Author's Notes: Oh my gosh, the END. Can you believe it? Dragon, what is Mennie? :) Now, I'll let you read before I say my final words for the story. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: TMNT belongs to Nick/Eastman/Laird. Nia Anders, Hugh Reese, Melody Gray, and any other Original Characters you notice belong to me. I'm in no way making any money. Thanks.


Splinter chuckled under his breath. He never stirred from the sofa in April's apartment, but he also couldn't tear his eyes from the dubious look Raphael sent Nia as she pushed a small bowl towards his face near the kitchen.

"Come on, try it," the dark-haired woman said insistently.

The red-banded Chūnin backed away from his girlfriend. "What is it?"

"It's good."

"What? Is it?"

"It's hummus."

"What us?"

Nia gave a little sigh at the mutant's pointed finger and scooped some hummus from the container with a pita chip she was holding. "It's made from chickpeas."

"Does it got meat?"

"It's vegetarian."

"Then what good is it?" His wide mouth pursed when the chip neared, so the young woman pushed it closer to him.

"I didn't make it!"

"I don't want—" Raph's opening was all Nia required to stuff the food inside his mouth. He almost choked at the sudden persistence, but chewed tentatively while eyeing Nia's timid smile with one good eye.

"So?" she asked with hope.

The hothead flashed a defiant look behind his eye patch. Silent, he snatched the bowl from Nia's hands and sought the bag of pita chips on the short counter space. He didn't comment, so Nia simply grinned cutely—knowing very well she was proven right.

'It seems Raphael has finally accepted his need for water,' Splinter thought as he steadied his gnarled cane. 'What a good way to start the New Year…'

"H—hey, Leo-san, would you like to try?" Nia called across the living room.

She stole the ingredients from her boyfriend, passed April and Donatello at the dining table between the kitchen and seating area, then approached Michelangelo by the windows. Flashing him a quick smile, she kneeled at the coffee table beside Leonardo's wrapped feet. Her vision rose to his stoic face, but he didn't so much as flinch in his sofa seat near Splinter.

"Raph tried it," the pale human added. With a generous glob mounted on a curved chip, she raised it to Leonardo, who stared blankly in reply. "L—Leo-san?" He vaguely scrunched his face before the chip lowered and Nia's optimism fell from her expression as the chip reached her lap. "Y—you don't even want to talk to us now? Come on, you haven't said anything in days. I—I miss talking with you."

The Jonin blinked in response then briefly glanced around the room, his gaze lingering on Splinter longer than the rest. "I have nothing to say," he grumbled hoarsely while lowering his eyes to Nia.

She glanced up from the floor with glossy eyes, which widened in surprise when a chorus of small pops erupted from the kitchen. They tensed Leonardo's body in an instant, causing him to turn in alarm against the couch. Before he pushed his weak limbs over the armrest, Michelangelo gripped his shoulder. The sudden touch whirled the Jonin's head Mikey's way, so the youngest offered a calming smile.

"It's the popcorn in the microwave, Bro," Mikey said with a firm pat of Leo's rigid arm. "That's all. You're safe. Th—this is a New Year's party; expect city fireworks too, remember?"

The blue-banded mutant didn't reply. Mikey left to tend the microwave—no doubt as a means of easing the quickened breath of his eldest brother. Leonardo tried hard to regain his senses, yet Splinter knew he struggled with memories he couldn't control. In concern, Nia reached for his knee. So Splinter captured her wrist and shook his head sadly. A stiff moment passed then the wizened rat released her hand, noting Leo's new calmness.

"I—I want to go lay down," the Jonin croaked.

Instantly, Donatello rose from his seat and moved to help Leonardo stand. Raphael and Michelangelo both offered their hand, but the purple-banded mutant shook his head while mentioning the impracticality of their bulk in such a small apartment. The tall Chūnin conquered the steps with minimal effort, passing a lone figure on the stairs. Melody. She watched silently as the duo disappeared from sight.

Perhaps he was the only one to notice the trace of guilt that drew her face downwards because Raphael sent the cyborg a dirty look and Michelangelo avoided her completely. She sunk into her stair seat, wordless as the others averted their attention; so, with a shuddering breath, Nia rose to flash Splinter a pained smile he returned.

"H—how long do you think he'll be like this?" the dark-haired human questioned.

"I cannot say," Splinter replied grimly. "When we return home, though, there are important matters I must discuss with him."

"Important matters?"

"Pizza time!"

The entire room froze. Neither Splinter nor his sons required a prompt to hide at an unfamiliar voice. He melded into the shadows behind the windows' long draperies, though such sudden movement brought burning pain through his bones. The wizened rat hissed softy as he watched Nia spin in confusion and April chuckle. The redhead opened the wooden door leading to Second Time Around below, which allowed a blonde female in without any hesitation.

Her red and white Anthony's Pizza uniform looked large because of her small build and she lifted the rim of her cap's bill to glance around. She stood shorter than Nia with an impish look about her freckled face, so when lifting the stack of five pizza boxes with one arm, her mild glare looked misplaced.

"Signora," she said, unafraid, "it's common courtesy to meet the deliveryman at the door."

"Did you ring the doorbell?" April asked while relieving the blonde of her load.

"Signora?" Nia echoed.

"Tre—three times," added the blonde with a light huff.

"Wait, how did you get up here?"

Stuffing her hands into the large pockets of her company jacket, the blonde's gaze drifted across the room—almost like she were looking for the ninja. "Capo frowns on prank calls. Needed to check it out."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"The door was unlocked."

"Was it?" April looked quite assured it hadn't been and with a puzzled expression retrieved her wallet after placing the pizzas on the dining table.

