The ring of the doorbell echoed throughout the Winchester household. Dean immediately stood up and began stalking towards the door when Stiles jumped in front of him.

"Don't worry Pop, I've got it," Stiles said as he tried to sound nonchalant. There would have to be a cold day in hell before he was going to let Dean "greet" Derek at the door.

Dean's eyes narrowed.

"No Stiles, I really think-"

"Dean. Stop."

Castiel's deep voice cut through the air and rang with a tone of finality.

"Fine," Dean grumbled.

"Thanks Dad," Stiles said, giving Cas a grateful smile.

He quickly dashed towards the door and opened it.

There stood Derek Hale in a crisp white dress shirt and black jeans that hugged his hips.

Stiles thought he might pass out.

"You look amazing," he blushed, blatantly checking his boyfriend out again.

"Thanks babe," Derek smirked confidently, knowing the effect he had on Stiles.

But all that confidence wilted off of Derek's face when he stepped inside to find a glaring Dean Winchester looming over him.

Derek was about the same height as Dean but in the current circumstance, Derek felt like he was staring up at a giant.

"Babe huh?" Dean growled.

The color began to drain from Derek's face.

"No sir, I mean I just-"

"Yeah yeah, so how long is this thing you've got going on with my son going to last?" Dean questioned gruffly.

"POP!" Stiles screamed in outrage and embarrassment.

"Dean Henry Winchester," Castiel hissed. The air seemed to crackle around him, giving everyone else in the room goosebumps.

"Sorry," Dean mumbled like a little kid that had just gotten into trouble.

He analyzed Derek one more time, finally noticing the item the werewolf held in his hands.

"That pie?" Dean quizzed.

"Yes sir."

"... Apple?"

Derek nodded once more and let out a sigh of relief when Dean happily snatched the pie out of his hands and sauntered back into the kitchen. After giving Derek a kind smile, Castiel followed in close pursuit.

Derek let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and Stiles patted him on the back.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Stiles grinned.

"I hate you," Derek replied, rolling his eyes as a small smile threatened to touch his mouth.

Stiles laughed and pressed a quick kiss against Derek lips.

"I love you too. Now let's get in the kitchen before my Pop decides you've killed me."

The boys joined Dean at the dinner table while Castiel finished setting the food down. The delicious smell of roasted chicken filled the air making everyone's stomach rumble.

"It smells really good Mr. Winchester," Derek complimented honestly.

"Thank you Derek," Cas smiled.

"And please, call me Castiel."

Derek smiled back until he heard Dean mutter "Suckup" under his breath.

He had to look downwards as his eyes flashed bright red.

Stiles grasped Derek's hand and squeezed it lovingly three times. I. Love. You.

"Thank you so much for coming," Stiles said, gazing at Derek in pure admiration.

Derek squeezed Stiles hand back four times. I. Love. You. Too.

Dean made a gagging sound as he watched the pair, causing them to separate.

Stiles wrinkled his nose in agitation and Derek had to look down again.

Castiel, unlike Dean, had thought the moment was sweet. He glared at the back of Dean's head, becoming more and more irritated with his husband.

Dean scratched the back of his head, knowing damn well that Cas was burning holes into his skull. After being in love with someone for over 10 years, you figure these things out.

Castiel sat down at the table and the room took on an awkward silence.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Stiles let out a yelp and Derek accidentally growled. Dean snarled in absolute irritation.

Who the hell came knocking at 9:00 at night!?

Everyone had jumped, except for Castiel who'd sat calmly in place.

There stood his mountain of a brother and one of the only people Dean truly hated on this planet. The surprise was quickly replaced with a look of fury as the two men stepped through the threshold.

"Sam, what the hell are you doing here?"

The taller man grinned down at his older brother, eyes twinkling with amusement.

"We thought we'd pop in for dinner. Gabe and I have missed you, Stiles, and Cas. Haven't we Gabe?"

"Yeah, Dean-O," Gabriel said flashing the older Winchester his trademark smirk.

"We've missed you tons."

"Oh I'm sure you have Gabriel," Dean said, spitting out the other man's name.

Both men tensed their muscles, ready to spring at each other until Castiel appeared beside them, a stern look on his face.

"Sam, Gabriel, we have company. Please act accordingly."

It was only then that the two men noticed Derek sitting beside Stiles.

Derek looked them up and down.

The one called "Sam" must've been at least 6" 4'. He had shaggy brown hair that almost touched his shoulders and eyes that seemed to alternate colors with every movement he made.

The second man, "Gabriel", had long dirty blonde hair. Not as long as Sam's but still considerably lengthy. He was also noticeably shorter than Sam, standing at only about 5" 9'. Gabriel had eyes the color of sunlight seeping through a bottle of whiskey. Golden and full of mischief.

And right now, both men's eyes were trained on Derek.

"You sure do pick em' pretty dontcha kiddo," Gabriel smirked at Stiles.

Derek's eyes widened to the size of saucers when he saw a red sucker suddenly appear in Gabe's mouth.

Derek leaned towards his boyfriend, who had been in a state of shock at the horrible situation.

"Did he have a sucker in his mouth earlier..." Derek whispered slowly.

Instead of answering Stiles slapped a hand to his face and banged his head against the kitchen table.