'Tis the end. I'd like to thank every one for reading and taking the time to comment. Next story will be out soon. It's about the Winter Soldier, so stay tuned! Below lyrics are by Ani DiFranco's Falling Is Like This.

You give me that look that's like laughing
with liquid in your mouth
like you're choosing between choking
and spitting it all out
like you're trying to fight gravity
on a planet that insists
that love is like falling
and falling is like this

Feels like reckless driving when we're talking
It's fun while it lasts, and it's faster than walking
But no one's going to sympathize when we crash
They'll say "you hit what you head for, you get what you ask"
and we'll say we didn't know, we didn't even try
one minute there was road beneath us, the next just sky

I'm sorry I can't help you, I cannot keep you safe
I'm sorry I can't help myself, so don't look at me that way
we can't fight gravity on a planet that insists
that love is like falling
and falling is like this.

"Sit still my lady!" Ula, one of many servants, commanded.

"I'm sorry! I've got a very sensitive scalp." Seren winced as Ula pulled a comb through her hair.

"I promise, it will be worth the wait. Prince Loki will not know what hit him!" Two other girls began combing, and pinning, and twisting.

Another finished powdering her face and then opened a small blue box with gold trim. She pulled out a stick of khol and carefully began to line her eyes.

Her stomach growled loudly. "Could one of you find me something to eat?" She asked.

Ula looked at her, horrified. "And ruin this work of art? I think not!"

Seren slumped down in her chair, and promptly received a thump to the back of her head. "Sit up!" Ula snapped.

The door to her temporary room opened and Thor, dressed in his best armor, walked in. "Good day ladies!"

A few of the girls giggled. Seren tried to look at him, but was quickly stopped with a hiss from Ula.

"Is it safe for me to enter?" Thor asked.

Seren looked at herself in the mirror, making sure she was decent. She was chastely covered in a blue and silver silk robe. "It's safe!"

Thor poked his head into the dressing room, entering fully when he was certain no one was naked. "How are you?" He asked.

"Honestly? I'm starving. On Midgard the brides usually get whatever they ask for, but Ula is being a Nazi." Seren snapped. In response, Ula twisted her hair tighter than previously. Seren winced. "What brings you here?"

This looked down, straightening the rug with the toe of his boot. "Three things. First, to see how you're doing, to which you just answered. Two," he reached in his pocket and pulled out a velvet pouch. "To give you this."

She took the pouch and dumped it into her hand. "Oh wow. Thor this is beautiful." It was a braided golden arm band with a small hammer in the center of it. She looked at him in the mirror. "Thank you."

Thor smiled. "You're officially my sister today. I had this made so that you will look on it and know you are protected."

She slid it on her left arm, careful not to move her head. "What's the third?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You said there were three things. That was two. What's the third?"

Thor shifted from foot to foot. "Loki...er..It's actually...not pertinent. I'll leave you to finish getting ready."

"Thor Odinson!" She snatched the end of his cape as he was turning to leave. Ula gave an angry cry. "What about Loki?" She demanded.

She literally heard Thor swallow before turning again to face her. "Loki is-"

"What Thor? Loki is what?"

"He's missing."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MISSING?!" Seren shrieked, nearly coming up out of the chair.

Thor flinched. "He was last seen bathing. When the servants came to collect him, he was gone. He's cloaked himself from Heimdall as well."

"You really just came in to gauge my emotional strength today, didn't you?!" Thor, unsure of what to say, suddenly found interest in one of the nearby tapestries. "Go find him!" She cried, swatting at him.

He flinched. "I'm going to find him. Finish getting ready, pretend I was never here." Thor replied, backing out of the room.

"Yeah right! And bring me something to eat before I die of starvation!" She shouted as he closed the door behind him.


Thor returned sometime later, his arms full of fruit. Seren was pacing in her robe.

"Did you find him?" She asked.

Thor laid the food out on a nearby table. "No. But I've got everyone looking for him."

Seren stamped her slippered foot. "Did you check the library?"

"It was the first place I looked." He replied.

She crossed her arms and resumed her pacing. "What about Frigga's memorial?"

