Currently, in the Philippines, it is 7:53PM, February 3 2015, and I have just discovered the passing of Monty Oum.

In the inside, I am shedding tears.

I don't know him personally but I am a huge fan of his and his passing in a great lost to the anime industry.

I admire him. I respect him for doing the very thing that I could only dream of doing…

Monty Oum, Rest in Peace…You will be miss…

A/N: I'm going to delay the publishing of the next chapter of the Rose Prince… I need to make this fanfiction solid to show my respect and admiration to the man who visualize and created RWBY, his very own anime, from scratch…That is my way of showing that I love and admire his work….

For now, here is the current progress of chapter six…Though I will scrap this because I intend for this chapter to be extremely good and flawless in the honor of Monty Oum's memory.

Again, Rest in Peace, Monty Oum… We love you, you beautiful human being...

(Prototype of Chapter 6)

(First Scene)

Weiss Schnee looked at the dorm that was assign to her team before sighing disappointedly.

The room was okay but it was not even half as big as her own room back in the Schnee mansion.

If the room was just for her, it would have been acceptable but the fact that she had to share the room with three other people, three people that were strangers to her, slightly irked her.

Looking at the third bed on the farthest end of the room, Weiss narrowed her eyes on the lone boy of her team, which happens to be the leader of her team.

Rayeth Rose, he was two years her, their junior but possesses enough ability and talent to be accepted in Beacon. According to his sister and her partner, Dust cursed her luck; he was the best combatant in Signal Academy.

Weiss would admit that Rayeth was capable, singlehandedly taking down a giant Nevermore was no small feat, she still had her doubts of his ability to lead.

After all, there were two capable Huntress-in-training, she does not consider her own partner as capable enough to lead, to be assign as leader. Weiss could not see the logic of assigning someone younger than them to be their leader, regardless of how capable he is.

In Weiss' opinion, it should have either be she or Blake as leader of the team.

Another thing about Rayeth that slightly irked her was the fact that he was a male.

Weiss had nothing against males and she knew that there was a chance for her to be roomed together with a male. After all, Beacon is a co-ed school.

What irked Weiss about Rayeth rooming with her, what irked her about Rayeth in general, was the fact that he was prettier than she was.

He was prettier than all the females in their team and that was saying something.

Weiss have met boys who were feminine looking before but even then, there male features were more prominent than their girlish features.

Then she met Rayeth, who was more pretty than handsome, yet still eludes an adorable boyish charm that compliments his girlish looks.

Weiss was not that vain when it comes to her appearance, but the fact that a boy looks better than her slightly stung he pride.

Another thing about him that was aggravating…

"You know a girl and a boy as old as you two should not be sleeping in the same bed." Weiss commented dryly.

Rayeth slept soundly on the farthest bed in the corner but he was not alone. His sister Yang was also on the same bed as him, holding him tightly, with his head securely on her chest.

"Are you willing to throw away most of your garbage then?" Yang asked, not even looking at her partner and merely concentrating on the sleeping expression of her brother. Yang cooed at the cuteness of her brother's sleeping face.

Weiss could only glare at her partner.

When their leader entered the room, with their luggage at hand, the team did not waste anytime decorating the room.

Rayeth, being male, allowed the girls to cut loose and merely deposited all of his belonging, majority of them being tools and parts for weapon maintenance and bullet production, to a corner and politely ask everyone in his team to not touch any of his stuff.

Blake, for a girl, did not have many belongings, though the bookcase was populated with most of her books.

That left both Weiss and Yang. Their belongings and other personal items almost clotted the room. So much so, that both Rayeth and Blake conceded the large, walk in closet to the two and Rayeth had to sacrifice his own bed just to have enough space for their stuff.

Well, this mostly benefited Weiss. Though Yang's belongings were many, none of them took up that much space, unlike Weiss.

Rayeth had made himself a hammock near the doorway so that his view of the girls is obscured as courtesy for the girls, which Weiss was thankful for, but Yang vetoed the idea and proceeded to carry her brother to her bed and telling him to sleep with him.

Of course, Weiss argued with Yang, telling her that it was indecent for a boy and a girl to share a bed, and, for what is worth, Rayeth sided with her. However, Yang stayed firmed, telling Weiss that there were siblings and that they share a bed back home anyways.

