stupid, irresponsible, idiotic things to do. Ronald Billius Weasley." Her tone was getting more and more aggravated.
"All I can say is I'm very sorry and it will never happen again."
"No, it will not." She replied as she slammed the door to their adjoining bathroom.

The next afternoon on her lunch break Hermione went to Gringotts and withdrew fifty thousand galleons. After work sheet made her way to the Leaky Cauldron, she was half an hour early but the two men were already waiting for her. She sat down next to them as discreetly as possible.
"Hello, I have your bosses money." She said quietly as she handed them a brown leather satchel.
" Thank you ma'am, you saved your husband's arse" the short one joked.
Hermione ignored him.
" Are we finished here?" She asked curtly.
"Yes ma'am."
"Goodbye, I hope to never see either of you again."
She got up, left and assumed it was done and over with, what she couldn't have known was that by paying Ron's debt in full, she unwittingly increased his credit with gambling establishments. He started with a clean slate.

But that was long behind them, although she had a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach as she stood in the plush lobby of the spa waiting for Janice to meet with her. Suddenly a woman with short brown hair worn in a polished bob entered the lobby she was dressed in all pink.
"Mrs. Weasley?" She asked a Hermione nodded. " We've been expecting you, you are all anyone's talked about today."
Hermione smiled but found the statement quite odd.
"Why would anyone be talking about me?" She asked.
"Well it's not everyday around here that someone books the entire spa for the ultimate royal package. we thought you might be someone important dear."
" Sorry to disappoint but I'm not. My husband surprised me with this. Kind of a last minute thing." She said in a dull tone.
" You sound disappointed yourself, my husband never does anything like this. You're a lucky woman."
" Yes, I suppose I am."
"Well we will start you off in the mineral baths. Come this way." She said motioning for Hermione to follow her down a wood lined hallway.
She soon came to a room filled with sunken tubs, swirls of steam rolled off the tops.
"Here we are." Janice smiled. "Get undressed and place your belongings in locker three in the corner. " She said motioning towards the far corner. "Here is a robe for you to use." She told her as she handed her a pink fluffy robe.
"Thank you." Hermione smiled.
"Someone will be around to fetch you when it's time for your next treatment. Would you like me to put some different music on?"
Hermione listened to the soothing music playing and told Janice not to change it. After Janice left the room Hermione got undressed quickly and put her things in her assigned locker. She selected a tub and got in slowly, the water was very warm and had a lovely Jasmine smell to it. She sunk in up to her neck and inhaled the steam and fragrance. It was pure heaven. The soothing music relaxed her even further. After a few relaxed minutes she drifted off. But she awoke with a start when a large blonde woman entered the room.
"It is time for your mud bath ." the lady said. "I am Donna, I will lead the way when you are ready."
" What about my things?" Hermione asked.
" They will stay in the locker until you are finished."
Hermione put her robe on as discreetly as possible and followed Donna further down the wooden hallway. They went into the next door on the right. There was only one tub in this room, and a waterfall shower in the corner. The tub looked like it was filled with a greenish grey mud like substance.
ou.""What is that stuff?" Hermione asked.
"Its our special blend of rejuvenating mud. It will make your skin glow." Donna replied.
"Okay, do I just get in?" Hermione asked,unsure. was waiting,
"Yes, just step in, there are steps on the inside of the tub, careful so you don't slip,there are handrails too." She said motioning for her to get in.
Hermione tried to get into the tub while not exposing her naked body to a strange woman, she failed miserably and nearly slipped down the steps. Her robe half landed in the mud as well.
" Don't worry about it, I'll get you a new one." Donna said chuckling a bit. " Just relax and I'll come get you for your massage in a short while.
Hermione sunk down into the warm mud, the heat penetrated her muscles inducing instant relaxation. She tried to stay awake and enjoy it, but she soon dozed off, and while she was softly dreaming, Draco Malfoy strolled into the spa, disguised as Ronald Weasley, he asked to be taken to his wife's things. Janice graciously led him to where Hermione had left her handbag and clothing. He rummaged in her bag just a moment before finding what he was after, her cell phone. He took it out, mumbling the spell that to create a portkey as quietly as possible. When he was finished he put the phone right back where it is. He then noticed her clothing and he couldn't help himself from picking up her blouse and inhaling her scent, he did the same with her knickers, which did nothing but get him more excited for the evening to come. Once he was finished he asked go see his wife. Donna led him to the mudroom where he looked through the small window at a full tub of mud with Hermione's head sticking out of it.
'She's just as beautiful as I remember.' he thought.
He thought he saw her open her eyes so he ducked down out of the window and out of sight before following Donna back out to the lobby where a large package was waiting.
"Please give this to my wife to wear for our evening out. Thank you." he told Janice, before handing her the box containing the dress, shoes and undergarments he had purchased.
"I will Mr. Weasley, as soon as she's finished with her treatments." She told him.
"Do you know how long she will be so I can make sure dinner is ready?" He fished for information.
"I would estimate about two hours longer Mr. Weasley. You must have something really special planned, would you like me to call you when she's finished?" She said eyeing his crisp black tux.
"Yes, please take this for my appreciation for fitting in a big job like this on such short notice." he said handing her a large stack of muggle cash. "Let my wife know that no gratuity is necessary, that it's included in the package." he said before turning and walking out the door and heading down the street towards his apparition point. After all a it was getting late and he still had a lot to do. The Polyjuice potion was beginning to wear off, so he had to go back to the hotel, take another dose and wait for her to arrive.