Thor shook his head. "That was the second place I looked. He was not there."

"Why would he do this? Is he having second thoughts?" She looked over at Thor, on the brink of hysterics. "Has he said anything to you?"

Thor took her by both arms, forcing her to stop. "Seren. He said nothing of the sort. We will find him. Go have something to eat. Have one of the serving girls bring you some water. I promise, we will find him."

Seren squeezed her eyes shut, trying to rack her brain. "Water...I bet he's at Lake Amethyst!"

Thor's brow scrunched. "Why would he be there?"

She threw her hands in the air. "I don't know! It's where we first met. Maybe he's doing some self reflecting or something. And if he is, he'll be there for a while."

There was a knock on the door and before she could invite them in, Ula and a handful of serving girls entered carrying various pieces of gold and emerald cloth.

Seren ignored them. "Take me to him."

"Where are you going?" Ula asked.

"What about your hair?" Thor asked, giving Ula a sideways glance.

"I don't care! You can fly, so take me to him, Thor! What if he's rethinking this whole thing? Time is of the essence!" She said.

"But your hair! And we have your gown ready!" Ula exclaimed.

"If we don't go get him, then there won't be any use for the gown!" Thor wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Hold on." He said. She slid her arms around his waist and held on tightly as they took off into the evening sky.


They landed in a thicket not far from the shore of the lake. The sun was almost completely set, save for a golden line on the horizon.

Seren sighed. "Wait for me here, I'm going to need a ride back if he isn't here."

"Are you certain?" Thor asked.

She nodded and squeezed his arm. "Yea."

Pulling her robe tight around her waist, she began stepping over branches and through bushes until she pushed out onto the shore. In the fading light it was hard to see, but she could tell he wasn't there. She looked out at the placid water and sighed. Anger and worry were battling in her mind. She wanted to be angry at him for disappearing, and then she was afraid that maybe something had changed his mind and he was too afraid to tell her face to face.

"What are you doing out here?"

Seren screamed and turned around. Loki stood just behind her dressed in his finest armor. Completely black with gold trim, it had a hint of emerald in the embroidered collar and cuffs. His hair was freshly cut and his face shaven.

He grabbed her by her arm to prevent her tripping over an old tree trunk. She jerked her arm free.

"I could ask you the same! Where have you been? The whole palace is looking for you." She snapped.

He looked down at her, the hint of a smile on his lips. She crossed her arms over her chest. "What?" She asked.

He shook his head slowly, plucking a twig from her hair. "I just needed a moment to myself." He stroked her cheek.

"Are you having second thoughts? Do you not want to marry me?" She asked, looking up at him. His hand paused on her face.

"What?" He asked.

"Well it happens." She began to ramble. "Someone gets cold feet and begins to second guess the whole thing so he bolts and the next thing you know, the bride is crying into her wedding cake. I don't want to cry into my wedding cake, Loki."

He laughed. "Is that what you thought would happen? You silly girl." He pressed his forehead against hers. "I may be Jotun, but I don't get cold feet. There is no me without you. I was doing a last minute survey of the land." He looked up at the dark sky. "I confess I lost track of time." He replied.

"Surveying what? It's getting dark." She said.

Loki pressed both hands against her cheeks. "For our new home." He kissed her.

She smiled. "What do you mean?"

"I can't think of anything better than leaving the confines of the castle and waking up next to you every morning with the sun rising over the lake. Our lake. The first place we met."

Seren looked around. "You want us to live here?" She smiled.

"Yes. But the details will have to wait. We have a wedding to get to." He looked over his shoulder. "You may come out now, brother."

Thor stumbled out of the brush and smiled sheepishly. "I did not wish to intrude."

Loki grinned. "Please escort the lady Seren back to the castle. I will follow shortly."

Thor wrapped an arm around Seren. "I'll see you there.." She said, reluctantly letting go of Loki's hand.

"I wouldn't miss it for all the realms." He said.


Thor and Seren landed on the balcony of her room. Ula quickly leapt to her feet.

"My lady?" She asked

Seren patted Thor's arm as he left in the direction of Loki's chambers. "Bring in the dress." She said.

