Summary: A/U: At age 17, Arizona feels lost, humiliated, and alone. Everything she once believed in slowly died, just like the soul within her. Trying to figure out how to cope in such an unfair universe, she encounters a gorgeous brunette that just may bring back a gleam of sand in it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. All belong to the talented Shonda Rhimes.

The Sweetest Sand

Chapter I: Breathe

Arizona Robbins found herself silently crying on the ground clinging onto a book at her nearby library. She had told her parents to drop her off so she could finish her major History assignment with Teddy Altman, when in reality, they had finished it the week before. But without any other valuable excuses, that's all she'd been able to come up with to get a break.

Arizona needed to breathe.

It seemed so long ago since she actually got her chance to take a breath and take all that her life had become in.

To be quite frank, the last time she got to really relax was two years ago when she went out with her brother to a beach that was about two hours away from her home. Her brother suggested she accompany him just in case he decided to drink off his sorrows and needed someone to drive. As stupid and irresponsible as it was, Arizona was all up for it. She knew her brother was suffering through a harsh breakup with his ex-girlfriend Abby, but she also recognized it as an opportunity to go out without her parents, practice some driving (although not under the safest circumstances), and to enjoy the sand.

She loved the sand.

Now Arizona couldn't even blink without feeling tension throughout her body. Everything was so out of place and confusing. Her life simply didn't fit her any longer.

How could it?

She was a teenage amputee expecting a child.

How the fuck had she gotten here?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a shadow close by which immediately caused her to tense.

"Who's there?"she rasped out, trying to even her breathing."If someone's there, please come out!" she said with a little more strength in her voice.

She hated when people saw her cry; it made her feel weak. But she much rather have someone let themselves be known rather than the feeling of someone watching her.

She had enough staring in her life that could last a lifetime.

"Um, sorry." she heard the shadow speak.

"Could you please come out?" she said, trying to not run off in fear of not being able to see who had been watching her.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." the now revealed brunette said, " Oh, damn it, I said already. Sorry, again. I don't mean to intrude, I was just searching for some books about pregnancy and all that stuff for some project I have due in a few days and… you didn't need that information. " the brunette said slightly blushing at the beautiful blonde watching her every move.

"It's fine. I was looking for some maternity information myself." responded the now standing blonde.

Noticing the undeniable pain in the cerulean eyes before her, she couldn't help but wonder what had caused such anguish in the beautiful young woman before her.

"Are you alright?" she asked cautiously, trying not to frighten the blonde any further.

"Um, yeah. Just peachy!" responded Arizona trying to hold back the tears at such a simple question.

Many people had come to her and asked if she needed anything or if they could help. But no one actually asked if she was okay. At times she wondered if it was because they were scared of what that question could bring, or maybe they didn't want to be the person to ask such a heavy question. Perhaps they simply didn't care enough.

"Um, okay. But do you mind me telling you something?"

"Go for it." responded Arizona, wanting to prolong the first easy conversation she had in months.

" People talk. Where we go to school."

Arizona's eyes widened. She couldn't recognize the gorgeous girl in front of her. Truth be told, noticing new people from school wasn't really on her to do list considering all she already had going on. Either way, it brought a wave of guilt considering this young woman had been kind enough to at least ask if she was okay.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry. I should recognize you, the school isn't that big and you're nice enough to ask if I'm alright and I'm trying to remember you but I just can't and -" Arizona was cut off by the brunette's hand brought up to stop her rambling.

She immediately tensed.

"It's fine, really. Just let me finish, please?" the young woman asked for permission, receiving a steady nod from Arizona.

"Like I was saying, they talk. A lot. So, for the sake of being honest, I think I should tell you that… I know things about you, because people talk." the brunette blurted out.

"Oh, you mean…" Arizona trailed off looking from her leg towards the brunette again, "Terrific." Arizona whispered lowering her head in shame.

" It is, actually, the talk. People really like you over there. They respect you, and they're concerned, and they're interested. They really like you. Some of them really like you. You- You just look upset, and I thought that you should know that sure not every aspect of the talk is peachy as you said yourself, but that most of the talk is good, and when you're not upset, when you're over being upset, there will be people lining up for you." the brunette finished with a smile.
" You wanna give me some names?" Arizona chuckled in disbelief.

In that moment, the Latina chose to close the distance between the two. Arizona tensed in the blink of an eye, the brunette sensed it but didn't stop. She was determined to bring at least an ounce of confidence back to the stunning blonde, deciding to play it flirty but safe, with a simple kiss on Arizona's left cheek while she grazed her thumb over the now slightly dried tears on Arizona's porcelain face.
" I think you'll know." responded the brunette while backing away, giving Arizona the best smile she could give and walking away with her book in hand.

Arizona was left shocked. Had that really happened? Had a stunning girl come up to her and left her a kiss that seemed to burn her cheek with such warmth, although she looked like complete shit? Had she really begun to accept that she was pregnant? Had that girl have the most gorgeous eyes she'd ever seen? Had she really gone through another day without dying? Had that clearly Latina just swept her off her feet for just a moment?

Was she really breathing?
In and out. In and out. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

For the first time in forever, she felt the warm sand.

She could breathe.