AN: Thank you for the reviews, here is the last chapter of this story, enjoy!

Chapter 4: The newest addition is a...

Horatio smiled and stood up and after he helped his wife up, he pulled the envelope out of the inside of his tux pocket, then as he started opening it, Kyle started a drum roll on the table with his fingers, which everybody laughed and Horatio smiled. "Thanks Kyle."

He smiled back. "No problem dad."

Horatio pulled out the folded paper, but before he unfolded it, he looked at everybody and said loudly so everybody could hear as Kyle stopped his drumroll. "The newest addition to the Caine family is..." He paused to unfold the paper, then when he read it, he smiled and continued. "Oh dear."

Calleigh looked at him and asked. "What is it?"

He looked at his wife, smiled bigger and replied. "It looks like we have another little girl on our hands."

Calleigh's eyes lit up as she asked to be sure. "A Girl?"

Horatio nodded with tears in his eyes as everybody else clapped and cheered, especially Christy. "A girl, Sweetheart." They get into a small kiss before he brings her in his arms.

When they finally pulled out of each other's arms, they were greeted by the kids before everybody else congratulated them personally.

Once they calmed down, they sat back down and finished eating while a little chatter was going around the tables while Horatio and Calleigh's faces were beaming at the news, like they said before, they didn't care what they would get, but another daughter sounded nice to them.

When they got done eating, the newlyweds did their first dance as a married couple, and after the music stopped, Jesse walked up to them and asked. "May I dance with the bride?"

Dan looked at his wife, then looked at Jesse before responding. "Only if the lady wants."

They both looked at her and she smiled while squeezing her husband's hand. "If it's alright with you."

Dan nodded with a smile, kissed her cheek and whispered. "As you wish."

After he handed Natalia's hand to Jesse's, he started walking away, but Jesse puts his free hand on his shoulder to stop him, and when Dan looked at him, he held out his hand and said. "Congratulations, I really mean it."

Dan nodded and shook Jesse's hand. "Thank you and enjoy your dance."

They release hands as Jesse nodded, then as Dan started walking away, the music started and the dancers started dancing, including Jesse and Natalia.

They smiled at each other and Natalia speaks. "Thank you Jesse."

He chuckled a little before asking. "For what? I almost ruined your day."

"Almost. But you stepped back and let me have it. I just hope we can still be friends."

He shook his head and that worried Natalia, but then he smiled and responded. "There isn't anything that you can do that will ever make me not be friends with you, I'm just going to need a little time with this."

"I understand, and when you are ready to finally settle down, she better be perfect for you because I still think you are one of the best guys I have ever known."

He didn't know what else to say, except. "Thanks friend."

Natalia smiled in return. "You're welcome friend."

He smiled back and they continued to dance in silence, happy where they stand.

A few dancers away from them were watching the interaction, then Calleigh looked at Dan and asked. "You ok?"

Dan smiled at her and replied. "I'm great, she picked me, so I have nothing to worry about."

"I'm glad, and I'm sorry if having them here last night worried you."

"I was going crazy thinking about them last night, but in a way I'm not sorry that they were, because if they needed to resolve anything then I'm glad they did it before the wedding so there are no doubts going into this."

"You're right, I'm just looking out for you."

He smiled at his best friend again and replied. "And I appreciate that friend."

She chuckled and responded. "You're welcome friend."

He chuckled back just as the music stopped, so everybody stopped and clapped, then most of them changed partners, and that included C.J. asking Brenda to dance, which she had been dancing with Kyle.

Kyle looked over at his dance partner, and she smiled with a nod. "Well of course."

Kyle looked at his brother, handed Brenda's hand over to his and replied. "She's all yours."

He snickered as C.J. shook his head and took Brenda's hand in hers, then as Kyle was walking away, C.J. and Brenda started dancing.

They looked into each other's eyes and Brenda speaks. "It was a nice party, thanks for inviting me."

"Well I couldn't go to a wedding without my girlfriend, now could I?"

She shook her head as she moved closer to him. "No, I guess not, but still thanks."

"You're welcome."

"So you happy you're getting another sister?"

C.J. smiled. "Yeah, another brother would have been cool, but I guess and I can be protective of another sister."

She looked into his eyes, which with the combination of his kind eyes looking at her and his arms around her, making her feel safe, she just blurted out what she had been wanting to say for the last few months. "I love you."

The moment those words came out of her mouth they looked at each other wide-eyed as they stopped their feet. This was the first time that word had been said between them so they were both shocked, her for saying it and him for hearing it.

Then she cleared her throat, shook her head and replied. "I did not just say that."

" really did."

"I'm sorry...I just blurted that out... and I..."

She stopped talking, then was going to pull back, but he stopped her and asked. "So it's not true?"

She cleared her throat and asked a little nervously. "Do you want it to be true?"

He smiled and asked back. "Is it?"

She paused, then does a short nod before replying. "It is C.J., I do love you. I've always had this strong feeling towards you and through these last six months it feels like love, I know it is." He continued to smile as she got a little nervous, so she asked. " feel."

He looks into her eyes and replied. "I love you too." She smiled as he continued. "Everything you said, I felt the same way and it's so true."

They continued to look into each other's eyes as they continued to dance with smiles on their faces, and at this moment nothing could top how they feel right now.

A few dancers away, Calleigh turns her head from looking at C.J. and Brenda to look at her husband, they smiled at each other and she said. "They have that look, they're in love."

"Which you predicted that on their first date."

"Yeah, but now it's official, well not totally official they haven't gone through a wedding yet, and hopefully that won't be for a very long time."

He smirked. "You just want to hold on to him as long as possible, don't you?"

She gets a little pout on her face as she replied. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" He chuckled as she continued. "Besides, I'm not ready to let any of my babies go, no matter how old they get."

He removed his hand from her waist and puts it on her stomach as he comments. "And I bet you're happy you get to start over one more time."

She smiled bigger as she placed her hand on top of his. "I'm so happy about that and our life together. I love you so much."

He smiled in return. "I love you too."

They lean toward each other, and as they started kissing, they felt the kick of their daughter.

When they pulled back they put their foreheads together and started dancing again.

They knew that this weekend could have turned out disastrous, but now that it didn't, it was on the top of their all time favorite weekend list, and mostly just because they were sharing this day with everybody they loved and cared about, even if it wasn't their day.

Now they couldn't wait to see what happens next.

AN: This is it. Thanks to those who have continued to support me. I hope you continue to like this series because I still have more to post, which I'll post the next one by the end of the week. It's only a two-shot, but it's one I'm sure you've been waiting for. Until then, take care.