"That's a lot of pizza for you and your one friend." The blonde's gaze lingered on Splinter's hiding spot, but she quickly took April's money.

"We're pretty hungry," the redhead noted.

The blonde flashed a look at Nia then April. "Yeah, the two of you look like real eaters."

"Keep the change. Sorry I didn't hear the doorbell."

"Hey, nessun problema." Smirking, the delivery girl spun on her sneaker's heel and headed for the door. "Felice Anno Nuovo!"

"Wh—what language was that?" Nia asked when the door shut.

April huffed. "I don't know, but I don't trust her. She looked mischievous."

"Naw, she looked cute," Michelangelo added once out of hiding. "Like, really cute."

Raphael helped his father off the windowsill, a grimace across his face. "Ya would."

"Did you catch her name?" the youngest brother asked April. He was unable to hide his intrigue. Then again, he also wasn't trying.

"Face it, Mike; ya ain't got a shot wit' a girl like that."


"Yeah, be nice to him!" Nia interjected after Michelangelo stomped his foot.

In an instant, the orange-banded Chūnin wrapped his arms around Nia's shoulders and drew her into a hug. "I have the best little sister. You'd help me talk to her if I really wanted, wouldn't you?"

The human gave a nervous laugh while the strong scent of pepperoni pizza filled the room. The group settled into a light argument between the two brothers with Nia in its center. From the table, April called Donatello, who just arrived at Melody's side to coax her off her seat. Splinter smiled at them all. And in that moment, he couldn't help wishing in the New Year Leonardo and Michelangelo would find the same happiness Raphael and Donatello had.

Agent John Bishop smiled. It wasn't forced and it wasn't joyous, either. It was simple common practice since involvement with the NYPD increased. Commissioner Powell was an easy pawn to influence and because of such, the EPF leader held a positive imagine in the eyes of the public. Which was only natural. He was their savior, after all.

Even if many of them were ignorant of the truth.

"Um, Sir?" a casual voice called.

Bishop straightened with his arms folded behind his back, facing the two men in a small room lit by a single pendulum lamp. "Mister Yahna and Mister Biosvert, it is good to see you on your feet."

"You helped with that process, Sir," spoke the one of the right—a red-faced older man with wire glasses and short, dark hair. He side-glanced the lean figure at his side: another dark-haired male, who stared at Bishop with downturned, bright gray eyes.

"Biosvert is right," the younger man said as he raised his narrow, cleft chin. "Otherwise, we'd be dead. Tell us, why did you send men to pull us out before the police?"

"You must've already known who Yahna and I worked for since you went through the trouble of sneaking us out," Biosvert contributed.

Bishop chuckled at their leeriness. "Yes, I did know. Thanks to a connection with a previous mole."

"Lombardo," Yahna whispered in disdain.

"Exactly. She was quite the trouble. But think of it this way, if not for her, you two would be dead and I would not have this opportunity."

"Opportunity for what?" questioned Biosvert, intrigued in both tone and mannerisms.

"You see, I am a collector of misunderstood doctors and scientists," Bishop noted with a growing grin. "The Black Lotus had interesting goals. Some of those goals live through you two. So, I would like to help you continue your research."

"Really?" Yahna asked as his dark brows knit.

"What's the catch?" Biosvert added.

"You simply have to work for me, follow my guidelines. Is that doable?"

Yahna leaned forward in his chair, smirking. "And we'll get all the resources we need?"

"Everything a scientist could desire."

"Even for DNA splicing?"

Bishop's grin turned joyous when he met the hopeful eyes of Biosvert then Yahna. "It is what I look forward to the most."

"In that case"— Biosvert also leaned forward—"count us in."

Author's Notes: Bet you wondered what Bishop was up to. Now you know a bit. *wiggles brows* More on that in "A Tale of Heroes". And NO, it's NOT the next story I will post...Up next in the series is "Sunrise", an important Mel and Don centric mini-book. It'll be released throughout the month of January 2015 and contain a SHOCK along with much BONDING. *sly look* Now. *clears throat*

First, I admit; the comments of wanting more left a silly grin on my face. Thanks, guys. Because of it, you will get more. And answers. And more questions. I just need a bit of a break. :D

Second, a round of thanks (in time for Thanksgiving lol!). Reviewers (my "Big Six") are what fueled the release of this book. Those who reviewed are highly appreciated and I'm always eager to know your thoughts.

Luke, you never cease to entertain. You have a sass that often makes me laugh. So thanks. :) Also, my 100th AND 200th reviewer for Hollow Hearts. Give yourself a pat on the back for that!

Dragon, your energy is something to look forward to. Thanks for pouring some of your love and excitement into Hollow Hearts. *hugs*

Feather, you leave such thought-felt reviews. I can tell how much you care for the characters and that, in turn, gives me confidence to continue this storyline. It means a lot. :D

D, you have an occasional use of sarcasm that I find amusing, seeing as how I'm quite sarcastic myself. And you have a knack for bringing up questions not yet meant to be answered. It's good to be on the trail, so be patient: all will be revealed in TIME. ;D

Raven, your eagerness can't be missed and I love how it overflows through your animated words. To see how invested you are into the storyline is both wonderful and refreshing. *cheesy grin*

Duckie, you are such a wonderful lady-creative, and so supportive and helpful. Thanks for ALL you've done for me and being my beta. I'd be a simple madwoman without you. Least now I'm a madwoman with support. *big hug*

I hope all of you (and more?) stick with me through future books because, boy, I've got plans. Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and a JOYOUS Holiday! I'll see you come January 1st for the debut of "Sunrise". But if you want to chat VIA PM before then, I'm open. Peace for now! :D