I Do Not Own Fairy Tail! (I wish I did)

Lucy's POV

Fire, water, ice, iron, poison, wind, light, shadow, lightning and celestial. Those are my dragon slayer elements. I was taught by my dragon, Amir. I loved her so much. Until she disappeared. Vanished from existence. Before she vanished, though, she said something I'll never forget."Lucy, there are others like you. They are just hidden. But they are being hunted and destroyed. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the last dragon slayer. But if you find one, stick together. Protect each other with your lives." I then always thought that I was the last dragon slayer, until I saw this week's Sorcerer's Weekly. Meet the Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel, and his amazing powers! Was splayed on the front cover in bolded words. "Oh my god." I whisper. "Um, may I please buy this?" I said, still dazed from my discovery. "Sure!" the book clerk said cheerfully. I thank her and sit down on a bench, trying to learn more about this dragon slayer. I learn that he is currently in Fairy Tail, a magic guild that only knows one thing: destruction. I then walk to the train station and ask for a ticket to Magnolia. I step onto the train and sit down, not ready for the hell that was going to happen. As the train lurches forward, I clasp my hand over my mouth. Motion sickness…. It sucks. When I finally get to Magnolia, I jump off the train and hurl in the nearest trashcan. Once I'm done, I straighten up and walk to Fairy Tail; not prepared for what lies ahead in my future. When I finally get to the guild, the doors tower over me. "I can do this!" I say, trying to encourage myself. It must have worked, because I can see myself pushing the door open. Men are drinking, waitresses are getting flirted with, and a fight is currently going down in the corner. 'Wonderful….. Just wonderful" I think to myself as a look around. He wasn't here. Dammit! I walk up to the girl at the front desk and realized I was going to speak to THE Mirajane Strauss. "Hello. Are you here to join our guild?" She chirped happily. "Y-Yes." I say shyly. "Great! Follow me to Master's office!" She exclaimed, overjoyed that the guild had a new member. I follow Mirajane up the stairs and through a big door, probably the Master's office. "Hello there my child" A voice speaks in front of me. "Hello. Are you the Master?" I question. "Yes. Are you here to join?" He questions. "I hope this doesn't turn into 20 questions, because I have places to be!" I thought. "Yes I'm here to join." Master then stands up and hands Mirajane an inkpad. "What color and where do you want your guild mark?" Mirajane questions me. "Pink. And on my right hand please!" I said cheerfully. All of a sudden, a huge BANG sounded through the hall. "Looks like he's back." Mirajane chuckles. "Who?" I thought aloud. "Natsu, our dragon slayer." Master answers.