Uriah's pov

"Hello contestants-"the robotic, mono-tone voice pauses. "We have selected two 16-year-olds from 3 parallel universes. You will be given a grace period before the tests beginning, and then you will be given multiple tasks complete. We will be monitoring your responses. If you succeed you shall be one step more to freedom. If you lose however...your fate shall be decided. Don't forget- we will be watching you."

The light fires on extracting cries of pain from many voices I didn't recognise .we appear to be confided in glass boxes looking out in to a misty fog. I can't tell if I am lying down or standing up. I try to spit to see what direction the spit will fall but it's no use. The glass is too close to my face. I bring my knee up as far as the glass allows and kick. The glass shatters in to a million tiny pieces. So I was standing up .I see 5 more glass boxes. In horror I jump back, only to be lost in the fog. The boxes also contained people. The box that was directly next to me holds a small skinny girl wearing a grey tee-shirt and a pair of black trousers. I look down and find I am wearing the same clothes as her. Was I in a simulation?

I see hear pawing the glass then her eyes meet mine. She has brown, frizzy hair and deep green eyes. I walk up the glass case, her eyes still fixed on mine. She looks to realistic to be a part of a simulation. I make a fist and make a punching gesture in the hope she can smash the glass, after all I wouldn't want to end up stabbing her. She flinches back, but her eyes still don't break contact. I notice there is a wide gap where she does not fill the space in the case. I make a gesture to indicating for her to cover her face. At first she still looks puzzled but then I motion my fist to the glass. Reluctantly she covers her face. I bring my fist back and then smash the glass. I can feel the sharp pain shoot though my hands. Her hands are still covering her face. "P...p...please don't me" she says so faintly. "Is this a simulation? There's no gun for me to shoot anyone". She reluctantly brings her hands down to her sides. "I think we have to find 4 more people as the voice said there are 6 candidates. Violence does nothing to help the matter" she says wiping the cuts off her neck.

"My names Hermione-"she puts out her hand. Reluctantly I shake the bloody hand. "I'm Uriah". "Urine? What kind of name is that? I thought people from other dimensions world have different names...but jeez"" UR-RE-A, not urine" I looked down realising I was still shaking her hand." you can let go, you know"I say, feeling the gin widen on my face. "We problem should try and find the-"as soon as the words escaped my lips I heard a thud then a smash."URIAH?" a girly voice calls out. I run over the shards of glass to hug Tris. "I can't break out of the simulation but it's no use. Even our diver-"she pauses. I forgot, we're being watched so we should be sceptical over what we say, even though they problem know what we are." you should feel right at home with the clothes here, stiff!" Tris gives me a look as if to say 'very funny'.