Ula clapped her hands and a swarm of servants entered with various articles of clothing. She was draped and wrapped from every angle. In a matter of moments, it was over.

Ula maneuvered Seren around to look at her reflection in the mirror. The gown was made of golden silk with green sheer chiffon overlay. It was held up by a gold necklace and held in by an intricately braided, solid gold corset that dipped in a V shape just under the breasts. She stepped into a pair of gold heels. "I look like a real princess..." She whispered, twirling.

"There's one final piece to the puzzle." Ula opened a blue box nearly the size of a large hat box.

Seren gasped as she pulled out a golden crown and placed it atop her head, careful so as to not disturb her hair. The crown twisted and curled into an elegant point with a tiny pearl that hung just above her eyebrows.

"Compliments of the All Father. This was the late Queen's wedding crown."

"It suits you my dear."

Ula and the servant girls immediately dropped to one knee as Odin, dressed in his ceremonial armor, entered.

Seren lowered her eyes and smiled lightly. "Thank you, your highness. It's beautiful."

"I believe we have a wedding to attend and a certain young man is waiting most anxiously for you." He replied, offering her his arm.

Ula lowered the veil over Seren's face and gave her a smile. "You d look like a true princess, my lady." She whispered.

Seren smiled and took the All Father's arm. "Thank you, Ula." She replied.

They walked most of the way in silence. As they drew nearer the throne room, she could hear the dull roar of voices. Suddenly her nerves got the best of her and she faltered, looking nervously at Odin.

He patted her hand. "All will be well, my dear. Nearly the entire kingdom has come to witness this union."

She cleared her seemingly dry throat. "The entire kingdom?" She exhaled sharply. "Oh my...I don't think I can do this.."

"Of course you can. Of all the things you and Loki have been through, this is but a trifle."

"Surprisingly that isn't comforting..." She whispered as they approached the entrance.

Odin smiled and turned to her. "Just remember to breathe. I didn't when Frigga and I we'd, and I nearly fainted. That tidbit, of course, is to stay between you and I."

Seren found it hard to believe, but smiled at the image her mind created.

"Shall we?"

Seren took a deep breath and nodded. Odin nodded to the two guarding einherjar. They pushed the two large, golden doors open and Seren gasped.

Beautiful gold chiffon drapes hung from the large windows. Multicolored crystal chandeliers hung from the giant cathedral like ceiling. Bouquets of brightly colored roses decorated every surface. The room was filled, wall to wall with Asgardian citizens dressed in their finest-and they were all looking at her.

Sensing her hesitation, Odin gave her hand a gentle squeeze and inconspicuously urged her forward. Thor, she spotted standing next to Loki, a bright grin plastered to his face.

The veil hid her growing anxiety as they walked down the aisle. Then her eyes fell on Loki, hands clasped behind his back, waiting and watching her with the hint of a smile on his lips.

He truly looked like a god, though she was shocked to see him without his trademark horned helmet. In its place was a golden crown, less ornate than her own, but no less elegant. Her anxiety began to subside as she focused on him.

Loki held out a gloved hand to her and Odin placed her hand in his, clapping both of theirs with his own. He and Loki shared a look before Odin continued past them, taking his place on the dais where he remained standing.

"Reveal to Asgard her new princess." Odin commanded.

Without a word, Loki reached up and folded the veil back over her head. His lips parted with an audible gasp.

Seren smiled up at him and she was shocked to see him blush slightly.

He took her hand in his and they turned to face Odin.

"Today we honor this unbreakable union between Loki of Asgard and the Lady Seren of Midgard. Lady Seren, do you swear to be a faithful and obedient wife? To honor and protect Loki as your husband from now until death?"

"I swear it until my dying day." She replied, looking at Loki.

"Prince Loki, do you swear to uphold the values of marriage? To be faithful and protect Lady Seren from now until death?"

"I swear it until my dying day, with my last breath." He turned to Seren and knelt before her. He pulled his sword from its sheath and held it up to her with both hands. "Accept this sword as a symbol of strength and protection. Know that I will protect you with the last beat of my heart."

