About five years had passed since Hiccup and Elsa have been separated. Elsa, whenever she was free would visit the spot they last spoke with her faithful dragon. Anna would accompany her as well, Loki would as well sometimes, but he usually would go off and cause some mischief.

"Five years now….Five…" Elsa said to herself as she stared at the empty space before her. "Five…."

Anna put a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder and smiled. "It's not goodbye Sis, I promise. I know you will see each other again soon. I promise."

Elsa touched Anna's hand and smiled at her, wiping away a frosted tear. "You really think so Anna?"

"I know so! Look, I believe in fate… You can Hiccup were destined to meet and although you two have been apart for a long time I believe you will meet again very soon."

Despite the five years, time had no toll on the sisters. They still looked as beautiful as they did five years ago, and Elsa, even more so. Her hair was even longer, but it still glistened like the snow.

A young boy walked up to them, swinging a stick around like a sword. "Take that monster and that!" He shouted until he fell flat on his butt.

Elsa and the others couldn't help, but laugh at him as he fell over. Frostica leaned over and helped the boy up.

The boy looked about five years of age, with platinum blonde hair and green, his skin was a fairer than Elsa's, about the same as Anna's and he had some freckles as well.

"Dyre, do be careful won't you?" Elsa said with a sigh. "You need to watch where you are going."

Dyre dusted the snow off his pants and walked up to Elsa. "Mom, are you waiting for Dad again?"

Elsa smiled and moved a strand of hair from her son's face. "I am indeed. I miss your father so much and I wish to see him again."

Dyre smiled. "Well, if Daddy loves you he will come back right?"

Elsa gave small laugh and kept smiling. "That is right. Your father does love me, I am sure he would love you too, but your Dad is a busy man."

"Mom, can you tell me what Dad is like again?"

Elsa smiled and nodded. "Of course, your father… He is brave, kind, heroic, and really fun to tease."

Both Anna and Dyre laughed.

"Really though, he is brave…. He was able to train dragons so that his people didn't have to kill them anymore."

"Mom, how come we don't have dragons?"

"Well...Dyre, it is just that where we live, dragons do not exist."

"But you have dragons. You have Frostica and Auntie Anna has Loki."

"That is true Dyre, but we found our dragons where your father lives."

"Do you think I will be able to have my own dragon when I meet Dad?"

Elsa smiled and brushed her son's hair affectionately. "Perhaps son, perhaps…"

Elsa and Dyre kept talking about Hiccup for about an hour, Anna and the dragons watched them with a content smile.

"You know, I think they will meet again...Don't you guys?"

Loki rotated his teeth in approval and Frostica simply nodded.

There was a small spark nearby, but they all heard it.

"Did you hear that?" Anna asked.

"Sounding like….a spark of…" Elsa gasped. "No! Could it be!" Elsa got up and ran towards the noise.

Anna, Dyre and the dragons looked at one another before chasing after her, once they did they saw a portal holding open quite stably.

Elsa stared at it in shock and stepped towards it. "C-Could it be… Could this lead back to Berk?"

Dyre looked a little frightened. "Mom? What is that?"

Elsa blinked and looked at her son. "Dyre, this might take us to your father!"

Once the boy heard that his eyes lit up like a fireworks. "Really! I want to see Dad!"

Elsa smiled. "I'm going to go in first, if it is safe I will get the rest of you."

Anna nodded and put a hand on Dyre's shoulder so he couldn't run off.

Elsa smiled and took a deep breath before she slowly entered the portal.

There was silence among the group for a long time. Anna was worried that the portal lead to somewhere else, Frostica ears kept twitching she was stuck between fear and excitement and Loki was slithering around impatiently.

After a few minutes Elsa returned with a smile on her face. "It is Berk."

All of them went through the portal with such glee that the dragons almost had a fight about who was going in first. Thankfully, they all went through and arrived at Berk.

Everything almost looked exactly the same, although there weren't exactly in Berk they were at Raven's Point, not to far from Berk and only a short flight away.

