Epilogue ~ A Forever

Far Away – Nickelback

Loki crept away from his room and silently walked towards Lithia's lodging. He couldn't sleep… he had to make sure she was really all right. Cautiously, he pushed her bedroom door open. Her bed was messed but there was no Lithia. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stepped more into the room, searching for her. The gentle breeze made the sheer golden curtains flow, catching his eye. On the balcony, bent over the rail was Lithia. She had changed from her torn wedding dress into a faded cream colored night gown. The thin fabric framed her in simple elegance; the light gold threads sewn into the gown added an extra shine to the fabric.

Loki felt his breath leave his body. Since encountering her in the helicarrier, he had been unable to totally remove her from his mind. When he was banished to earth, he had been forced into living with the mortal. He had grown to appreciate her quiet understanding as well as embraced her raging anger, as rare as it was. Time as a specter had given him a new perspective and admiration for being alive. It also made him realize that even the gentlest touches can mean so much.

When he fled to earth again, he regretted waiting as long as he did to return to her. He knew he hurt her by waiting for so long but that he could not take back. He had done many things worth regretting but none more so than making Lithia feel like he had abandoned her. Somehow, he had gained back her trust. He would never put that fragile trust to the test again. Hopefully, nothing else would challenge that as well.

Four times. Four times he had come close to telling Lithia how he felt. Four times she was taken away from him. Now, in the darkness and silence of the night, no one was going to deny him a fifth time. He cleared his throat, making her turn. Her hair had been freed from the updo she had worn earlier and her slightly wavy hair framed her face. "Oh Loki... it's you." She said, smiling happily and waving him to the balcony with her.

"I came to ensure that you are alright." He said, leaning on the balcony with her.

Lithia sighed. "This has been an extremely long couple of days…" she said, closing her eyes. "But, though I'm exhausted I can't seem to sleep."

Loki looked out over the darkened Earth. "I do know what you mean." He said softly.

Lithia smiled. "I'd say," she began. "I'm a little … disappointed."


"Those lessons from Greta are going to waste." Lithia said, chuckling slightly. "I didn't get to use them at prom with someone worthwhile."

Loki stilled and slowly straightened. The movement caught Lithia's eye. She turned to look at him. He clicked his heels, put one hand behind his back and bent, extending his other. "Lady Lithia, may I have the honor of a dance?"

Lithia was still for a moment before gently placing her hand in his. Loki closed his fingers softly over her hand and pulled her close to him. His other hand went to her hip and her hand went to his shoulder. He looked to the side and music started playing. It was soft and floating before a woman's voice started singing. "This is the song from Prom." Lithia said, smiling happily.

Loki smiled in return and took the first steps and Lithia followed him. The music drew on and on as they danced slowly, Loki slowly spinning her a few times. The music slowed and Lithia pulled her hands from his hand to wrap around his neck and rested her head on his chest, her eyes fluttering closed. Loki let his now free hands come to her hip and held her close as they swayed.

Lithia sighed with such contentment that Loki also felt himself sighing happily. The music ended in a gentle fade. They stopped swaying but neither really let go. "I have attempted this four times already and something has always happened to cause me to be unable to." Loki said softly.

"What's that?" Lithia asked, equally as soft.

"I love you Lithia." He said, looking down at her hair.

She froze and Loki could feel it. Slowly, her head lifted and their eyes met. Her mouth was partially opened in surprised and looked oh so kissable. She blinked before a small smile graced her lips. "I… I love you too Loki." She said.

Loki smiled and then descended his lips toward hers. Lithia met him half way in a joyous kiss. Their lips melded together in perfect unison. Since her hands were already around his neck, Lithia tangled her fingers in Loki's hair, holding him close. One hand left her hip to come and gently cup her cheek while the other pulled her closer to him. Gently, their tongues explored each other's mouths, sending soft impulses of nerve tingling as they explored. The kiss remained sweet and heart-felt. They parted slowly, soft, blissful smiles on their lips.