Before things could escalated, Rayeth relented, taking pity on his partner who had an exhausted expression.

As compromise, Rayeth face the wall to give the girls a sense privacy.

That was not what was bothering Weiss though. The thing that was bothering her was the way Yang held her brother. There was nothing innocent in how the elder girl held her younger brother.

Weiss opened her mouth but Blake interjected.

"You can hound them about their sleeping habits tomorrow, Schnee. Go to bed, we have classes tomorrow." Blake exclaimed from her bed. The raven-haired girl was already in a state of pseudo-unconsciousness.

Weiss looked at Blake, a sense of discomfort erupting in her chest but she ignored this in favor of sighing.

For now, she relented and draped a blanket over herself. Before closing her eyes, Weiss made a mental note to speak to Rayeth about sleeping arrangements.

(Second Scene)

The current time was 3:00AM.

Normally, people would still be asleep at this time but Rayeth was different.

At this ungodly hour, his eyes opened and his sense became sharp and clear.

Yawning quietly, Rayeth quietly and expertly remove her sister's arms around his frame and slid out of bed. With footsteps that can make any assassin envious, Rayeth made his way to the bathroom, making a small detour to retrieve some objects from his luggage.

Entering the shower room, he took a quick shower to rinse himself before drying himself and donning his exercise clothes. Checking himself in front of the mirror, he put on some body weights.

Ankle and Wrist weights, each having the weight of 5lb, a pair walking weights, each having the weight of 15lb each, and a weight vest weighing 30 lb.

Jumping up and down a few times to get used to the extra weight, Rayeth nodded as he felt significantly weigh down.

Exiting the shower room, he gave his team a single look before procuring one of his smallest scrolls and exiting their dorm room.

"Five hours would do." Rayeth whispered quietly as he perform several warm ups as he made his way out of the dormitory.

As he walked across the corridor, he familiarizes himself with his surroundings.

In a way, Beacon and Signal was similar, with the difference only being in size and decoration but the way they were constructed were very similar.

Rayeth was filled with nostalgia as he remember his first day and month in Signal Academy. His life was simple in his first month but everything went south when his schoolmates discover that his skills were many times superior to theirs.

Life was a funny thing, if one is more superior or inferior than the rest, he would become a pariah.

If one is weaker than most, he would be scorn.

If one is stronger than most, he would still be scorn.

Rayeth smiled bitterly a bit. He did not care about his social standings or how people view him, but it still aggravated him that people his age would shy away from him due to the difference of abilities.

Still, Rayeth admitted that his lack of friends was also his fault. True, people are intimidated to approach him because he was stronger than most and his social skills did not help his case.

He was, by nature, an awkward person with minimal skills as a conversationalist.

Trying not to think any more bitter thoughts, Rayeth suddenly threw himself out of the balcony. Though he was at the second floor of the dormitory, he was still able to land safely by rolling on his back before hitting the ground.

Returning to his feet, Rayeth looked at his surrounding and smiled in appreciation.

In Rayeth's opinions, everything is at its most beautiful in the dark.

Although Rayeth was only seeing the inner walls of Beacon Academy, he was still at awe at how beautiful the academy is in the dark. With few lights illuminating the inner parts of the Academy, Rayeth could feel the history that took place within the school.

Rayeth took a moment to take in his surroundings, enjoying the scenery before getting into a running stance. Taking another breath, Rayeth ran.

In a matter of minutes, the inner walls of Beacon Academy were fill with the fragrant of roses.

(Third Scene)

It was currently 6:00AM, and the sun was beginning to rise.

Within the dormitory room of Team RWBY, a beautiful yet haunting sound reverberated throughout the room. The beautiful sound could only be produce by a violin.

Fifteen seconds later, lyrics echoed together with the beautiful melody.

Staring back at you, staring back me

Our gaze meets through the bars of our cage

Though you try to hide, I see it in your eyes

Your obsession with the other side

Weiss Schnee was not a morning person.

She never has and she never would be.

That being said, Weiss was also a heavy sleeper, but the music that suddenly roars in the room was loud enough to stir her to consciousness.

