Love Trip, Chapter One.

A/N: Hey! For all those who don't know me I'm Ana, ohgodbomer on twitter, and this another of my ezria stories I wanted to try out. I don't know if its any good and I have mostly everything planned up already so if you do like it tell me to keep on writing :) Also check my other stories if you haven't already!

"Are you serious?" Aria asked letting herself fall onto her best friend's bed. The other two girls chuckled.

"Totally serious" said Hanna as she took out four perfectly new plane tickets. As soon as Spencer and Emily saw them they rushed over to her taking theirs and kissing them repeatedly. With a very different reaction, Aria groaned and hid her face behind a pillow.

"I told you I didn't want to go on vacation" she said sitting up and looking at her friends.

"I know" said Hanna.

"Then why did you buy me one"

"Come on girls, we've just graduated college and we're still together. We deserve some vacation, specially in the Caribbean" Hanna said as she paced around the room acting as if she was on the beach already.

Spencer and Emily had stopped listening long ago and were now talking about other things. Hanna took advantage of the moment and sat next to Aria on the bed instantly pulling her into a hug. Aria was an expert at putting up a front and holding in all her emotions but she couldn't fool Hanna. Them being like sisters made Hanna know when something was wrong and in this case she knew what it was. When they pulled apart a lonely tear rolled down Aria's blushed cheek. She wiped it away quickly not wanting to cry.

"Hey, its been a few moths since Derek left. I know its hard, but you need to start getting on your feet again. " she told Aria. "Give it some thought and if you really don't want to come you don't have to"

Aria nodded. She got up grabbing her stuff, said goodbye and started to walk home. She knew Hanna was right. That jerk didn't even deserve another thought or another tear spilled. Hanna's words had made her react once and for all and now instead of feeling hurt she felt disgust towards him. She should have seen it coming. All guys in her life had been dicks and he was no different.

The class bell rung just as Aria finished her last line. She had officially finished her last exam and was about to graduate. With an A+ in all of her classes and the football team captain as a boyfriend you could say her life was pretty great. She had already received calls from The New York Post and The New York Times offering her to write the social section. Her dream had always been to write on the New York Times. She wanted to change people with her writing. She wanted to be able to control emotions with it.

Both of the newspapers had said they'd call but she was still waiting. Everyone knew that if a month passed by and you weren't officially hired you would never be. This made her nervous. Her dream job was just a call away. A call she had yet to receive.

She packed up all of her stuff before heading out. She met Derek as he came out of his own class.

"Hey" she said. "How did your exam go?"

"Good, I suppose." said Derek. He had never been the type that cared much about studies. He had enough with football, at least that he said. They started walking toward the exit.

"So do you want to hang out later?" Aria asked after a few seconds.

"I cant, I have to leave to pack. Im leaving for Los Angeles in a few hours."

"You're leaving? And you didn't even bother to tell me?" she asked in disbelief.

"Oh calm down, its not like we were going to be together forever or whatever you cheesy English students say." He said smirking. "you're not my type anyway."

The anger in Aria grew quickly. He had just ruined her happy Friday. She knew it wasn't a good idea to date hot and popular guys like him but after four years of relationship she thought it could work. "And you didn't think about telling me, you know, before I fell in love with you?"

"Company is good for sometime" he said. "Oh come on baby, you know football players aren't with only one girl for four years"

Aria shot him a dead look before starting to walk away. She stopped turning on her heels. Once she was in front of him she slapped him, hard, and with a last look to his now red cheek she went home.

That same day, as if it wasn't enough, she received a call form The New York Post saying they were sorry to inform her that they had already covered the social column spot. The first thing she thought was if New York Post doesn't want me why would New York Times, specially knowing how important that newspaper was.

Now a month later she still hadn't received a single call and, much to her dismiss, she still wasn't over Derek. As she opened the door to her apartment, which was very close to Hanna's and campus, she closed her eyes making a decision before she could over think it.

"Count me in" she texted her friend. Before she could even put her phone back in her pocket Hanna replied.

"Well then you better start walking back. We're going shopping!"

"So tell me why we have to go to New York again?" groaned Hardy from the backseat as he laid his head on the window.

