Game of Thrones: Hearts in the Forest

Chapter 15 of my Game of Thrones story, enjoy.


Veridissima: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it; yeah, it's great :)
Boris Yeltsin: Thanks.
Evaline101: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Marina Ka-Fai: Yup, it's sweet.
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks; well, read on to find out.

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones belongs to George R.R. Martin.

Chapter 15

Gendry worked methodically in the smithy; repairing his sword. He was amazed at how his life had changed, while he still worked at the blacksmith, he was now a knight. Ser Gendry Stark, husband of Lady Arya Stark. He sighed as he glanced over to the castle; where Arya was right now. A few hours ago Arya's labour pains began and she was rushed to the birthing bed. Gendry had wanted to be there with her; but Arya had told, through Sansa, that she didn't want him there. There was some reason for it, that much was clear; but Sansa didn't know what. Therefore he was more confused than hurt; he wondered just why Arya didn't want him present for the birth of their child. As he resumed work Gendry considered how much things had changed and how they stood. The North, the Riverlands and the Vale remained aloof from the war; save to defend their borders. The forces of Stannis Baratheon and the forces of the Vale had forced the Lannisters to split their armies in two to deal with them. Both Stannis and King Tommen had sent messages to the three remaining aloof. They both demanded that they swear allegiance to them, but the messages were mostly ignored. The stalemate remained.

Gendry however wasn't too worried about that situation yet. He contemplated the reactions of the other Northern Lords and even the Riverlords to his and Arya's marriage. There was much surprise; in some cases even joking relief that Arya had finally married. A few were disappointed, since they could no longer offer their sons as a potential match to Arya. There were whispers apparently; from the ladies, that there was doubts about their love. Yet Gendry's unwavering devotion to Arya put those rumours to sleep. He was jolted out of those thoughts however when he spotted Sansa approaching him, hurrying. He quickly sheathed his sword and turned to face her.

"Gendry!" She called out as she drew near.

Gendry immediately replied. "Sansa; has Arya, is it…?"

Sansa nodded quickly. "Yes; it's done…You have a daughter."

Gendry smiled widely at that and Sansa continued.

"Arya is…she's insistent on you seeing them before allowing any of us to enter the room."

Gendry nodded and thanked her before hurrying to the birthing room. He entered cautiously; smiling when he saw Arya. Her face was covered with a sheen of sweat, but she was smiling. She was holding their daughter in her arms; the little girl wrapped in a blanket. Arya turned her head and smiled at him, looking slightly uncomfortable as she was currently nursing the girl. Gendry approached the bed, returning her smile.

The baby girl finished feeding and, after a moment to fix her clothes, Arya shifted so Gendry could see. He smiled; the baby was beautiful; a small tuft of black hair on top of her head. Wide grey eyes stared at him innocently.

"She's perfect." Gendry whispered happily.

Arya replied, equally happy. "Yes, she is."

Gendry tentatively took the baby and cradled her in his arms. The girl smiled and her tiny hand reached out from within the blanket. Gendry smiled widely and held out his finger for her to grasp. She did so. Gendry looked up at Arya.

"Arya, why…why didn't you want me here?"

Arya bowed her head and sighed. "I'm sorry, I just…I didn't want you to see me like that…All weak."

Gendry shook his head. "Arya…"

"I know, I know." She replied. "Even just now, thinking about it, I know it was stupid."

Gendry decided to let it go however; what mattered was they were together now. Her family entered and soon they were all crowded around the bed; Arya was cradling the baby again.

"So, what's her name?" Sansa asked.

Arya smiled and then replied. "I thought about the name Nymeria."

They all smiled, even Gendry; they loved the name and it was clear they all loved the baby girl. Arya smiled up at Gendry as she cradled her daughter. So many things she never thought would happen to her had happened. Yet, the way they happened and the people she was with, all of it made her happy. Finally, after so much terror; she was happy.

End of chapter and story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.