Yang and Blake awoke the moment the melody started.

So disguising my heart, I reach out my hand

Hoping that you won't see through my plan

And so trustingly, you smile at me

Now I've got you falling

"What is that? Where did it came from?" Weiss growled slightly, upset that her sleep was interrupted.

"Cantarella." Yang answered while rubbing her eyes. "That's Ray's favorite song."

"Vocaloid?" Blake half mumbled, half asked as she rose from her bed and grabbed the scroll that was generating the music. Blake turned it off before noting a note under the scroll.

"Yup." Yang answered as she sat up from her bed. "My brother is obsess with that band." Yang chuckled a bit, remembering how her brother followed the certain band in an almost religious fashion.

"The group is a good band. Each of their songs actually tells a story." Blake commented off handedly, remembering some of the music that she had heard from the band. "I especially love the Story of Evil."

"Achieve Men is better." Yang retorted, bringing up her favorite musical group.

"I would respectfully disagree with you. Their music is a bit one dimensional." Blake replied with a shrugged as she opened and read the note her partner left the team.

Yang stared at Blake with a scandalous expression. "Please tell me you did not just say that?" Yang challenged with fire in her eyes but Blake merely ignored her.

"What time is it?" Weiss grumbled under her breath, greatly irritated that her sleep was interrupted.

"6:09AM." Yang replied with a dull tone and without looking at her partner.

Weiss growled lightly at that answer. She was going to have a talk with their leader about this later. "I'm going back to sleep!"

"We have classes by 9:00AM." Blake announced before handing the letter to Weiss. "Here's our leader's first written order." Blake told them before making her way to the shower room.

Yang moved to her partner's bed and peered over her shoulders to read the letter.

Having my morning exercise. Expect me back at 8:30AM.

We have classes at 9:00AM. Please ready yourself for school in two hours. After your morning rituals are accomplished, please go to the cafeteria for breakfast. I will meet you guys there.

Yang, don't take an hour just to shower. Try to be considerate.

Weiss, I don't know you but please don't spend too much time in front of the mirror for makeup.

Blake, try to be the first one in the shower. Knowing my sister and assuming that Schnee has an extensive morning habits as my sister, they'll probably use up all the hot water if they got into the showers first.

I want you guys to hustle because I don't intend to be late in the first day of school.

By the way, don't mind me. I'm a guy so it only takes fifteen minutes at most for me to clean and prepare myself for school.

The letter ended at that note.

To Yang's credit, after reading the letter, she had laugh before making a move in preparing all her necessities for her morning rituals.

Weiss mirrored her partner while muttering about boys not understanding the need for girls to be pretty every morning.

(Fourth Scene)

"Hello, Colonel…"

"[Ray, haven't heard from you since you threw Roman Torchwick to jail. By the way, the fucker escape, made a huge mess.]"

"That's unfortunate, very unfortunate, but I figure as much. That guy, for a crook, is excellent in a fight, throws a good right hook."

"[Not that good if you could take it.]"

"I don't have the best jaw but I can still take a hit. But, small talk aside, I need some files sent to me in an hour."

"[You called me at 3:00AM in the morning because you need some files? Did you stumble upon some crap?]"

"Negative. Beacon is uncompromised. I want files of Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna."


"They are part of my team, together with my sister. I want some info about them so that I know how to handle them."

"[You do know that digging info about a Schnee is a sure career suicide, right?]"

"Did it stop you before?"

"[Point taken. Basic or elaborated?]"

"Basic would suffice."

"[Give me three hours.]"


"[You'll owe me for this…]"

"Put it in my tab."

(Tenth Scene)

"You ready, teacher's pet." Cardin smiled threateningly while glaring at Rayeth.

Rayeth and Cardin were standing across each other, a distance of five meters between them.

Rayeth looked at him carefully, eyes appraising his worth, before sighing disappointedly. "I don't even have to." Drawing Crescent Rose, he shifted his weapon to its scythe mode before planting it on the ground. Removing Constantine Rose from his back, he draped his cloak on Crescent Rose, covering its entire frame. "Professor Goodwitch, start the match. This won't take long." Rayeth stated in a semi-bored tone as he took several steps away from his weapons.