"I already told you! I have to make a stop at Columbia College. The head of the English department wanted a word with me·" said Ezra not taking his eyes away from the road. He was concentrated on arriving safely. As soon as they had stepped into the car in Boston it had started to rain.

"Lets just hope the weather in the Caribbean is better" said Hardy tracing with his finger the water drops sliding down the cold glass.

Ezra managed to look back for a second and chuckled when he saw the scene behind him. Caleb, another of his friends, was sound asleep next to Hardy that was now drawing all over his face. The last but not least member in the car was Toby. He was sitting next to Ezra listening to music. When he felt his eyes on him he took out one earphone.

"How long until we get there?" he asked. "This sucks"

"You now if you wanted to get the plane directly from Boston you could have done it without me! I didn't even want to come" Ezra said getting slightly frustrated.

"Touché" said Toby before putting his earphone on again.

The rest of the ride was fairly silent except Hardy asking once or twice when they were arriving. As they got closer and closer, the rain stopped and the sun was starting to be visible through the New York skyline. The sunlight streaming through the window woke up the three sleeping boys. Hardy cheered happily as they made their way to Columbia through the busy streets. It was 11 in the morning and they had been driving for three hours when they finally managed to pull in a free stop in Columbia's parking lot. The four of them got out the car stretching as the felt the pavement under their feet. Their flight was supposed to leave at 4 and they had to be in the airport around 12. Ezra's meeting wasn't going to be long either. As he made his way to the Dean's office the other three made their way to the cafeteria to grab a coffee before having to get into the car again.

A few hours later the four of them were sitting down at the airport waiting for the children and the first class passengers to go inside.

"So basically he offered you a job as an English professor?" Toby asked. "At Columbia?" Ezra just nodded.

"So the bird is leaving the nest" said Hardy as if he was a kid.

"I don't even know if I'm going to take it, I mean we're just out of college and I don't think I'm ready for all of that"

"So you're going to chicken out after you made us sit in the car for hours?!" Before Ezra could say anything they started to call out the section of seats including theirs to start boarding the plane.

In a rush the girls made their way to their boarding gate. The four of them had overslept. The last people to board the plane were already making their way toward their seats and the girls were lucky to arrive before the gate had closed.

When they got to their seats they were even more pissed as they found out they were not sitting together. The plane had two seats on the right, four on the middle, which were the ones the girls were hoping for, and two more on the left side. The two of the right were taken and two of the four leaving them in pairs.

Hanna was about to start complaining when she saw the faces of the four friends that were going to be their 'plane-mates'. Her mouth hang open slightly. The ones on the right were staring back at her. They were both very handsome but one of them caught her attention. His short her to the side and those mesmerizing green eyes… oh man. She coughed awkwardly when she realized she had been looking at him for a while. She turned around to notice that Emily and Spencer had already taken their seats and the only ones left were the ones next to the other two boys.

Hanna tried to take a seat but Aria wouldn't move forward. She was too busy have eyes sex with the blue-eyed nerd looking one. She pushed her slightly forcing her to seat next to the unnamed boy. She smiled at his shyly and he smiled back making her insides go crazy. Arias was dumbstruck, never she had seen someone as beautiful as him. Ezra was thinking exactly the same, as the urge to know her better became a need. When she sat down their hands brushed against each other both pulling them away mumbling an apology. The electricity shock that had run through her had left her very confused, to say the least. She had never felt something like that before, not even with Derek.

Without saying another word, she turned her iPod on too embarrassed to look back at him. She could feel his gaze on her making her nervous, but why? She silently wished he would stop staring. Aria tried to focus on the music that was playing but all she wanted to do was to look into his eyes again.

As if pulled by an unnatural force, the both moved their hands at the same time meeting once again at the armrest. The tension between them was undeniable. With a shy look on both of their face they turned to face each other. Questions running wildly through that look. One thing they knew for sure. Something had happened between them and they had four hours to find out before they had to part ways.

A/N: Things will get more interesting from here if I do decide to continue this story. If I get at least 15 reviews that want me to continue I'll do if not feel free to DM any ideas you want me to write. As always thanks for reading 3