"Hiccup must be in Berk, he better be in Berk…" Elsa said and mounted on Frostica and she helped Dyre up as well. Anna mounted on Loki who was more than excited to fly around the free space of Berk once again.

They both took to the skies and flew to Berk, there was more people and dragons than usual and...for some reason it many of the places were encased in a large, cloudy ice.

They landed right in the middle of town and the vikings just stared at them in shock, first at Frostica then at Elsa. It took a while for some of them to realize who it finally was.

"ELSA!" Some of them shouted and ran to her, as did the dragons. "Elsa you are back! Anna is too! Oh how wonderful! Chief Hiccup will be happy to see you returned! Hey someone go find Hiccup!"

"Chief Hiccup?" Elsa smiled. "So he finally became Chief?"

"Oh and a wonderful Chief he is." One of the vikings said.

Dyre was looking around at all the dragons and was playing with a orangish yellow Terrible Terror.

A few minutes later and Astrid flew down and walked up to Elsa. "Well, it is good to see you again. Hiccup has been a nervous wreck since you two got separated, but don't worry, I've been keeping him in line."

"I appreciate it Astrid."

"Elsa?" Spoke Hiccup as he landed a little ways from her. Toothless and Frostica were looking at each other with joy too, for once Hiccup got off Toothless, the Nightfury ran to the white dragon and began to play with her.

"Hiccup!" Elsa ran up to Hiccup and hugged him tightly. "Oh...I've missed you so much.."

Hiccup smiled and hugged her back. "I missed you too Elsa, how did you get back?"

Elsa stopped hugging Hiccup and looked at him. "It was the strangest thing, a portal opened up, and it let us back here."

"So you may be stuck here now?"

"Oh well, I didn't think of that… But it looked pretty stable…"

"I've been trying to find a way to get to you for years and you just walk-well fly on my doorstep," He smiled at her. "I'm glad you are back."

Dyre looked at Hiccup then at Elsa before smiling a bit. "Dad?"

Hiccup looked at Dyre. "Dad?" He then looked at Elsa who was smiling. "Wait….This is your… son?"

"Our son Hiccup."

"Our...son…" Hiccup had to repeat it several times before it clicked. "My son!" He walked to Dyre and kneeled down next to him. "Hello, I don't think we have met before. My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

Dyre chuckled. "That's a funny name."

"Aha, ah well you can….thank my dad for that." Hiccup frowned a bit then smiled. "What is your name?"

"Dyre Haddock," He said. "So I'm a Haddock too!"

Hiccup chuckled and picked Dyre up. "Indeed you are."

"Hiccup, I've been meaning to ask you what have you been doing these past five years?"

Hiccup frowned a bit. "Well...Where do I start...I've been working on how to improve relationships with dragons as well as finding more dragons...I...encountered a Dragon Hunter who had a giant dragon called the Bewilderbeast and I met my mom."

"Wait–Your mom!?"

"That would be me dear," Valka approached Elsa with her dragon Cloudjumper and smiled. "So you a the girl Hiccup always talks about, well I can say he has good tastes. My name is Valka and this is my dragon Cloudjumper."

"Nice to meet both of you! Hiccup! I can't believe you found your mother! I bet your father was happy!"

The village looked at her solemnly.


Hiccup gave a small sigh. "My father died….He was...killed."

Elsa gasped. "Oh no! I'm so sorry…How did...he die?"

"By the dragon hunter Drago and his Bewilderbeast. He...controlled Toothless and forced him to kill my dad."

Elsa flinched and hung her head. "Hiccup...I'm so sorry.."

Hiccup smiled at her. "It's okay, you didn't know and I would have had to tell you eventually, better sooner than later," The villagers nodded in approval. "But now that you are back, we can have a festival! What do you say Dyre, want to have a Berk Viking festival?"


Thank you all for reading my story, I could have sworn I posted the last chapter ages ago, but I didn't Haha...My bad. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read it it truly means a lot. A new story...awaits in the future perhaps.