Varric has been talking in my head, we've already been over that. I am uploading this story again, after my account was deleted, because a lot of people told me they loved Varric's narration and they miss this story.

One thing I regret imensely is that there was this whole chapter in this fic where varric answered to the FAQ that readers posted in reviews. Since the reviews are gon, I'm afraid that chapter can't be posted again, not unless I also try to remember the questions that had been asked. If any of you remember what you had asked, please PM me and let me know.

Other than that, here we go again. Enjoy.

I had been watching her and that little sister of hers for days. She is one scary chick, that Marian Hawke, let me tell you, and this here dwarf doesn't scare so easily, trust me, my mother tried. And if my mother couldn't intimidate me into behaving 'like a proper dwarf', and my brother Bartrand's glares didn't faze me, one little curvy rogue shouldn't be able to.

But that was one scary baby.

I had gotten my information, as always. I had my sources, I am awesome like that. Antheril, the leader of the smugglers she had worked for this past year was in awe of her; she was quick, agile as a cat with an extra pair of paws, and frightfully clever. Stubborn, vicious, a bitch, I heard it all when I asked about her. Clever, caring, honourable, I also heard those, to the point I didn't know what to think of her.

Hence the following around.

My name is Varric by the way. Varric Tethras, at your services. Dwarven, as the short legs can attest to, don't let the absence of a beard fool you. Profession? Tricky. A little bit of this, a little bit of that: part writer, part story teller extraordinaire, part merchant, part adventurer. Why stick your fingers in only one pot? Do you have just one finger?

But I digress. I was telling you the story of how I met Hawke. Easy. I had heard she was interested in taking part in my brother Bartrand's Deep Roads expedition, but that bastard –sorry, mother- had turned her down. But what my brother didn't realise with his limited business acumen, was that we needed someone. just. like. Hawke.

So I set up a little trap for her, and lured the little fly into my web. I had a rather dim-witted little cutpurse steal her purse. Then I stopped him and introduced myself to Hawke and made her my offer: gather 50 gold ones, find maps to the Deep Roads and don't be a hireling, be a partner.

It was a piece of cake really. I didn't even lose a single bolt of my beloved Bianca.

Who is Bianca? Oh, shame on you. She is the lovely crossbow on my back.

Say hello, Bianca.