With trembling hands, Seren took the sword. "I accept your protection." She took the sword and slid her hand down the blade, slicing the palm of her hand open. Loki then took the sword and did the same, placing the sword back in its sheath.

They clasped one another's hand almost as if preparing for a round of arm wrestling. Seren watched in amazement as a thin golden light entwined around their wrists. She felt a prickly, almost electrical sensation course throughout her body. The slight twitch in Loki's hand revealed he'd felt it too.

They held each other's gaze until the light faded. When she glanced down, the cut was healed and in its place was a silver scar.

"Let no one, man or beast, break this union. Let no one object to the dealings of the heart. By the power given me by my father the late King Bor, let it be know that from this day forth, Prince Loki and Princess Seren are united as man and wife. Kiss your bride my son."

"With pleasure." Loki replied, causing a bit of laughter to course through the crowd. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips that started out as chaste, but then quickly escalated to a deep, breathtaking kiss.

The crowd erupted into jovial cheers and laughter, some throwing their hats into the air. They turned to exit the throne room, ducking under the swords being brandished ceremonially by the einherjar that now lined the aisle.


Several years later...

Seren was digging in her garden, preparing to plant more of the flowers that Loki had brought her from Midgard. She rested a hand on her swollen belly and wiped her forehead. The suns were really hot and she was beginning to grow tired.

"Lady Seren!"

She looked up from her garden. Fandral and Volstagg were walking into the garden.

She smiled, continuing to dig. "Hey guys! What brings you here?"

"We were going to have words with your husband." Fandral replied.

"Oh? What did he do now?" She asked.

Volstagg chuckled. "Nothing at all! We were merely hoping he and Thor would accompany us on a hunt. That is if it is ok with you."

"Well that depends." She said, flashing a smile. "Is it going to be like that time you went hunting Larskei on Muspelheim? Or river wurms on Alfheim?"

Fandral burst out laughing. "As well as both, I hope."

"I hope not! I was pulling barbs from Loki's back for a week when you came back from Alfheim. And don't get me started about those stupid Larskei! He was hallucinating for days afterwards!"

Volstagg and Fandral both began to laugh. Seren flung a handful of dirt at them. "It's not funny!" She giggled. After the laughter had died, she wiped her chin. "I don't care what he does as long as he comes back in one piece!"

"Lady Seren! Tea!" Ula called from the balcony of her and Loki's home.

"I'll be there shortly, thank you Ula!" She called over her shoulder. She shoved the hand spade into the dirt and wiped her hands on her apron and grinned as she struggled to get to her feet, waving off their attempts to help her up.

"On any account, he and Thor haven't come back yet from Vanaheim. But they should be home soon. You can stay for tea. I've been craving Amaranth root. Ula had found a way to make the best tea from it!" She said.

Placing a hand at the small of her back, she stretched, trying to work out the tension when she heard a pop like the sound of a knuckle popping. By the time she had registered the warm gush of fluid that followed, she was overcome with a sharp pain that left her belly as hard as a rock.

With a pained cry, she stumbled forward. Fandral caught her. "Seren! Are you well?"

She winced, struggling to breathe during the contraction. "Get Heimdall to send for Loki and the healer." She whispered.

"What is it? What's going on?" Volstagg asked.

"The baby is coming." Fandral said, looking up at his friend. He lifted Seren into his arms. "Get Heimdall, I'll take her inside."


Loki rubbed his face and cast Thor a weary gaze as the elders of Vanaheim argued amongst themselves. Since establishing trade with Midgard, he and Thor had been meeting with the leaders of each realm to answer questions, of which there had been many, about the new relations with Midgard. Not all realms were happy, Vanaheim being one.

"I don't understand why after all these thousands of years that we now decide to recognize Midgard. They are a primitive realm constantly at war with themselves. That kind of chaos is better kept contained to their own realm." Viri, one of the elders exclaimed.

"I understand your concerns, but I can assure you that they are much more dignified now than they were a thousand years ago. I've seen it first hand." Thor replied.

They were seated in the gardens of Vanaheim's capital city. Six elders, Loki, Thor, and Hogun had been in talks for hours and it seemed that they were getting nowhere.

There was a brilliant flash of light and Sif appeared before them, the Bifrost shimmering brightly around her.

Thor was instantly at his feet. "What is it Sif?"

"Seren." Loki immediately jumped to his feet. "The baby is coming." She said.

Loki glanced back at Thor who nodded his way. "Go to her brother! I will conclude things here."

Loki nodded quickly to the elders and disappeared in a flash with Sif.


Loki pushed open the door to his home and raced up the spiral staircase. At the top he could hear Seren's cries echoing down the hallway.

He pushed into their bed chamber.

Seren was bent over a chair groaning as a healer massaged her lower back. She looked up, her hair plastered to her forehead.


Immediately he was at her side, kissing her forehead. "I'm here sweetheart."

"Oh this is not what I had in mind at all..." She groaned.

"Let's get you back into bed." He said.

She shook her head. "I'm going to throw up..." She began to gag just as the healer shoved a bucket under her face. He rubbed her back, trying to ease her discomfort.

She held his arm, but as they turned towards the bed, another contraction ripped through her abdomen, so strong she nearly tumbled over. Loki scooped her up and gently laid her down on the bed.

"I'm sorry Loki..." Seren let out a deep breath. "I need some water..."

Loki smiled and immediately held a glass of water to her lips. "Easy now..."

She lay her head back, letting her eyes flutter closed. Loki turned to Kera, the midwife. "Is she supposed to be this disoriented?"

Kera nodded. "It is entirely normal my Prince." She positioned herself in front of Seren. "Forgive me Prince Loki, but I must check to see how the labor is progressing."

Loki gave a slight start. "But of course! I'll just..." She turned, looking for any distraction he could. "Be in the drawing room.." He rushed out and headed directly for the mantle over the fireplace.

He barely registered the door to the drawing room closing over Seren's screaming. Thor clasped his hands down on Loki's shoulder and gave him a brotherly shake. "Loki have a drink! This is a time for celebration!"

"Yes! A drink! Let's drink to the impending birth of the son of Loki!" Fandral said.

The thought didn't seem a bad one. He grabbed the largest mug he could find and filled it to the brim with mead. He tipped the cup back and chugged it, shoving a mug full into Thor's hands.

"Your nerves seem to be getting the better of you, brother. Do not fear for her, she is in good hands!"

Loki took a deep breath once he'd finished the mead. "It's not nerves, Thor. I-" the door suddenly opens and the healer exited quickly, without word.

"LOKI!" Seren cried.

Loki shoved his empty glass into Thor's hand and burst through the bed chamber doors. The sight before him nearly brought him to his knees. Thor and Fandral crowded in behind him.

"By the Norns!" Thor gasped.

"What's this now?" Fandral asked. The silence in the room was followed by the piercing cries of an infant.

Loki carefully walked to the bed, sitting next to her. Her hair was plastered to her face and her eyes were closed. "Seren sweetheart..." He brushed the hair from her face and her eyes fluttered open.

She took in a deep breath. "Look what we did..." She said, pulling back the blankets. Beneath them lay two tiny babies, both with heads full of dark hair.

Loki looked at her in awe, struggling to find the words. She smiled up at him when one of the babies let out a little cry.

"Is it-are they-"

"Completely healthy twins. A boy and girl." She replied.

Tears filled his eyes and he swallowed the lump in his throat. "A son and daughter?"

Thor nudged Fandral. "Come my friend." He nodded to Seren and Loki. "We must spread the news of the birth of the children of Loki. There will be feasts for days!" He called over his shoulder as they left, closing the door behind them.

She nodded, lifting the boy in her arms. "Would you like to hold your son?"

He nodded, still in shock. The boy was so tiny and light in his arms. He looked up at him, suckling on his tiny fist. "Let's have her as well...the little princess." Loki said.

Seren lifted the little girl and placed her in his other arm. She was sleeping, her little head nuzzling against his chest.

Suddenly Loki began to laugh, even as the tears rolled down his cheeks. "They are entirely perfect in every way." He leaned down and kissed her as if it were the first time all over again.