Disclaimer: I don't own digimon

Day 342

Episode 23: Genesis of Evil

Dear Diary,

My heart... I have found it again. Yet, I have a long way ago to redemption. Memories of Sam keep coming to me, as I returned to the digital world to find Wormmon. At Primary Village, the newly hatched digimon attacked me with words. One of them used cliches for some reason or another. After, I declared to change things and a good memory appeared to me, showing some weird boy in a golf t-shirt with Wormmon and I. I understand the truth now and Wormmon digi-egg appeared. Now, I have to redeem myself in the eyes of the digidestined. As Leafmon and I headed back, I swear that BlackGatomon from before was watching...

(minus symbol)

Notes: A little bit late, but I'm back! Unlike Diary of a Conqueror, this time the focus will instead be on TK and Ken. I'm mostly doing this to give a different perspective on things or the second half of 02. Were on the "B" timeline, but I'm going to not label it that way. We're only dealing with one timeline this time!