Revising this as promised! My new story will be uploaded with the second chapters of my current stories.

Just in Time

Chapter 1:

My God, can my day get any worse? Waking up in a forrest... type... place, well it was freezing a uninhabited, was scary. But, only having flashes of getting hit by a freaking car is much worse! But, as the song goes "I'm a survivor" and I'll keep on surviving. Standing slowly I pulled my light brown pleather hooded jaket tighter around me. It was my favorite jacket, but had I known I would have a forced camping trip I might have dressed a little warmer. At least I was wearing my jeans and UGG boots. Even though the snow was starting to seep through them. Ugh, I should have taken my mom up on the waterproof winter boots, but no… I had to go with the cute ones. It was so freaking cold! Snow sucks. I am such a Georgia girl. I looked around and located my backpack. "First luck I've had all night," I mutter as I blindly searched for my cell out of the pink floral bag. I checked it for service. None. Damn, lucky streak just ended. With a frustrated huff, I slung the over my shoulders and looked around trying to get a sense of where I was.

'Okay, metal checklist. A. I am in middle of nowhere. B. I have half a soda to drink and no snacks. C. I can't see any lights, like ziltch, none, zero. You get the point. D. I'm in the middle of nowhere. And E. I'm in the middle of nowhere. It deserves mentioning a few times.' Shaking my head at my thoughts I gave a small smile.

Okay, what can I remember? I wasn't sure how I ended up here, in the middle of nowhere, but I do remember seeing the dickhead about to hit me with his car. However, I wasn't in too much pain now, so I'll save that for later. I'm cold and need to figure out a way to stay warm. The longer I stood there, the more uneasy I felt. Was someone watching me? I am honestly not sure, but I know that song started going though my head. "I always feel like somebody's watching me. And I have no privacy. WOOAH. I always feel like somebody's watching me. Tell me is it just a dream…" I trailed off knowing that I needed to get serious and find shelter for the night or I wouldn't make it until morning. There is no snow falling, but it was certainly on the ground melting into my freaking boots and cold enough to see my breath and lose feeling in my hands. Blowing warm air hoping to get some feeling back into my numb fingers, I looked to the sky, thanking whoever was watching over me that the moon was full, therefore easier to see. I may need my cell phone later when I can get reception.

'Well, here goes nothing.' I took a chance and started trudging over the rugged landscape. It was forested but it felt like I was climbing a mountain. Worst hike ever. I would guess I walked a good mile until I came across a small cave like opening at the base of a hill. It was way to small to be considered an actual cave, but maybe I could squeeze in there if I tried. That is, if something else hasn't already moved in. It was too dark to see inside at all. Feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I glanced around once more to check for creepers before checking the cave for little animals or creepy-crawlies. I decided to spare a little of my phones battery and shined the light into the cave.

Once I was certain the cave had no unwanted tenants. I backed in and pulled the jersey cloth hood from my pleather jacket over my head and relaxed on the cave's wall. It was cold, but at least the breeze isn't hitting me and I can curl up and feel a little warmer. I shut my eyes and hoped a little sleep would come before my hike to civilization. The wind started to pick up, so I didn't think much about hearing the bushes near me. However, when I got that skeezed out feeling again, I opened my eyes. A freezing dirty hand slapped across my mouth to prevent my subsequent scream.

Blackened feral eyes met mine. As I was taking in his dark, short dread locks his soft voice sounded, "Shhh. Deae. Terrebis doleo tibi. Et non adfligam vo." (shh little goddess. I am sorry to have frightened you. I will not harm you.) As his hand slowly dropped, his head tilted, and he eyed me up and down. Maybe to make sure I wouldn't try to scream again. Wait, was that LATIN? Well, something told me that if I did scream I would piss him off, and everything about him exuded 'stranger danger'. I took the time he was staring at me to really look at him. He was cute and looked around my age, maybe a little older, sixteen to eighteen. This crazy boy was shirtless - in this weather!- but it gave me a great view of his fit upper body and insanely authentic tribal tattoos. "Who are you? Can you point me in the direction of the nearest town? I'm really lost. Cool tattoos by the way." He tilted his head seeming to not understand me, and that's when panic set it.

It was a night like any other. I was headed through the forests of the Belgi to the next town. It was time to feed. A earsplitting boom had my hands slapping over my ears and my eyes searching for the source. A bright light in the sky caught my attention. 'Too close to be a falling star, and falling stars don't make noise.' I saw it streak down and disappear through the tree line fairly close to my location. It was just after sun down. I would have plenty of time to investigate now and feed later. Shrugging, I sped towards fallen object. Shockingly, it seemed to be more of a who than a what. The most amazing smell hit my nose as I approached, what looked to be, an angel. She smelled amazing. Like wildflowers and dew. Strangely enough, as mouth watering as she smelled, she didn't smell like prey. Even though I wanted to sink my fangs into that glorious pale throat and run my hands through her strange hair. It went from a stunning red to white on the ends. I have never seen the like of it. Her clothing was also strange. It looked warm enough but she was already shivering. I have never felt this way before, like I wanted her to accept me and stand by my side for the eternity I will spend on this earth. I am death. Death doesn't have a companion. Right?

My mind went back to all the tales the elders told of sky people. Was she one of the fabled beings? Did they all look this magnificent? Why did she land out here and not in a village where they would worship her? Was I being blessed by the gods? That thought seemed preposterous. Why would they bless one such as myself? Dwelling on the thought a little longer, I decided maybe this was a gift from above and I should treasure it with my immortal life. Who am I to turn down a gift of the gods?

As she got up and looked around, seeming confused, I hid myself in the shadows further. I didn't want to scare her off, yet. Her eyes were the palest blue that I had ever seen. I stiffened when she looked directly at me, thinking she caught me, but then she started singing? Then she simply turned and began to walk. There was nothing in that direction. Why would she choose this way? I followed silently until we got to a small hole in a hillside. I watched her produce a small magical light from her hand and shine it into the small cave-like hole. This will not do. It will barely keep the wind off of her magnificent body. I feel an ache to my bones to provide food, warmth, and shelter for the fallen goddess before me. Shocked by my dissatisfaction of her choice in hidey holes, I take my chances and reveal myself to her. I felt the scream building and hurried to get my hand over her mouth. I hurriedly give her small reassurances of her safety and drop my hand. I bristle in sudden self-consciousness as she takes in my appearance, eyeing the dirty hand that had just covered her pristine mouth. She speaks in a strange tongue that I have never heard. Tilting my head in confusion to the sharp contrast of her almost panicked voice and her lack if hand gestures and lazy posture. She looked way too lethargic to be healthy. Was she that cold? Why didn't she make fire? That was a basic skill learned by all in case of this type of situation. Was it possible she was never taught? How was I supposed to know the customs of sky people? Determined to, for some unknown reason, make her mine and worship her for eternity, I gently pick her up like I had seen husbands do for new brides. I took her to the house I found two nights ago. It had been abandoned long ago but it would provide shelter for her for the night.

Setting her down on the floor I am suddenly at a loss. She needs blankets and warmth that my body could no longer provide. If I left now I could make it to the village, feed, find her supplies, and be back within the hour. I gestured for her to remain here, and waited for a reaction. Her strange hand gesture threw me off. She curled her hands in a fist and extended her thumbs upwards to the sky. Awkwardly returning the gesture, I watched her smile at me and took off into the night. I can only hope no one will try to steal my treasure before I return. Just the thought made my fangs extend and pushed my body forwards faster than I thought possible.

Just small revisions to this chapter. Hoped you liked it!

