Natsu looked up at the angel hovering above him. "Lisanna... Your back" he whispered "of course I would return to my handsome dragon". Her face suddenly froze in horror as her stomach started to bleed and her skin began to glow and fade. "Lisanna please not again" cried Natsu "don't leave me, please Lisanna not again." Five seconds later she disappeared completely leaving Natsu alone and depressed. Natsu jumped from his bead in cold sweat, "that same nightmare for three years" he muttered as he prepared to start his day.

Natsu walked over to the river near his house and caught him and happy a few fish and trudged along back to his house as the sun began to rise. Natsu couldn't help but think about his long lost love as he watched the blazing red sky across the horizon.'I wonder if I had told her my true feelings if things would have been different, if we were together she wouldn't have gone or Elfman would at least let him accompany the Strauss trio on their mission. Even if they didn't he wouldn't regret not telling her his true feelings, if only if only' he thought.

On his way back Natsu cautiously sniffed the air. He smelt something from Edolas nearby but he couldn't think exactly what it was. After the Edolas incident there were so many new smells that Natsu couldn't differentiate what was what even after a week. He continued walking alarmed at the feeling that someone was watching him. Fearing the safety of his best mate he walked in a different direction from the house in which happy was sleeping. He continued walking through the woods and suddenly broke into a sprint and quickly climbed a tree and waited for whoever was stalking him. A minute later he saw a robed figure sprinting across the forest, Natsu felt somewhat satisfied knowing he wasn't being paranoid and jumped off the branch he was perched on. He lit his fist on fire and was ready to strike mid-air until the person turned and yelped in fright. Natsu quickly maneuvered his body so as not to hit the woman before his eyes as she lifted her hood. "Li-Lisanna? H how are you wait Edolas you alive home back how?" Scrambled Natsu 'is it really her?' He thought. 'Could it be that some wizard was putting him in an illusion?' "Hello Natsu-san, you look well" replied the youngest Strauss sibling.

Natsu turned around and started running. He had Illusions of Lisanna before but they had stopped over a year ago. 'Am I really turning insane? I attacked Lucy yesterday and now this. What is happening to me... Why is this happening to me?' He ran to the grave that he had built for Lisanna hoping to get closure as he wept inside the shelter Lisanna had built years ago. He didn't know when but he fell asleep eventually and awoke to a hand gliding across his face. Startled he jumped up and instantly engulfed his fist with flames. Once he noticed it was Lisanna in the hut the flames died. "I can't fight something that is just in my head" he muttered. Tears began streaming down her face as she realize what was happening. She leaped at Natsu and embraced him with her arms. "I am real Natsu, I'm here" she whispered into his ear. Natsu couldn't control himself as he broke down into tears as he slowly lowered them both onto the floor as they fell asleep in each other's arms. He had never felt more happy in his entire life and he would kill anyone who threatened the woman in his arms.

AN Hey guys sorry this chapter is short, if I learn that anyone is actually reading this I will update chapters as fast as I can and they will be longer. Warning expect lemons and language in the future.- Kamakaze465