Meanwhile, Donna came in to collect Hermione for her massage, since she had fallen asleep in the tub Donna had to wait for her to shower all the mud off before she could get her massage. It took a very long time to get the mud off and even longer to get it out of her hair, but when she was squeaky clean she put her robe on and followed Donna down the hallway. They came to the last door on the right which just had a massage table inside. Donna instructed her to climb up on the table and lie down face down. She did so undoing the front of her robe and took out her arms from the sleeves so that the back of it could be pulled down easily. Donna returned moments later with a tray of oils,
"Your husband requested these specific scents Mrs. Weasley." She said.
Now Hermione was very suspicious, in all her years of marriage Ron had never expressed a preference in anything she chose to wear.
"What scents did my dear husband pick?" She asked.
"Jasmine and Vanilla." Donna replied.
Hermione hadn't worn that scent since 3rd or 4th year at Hogwarts, she remembered Viktor complimenting her on it at the Yule Ball. It was doubly suspicious now that Ron would ask her to wear that particular scent. Something was up and she had the feeling she wouldn't like the outcome. Donna poured some of the oils on her hands and started on Hermione's neck and Hermione forgot all about her suspicions and let herself get lost in Donna's hands. It was truly heavenly and she was very appreciative of Ron at that moment, though she knew when she got back to reality she would have to deal with his gambling addiction again. She was not looking forward to that.
After her massage she had a hot rock treatment, then a leg, underarm and bikini wax. While her skin was recovering from the waxing a petite blonde came and took her to the hair salon room where she received lowlights and highlights, and a much needed cut. Another woman painted her toenails with a shimmery silver polish and then her fingers to match. When her hair and nails were finished she was treated to a sea salt and coconut oil scrub, then another mineral bath to rinse off the oil. Then it was back to the salon to finish styling her hair. Hermione assumed her stylist would blow it out straight, which meant shed be here forever,her hair did not like being straightened by conventional muggle methods. She tried not to anger the beast on a daily basis by just putting it up everyday. To Hermione's surprise the stylist, Angie, wanted to work with her curls,so she put some curl lotion on her hair and worked it through with her fingers. Then she used a diffuser and the blow dryer on low to set the curls in place. When it was dry she pulled up some of the hair in the front into a silver clip, but she twisted it so the clip wasn't visible. As soon as her hair was done another woman came in do do her makeup. Hermione requested nothing too heavy. She didn't wear much makeup to work so the woman just dusted her face with some pressed powder, a little peachy blush and filled her eyebrows in with a bit of brow powder. Then she set about lining her eyes with dark eyeliner before putting several coats of black mascara on her eyelashes. When she was satisfied with the results she added some shimmery silver eyeshadow. Then she added a sheer peachy lipgloss on top of a darker peach lip stain. When that was done she called someone on the phone and moments later Janice reentered the room to collect her. She ushered her down another hall where she was shown into a room where her things were waiting along with a large white box.
"What's this?" She asked Janice.
" Your husband brought that by for you to wear tonight." She said.
"Ron was here?" She asked.
"Yes, he was dropping this off and checking that we were running on schedule. He also told me to tell you that no gratuity is necessary because it's included in the package." She said as Hermione pulled the dress out of the box and her jaw dropped. It was a beautiful emerald green silk wrap dress. And it was the right size. Underneath the dress was a black bra with silver embroidery and matching panties both in the correct size. There were also silver strappy sandals with a 1inch heel they were a half a size bigger than she normally wore but she couldn't expect him to know all her sizes. She was already impressed that he knew her dress and bra size.
"Can I do anything else for you?" Janice asked.
"Nope I think I'm all set." She replied.
"Thank you for choosing us Mrs. Weasley." Janice said before leaving to go call 'mr. Weasley'
Hermione put the bra and panties on. She could tell they must've been very expensive. The bra made her breasts look amazing. She admired herself in the mirror for a moment before slipping the silk dress on. It felt so luxurious against her also made her chest look large and her waist look tiny. Her legs looked long smooth and silky as the dress fell mid thigh. The shoes proved to be tricky but since the straps were adjustable she managed to make them fit. Just as she secured the last strap her phone began to ring.
'Odd.' she thought as Ron rarely used his mobile to call her. Just as she answered the room swirled around her and she landed in a dark room lit only by candlelight.
"Hello, darling." She heard him say from somewhere behind her.