Based after episode 20. Carmilla has just finished telling Laura her side of the story…

"You're already terrified of her."

"What do you mean already? I've never met your mom."

"Yeah, of course you have. She's the dean…"


"So what can I do to help?" Laura asks, feeling determined.

"Honestly I'm too tired to figure this out right now. And I'm sick of hearing myself speak. Now you know all about my dramatic life," Carmilla says sarcastically. "Let's hear about yours". A smirk flashes across her face.

"Oh, well, you know, overprotective dad…" Laura starts, unsure.

"Come on," Carmilla cuts her off. "I want to know the good stuff. Something tells me you might not be as innocent as you seem. And you at least owe me a story if nothing else," she says as she glances down at the rope and garlic restraining her.

"What do you mean I'm not innocent? I thought that was kind of my thing," Laura adds, shocked.

"Something tells me that even with an overprotective dad you learned how to inconspicuously delete your browser history at 13. And at 16 you had sleepovers with your best pal Lucy where you'd secretly fool around." Carmilla grins as a Laura begins to blush.

"Her name was Samantha, and I was 17. And I didn't have to start deleting my history until I was like 15," Laura mumbles defensively, not making eye contact.

Carmilla laughs, "There's nothing to be ashamed of! I would have killed for some kind of outlet when I was discovering boobs instead of boys."

Laura can't help but crack up, "Yeah, boobs are pretty great." They're both quiet for a moment, not knowing how to continue.

"So, tell me about Samantha." Carmilla looks at Laura with a quiet intensity. They stare at each other for a second before Laura looks into her lap.

"There's not much to tell. We were both in the closet. She would come over every weekend and we'd snuggle and kiss behind close doors. It was fun, and I liked her but I hated how secret it was," Laura looks into Carmilla's eyes. "I told my parents that I was gay after a couple months of our sleepovers. They were really supportive and said Sam could come over anytime she wants."

"Did you break up when you came to school?" Carmilla asks, genuinely interested.

A tear falls from Laura's eye, "No, it wasn't that simple. When Sam's parents heard that I was gay they forbid her from coming over or talking to me. They even called my parents and said they should send me away to get help."

"Those bastards. Just when you think a time period is going to be a little more optimistic." Carmilla's heart breaks as she stares into the pain in Laura's eyes.

"I guess what kills me the most is that Sam started believing the things her parents said," Laura shrugs.

"I guess the difference between this Samantha and I is that I'll disobey my parent just to spend more time with you," Carmilla smiles.

"Are you being nice to me just because you're tied up?" Laura smiles back.

"You could untie me and find out," Carmilla challenges, inching towards Laura.

Laura leans in, almost touching Carmilla's lips but moves over to her ear. She breathily whispers, "Not a chance."

A shiver goes down Carmilla's spine straight to her core. "Kinky."