Everyone in the class looked at Rayeth as if he was joking while Cardin looked in outrage at how lightly his opponent was treating him.

Only Professor Goodwitch and Yang looked at Rayeth normally.

"Are you sure, Mr. Rose?" Glynda inquired her student, her tone neutral.

"Professor, with all due respect, if I used any of my weapons against Mr. Winchester, he would lose miserably. I use any of my weapons in this spar, and I can pretty much guarantee you that Mr. Winchester would be carted out of here in a stretcher or a body bag." Rayeth stated calmly yet confidently. "I not using any of my weapon make this spar fair." Rayeth added before casually positioning both his hands behind his back.

Cardin, by this point, was red in anger and was now slamming his mace on the floor to show his impatient. "I'm going to kill you brat!" Cardin exclaimed calmly.

"You can try." Rayeth retorted emotionlessly.

Glynda momentarily gave her two students a look before speaking. "Alright, allow me to explain the rules. In terms of either direct or indirect attacks, lethal attacks are forbidden. Techniques that deal permanent disabilities to the opponent are also forbidden. This is a tournament-style spar. The victor would be the one who forces his opponent's Aura level to drop on the red." Giving her student one more look, noting Rayeth calm, near expressionless face, and the eagerness and savaging expression of Cardin, Glynda nodded.

"Begin!" She announced loudly.

Cardin did not waste any time and charged towards Rayeth wildly, mace raised high as he prepared to strike the brat that has been giving him problems since the day began.

Rayeth slightly felt insulted in the way Cardin charged at him.

The way he ran was crude and his speed was laughable, something that Rayeth considered sacrilegious.

Running was an art, his art, and Cardin, in his opinion, was insulting his art.

'I am going to enjoy this.' Rayeth thought to himself before making his move.



When Cardin had reduced the distance between him and Rayeth from five meters to two meters, a black blur cut through the air and struck Cardin's mace.

The black blur had enough force behind it to force the tall teen to let go of his weapon as it flew off his hand and landed several meters away from him.

An orange blur accompanied the black but this one struck the ground that Cardin was standing on. On the moment of impact, the blur exploded, causing the ground that Cardin was standing on to grumble, forcing the armored wearing teen to one knee.



Rayeth crossed two meters in a blink of the eye. Stepping on Cardin's raised knee with one foot, Rayeth swung his other leg and struck his opponent with a knee right on the head. Cardin fell to the ground with a thud while Rayeth rolled out from his opponent's reach.

Rayeth stood beside the weapon of his opponent while Cardin shakily returned to his feet.

Rayeth gave Cardin a disappointed look before taking a single step back and kicking the mace towards Cardin.

The moment Cardin was in an upright position, his own mace struck him on the stomach, causing him to keel over to a single knee.

"Pick that up." Rayeth told him coldly. "You having a weapon makes this spar fair." Rayeth suddenly wore a thoughtful expression.

"Well, not that fair." Rayeth corrected as he stood casually in front of Cardin, as if he doesn't consider him a threat.

Cardin took offence to this. Grabbing his weapon and straitening himself, Cardin once again charge at Rayeth, wildly swinging his mace at the younger boy.

When Rayeth was within striking distance, Cardin brought his mace down on him, a victorious smile etched on his face as the hardest part of his weapon neared his opponents face.

Rayeth did not look threatened though as he moved expertly in accordance to Cardin's movements. When Cardin was within his range, he hooked the arm that held the mace with both of his hands and falls backwards forcing Cardin's own momentum to cause him to flip forward over Rayeth's head and on to his back.

Rayeth spun to his feet and wrapped both arms around the waist of Cardin, who was slightly stunned of being slammed on the ground.

Showing strength that a person of his built should not have, Rayeth lifted Cardin off his feet and slammed him back on the ground, dropping him directly on his shoulder and upper back.

Rayeth was on his feet first while Cardin was on the ground, nursing the back of his head.

Rayeth did not spare him a glance and merely lifted Cardin's mace from the ground. Rayeth inspected it for a moment before shaking his head. "What a crudely crafted weapon?" Rayeth commented before bringing his attention back at Cardin, who was slowly getting back on his feet.

Rayeth did not allow Cardin to recover his bearings. Grabbing the mace by the hilt and pouring Aura into the weapon, Rayeth swung the weapon towards Cardin. The mace discharged a series of explosive blast that tore through the floor and struck Cardin directly and critically.

Cardin was flung several meters from where he was standing and was slammed harshly on the far wall of the arena.

The last thing Cardin saw before he was rendered unconscious was the sight of Rayeth throwing his own mace at him.

(Scene Change)

Rayeth yawned.

He knew that he was showing disrespect to his opponent but he could not help himself.

The spar was a bore.

Roman Torchwick had given him a better fight.

Heck, some of the low level Grimms that he and his uncle hunted during his training had given him a better fight.

"Mr. Rose." Rayeth turned his attention on Professor Goodwitch. The beautiful Professor gave him a look that was both scolding and congratulating him. "Well done Mr. Rose, but was it necessary to prolong the spar? You could have ended it in the first ten seconds."

The caused his classmates to whisper among themselves.

Rayeth ignored them and merely flash Glynda a shy smile. "Professor, if I replace my knee with a bullet, the head of Mr. Winchester would no longer adorn his head." Rayeth stated seriously. "My Semblance is Speed and every object that I pour my Aura into would receive a considerable amount of speed and acceleration if turned into a projectile. If I had thrown a bullet, I doubt if Mr. Winchester's Aura is fast enough to react with the speed of the projectile." Rayeth explained in a somewhat apologetic tone.

"Do you know how to hold back, Mr. Rose?" Glynda inquired carefully.

"Yes, Professor." Rayeth shifted his attention to the unconscious yet bleeding form of Cardin Winchester. "After all, he is still alive and breathing, with only a broken nose and a shiner. That's how far I am willing to hold back against a prick like him." Rayeth knew that his statement was pushing it slightly, but he had always been an honest guy when it comes to his opponents.

Luckily for him, Glynda choose to ignore his crude statement and merely nodded. "Return to your seat, Mr. Rose."

Rayeth bowed at the blone professor before walking towards his weapons.

Grabbing both Constantine and Crescent Rose, and draping Constantine on his back and shifting Crescent Rose to its compact form and sheathing on his back, Rayeth made his way to his team, ignoring all the looks that were directed at him.

Yang smiled at her brother as he sat beside her. "Using his own weapon against him is a bit cruel, don't you think?" Not caring about the current company, Yang gave her brother a congratulatory kiss on the cheek.

"Not my fault that the prick forgot to put an Aura Lock on his own weapon." Rayeth said distastefully. "What kind of idiot forgets to integrate an Aura Lock on his very own weapon?" Rayeth asked, growling slightly.

"Aura Lock?" Jaune asked in a whisper.

"It's a feature in a custom Weapon that allows only a single wielder to a specific weapon." Rayeth answered as he looked at Jaune. "If you're not going flirt with me, I could install one in your weapon." Rayeth offered with a kind smile.

Jaune could only smile dryly at those words. "You are not going to let me live that one down, won't you?"

"Not anytime soon." Rayeth confirmed with a small laugh.

"I'm impress that you could beat Winchester that easily." Weiss complemented, offering a congratulation to her leader.

"Thanks Weiss," Rayeth looked at Weiss and gave her a smile. "But frankly, he was a bore. The moment I've seen his weapon is the moment that he had lost. A crude fighting style and a crude weapon equals to a very clumsy fighter." Rayeth commented before chuckling lightly.

"I would have like to spar with you, Weiss. We could have given our classmates a show." Rayeth said thoughtfully. "I would have use Constantine and some of my special bullets against you and the class would have seen an excellent showing of Dustcraft."

The moment that Weiss smiled back, with pride clearly written on her face, Rayeth knew that he had found a way to have Weiss work with the team.

"You would have lost if that happen." Weiss stated confidently.

"Please." Yang muttered dismissively. "My brother would have wiped the floor with you."

Thankfully, Professor Goodwitch continued with her lectured before a new argument could begin between Yang and Weiss.

Now, if you pardon me, I have a tribute chapter to create from scratch…..