In his happiness, Loki swept Lithia up bridal style and spun a few time. Lithia laughed happily and clung to him as he spun. Setting her feet back down, Loki kissed her again. Lithia smiled against his lips but eagerly returned the kiss. "As much as I would like to continue this, I am afraid that tomorrow shall be another day. We must retire." Loki said softly.

Discarding his robe and armor, leaving him in a basic shirt and pants, Loki and Lithia crawled under the luxurious silk sheets and Lithia instantly cuddled next to Loki. Her heat radiating into Loki and he shivered. He kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Goodnight my Lady Lithia."

Lithia sighed happily. "Goodnight my Prince Loki." She said, gently gripping his shirt as sleep finally won out over her mind.



Such a foreign concept. They say home is where the heart is. A few years have passed since the events told above but that promise has not changed. Loki and Lithia had made their home. Adjacent to the house that had rescued the fragile girl from her years of suffering there stood another house. Smaller in size but no less as welcoming, it was the home of Loki Laufeyson, his darling wife Lithia, their two mismatched dogs Tiny Hulk and Fenrir, and their children. That's right. Children.

Soon after returning to Earth, Lithia was with child and the house of Laufeyson was blessed with a son, Luca. The boy looked like a clone of Loki, down to the green eyes. Yet, the wideness and all-seeing look he gave when someone peered into those pools made him seem older beyond his years. This precious bundle was promptly followed by twins Tony and Lina. These two took after their mothing in all likeness. However, they were blessed with opposing eyes. Tony's right eye was hazel while his left was green. Angelina opposed this eye color and was opposites with her brother.

The twins were followed by a surprise pregnancy which yielded the tiny bundle which was called Kathrina. She was so fragile and premature that she didn't get to come home until 4 months after her birth. Lithia took great care of all of her children but, her body had grown tired of carrying and bearing child after child. When she found herself pregnant once more, she put her foot down. After this child, she would have no more.

Loki agreed to this seeing as Lithia usually got her way. Yet a thought struck him as he was lying with her in the dead of night. Lithia was still mortal while he remained as he was. From this thought, he rose from his bed and began to pace, thinking. Something drew his eye to their balcony and he was surprised to see his mother, Frigga, standing there. He silently opened the sliding glass door and closed it promptly after him. Frigga hugged her son which Loki returned whole heartedly.

"My son, you look troubled." Frigga began, gently touching his face.

"In a way, I am." Loki replied with a soft smile. "I love Lithia more each day yet, I feel our days are numbered by her mortality. I have lost her countless times already but, somehow, managed to return to her side. I cannot fathom losing her forever."

Frigga's face wore a solemn smile as she spoke. "I figured the thought of mortality would arise. What have you decided to do?" she asked.

"I toyed with the idea to make Lithia immortal like myself but then the thought of watching our children die and all of your friends die as well brought pain to me as it would to Lithia." Loki explained. "It would be far easier to become mortal like her than make her immortal like me."

"Is that what you really want Loki?" Frigga asked.

"The children and I watched this ridiculous movie about a strange toy bear named Pooh. He said to one of his strange friend, 'If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you'. I could never live forever without Lithia by my side. Yes mother, I choose mortality."

Frigga nodded. "As you wish." She said, touching the center of his forehead.

Loki felt something within him snap and melt away. He instantly felt older yet his body remained the same. Frigga hugged her son once more before disappearing back into the night. Loki returned to Lithia's still sleeping side and curled around her. She turned to rest against his chest, her hand over his heart. She had no idea how she truly held the fickle organ within him that loved her with every fiber if it's being.

And he would never know how he would always hold her own fickle organ that loved him equally as much.

The End

[AN: Well… it's done. Its over my darlings. I apologize if this seems to be cutting everything short but I lost favor with the muses of Loki and Lithia. I spent too much time too far away from this story line that I lost all drive to make this everything it could be. I had even planned on making this a trilogy but, as stated before, I lost my drive. I apologize for the long wait you had to endure my dear readers and I hope you can forgive me for ending this story line in such a way.

Forever yours until the next story:
